Culture Theocratic


nàixīn (nài·xīn {[is (of)] enduring} · heart → [[is] patient | patience; endurance] 耐心) ← Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

The fourth part of the fruitage of the spirit listed is patience.— Jiālātàishū (Jiālātài·shū Galatia · Book → [Galatians] 加拉太书 加拉太書) 5:22, 23.

Galatians 5:22, 23 (WOL nwtsty-CHS)

As shown above, the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) translates the English word “patience” using this week’s MEotW, “nàixīn (nài·xīn {[is (of)] enduring} · heart → [[is] patient | patience; endurance] 耐心)”.

As with “àixīn (ài·xīn loving · heart → [love] 爱心 愛心)”, a past MEotW, “nàixīn (nài·xīn {[is (of)] enduring} · heart → [[is] patient | patience; endurance] 耐心)” includes “xīn (heart 心)”, meaning “heart”, as one of its morphemes. Why is this especially fitting when discussing the fruitage of the spirit?

The Mandarin culture and language correctly recognize that the heart is deeply involved in spirituality. In fact, as mentioned in Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty), one of the expressions that the current version of the Mandarin NWT Bible uses to translate the English word “spiritual” is “xīnlíng (xīn·líng heart · spirit [→ [spiritual]] 心灵 心靈)”, which is a planned future MEotW. This expression literally means “heart spirit”.

So, it is especially fitting that the Mandarin expression chosen to translate the English word “patience” in reference to the fruitage of the spirit connects both to patience and to the heart.



hémù ({[is] harmonious} 和睦) ← Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

Appendix A2 of the English New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition), entitled “Features of This Revision”, discusses vocabulary changes that have been made in the current revision, words that have been translated differently than before. As noted in various entries in the excellent resource Referenced Theo. Expressions (RTE), Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) correspondingly discusses words that have been translated differently in the current revision of the Mandarin NWT Bible, compared to how they had been translated before.

Since we base what we say in Jehovah’s service on his Word the Bible, the vocabulary used in it—and the way those vocabulary words are translated—should be reflected in how we speak in our ministry, at our meetings, etc. So, it is beneficial for us Mandarin field language-learners to be familiar with the latest thinking from the organization on how Bible terms should be translated into Mandarin.

Peace Is Multifaceted

One of the matters that Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) discusses is how several translations sometimes use the terms “píng’ān (píng’·ān {[is] flat, level, even → [[is] peaceful]} · {[is] safe, secure} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to things being smooth and stable, safe and secure, free of danger) 平安)” and “hépíng (peace | {[is] peaceful} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to the absence of war or conflict) 和平)” in ways that don’t really fit the context, considering the relatively narrow meanings of these terms.

A previous MEotW post discussed why “ānníng ({being peaceful}; {being tranquil} 安宁 安寧)” was selected to be used in Galatians 5:22 in the current version of the Mandarin NWT Bible, when the previous major revision used “hépíng (peace | {[is] peaceful} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to the absence of war or conflict) 和平)” there. Now, we will consider a couple of examples of how this week’s MEotW, “hémù ({[is] harmonious} 和睦)”, is used in the current version of the Mandarin NWT Bible.

Peace and Harmony in Romans 3:17

First, note how the Parallel Translations (Yìběn (Yì·běn Translated · {Roots → [Editions]} → [Translations] 译本 譯本) Duìzhào (Duì·zhào {Facing → [Comparing]} · {Illuminating → [Comparing/Contrasting]} → [Comparing/Contrasting] 对照 對照) in Mandarin) feature of the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY shows us that in Romans 3:17, the current version of the Mandarin NWT Bible uses “hémù ({[is] harmonious} 和睦)” to replace “píng’ān (píng’·ān {[is] flat, level, even → [[is] peaceful]} · {[is] safe, secure} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to things being smooth and stable, safe and secure, free of danger) 平安)”:

Romans 3:17 (WOL CHS+Pinyin Parallel Translations)

Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) explains that “píng’ān (píng’·ān {[is] flat, level, even → [[is] peaceful]} · {[is] safe, secure} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to things being smooth and stable, safe and secure, free of danger) 平安)” mainly refers to things being smooth and stable, safe and secure, free of danger. In contrast, “hémù ({[is] harmonious} 和睦)” refers more specifically to being harmonious, making for peaceful relations with God and our fellow humans.

Peace and Harmony in Ephesians 2:14

Next, note that in Ephesians 2:14, the current version of the Mandarin NWT Bible uses “hémù ({[is] harmonious} 和睦)” to replace “hépíng (peace | {[is] peaceful} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to the absence of war or conflict) 和平)”:

Ephesians 2:14 (WOL CHS+Pinyin Parallel Translations)

Appendix A2 of the current Mandarin version of the New World Translation Bible (nwtsty) explains that “hépíng (peace | {[is] peaceful} (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to the absence of war or conflict) 和平)” mainly refers to the absence of war or conflict. In contrast, “hémù ({[is] harmonious} 和睦)” is used here in a more positive and precise way to refer to the peaceful harmony and unity that the Christ makes possible for “shuāngfāng (shuāng·fāng (the) two · {directions → [parties]} 双方 雙方)”, “the two groups”, Jews and non-Jews.

Current Events


bìngdú (bìng·dú disease; illness; sickness · {poison; toxin [→ [[computer] virus]]} → [[computer] virus] 病毒) ← Tap/click to show/hide the “flashcard”

[Note: Tap/click on a Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) expression to reveal its “flashcard”, tap/click on a “flashcard” or its Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) expression to hide the “flashcard”.]

As of this writing, deep in the year 2021, the subject of the COVID-19 pandemic has been, to say the least, on people’s minds now for a while. So, it would be good to be able to refer to things related to it in Mandarin when speaking to people in the Mandarin field, or when speaking to our brothers and sisters in the truth.

electron microscope image of SARS-CoV-2—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19

An electron microscope image of SARS-CoV-2—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19
Creative Commons Attribution License logo NIAID

This week’s MEotW, “bìngdú (bìng·dú disease; illness; sickness · {poison; toxin [→ [[computer] virus]]} → [[computer] virus] 病毒)”, means “virus”. The literal meanings of its morphemes work out to something like “disease poison”, or the “poison” or deadly thing that causes a disease.

Just as the English word “virus” can refer to an actual biological virus or a computer virus, the Mandarin word “bìngdú (bìng·dú disease; illness; sickness · {poison; toxin [→ [[computer] virus]]} → [[computer] virus] 病毒)” can also refer to a biological virus or a computer virus.


Pleco’s built-in dictionary gives us the following example phrases for “bìngdú (bìng·dú disease; illness; sickness · {poison; toxin [→ [[computer] virus]]} → [[computer] virus] 病毒)”:


📖 📄 📘 shòu ({subjected to} 受) bìngdú (bìng·dú sickness · poison → [virus] 病毒) gǎnrǎn (gǎn·rǎn {making to feel → [affecting]} · {making to catch} → [infecting] 感染)

infected by a virus


📖 📄 📘 qīngchú (qīng·chú {clear away} · eliminate 清除) bìngdú (bìng·dú sickness · {poison → [computer virus]} → [computer virus] 病毒)

eliminate a virus

📖 📄 📘 jìsuàn jī ((jì·suàn computing · figuring 计算 計算) (jī machine機/机) [computer]) bìngdú (bìng·dú sickness · poison → [virus] 病毒)

(computer) virus