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📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐17 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(SHÍ·QĪ TEN · SEVEN → [SEVENTEEN] 17) → [17TH]) KÈ (LESSON 课 課)
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What · Kind
[🔊 (jw.org…🎧 > MP3)]
📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zài (on 在) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon’s 地上) shí ({(particular) time} → [period of time] 时 時) shuōguo (shuō·guo saying · passed → [said] 说过 說過) de (’s 的) huà (words 话 話), zuòguo (zuò·guo doing · passed → [did] 做过 做過) de (’s 的) shì (things 事) fǎnyìng (fǎn·yìng {in the reverse direction} · reflect 反映) chū (out 出) tā (he 他) yǒu (has 有) měihǎo (měi·hǎo beautiful · good 美好) de (’s 的) pǐngé (pǐn·gé {product → [quality]} · {grids → [patterns]} → [qualities] 品格). Zhèixiē pǐngé ràng wǒmen hěn xiǎng gēn tā yǐjí tā de Tiān‐Fù Yēhéhuá gèng qīnjìn. Yēsū yǒu něixiē měihǎo pǐngé ne? Wǒmen zěnyàng xiàng Yēsū xuéxí ne ([? ptcl] 呢)?
📖 📄 📘 1. Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zài (in 在) něixiē (něi·xiē which · {indefinite number of} → [which] 哪些) fāngmiàn (fāng·miàn {directions → [sides]} · faces → [aspects] 方面) xiàng ({is like} 像/象) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親)?
📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) gēn (with 跟) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) yìqǐ (yì·qǐ {being one} · {rising → [group]} → [together] 一起) zài (on 在) tiānshang (tiān·shang heaven · upon 天上) guòle (guò·le passed · {to completion} 过了 過了) yìwàn (yì·wàn {hundreds of millions of} · {tens of thousands of} → [millions and millions of] 亿万 億萬) nián (years 年 年/秊). Tā (he 他) xìxīn (xì·xīn {being (of) thin, fine → [being of careful]} · heart → [attentively] 细心 細心) guānchá (guān·chá {has watched} · {has observed} → [has watched] 观察 觀察) rén’ài de Fùqin, yě xiàng Fùqin xuéxí. Yīncǐ, tā de sīxiǎng (thinking 思想), gǎnqíng (gǎn·qíng feelings · emotions 感情), hé ({(together) with} → [and] 和 和/龢) chǔshì (chǔ·shì {dealing with} · {generation → [world]} 处世 處世) fāngshì (fāng·shì directions · styles → [ways] 方式) dōu fēicháng xiàng tā de Fùqin. (Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to John]) 5:19) Shìshí shang ((Shì·shí matter · {being solid} → [fact; reality] 事实 事實) (shang upon 上) → [in fact]), Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) nénggòu (néng·gòu {is able} · enough 能够 能夠) wánměi (wán·měi complete · beautiful → [perfect] 完美) de (-ly 地) fǎnyìng Fùqin de pǐngé, suǒyǐ Yēsū shuō: “Shéi (whoever 谁 誰) kànjianle (kàn·jian·le {{has looked at} · {to be seeing} → [has seen]} · {to completion} 看见了 看見了) wǒ (me 我), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) kànjianle (kàn·jian·le {{has looked at} · {to be seeing} → [has seen]} · {to completion} 看见了 看見了) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親).” (Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to John]) 14:9) Nǐ (you 你) yuè ({jumping over} → [the more] 越) liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě understand · {untie → [solve]} → [understand] 了解 了/瞭解) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌), jiù (then 就) huì (will 会 會) yuè ({jumping over} → [the more] 越) rènshi (rèn·shi (come) {to recognize} · {to know} 认识 認識) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華). Lìrú, Yēsū duì rén chōngmǎn wēnqíng, zhè shuōmíng Yēhéhuá yě hěn yǒu wēnqíng, fēicháng guānxīn nǐ.
📖 📄 📘 2. Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {forms → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zhèngmíng (zhèng·míng {has proven} · {to be clear} 证明 證明) zìjǐ (self 自己) ài (loves 爱 愛) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華)?
📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) shuō (said 说 說/説): “Wèile (Wèi·le for · {to completion} 为了 為了) ràng (making 让 讓) shìrén (shì·rén {generation’s → [world’s]} · people 世人) zhīdào (zhī·dào {to know} · {(the) way (of)} → [to know] 知道) wǒ (I 我) ài (love 爱 愛) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親), wǒ (I 我) zhèng (exactly 正) zhàozhe (zhào·zhe {in accordance with} · being → [in accordance with] 照着 照/炤着/著) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) gěi ({has given} 给 給) wǒ (me 我) de (’s 的) mìnglìng (commands 命令) qù ({am going} 去) zuò ({to do} 做).” (Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to John]) 14:31) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zài (on 在) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon’s 地上) shí ({(particular) time} → [period of time] 时 時) yìzhí (yì·zhí one · {being straight} → [all the while] 一直) fúcóng (obeyed 服从 服從) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親), jíshǐ (jí·shǐ {even though} · if 即使) zài hěn bù róngyì de qíngkuàng xià, tā yě zhèyàng zuò. Tā hái hěn xǐhuan gēn rén shuōqi zìjǐ de Fùqin, bāngzhù biéren gēn Shàngdì jiànlì yǒuyì. Zhèixiē dōu zhèngmíngle Yēsū fēicháng ài zìjǐ de Fùqin. (Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to John]) 14:23)
📖 📄 📘 3. Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {forms → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zhèngmíng (zhèng·míng {has proven} · {to be clear} 证明 證明) zìjǐ (self 自己) ài (loves 爱 愛) suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) whom} · {(there) are having → [(there) are]} → [all] 所有) rén (people 人)?
📖 📄 📘 Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) shuō (says 说 說/説), Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) “tèbié (tè·bié especially · differentiatedly → [especially] 特别 特別) xǐ’ài (xǐ’·ài liked · loved 喜爱 喜愛) shìshang (shì·shang {generation → [world]} · upon 世上) de (’s 的) rén (men 人)”. (Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán Admonishing · Sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 8:31) Tā (he 他) chūyú àixīn jīngcháng gǔlì biéren, bìngqiě wúsī (wú·sī {not having} · {being selfish} 无私 無私) de (-ly 地) bāngzhù biéren. Yēsū shīxíng de qíjì, ràng rén kànchū tā bùjǐn yǒu fēifán de nénglì, yě (also 也) hěn ({very much} 很) liánxù (lián·xù {sympathized with} · {had pity for} → [had compassion for] 怜恤 憐恤) rén (people 人). (Mǎkě Fúyīn ((Mǎkě Mark’s 马可 馬可) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to Mark]) 1:40–42) Tā dài rén yǒushàn (yǒu·shàn {being friendly} · {being good → [being kind]} → [in a friendly way] 友善), háobù (háo·bù {(even) a fine hair (of)} · not 毫不) piānxīn (piān·xīn {was (of) leaning → [was (of) partial]} · heart → [was partial] 偏心). Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) ānwèi (ān·wèi calmed · comforted 安慰) lái tīng tā jiàodǎo de rén, yě gěi zhèixiē chéngkěn de rén dàilái xīwàng (xī·wàng hoping · {gazing (into the distance) → [hoping]} → [hope] 希望). Yēsū ài suǒyǒu rén, yuànyì wèi tāmen shòukǔ, shènzhì xīshēng (xī·shēng {to sacrifice} · {(as with a) domestic animal} → [to sacrifice] 牺牲 犧牲) shēngmìng (life 生命). Búguò, tā gèng ài nèixiē yuànyì tīngcóng tā jiàodǎo de rén. (Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to John]) 15:13, 14)
📖 📄 📘 Jiē ({coming into contact with} → [taking hold of] (the baton next) 接) xialai (xia·lai down · {to come} 下来 下來) nǐ (you 你) huì (will 会 會) jìn (advance 进 進)‐yí (one 一)‐bù (step 步) liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě {to understand} · {to untie → [to solve]} → [to understand] 了解 了/瞭解) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) de (’ 的) pǐngé (pǐn·gé {products → [qualities]} · {grid → [pattern]} → [qualities] 品格), kànkan (kàn·kan {look at} · {look at} 看看) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {forms → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) xiàng ({to turn towards} 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) xuéxí (xué·xí {to learn → [to imitate]} · {to get practised} 学习 學習), xiǎnchū (xiǎn·chū {to show} · out 显出 顯出) àixīn (ài·xīn loving · heart → [love] 爱心 愛心), kāngkǎi (kāng·kǎi {being generous} · {being sighing with emotion → [generously]} 慷慨) dàirén (dài·rén {to treat} · people 待人).
📖 📄 📘 4. Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) shēn’ài (shēn’·ài deeply · loves 深爱 深愛) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親)
📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) lìxia (lì·xia {made to stand → [established]} · down 立下) bǎngyàng (bǎng·yàng {(from) list of successful candidates} · model → [good example] 榜样 榜樣), ràng (allowing 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) míngbai (míng·bai {to be bright (about) → [to understand]} · {to be white → [clearly]} 明白) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {forms → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) biǎodá (biǎo·dá {to show} · {to express} 表达 表達) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛). Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Lùjiā Fúyīn ((Lùjiā Luke’s 路加) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to Luke]) 6:12 hé ({(together) with} → [and] 和 和/龢) Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) → [The Good News According to John]) 15:10; 17:26. Měi ({each time} 每) dúwán (dú·wán {has been read} · {to be finished} 读完 讀完) yì (one 一) jié ({node of} → [section of] → [verse of] 节 節) jīngwén (jīng·wén scripture · writing → [scripture] 经文 經文) hòu ({after (that)} 后 後/后), tǎolùn (discuss 讨论 討論) yǐxià (yǐ·xià at · below’s 以下) wèntí (wèn·tí asking · subject → [question] 问题 問題):