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yījù (yī·jù {being depended/relied on} · evidence → [basis; foundation] 依据 依據) 👈🏼 Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

[Notes: Tap/click on a Pīnyīn expression to reveal its “flashcard”; tap/click on a “flashcard” or its Pīnyīn expression to hide the “flashcard”. 📖 📄 📘 icons mean 📖 Reveal All, 📄 Reveal Advanced, and 📘 Reveal None re all the “flashcards” in the heading, paragraph, etc. that they are placed at the beginning of.]

The Shēngmìng Láizì Chuàngzào Ma? (Was Life Created? (lc)) brochure and the Shēngmìng de Qǐyuán—Zhíde Sīkǎo de Wǔ Ge Wèntí (The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking (lf)) brochure were originally published back in 2010, but relatively recently, the English version of the Was Life Created? brochure was updated to the December 2022 Printing, and the Mandarin version of it was updated to the February 2023 Printing. Also, the Was Life Created? brochure and the Origin of Life brochure are now in the Teaching Toolbox section in the JW Library app. So, it would be good to consider some of the expressions used in the Mandarin versions of these publications that can be so helpful when discussing whether life was created.


This week’s MEotW, which appears in the section of the Mandarin Was Life Created? brochure entitled “Nǐ Xiāngxìn (Xiāng·xìn It · {Do Believe} → [Do Believe] 相信) Shénme Ne?” (“What Do You Believe?”), is “yījù”:


It is our hope that this brochure will prompt you to examine again the basis for some of your beliefs.

Mandarin (WOL; Pīnyīn Plus)

📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen xīwàng běn cèzi néng qūshǐ (qū·shǐ {to spur on (a horse) → [to urge on]} · {to cause} → [to prompt] 驱使 驅使) chóngxīn xiǎngxiang zìjǐ de kànfǎ yǒu shénme yījù (yī·jù {being relied on} · evidence → [basis] 依据 依據).

The first morpheme in “yījù is also the first morpheme in “yīkào (yī·kào {depend/rely on} · {lean against/on → [depend/rely on]} 依靠)”. As for the second morpheme in “yījù”, it’s also the second morpheme in “zhèngjù (zhèng·jù evidence; proof; testimony · evidence; certificate; proof 证据 證/証據)”. When put together in “yījù”, these two morphemes literally mean “being depended/relied on evidence”, and effectively mean “basis; foundation”.

What’s Actually Evidence-Based

Those who believe in the supposedly scientific theory of evolution may suppose that much scientific evidence supports it, and some of them refer to the Bible’s creation account as a “creation myth”, or as a “fairy tale”. However, ironically, multiple lines of evidence actually show that the claims of evolution are fairy tales and fantasies, and that creation is more truly evidence-based. In fact, the Was Life Created? brochure has an entire section entitled “Evolution—Myths and Facts” in English, and “Jìnhuà‐LùnJiǎshè (Jiǎ·shè Artificial · {Settings Up} → [Hypotheses] 假设 假設) Shìshí in Mandarin. (WOL, Pīnyīn Plus). The evolution myths discussed in this section of the Was Life Created? brochure are:

Myth 1. Mutations provide the raw materials needed to create new species.

The facts. …Research shows that mutations cannot transform an original species into an entirely new one.

Myth 2. Natural selection led to the creation of new species.

The facts. …Natural selection may be helping species adapt to the changing demands of existence, but it is not creating anything new.

Myth 3. The fossil record documents macroevolutionary changes.

The facts. …According to the fossil record, all the major groups of animals appeared suddenly and remained virtually unchanged.

Yes, the fossil record and other scientific evidence actually support what the Bible’s creation account says, that God created living things in their full form—they simply didn’t “evolve” gradually through intermediate forms, either on their own or under God’s direction.

As the MEotW post on “chuàngzào says:

So, “chuàngzào, being made up of “chuàng and “zào, covers the entire process of coming up with the idea for something, and then actually making or building it. This is in contrast with the idea of theistic evolution, that God somehow got the ball rolling and then sat back and let the process of evolution develop all the wonderful living things in the natural world.

Bear Witness to the Creator in Mandarin!

Indeed, it is creation, not evolution, that has a good yījù, or basis in evidence. Let us not be intimidated, then, by the confident but groundless claims of evolutionists. Rather, let us courageously bear witness to the truth that the evidence points to, that Jehovah God deserves to be recognized and honoured as our Creator.—Revelation 4:11 (English WOL, Mandarin WOL, Pīnyīn Plus).

And, since their cultural background predisposes many Mandarin-speaking people to not believe in God, let us Mandarin field language learners especially not hesitate to learn and use the Mandarin expressions required to share the potentially life-altering truth about our Creator with Mandarin-speaking people. The need is great, more tools and resources are available to help us than ever, and Jehovah is sure to appreciate and bless our efforts!

For convenience:

The direct link for the current-generation Pīnyīn Plus resource for the Was Life Created? brochure is:

The short link for Chinese field language-learning links for the Was Life Created? brochure is:

More Pīnyīn and Pīnyīn Plus web material based on the Mandarin Was Life Created? brochure will be made available in the Pīnyīn Plus web resource as time allows.

Culture Current Events Experiences Language Learning Technology Theocratic


qiānqiū (qiān·qiū thousand · autumns 千秋)wàndài (wàn·dài {ten thousand} · {replacings → [generations]} 万代 萬代) 👈🏼 Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

[Notes: Tap/click on a Pīnyīn expression to reveal its “flashcard”; tap/click on a “flashcard” or its Pīnyīn expression to hide the “flashcard”. 📖 📄 📘 icons mean 📖 Reveal All, 📄 Reveal Advanced, and 📘 Reveal None re all the “flashcards” in the heading, paragraph, etc. that they are placed at the beginning of.]

Rather than dismissively thinking to ourselves that the songs produced by the organization are “just songs”, we should remember that the slave class takes seriously its responsibility to provide spiritual food to God’s people, and so it is going to make sure that the lyrics in its songs are spiritually correct, while also being emotionally moving.—Ezekiel 33:32; Matthew 24:45.

“In Ev’ry Generation”

“qiānqiū” _Pīnyīn_ Plus info, Song 2 (music+_Pīnyīn_), on iPhone 13 mini (landscape orientation)

This week’s MEotW in the unofficial Pīnyīn Plus resource “Sing Out Joyfully” Bk. (Pīnyīn+Music, Pīnyīn Plus, Web)

This week’s MEotW, “qiānqiūwàndài”, comes from the first verse of song 2, which is entitled “Jehovah Is Your Name” in English and “Nǐ de Míng Shì Yēhéhuá in Mandarin:


In ev’ry generation—
Jehovah is your name.

Mandarin (WOL, Pīnyīn Plus):

📖 📄 📘 Nǐ de míng cóngbù gēnggǎi,
Liúchuán qiānqiūwàndài.

“Qiānqiūwàndài literally means “thousand autumns ten thousand replacings”. However, as explained in the MEotW post on “dài”, this expression, while literally meaning “replacing”, can effectively mean “generation”:

Yes, the Chinese concept of a “generation” is that it is something that takes the place of or replaces what was there before—the emphasis seems to be on continuation, and a new generation is viewed as having done well if it lived up to or maintained what came before it. In contrast, in the English-speaking world, a “generation” is something new that is generated—the emphasis seems to be more on innovation, progress, and a new generation is viewed as having done well if it improved upon what came before it, and moved things ahead. For example, the English expression “next generation” indeed implies innovation and progress compared to previous generations, such as when applied to vehicles, computers, and other technology.

So, on a certain level of literalness, “qiānqiūwàndài means “thousand autumns ten thousand generations”. As shown in the example above from song 2, this is basically a poetic way to refer to “ev’ry generation”, or “forever”. Another expression that means basically the same thing is “qiānqiūwànshì (wàn·shì {ten thousand} · generations 万世 萬世)”.

Also, another example of “wàn (“ten thousand”) being used in Mandarin to effectively mean “all” or “every” occurs in “wànwù”, which literally means “ten thousand things” and effectively means “all things”.

Is Everyone Replaceable?

This talk of replacing reminds me: It’s a pet peeve of mine that people sometimes use the expression “no one is irreplaceable”. While it’s true that each of us should maintain appropriate modesty and humility, I suspect that this expression really reflects worldly human corporate culture that treats people like fungible, disposable widgets instead of as individual human beings that each have different qualities and abilities. Such thinking that justifies exploiting people for small-minded short-term profit without having to appropriately recognize and reward them for their individual contributions and potential is in stark contrast to the Bible’s depiction of how Jehovah God knows and values each one of us as individuals. As Jesus said at Matthew 10:29–31:

Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. So have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Musical Notation 🎼 and the Mandarin Field

In this post about a Mandarin expression found in our songbook, another subject that I want to touch on is: Is musical notation 🎼 too hard to be worth the trouble of producing it and using it? Are fewer and fewer people able to read it? I was fortunate enough to have been taught how to read musical notation in school. I have never thought of musical notation as being particularly difficult to use (it’s much easier to learn than characters, which many unquestioningly try to learn), and I find that it helps me to sing Kingdom songs more correctly (according to the intended melody, message, etc.) and more confidently more of the time. However, I am aware that not everyone in the Mandarin field has the same experience with musical notation. For example, a while ago, an older brother told me that he didn’t know how to read musical notation. Also, some people in the Mandarin field may have been affected by how education systems in this old world have been cutting back on music education for younger ones.

Regardless of how the world may be deprioritizing music education, Jehovah’s organization has pointed out that music is important in Jehovah’s worship. For example, not long ago, a Meeting Workbook said:

Music can have a powerful influence on the mind and body. Singing is an important part of our worship of Jehovah.

In accordance with the importance of music in Jehovah’s worship, Mandarin field language learners used to have available to them official material from the organization containing musical notation with Pīnyīn in the lyrics. However, perhaps at least partially because of the technical difficulty and costliness of producing material with musical notation and both Chinese characters and Pīnyīn in the lyrics, as of this writing, late in 2024, there is no official material currently available from the organization that shows Pīnyīn and musical notation on the same page or screen.

The organization continues to publish official songbook material for different languages in general that contains musical notation, so it evidently still considers musical notation to generally be worthwhile to produce. It continues to produce official material for the current songbook that uses musical notation along with lyrics rendered only in Chinese characters, without Pīnyīn, and it has even produced official material that uses jiǎnpǔ (jiǎn·pǔ simple · {register or record for reference → [musical notation]} → [numbered musical notation] 简谱 簡譜) (a kind of musical notation also known as numbered musical notation) and Chinese characters.

For those who find it helpful in their Mandarin field activities to put musical notation together with Pīnyīn, the unofficial Pīnyīn Plus resource “Sing Out Joyfully” Bk. (Pīnyīn+Music, Pīnyīn Plus, Web) exists and is continuing to be improved. As shown in the screenshot above, this resource aids Mandarin field language learners by breaking with tradition and featuring lyrics in the musical notation that are only in relatively large-print Pīnyīn by default—characters are relegated to Pīnyīn Plus “flashcards” that are added as time allows.

Unlike the traditionally-used but unnecessarily extraordinarily complex characters that need to be accompanied by Pīnyīn before many are able to read them, Pīnyīn itself is a simple, elegant alphabetical full writing system for Mandarin that is easy to learn and remember. Also, it is no harder to typeset than other alphabetical writing systems with diacritics, such as the writing systems now used for French, Czech, Vietnamese, etc.*

In its Tips: section at the bottom of its home page, the “Sing Out Joyfully” Bk. (Pīnyīn+Music, Pīnyīn Plus, Web) resource contains these links that some may find helpful:

For convenience:

The direct link for the Pīnyīn Plus resource for the “Sing Out Joyfully” book is:

The short link for Chinese field language-learning links for the “Sing Out Joyfully” book is:

More Pīnyīn and Pīnyīn Plus web material based on the Mandarin “Sing Out Joyfully” book will be made available in the Pīnyīn Plus web resource as time allows.


* Thanks to ongoing advancements in personal computing hardware and software, producing material that contains things like musical notation and Pīnyīn text at reasonable cost is quicker and easier than ever. At this time, production of the musical notation in the “Sing Out Joyfully” Bk. (Pīnyīn+Music, Pīnyīn Plus, Web) resource begins in free open source software called MuseScore Studio, running on a Mac. Pīnyīn text for the lyrics in the musical notation is entered using macOS’s ABC – Extended input source (keyboard layout). (Just using Pīnyīn text only here simplifies things so much compared to having to somehow input characters with Pīnyīn ruby text!) When it’s ready, the musical notation for a song is exported from MuseScore Studio into SVG format, which is a plain text format that allows for the inclusion of links that activate Pīnyīn Plus flashcards on webpages. The coding for the SVG links is currently done using the text editor BBEdit, in which editing large text files is quite performant. For Pīnyīn Plus web material production in general, my current favourite tool is Nova, but such web material can be produced in any application suitable for web development, such as Visual Studio Code, etc. ^

Culture Language Learning Names Nations

chūshēng rìqī

chūshēng rìqī ((chū·shēng {had coming out of} · {being born} → [was born] 出生) (rì·qī {sun → [day]} · {scheduled time} → [date] 日期) [date of birth; birth date]) 👈🏼 Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

[Considering the time of year, and that is currently again featuring the article “When Was Jesus Born?”, this seems to be a good time to chóngwēn (chóng·wēn again · {warm up → [review]} → [review] 重温 重溫) (last week’s MEotW) this post that was first posted on December 12, 2022.]

[Notes: Tap/click on a Pīnyīn expression to reveal its “flashcard”; tap/click on a “flashcard” or its Pīnyīn expression to hide the “flashcard”. 📖 📄 📘 icons mean 📖 Reveal All, 📄 Reveal Advanced, and 📘 Reveal None re all the “flashcards” in the heading, paragraph, etc. that they are placed at the beginning of.]

At the time of this writing, was featuring the article “When Was Jesus Born?”. Considering that it’s getting to be the middle of December, that’s not surprising—while we Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate Christmas, this relatively unusual stand means that we sometimes need to explain why we don’t celebrate this holiday that many in the world like so much. Knowing a bit about “chūshēng rìqī”, this week’s MEotW that’s used in the Mandarin version of the above-mentioned article, will help us to do so to Mandarin-speaking Bible students, etc.

One thing we should note is that “chūshēng rìqī” is subtly different from “shēngri”, a common expression that many Mandarin field language learners likely have heard of. Comparing the English and Mandarin versions of the above-mentioned article, “chūshēng rìqī” corresponds with “birth date” or “date of birth”, while the one occurrence of “shēngri” corresponds with “birthday”. The dictionaries I checked confirm this distinction.

Morphemes and Related Expressions

The morphemes in “chūshēng rìqī” are relatively commonly used, but interesting.

Besides just meaning “out”, the “chū ({go/come/put… out}; out 出)” in “chūshēng rìqī” can also mean “[a verb] out”, e.g., “go/come out”, “put out”, etc. For example, check out the literal meanings in these Mandarin expressions that contain this “chū” (Tap/click on the Pīnyīn expression if the Pīnyīn Plus “flashcard” is not already visible.):

  • Chū‐Āijí‐Jì ((Chū {Going Out from} 出)‐(Āijí Egypt 埃及)‐(Jì Record) [The Book of Exodus])
  • chūbǎn (chū·bǎn {put out} · {printing block [of] → [edition [of]]} → [publish] 出版)

The “shēng ({give birth to}/{was given birth to}; {give life to} | grow | exist; live | {[is] living}; {[is] alive} | {[is] unripe} | {[is] raw}; {[is] uncooked} | {[is] unfamiliar}; {[is] strange} | {[is] unprocessed}; {[is] crude} | existence; life; living | {be afflicted with}; get; have | very; keenly; much | pupil; student; scholar | [n suf used in names of occupations] 生)” in “chūshēng rìqī” is highly polysemous (having multiple meanings), as can be seen from its Pīnyīn Plus “flashcard”. Some notable expressions that contain it are:

  • shēngmìng (life (both life in general and the life of an individual) 生命)
  • yǒngshēng (yǒng·shēng eternal; everlasting · life 永生)
  • xuésheng (xué·sheng learning · {growing (one) → [student]} → [student; pupil] 学生 學生)
  • fāshēng (fā·shēng {issue forth} · {come to life} → [happen] 发生 發生)
  • mòshēng (mò·shēng {(from) footpath between fields → [strange; unfamiliar; foreign]} · {unripe → [unfamiliar; strange]} → [strang; unfamiliar] 陌生)

Heavenly Bodies, Times, Radicals, and Japan

As for the “ ({sun [→ [day]]} | {suns → [daily | daytime]} 日)” in “chūshēng rìqī”, it literally means “sun”, but it is often used to mean “day”, since to us here on Earth it looks like the sun travels across the sky once a day. Similarly, “yuè (moon [→ [month | monthly]] 月)” literally means “moon”, but is often used to mean “month”, because we here on Earth see the moon go through all its phases in a month.

Speaking of “yuè (moon [→ [month | monthly]] 月)”, the character for it (月) is a radical that’s used in the character for the “ ({period of time}; phase; stage [→ [issue (of a periodical); term (of a training class, etc.) | time]] | {scheduled time}期/朞)” in “chūshēng rìqī”. (Radicals are components of Chinese characters, that are a not very systematic system within the not very systematic system that is the characters. Thus, they can be justly thought of as a rabbit hole within a rabbit hole. Those who love characters often really love radicals, but otherwise, consider yourself warned!)

Changing the subject back to “ ({sun [→ [day]]} | {suns → [daily | daytime]} 日)”, this morpheme appears in the Mandarin name for Japan, “Rìběn (Rì·běn Sun’s · {Root → [Origin]} → [Japan] 日本)”. This name literally means “Sun’s Root” (or “Sun’s Origin”), since from the point of view of China, the sun rises where Japan is, to the east. In turn, the English expression “Land of the Rising Sun” comes from this meaning.

Usage Examples

Here are a couple of examples of “chūshēng rìqī” in use, taken from the above-mentioned article:


The Bible does not give a specific date for the birth of Jesus Christ…


📖 📄 📘 Shèngjīng bìng méiyǒu jìzǎi Yēsū Jīdū jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [specific] 具体 具體) de chūshēng rìqī


“The exact date of Christ’s birth is not known.”—Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.


📖 📄 📘Méiyǒu rén quèzhī (què·zhī truly · knowing 确知 確知) Jīdū de chūshēng rìqī.”—Zǎoqī Jīdū‐Jiào Bǎikē‐Quánshū (Yīngyǔ).

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