
◀️ 🔼 ▶️

📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐15 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(SHÍ·WǓ TEN · FIVE → [FIFTEEN] 15) [15TH]) (LESSON)

📖 📄 📘 Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán Admonishing · Sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 8:30 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Nàshí (Nà·shí {(at) that} · {(particular) time} 那时 那時) (I 我) shì (was 是) (him 他) shēnbiān (shēn·biān {body → [self]} · beside → [beside him] 身边 身邊) de (’s 的) hǎo (good 好) gōngjiàng (gōng·jiàng worker · craftsman 工匠),
Tiāntiān (Tiān·tiān {sky → [day]} · {sky → [day]} → [every day] 天天) dédào (dé·dào {was getting} · {arriving at} 得到) (his 他) tèbié (tè·bié special · differentiated → [special] 特别 特別) de (’s 的) téng’ài (téng’·ài {achingly → [dearly]} · loving 疼爱 疼愛),
Chángcháng (Cháng·cháng constantly · constantly 常常) zài (at 在) (him 他) miànqián (miàn·qián face · before → [before his face] 面前) huānxīn ({was joyful} 欢欣 歡欣). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Lùjiā (Luke 路加) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 1:34, 35 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 34 Mǎlìyà (Mary 马利亚 馬利亞) què (however) duì (to) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) shuō (said說/説): “ (I 我) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · have → [have not] 没有 沒有) gēn (with 跟) nánrén (nán·rén male · person → [man] 男人) fāshēngguo (fā·shēng·guo {issuing forth of} · {coming to life of} · passed → [had happen] 发生过 發生過) guānxi (guān·xi {closing with → [involving]} · {tying → [relating]} → [(sexual) relations] 关系 關係), zhè (this) zěnme (zěn·me how · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) kěnéng (kě·néng {is to be able} · {to be able to be} → [is to be possible] 可能) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)?” 35 Tiānshǐ (Tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) huídá (huí·dá {circling back} · {to answer} 回答) shuō (said說/説): “Shénshèng lìliang ((Shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) [holy spirit]) huì (will) líndào (lín·dào arrive · to 临到 臨到) (you 你) shēnshang (shēn·shang {body → [self]} · upon 身上), Zhìgāozhě (Zhì·gāo·zhě Most · High · Person 至高者) de (’s 的) lìliang (lì·liang power · quantity 力量) huì (will) bǎohù (protect 保护 保護) (you 你), yīncǐ (yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此) (you 你) jiāngyào (jiāng·yào {in the future} · will 将要 將要) shēngxia (shēng·xia {give birth to} · down 生下) de ({’s (one)} 的), huì (will) chēngwéi (chēng·wéi {be called} · {to be} 称为 稱為) shèngzhě (shèng·zhě holy · one 圣者 聖者), chēngwéi (chēng·wéi {be called} · {to be} 称为 稱為) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) Érzi (Ér·zi Son · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Jiǎozhù (Jiǎo·zhù Foot·note 脚注 腳註/注)

📖 📄 📘Mísàiyà (Messiah 弥赛亚 彌賽亞) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢)Jīdū (Christ 基督)dōu (both 都) shì (are 是) tóuxián (tóu·xián head · titles → [titles] 头衔 頭銜), zhǐ ({(pointing to with) finger} → [referring to] 指) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) tiāoxuǎn (chose 挑选 挑選) chulai (chu·lai out · {to come} 出来 出來) zhěngjiù ({to save} 拯救) rénlèi (rén·lèi human·kind 人类 人類) de (’s 的) rén (person 人). Dì‐26, ‐27 Kè huì tǎolùn rénlèi wèishénme xūyào bèi zhěngjiù, yǐjí Yēsū zěnyàng zhěngjiù wǒmen. 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Lùjiā (Luke 路加) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 1:30–32 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 30 Tiānshǐ (Tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) duì (towards → [to]) (her 她) shuō (said說/説): “Mǎlìyà (Mary 马利亚 馬利亞), búyào (bú·yào not · {do be going to} → [do not] 不要) ({be afraid} 怕), (you 你) shì (are 是) dédào (dé·dào {have gotten} · {arriving at} 得到) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor’s → [God’s]} → [God’s] 上帝) ({giving of}) (blessing 福) de (’s 的) rén (person 人). 31 (you 你) huì (will) huáiyùn (huái·yùn conceive · pregnancy 怀孕 懷孕), shēngxia (shēng·xia {give birth to} · down 生下) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) érzi (ér·zi son · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子). (you 你) yào (must 要) gěi (give) (him 他) qǔmíng (qǔ·míng {getting of} · name 取名) jiào ({to be called}叫/呌) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌). 32 (he 他) huì (will) chéngwéi (chéng·wéi become · {to be} 成为 成為) wěidà (wěi·dà great · {big → [great]} 伟大 偉大) de (’s 的) rénwù (rén·wù person · thing → [personage] 人物), chēngwéi (chēng·wéi {be called} · {to be} 称为 稱為) Zhìgāozhě (Zhì·gāo·zhě Most · High · Person 至高者) de (’s 的) Érzi (Ér·zi Son · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子). Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) huì (will) (hold 把) (his 他) zǔxiān (ancestor 祖先) Dàwèi (David 大卫 大衛) de (’s 的) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座) cìgěi (cì·gěi {to be given} · to 赐给 賜給) (him 他), 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 3:16, 17 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 16 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) shòule jìn ((shòu·le received · {to completion} 受了) (jìn immersing 浸) [got baptized]), lìkè (lì·kè (at that) {standing → [immediate]} · {carving → [moment]} → [immediately] 立刻) cóng (from) shuǐ (water 水) li (inside裡/裏) shànglai (shàng·lai {came up} · {to come} 上来 上來). Kàn (look 看) na ([ptcl used in exclamation] 哪/呐 哪/吶)! Tiān ({the heavens} 天) kāi ({were opened}) le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了), Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) kànjian (kàn·jian {looked at} · {to be seeing} → [saw] 看见 看見) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) shénshèng lìliang ((shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) [holy spirit]) hǎoxiàng (hǎo·xiàng {well → [very much]} · like 好像/象) gēzi (gē·zi dove · [suf for nouns] 鸽子 鴿子) jiàng (descending 降) zài (on 在) Yēsū (Jesus’ 耶稣 耶穌) shēnshang (shēn·shang {body → [self]} · upon 身上). 17 Hūrán (Hū·rán {ignored → [sudden]} · -ly 忽然) yǒu ({(there) was having} → [(there) was] 有) shēngyīn (shēng·yīn voice · sound 声音 聲音) cóng (from) tiānshang (tiān·shang heaven · upon 天上) fāchū (fā·chū issuing · out 发出 發出) shuō (saying說/説): “Zhè (this) shì (is 是) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) Érzi (Ér·zi Son · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子), shì (is 是) (I 我) shēn’ài (shēn’·ài deeply · love 深爱 深愛) de ({’s (one)} 的), shì (is 是) (I 我) rènkě (rèn·kě {have recognized} · {have approved} 认可 認可) de ({’s (one)} 的).” 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 14:28 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) tīngdào (tīng·dào heard · reaching (that) 听到 聽到) (I 我) gàosu (told 告诉 告訴) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們): ‘ (I 我) yào ({am going to} 要) líqu (lí·qu leave · {to go → [away]} 离去 離去), yòu (also 又) huì (will) huídào (huí·dào {circle back} · to 回到 回/迴/逥/廻到) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) zhèlǐ (zhè·lǐ this · inside → [here] 这里 這裡/裏) lai ({to come}).’ Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yàoshi (yào·shi if · are 要是) ài (loving) (me 我), jiù (then 就) huì (would) yīn (because 因) (I 我) yào ({am going to} 要) dào ({arrive to} 到) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) nàli (nà·li that · inside → [there] 那里 那裡/裏) ({to go} 去) ér (thus 而) gāoxìng (gāo·xìng {be (with) high} · enthusiasm → [be glad] 高兴 高興), yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) shì (is 是) ({compared to} 比) (me 我) (big → [greater] 大) de ({’s (One)} 的). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 12:49 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 (I 我) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · have → [have not] 没有 沒有) zhàozhe (zhào·zhe {according to} · being → [according to] 照着 照/炤着/著) zìjǐ (self 自己) de (’s 的) yìsi (yì·si meaning · thoughts → [ideas] 意思) shuōhuà (shuō·huà spoken · words 说话 說/説話), ér ({but (rather)} 而) shì ({(it) is} 是) pài ({river branched} → [sent] 派) (me 我) lái ({to come}) de (’s 的) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative (who) 父亲 父親) qīnzì (qīn·zì {in person} · self 亲自 親自) gěi ({has given}) (me 我) mìnglìng (command 命令), yào (requiring 要) (me 我) shuō ({to say}說/説) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼), jiǎng ({to speak}) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Míjiā‐Shū ((Míjiā Micah 弥迦 彌迦)‐(Shū Writing → [Book]) [The Book of Micah]) 5:2 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Bólìhéng (Bethʹle·hem 伯利恒 伯利恆) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊), Yǐfǎtā (Ephʹra·thah 以法他) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊),
(you 你) suīrán (suī·rán although · -ly 虽然 雖然) shì (are 是) Yóudà (Judah’s 犹大 猶大) zōngzú (zōng·zú forefathers’ · clans → [patriarchal clans] 宗族) zhōng (within 中)
Wēi ({tiny} 微)bùzúdào (bù·zú·dào not · {enough} · {to speak of} 不足道) de (’s 的) xiǎochéng (xiǎo·chéng small · {city wall → [town]} 小城),
Jiānglái (Jiāng·lái (in what) {is going to} · come → [in the future] 将来 將來) què (however) huì ((there) will) yǒu ({be having} → [be] 有) (one 一) wèi (place → [mw for persons] 位)
Cóng (from) (you 你) nàli (nà·li that · inside → [there] 那里 那裡/裏) chūlai (chū·lai {coming out} · {to come} 出来 出來),
Wèi ({for (on behalf of)}為/爲) (me 我) tǒngzhì (tǒng·zhì {to gather together → [to command]} · {to rule} 统治 統治) Yǐsèliè (Israel 以色列).
(he 他) yuánzì (yuán·zì {source (of a river) → [origin]} · {is from} → [originates from] 源自) yuǎngǔ (yuǎn·gǔ {distant (in time)} · {ancient (times)} 远古 遠古),
Láizì (Lái·zì comes · from 来自 來自) yáoyuǎn (distant 遥远 遙遠) de (’s 的) guòqù (guò·qù past · gone (times) 过去 過去). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Jiǎozhù (Jiǎo·zhù Foot·note 脚注 腳註/注)

📖 📄 📘 Qǐng (please) kàn (see 看) Fùlù (Fù·lù Appended · Record → [Endnote] 附录 附錄) Dì‐2 ((Dì [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(Èr Two 2) [2nd]) Xiàng (Item) 🔼, liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě {to understand} · {to untie → [to solve]} → [to understand] 了解 了/瞭解) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) yùyán (yù·yán {in advance} · saying → [prophecy] 预言 預言) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zhǔnquè (zhǔn·què {being accurate → [accurately]} · {being true → [truly]} 准确 準確) yùgàole (yù·gào·le fore·told · {to completion} 预/豫告了 預/豫告了) Mísàiyà (Messiah 弥赛亚 彌賽亞) zài (on 在) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上) chūxiàn (chū·xiàn {would put out} · appearing 出现 出現) de (’s 的) shíjiān (shí·jiān {(particular) times} · between → [time (as indicated by clocks/calendars/etc.)] 时间 時間). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Mǎtài Fúyīn ((Mǎtài Matthew 马太 馬太) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to Matthew]) 2:1 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Xīlǜ (Herod 希律) Wáng (King 王) zàiwèi (zài·wèi {was on} · {place → [throne]} 在位) qījiān (qī·jiān {period of time} · within 期间 期間), Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) zài (in 在) Yóudìyà (Ju·deʹa 犹地亚 猶地亞) de (’s 的) Bólìhéng (Bethʹle·hem 伯利恒 伯利恆) dànshēng ({had been born} 诞生 誕生) yǐhòu (yǐ·hòu {from this point} · afterwards 以后 以後), yǒu ({(there) were having} → [(there) were] 有) zhānxīng shùshì ((zhān·xīng {divining by} · stars → [practising astrology] 占星) (shù·shì technique · {persons trained in a certain field} → [practitioners of occult arts] 术士 術士) [astologers]) cóng (from) Dōngfāng (Dōng·fāng East · Direction → [the East] 东方 東方) láidào (lái·dào (who) came · {to arrive at} 来到 來到) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem 耶路撒冷). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Shīpiān (Shī·piān {Sacred Song} · {Piece of Writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 34:20 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) bǎohù ({is protecting} 保护 保護) (his 他) quánshēn (quán·shēn whole · body 全身) de (’s 的) gǔtou (gǔ·tou bone · {heads → [suf]} [bones] 骨头 骨頭),
Lián (joining → [even]) (one 一) gēn ({root (of a plant)} → [mw for long, thin objects] 根) (even 也) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has → [has not] 没有 沒有) zhéduàn (zhé·duàn {been broken} · {to be snapped} 折断 折/摺斷). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Sājiālìyà‐Shū ((Sājiālìyà Zechariah 撒迦利亚 撒迦利亞)‐(Shū Writing → [Book]) [The Book of Zechariah]) 12:10 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 (I 我) yào (will 要) (hold 把) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) shénshèng lìliang ((shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) [holy spirit]) qīngzhù (qīng·zhù {to be inclined → [to be overturned and poured out]} · {to be poured out} 倾注 傾注) gěi ({to be given to}) Dàwèi (David 大卫 大衛) de (’s 的) zǐsūn (zǐ·sūn children · grandchildren → [descendants] 子孙 子孫) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem 耶路撒冷) de (’s 的) jūmín (jū·mín residing · people 居民), ēndài (ēn·dài {(with) favour} · {to deal with} 恩待) tāmen (tā·men him/her · [pl] [them] 他们 他們), dāying (dā·ying {to reply to → [to agree to]} · {to respond to → [to comply with]} → [to answer] 答应 答應) tāmen de ((tā·men him/her · [pl] → [them] 他们 他們) (de ’s 的) [their]) kěnqiú (kěn·qiú earnest · entreatings 恳求 懇求). Tāmen (Tā·men he/she · [pl] [they] 他们 他們) huì (will) zhùshì (zhù·shì {pouring (into a container) → [concentrating]} · {look upon} → [look at attentively] 注视 注視) tāmen (tā·men he/she · [pl] [they] 他们 他們) suǒ ({he whom (they)} 所) (stabbed → [pierced] 刺) de (’s 的) nèi (that 那) wèi (place → [mw for persons] 位), wèi (for為/爲) (him 他) āiháo (āi·háo grieving · wail 哀号 哀號), xiàng (as 像/象) wèi (for為/爲) sǐqù (sǐ·qù {had died} · {to go → [away]} 死去) de (’s 的) dúshēng (dú·shēng only · {given life to} 独生 獨生) (son 子) āiháo (āi·háo grieving · {would wail} 哀号 哀號); wèi (for為/爲) (him 他) bēitòng (bēi·tòng {be sorrowful} · {be in pain} → [be grieved] 悲痛), xiàng (as 像/象) wèi (for為/爲) sǐqù (sǐ·qù {had died} · {to go → [away]} 死去) de (’s 的) zhǎngzǐ (zhǎng·zǐ {(most) grown → [eldest]} · son 长子 長子) bēitòng (bēi·tòng {would be sorrowful} · {would be in pain} → [would be grieved] 悲痛). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 19:33–37 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 33 Kěshì (Kě·shì but · {(it) was (the case)} 可是), tāmen (tā·men he · [pl] [they] 他们 他們) láidào (lái·dào came · {to arrive at} 来到 來到) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) nàli (nà·li that · inside → [there] 那里 那裡/裏), jiàn (saw) (he 他) yǐjing (yǐ·jing already · {had gone through} 已经 已經) (dying 死) le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了), jiù (then 就) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · had → [did not] 没有 沒有) dǎduàn tā de tuǐ. 34 Búguò yǒu yí ge shìbīng yòng máo cì tā de lèi páng, lìkè yǒu xuè hé shuǐ liú chulai. 35 Kànjian zhèi jiàn shì de rén zuòle jiànzhèng. Zhèige rén de jiànzhèng shì zhēn de, tā zhīdào zìjǐ shuō de shì zhēnhuà, zhèyàng nǐmen yě jiù kěyǐ xiāngxìn. 36 Zhèixiē shì fāshēng, qíshí shì yào yìngyàn Shèngjīng shuō de: Tā de ((Tā him 他) (de ’s 的) [his]) gǔtou (gǔ·tou bone · {heads → [suf]} [bones] 骨头 骨頭) (one 一) gēn ({root (of a plant)} → [mw for long, thin objects] 根) (even 也) (not 不) zhéduàn (zhé·duàn {will be broken} · {to be snapped} 折断 折/摺斷).” 37 Shèngjīng shang háiyǒu yí jù huà shuō: Tāmen (Tā·men he/she · [pl] [they] 他们 他們) huì (will) zhùshì (zhù·shì {pouring (into a container) → [concentrating]} · {look upon} → [look at attentively] 注视 注視) tāmen (tā·men he/she · [pl] [they] 他们 他們) suǒ ({he whom (they)} 所) (stabbed → [pierced] 刺) de (’s 的) nèi (that 那) wèi (place → [mw for persons] 位).” 🔼