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📖 📄 📘 Dānyuán (Dān·yuán Single · {Primary (Element)} → [Unit] 单元 單元)🔼
[🔊 (jw.org…🎧 > MP3)]

📖 📄 📘 Xuéxí (Xué·xí studying · {getting practised} 学习 學習) zhòngdiǎn (zhòng·diǎn {weighty → [focal]} · point 重点 重點): Kànkan (Kàn·kan see · see 看看) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) wèi (for為/爲) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zuòle (zuò·le {has done} · [indicates changes] 做了) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼), yǐjí (and 以及) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · kind (of) 怎样 怎樣) chóngbài (worshipping (of) 崇拜) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) huì (will) lìng (command → [cause] 令) (him 他) xǐyuè (xǐ·yuè {to be happy} · {to be pleased} 喜悦 喜悅)

Section 2 picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]


📖 📄 📘 13 Cuòwù (Cuò·wù {Staggered → [Erroneous]} · False 错误 錯誤) de (’s 的) Zōngjiào (Zōng·jiào {Schools of Thought} · Teachings → [Religion] 宗教) Zěnyàng (Zěn·yàng What · {Pattern → [Ways]} → [How] 怎样 怎樣) Ràng ({Does Make}) Rén (People 人) Wùjiě (Wù·jiě Mistakenly · {Untie → [Solve] → [Understand]} → [Misunderstand] 误解 誤解) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝)? 🔽

📖 📄 📘 14 Zěnyàng (Zěn·yàng What · {Pattern → [Ways]} → [How] 怎样 怎樣) Chóngbài ({to Worship} 崇拜) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) Jiù (Then 就) Huì (Will) Ràng (Make) (Him 他) Gāoxìng (Gāo·xìng (Have) High · Enthusiasm → [Happy] 高兴 高興)? 🔽

📖 📄 📘 15 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) Shì (Is 是) Shéi (Whom)? 🔽

📖 📄 📘 16 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zài (on 在) Dìshang (Dì·shang Earth · upon 地上) Zuòle (Zuò·le {Did Do} · {to Completion} 做了) Shénme (Shén·me What · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)? 🔽

📖 📄 📘 17 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) Shì (Is 是) ge ([mw]個/个) Zěnyàng (Zěn·yàng What · Kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) Rén (Person 人)? 🔽

📖 📄 📘 18 Zěnyàng (Zěn·yàng (In) What · {Pattern → [Way]} → [How] 怎样 怎樣) Cái ({Only Then}才/纔) Néng ({to Be Able} 能) Biànrèn (Biàn·rèn {to Differentiate} · {to Identify} 辨认 辨認) Chū (Out 出) Zhēnzhèng (Zhēn·zhèng True · Proper 真正) de (’s 的) Jīdū‐Tú ((Jīdū Christ 基督)‐(Tú Followers 徒) [Christians])?

📖 📄 📘 19 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s 耶和华 耶和華) Jiànzhèng‐Rén ((Jiàn·zhèng {Having Seen} · Testifying 见证 見證)‐(Rén People 人) [Witnesses]) Shì (Are 是) Zhēnzhèng (Zhēn·zhèng True · Proper 真正) de (’s 的) Jīdūtú (Jīdū·tú Christ · Followers → [Christians] 基督徒) Ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

📖 📄 📘 25 Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) Xīwàng (Xī·wàng {Hopes for} · {Gazes (into the Distance) for → [Hopes for]} → [Wishes for] 希望) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men Us · [pl] 我们 我們) Guò ({to Pass}) Zěnyàng (Zěn·yàng What · Kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) Shēnghuó (Shēng·huó Life · Living 生活)? 🔽

📖 📄 📘 31 Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) Wángguó (Wáng·guó King’s · Nation → [Kingdom] 王国 王國) Shì (Is 是) Shénme (Shén·me What · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)? 🔽