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shǔlíng zhànzhēng

shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 notes change from “shǔlíng” to “xīnlíng”, etc.)] 属灵 屬靈)
zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭) ← Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

Lately, the organzation has often been using “xīnlíng (xīn·líng heart · spirit [→ [spiritual]] 心灵 心靈) (MEotW post) where it used to use “shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 notes change from “shǔlíng” to “xīnlíng”, etc.)] 属灵 屬靈). I noticed that in at least one of the videos presented during this year’s Mandarin convention, for example. However, a recent search on the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY for “心灵战争” (“xīnlíng (xīn·líng heart · spirit → [spiritual] 心灵 心靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war] 战争 戰爭), a possible translation for “spiritual war”) returns no results at all. Searching for “心灵 战争”, with a space between the two words, returns some results, but not for the complete expression “xīnlíng (xīn·líng heart · spirit → [spiritual] 心灵 心靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭). So, it seems like for now at least, “xīnlíng (xīn·líng heart · spirit → [spiritual] 心灵 心靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭) is not an officially used thing. However, a search on the WOL for this week’s MEotW, “shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 notes change from “shǔlíng” to “xīnlíng”, etc.)] 属灵 屬靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭), did return some fairly recent results, including one from the May 2018 Watchtower.

It may just be that the English expression “spiritual war” has not come up in the organization’s production pipeline for translation into Mandarin for a while. I suppose time will tell if “xīnlíng (xīn·líng heart · spirit → [spiritual] 心灵 心靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭) eventually becomes a replacement translation for “shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 notes change from “shǔlíng” to “xīnlíng”, etc.)] 属灵 屬靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭). For now at least, it seems that “shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 notes change from “shǔlíng” to “xīnlíng”, etc.)] 属灵 屬靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭) is still a relatively currently used official translation of “spiritual war”.—Ephesians 6:11, 12; 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5.

[Note, 2023-07-26: While searching the WOL for “spiritual war” returned limited post-2018 results, a more advanced search suggested by a reader turned up some more recent results, with some interesting Mandarin translations that are different from “shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 notes change from “shǔlíng” to “xīnlíng”, etc.)] 属灵 屬靈) zhànzhēng (zhàn·zhēng war · contending → [war; warfare] 战争 戰爭). For more information, see the next MEotW post.]

Know the Enemy

Speaking of war, many would agree that there is wisdom in this quote from Sūn Zǐ ((Sūn {Grandson (surname)}) (Zǐ Son’s; Child’s; Offspring’s 子) [Sun Tzu’s]) Bīngfǎ (Bīng·fǎ Soldier’s · Way → [Art of War] 兵法) (孫子兵法, The Art of War):

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

With that in mind, let us consider a hypothetical scene from the command centre of Satan and the demons for their spiritual war against Jehovah and against the truth, taking place some time in the early part of the 21st century:


The Other Side of the Mandarin Front

Satan: Our hated Enemy Jehovah is raising up more workers for the Mandarin field. What is the state of our defences in this largest language field of all?

Demon: There is a useful government in place in China, where about 95% of all the earth’s Chinese people live. This government is intent on and efficient at suppressing all conceivable threats to its power, including religions like that of Jehovah’s people, that refuse to obey it rather than their God. This government even has a project underway to rewrite the Bible so that it serves their interests, those cheeky darlings!

Culturally, many proud, long-standing, personally inhibiting traditions are in place, making it difficult for many Mandarin-speakers to accept the truth, or to progress spiritually or otherwise as individuals if they do. (The well-known English expression “save face” was, after all, derived from a Chinese expression.)

Speaking of defences, one outstanding set of proud Chinese cultural traditions that serves as a highly effective fortification blocking the way to potential Mandarin-speaking sheep is the Great Wall of Chinese characters. This inhumanly complex system imposes extraordinary costs in the time and effort required for the simple, everyday tasks of reading and writing Chinese languages like Mandarin.

The Great Wall of China

Chinese characters even put unnecessarily heavy mental loads on native speakers, causing even them to sometimes be unable to remember how to read or write even certain common characters. Unsurprisingly, then, this delightful ball and chain made of human tradition is especially highly effective at making things difficult for any whom Jehovah raises up from other language fields to work in the Mandarin field, poor unfortunate souls who have not already been learning characters all their lives.

We have observed that only about one in ten of such ones is able to cope well with the unnecessary difficulties imposed by characters. The rest struggle along at greatly reduced spiritual combat effectiveness, and the Great Wall of characters even ends up completely filtering out many who try to serve in the Mandarin field, causing them to eventually leave it and become Mandarin field casualties, as viewed by Jehovah’s side.

Satan: How about these efforts by some in Jehovah’s organization to get through and around the Great Wall of characters by making and using Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) resources? It seems that Jehovah’s organization now uses Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) more than any other organization on earth.

Demon: That may be so, but overall, the Great Wall of characters is holding. The traditions around Chinese characters are among the most deeply entrenched human cultural traditions in existence. So, Chinese characters remain the entrenched default writing system for Mandarin-speakers worldwide, and, as you know, the vast majority of humans simply accept the default systems that are presented to them, and don’t bother to think about how it could be worthwhile to find better ways of doing things. This works out great for us when people just unthinkingly adopt the religion of their parents or the morals of their peers, and it works great for us when it comes to the Great Wall of characters too.

As a result, even though Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) works fine as a simple and easy-to-use full writing system for Mandarin, and even though some in Jehovah’s organization have made extraordinary progress in making advantageous use of Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音), Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) remains a cultural outlier, and Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) users continue to be ridiculed and pressured by the great majority whom we have successfully brainwashed regarding characters. Pride, tradition, and peer pressure continue to be highly effective spiritual weapons of mass destruction for us in the Mandarin field, as they are in other fronts of the spiritual war.

Satan: Excellent. There will always be pesky upstarts among Jehovah’s people who challenge the human traditions that serve us so gloriously well, and Jehovah may even help them, but it deeply satisfies my great unholy anger to see that we are keeping them suppressed so effectively. Carry on.


Don’t like seeing Satan’s spiritual war plans working out in the Mandarin field? Then fight back with spirit and truth and reject obstructive human traditions that make it much harder than necessary to serve God in the Mandarin field, “so that we may not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.”—John 4:23, 24; 2 Corinthians 2:11.

Culture Language Learning Science Theocratic


Yètèluó (Jethʹro 叶特罗 葉特羅) ← Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

Appendix A2 of the English New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition), entitled “Features of This Revision”, discusses vocabulary changes that have been made in the current revision, words that have been translated differently than before. As noted in various entries in the excellent resource Referenced Theo. Expressions (RTE), Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) correspondingly discusses words that have been translated differently in the current revision of the Mandarin NWT Bible, compared to how they had been translated before.

Since we base what we say in Jehovah’s service on his Word the Bible, the vocabulary used in it—and the way those vocabulary words are translated—should be reflected in how we speak in our ministry, at our meetings, etc. So, it is beneficial for us Mandarin field language learners to be familiar with the latest thinking from the organization on how Bible terms should be translated into Mandarin.

Avoiding Rarely‐Used, Hard‐to‐Recognize Characters

Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) mentions that one of the goals for this version was to reduce the number of hard-to-recognize, hard-to-read Chinese characters used, and to replace them with more commonly used characters. The first example it provides is that “Yètèluó (Jethʹro (old way of writing with characters) 叶忒罗 葉忒羅) was changed to this week’s MEotW, “Yètèluó (Jethʹro 叶特罗 葉特羅).—Exodus 3:1.

Exodux 3:1 (WOL CHS+Pinyin Parallel Translations)

While the pronunciation and the Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) were kept the same, a relatively rarely-used, hard-to-recognize character (“忒”) was replaced with a different, more common and recognizable character (“特”). As we can see, the translators who worked on the current version of the Mandarin NWT recognized that it was good to preserve the spoken pronunciation of the expression, an expression that as a whole was not changed. At the same time, they did not consider the particular character that was replaced to be sacred. This reinforces to us the basic principle of linguistics (language science) that SPEECH is primary, not writing, which shows up the traditional and ongoing Chinese cultural emphasis on characters as being fundamentally misplaced.

A Real-Life Example

The importance of avoiding unnecessarily hard-to-recognize characters was well demonstrated by the incident discussed in the blog post “An Avoidable Minefield of Human Tradition and Cultural Pride” (Email me if you need login information, and include information on who referred you and/or what group/cong. you are in.):

A few nights ago, my Mandarin congregation had a Memorial meeting that went well overall. However, there was a momentary hiccup that I think we Chinese field publishers can learn from.

The speaker who gave the talk is a fluent, eloquent native Mandarin speaker originally from mainland China, and he is one of the best Mandarin speakers in a city of several Mandarin congregations. In fact, he was one of the instructors in the very first official Mandarin class ever held in this country. However, while reading a scripture from his paper Bible as he was giving the Memorial talk, he, of all people, just…got…stuck…on…a…Chinese…character…. He struggled with it for what felt like quite a while, and eventually, a young brother who was serving as an attendant at the side of the stage approached and gave him a hint, and he was able to carry on.

While not a showstopper, this unfortunate incident was indeed an awkward showpauser, during the very meeting, out of all the meetings in the entire service year, at which the highest proportion of interested ones from the field was present—truly a nightmare scenario for anyone who gives Chinese talks!

FYI, in this case, the character that the brother couldn’t read was the “虺” in “虺蛇”, which has been replaced in the current version of the Mandarin NWT with “眼镜蛇”. (Isaiah 11:8) (While not being especially visually complex compared to some other Chinese characters, “虺” is relatively rarely used, ranking way down at #5543 on Prof. Dá Jùn (Dá {Tow Rope} (surname) 笪) ((Jùn {Fine Horse}駿) (Associate Professor of Linguistics, Director of the Media Center for Language Acquisition Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Middle Tennessee State University))’s character frequency list of Modern Chinese. “眼” is #281 on that list, and “镜” is #1251.)

Mitigations and Alternatives

In a way, though, even such fine efforts on the part of the NWT translators, working with what they have, are mere mitigations. On a more basic level, the incident mentioned above also highlights the problematic nature of the Chinese characters writing system itself, which makes it all too possible for such hard-to-recognize characters to exist, without any reasonable, consistent, and reliable system to work out their pronunciations. This makes any block of Chinese characters a potential minefield that can blow up in the face of even the most knowledgeable and experienced native speaker, because even such a one is still a mere imperfect human contending with the inhumanly complex and numerous Chinese characters, of which there are over 100,000.

In contrast, Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音), with its Latin alphabet letters and four tone symbols, is a simple, elegant full writing system for Modern Standard Mandarin that is eminently learnable by mere imperfect humans. Thus, it is an eminently good thing that Jehovah, through his organization, has made official Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) available for the current version of the Mandarin NWT Bible, unlikely and uncommon though such a provision is from a worldly, human viewpoint. (Work is also ongoing to provide unofficial Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) Plus material for the current version of the Mandarin NWT, as language-learning material, not as spiritual food.)

Culture Language Learning Languages Science Technology

fā yǔyīn

({send out})
yǔyīn (yǔ·yīn {language → [speech]} · sounds → [voice message] 语音 語音) ← Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

While doing research for the MEotW post on “tíbǐ (tí·bǐ {carry (hanging down from the hand) → [raise; lift]} · pen; pencil; {writing brush} [→ [start writing; write]] 提笔 提筆)wàng (forget 忘) (character 字), I came across the web article “Why is character amnesia in China considered problematic?”. One of the points it makes involves this week’s MEotW, “fā ({send out}) yǔyīn (yǔ·yīn {language → [speech]} · sounds → [voice message] 语音 語音) (send voice message):

Another feature that has gained huge popularity in China recently is that of ‘sending voice messages’ (发语音, fā yǔyīn). Chinese Whatsapp equivalent ‘WeChat’ was the first in the world to introduce this feature in its app. Social media research by University College London has shown that Chinese WeChat users find voice messaging convenient because it eliminates the need to text. Informants have reported that sending written messages always takes more time, and that inputting Chinese characters was a struggle (Wang & McDonald, 2013). With voice messaging, or even with pinyin input, people do not need to memorize the exact order of each stroke of a character when typing a text. They can just rely on knowing the pronunciation and recognizing the character. The prevalence of typing and texting on cellular devices has been correlated to reduced active-character knowledge by Chinese natives, leading to the tibiwangzi-phenomenon (Williams, 2016).

Sending, Language, Sounds

The “fā ({send out}; issue; emit [→ [deliver | utter; express | become rich]]) in “fā ({send out}) yǔyīn (yǔ·yīn {language → [speech]} · sounds → [voice message] 语音 語音) literally means “send out; issue; emit”, and it can also be used to mean various things such as “deliver”, “utter; express”, and “become rich”. With such a variety of meanings, it shows up in various expressions, such as:

  • fāchū (fā·chū issue; send; emit · out 发出 發出)
  • fāchòu (fā·chòu emit · {being stinking} → [smell bad; stink] 发臭 發臭)
  • fāshēng (fā·shēng {issue forth} · {come to life} → [happen] 发生 發生)
  • fācái (fā·cái {issue forth} · wealth; riches → [get rich; make a fortune] 发财 發財) (“Fā ({issue forth (riches)} → [become rich]) used on its own to mean “become rich” is probably an abbreviation of this expression.)
  • fāyīn (fā·yīn {sending out; issuing → [uttering] [of]} · sound → [pronouncing/articulating/enunciating | pronunciation; articulation; enunciation] 发音 發音)
  • etc.

The “yǔ (language; speech; tongue | saying; proverb | words; expression | speak; say) in “fā ({send out}) yǔyīn (yǔ·yīn {language → [speech]} · sounds → [voice message] 语音 語音) basically means “language”. It can also particularly mean “speech”—according to a basic principle of linguistics, speech is the primary aspect of human language. This “yǔ (language; speech; tongue | saying; proverb | words; expression | speak; say) is used in:

  • yǔyán (yǔ·yán language; tongue · {(type of) speech} 语言 語言)
  • Guóyǔ (Guó·yǔ National · Language → [(Modern Standard) Mandarin (term commonly used in Taiwan)] 国语 國語)
  • Hànyǔ (Hàn·yǔ {Han (Chinese)} · Language [→ [(Modern Standard) Mandarin]] 汉语 漢語)
  • Hányǔ (Hán·yǔ Korean · Language 韩语 韓語)
  • Yīngyǔ (Yīng·yǔ English · Language 英语 英語)
  • etc.

(Note that while “Yīngyǔ (Yīng·yǔ English · Language 英语 英語), for example, refers to English language speech, “Yīngwén (Yīng·wén English · Writing 英文) refers, not to English speech, but to English language writing.)

The “yīn (sound [→ [musical note/sound; tone; pronunciation | syllable | news; tidings]] 音) in “fā ({send out}) yǔyīn (yǔ·yīn {language → [speech]} · sounds → [voice message] 语音 語音) basically means “sound”, and it can also be used to mean “musical note/sound”, “tone”, “pronunciation”, “syllable”, and “news; tidings”. It is used in:

  • shēngyīn (shēng·yīn sound; voice · sound 声音 聲音)
  • yīnyuè (yīn·yuè {(musical) sound} · music → [music] 音乐 音樂)
  • Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音)
  • Zhùyīn (Zhù·yīn {Annotating of} · Sounds → [Zhuyin] 注音 註/注音)
  • Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音)
  • etc.

Speech is Natural, Characters, Not So Much

Writing is by now an age-old technology for recording and transmitting human speech. Now, in 2023, audio recording and transmitting technology has been available for a long time that actually allows one to directly hear the recorded speech pretty much as it originally sounded. Additionally, such technology is getting more and more common and accessible, to the point that many are finding that it often is faster and easier to send audio voice messages than to write and send written messages, especially when using as complex and cumbersome a writing system as Chinese characters.

True, in some situations, writing has some advantages over speech, but overall, the linguistic principle remains true that when it comes to human language, speech is primary and writing is secondary. Indeed, if God had meant for us humans to mainly use writing to communicate, then he could easily have designed our bodies with built-in screens that are able to dynamically display writing, like even humans know how to make. Instead, God designed our brains and bodies such that parts of them are specialized for directly understanding and producing speech.

Thus, it is quite natural that people would often take advantage of technology that has become available that allows one to actually hear recorded speech, instead of always settling for the visual abstractions of writing. And, when writing is appropriate, it is similarly relatively natural for people to make use of writing systems like Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) that are primarily phonetic, that is, focusing on directly representing the sounds of speech.

The National, the Political, the Universal(?), the Individual, the Rituals

On the other hand, rather than naturally reflecting divine wisdom, the attachment of many to Chinese characters instead reflects some human shortcomings. On a national level, the justification that characters are helpful in politically unifying China in spite of it being comprised of groups speaking different languages is yet another example of a human ruling authority prioritizing its own political power and survival over what’s actually good for the people. Besides, there’s actually nothing special about characters when it comes to being usable by people who speak different languages. As John DeFrancis put it in his book The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, in the chapter entitled “The Universality Myth” (p. 159),

Chinese characters used by Asians speaking different languages are no more universal than are Latin letters used by Europeans who also speak different languages.

For example, while it’s true that the character “台” is recognized by both Mandarin-speakers and Cantonese-speakers as meaning “table”, it’s also true that “table”, written in Latin alphabet letters, is recognized by both English-speakers and French-speakers as meaning “table”.

(In China specifically, rather than characters, say, allowing Mandarin-speakers who don’t know Cantonese to understand written-out Cantonese speech, with its unique vocabulary and characters, and vice versa, what has actually happened is that the politically dominant Mandarin-speakers have basically forced speakers of Cantonese, Shanghainese, etc. to learn and use written Mandarin instead of actual written Cantonese, Shanghainese, etc.)

On a more individual level, many who are attached to characters show that they cling to what is old and familiar, even if it is problematic, instead of reaching out for and embracing positive change and progress. Also, many who cling to characters and the intricate procedures required to handwrite them show that they prioritize traditions, rituals, and procedures over what really brings better results. As Jesus said, though, “wisdom is proved righteous by its works”, not by its traditions, rituals, and procedures.—Matthew 11:19.