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📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐4 ([4th] 第4) ZHĀNG (chapter 章)

📖 📄 📘 Chuándàoshū (Chuán·dào·shū spreading · way · book → [Ecclesiastes] 传道书 傳道書) 8:9

📖 📄 📘 (I 我) jiànguo zhè (this) yíqiè (yí·qiè {one (whole)} · corresponding → [all] 一切), bìng ({side by side with}並/竝/并) zhuānxīn yánjiū rén (men 人) zài (at 在) tiānrì zhīxià suǒ ({that which (they)} 所) zuò ({have done} 做) de (’s 的) yíqiè (yí·qiè {one (whole)} · corresponding → [every] 一切) shì (thing 事). Yìzhí yǐlái, rén (man 人) xiázhì rén (man 人), shǐ (causing 使) rén (men 人) shòuhài. 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 27:11

📖 📄 📘 (my 我) ér (son), (you 你) yào (must 要) yǒu (have 有) zhìhuì (zhì·huì wisdom · intelligence → [wisdom] 智慧),
Hǎojiào (Hǎo·jiào well · {to call → [to make]} 好叫 好叫/呌) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) → [my]) xīn (heart 心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {to be joyful} · {to be happy} 欢喜 歡喜),
Shǐ (making 使) (me 我) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ able · [suf] 可以) huídá (huí·dá {to circle back} · {to reply to} 回答) (that 那) jīcì (jī·cì mocks · pricks 讥刺 譏刺) (me 我) de (’s 的) rén (person 人). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Mǎkě (Mark 马可 馬可) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 12:29, 30

📖 📄 📘 29 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) huídá (huí·dá {circling back} · {to answer} 回答) shuō (said說/説): “Zuì (most最/㝡) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào weighty · important 重要) de (’s 的) shì (is 是), ‘Yǐsèliè (Israel 以色列) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊), tīng (hear聽/听) ba ([ptcl indicating a mild command] 吧/叭)! Wǒmen de ((Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) shì (is 是) dúyī (dú·yī only · one 独一 獨一) de (’s 的) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華), 30 (you 你) yào (must 要) quánxīn (quán·xīn {being whole} · heart 全心), quányì (quán·yì {being whole} · intention 全意), quánzhì (quán·zhì {being whole} · wisdom 全智), quánlì (quán·lì {being whole} · strength 全力) ài (love) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) nǐ de ((nǐ you 你) (de ’s 的) → [your]) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝)’; 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù enlightening · showing · record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 4:11

📖 📄 📘Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), (you 你) pèi ({are worthy} 配) ({to get} 得) róngyào (glory 荣耀 榮耀), zūnchóng (zūn·chóng honouring · esteeming 尊崇), lìliang (lì·liang power · quantity 力量), yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) (you 你) chuàngzàole (chuàng·zào·le initiated · {made, created} · {to completion} 创造了 創造了) yíqiè (yí·qiè {one (whole)} · corresponding → [everything] 一切), yíqiè (yí·qiè {one (whole)} · corresponding → [everything] 一切) dōu (all 都) shì (was 是) yīnwei (yīn·wei {because of} · {on account of} 因为 因為) (you 你) de (’s 的) zhǐyì (will 旨意) cái ({only then}才/纔) néng (able 能) cúnzài (cún·zài {to exist} · {to be present} 存在), cái ({only then}才/纔) bèi ([getting] 被) chuàngzào (chuàng·zào {to be initiated} · {to be made, created} 创造 創造) de (’s 的).” 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Bǐdé Qiánshū ((Bǐdé Peter 彼得) (Qián·shū earlier · book 前书 前書) → [1 Peter]) 3:1 (bi12)
[Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) WOL nwt version link]

📖 📄 📘 Zhàoyàng, nǐmen zuò qīzi de (’s 的), yào shùnfú zìjǐ de (’s 的) zhàngfu. Zhèyàng, jíshǐ zhàngfu (not 不) fúcóng shénshèng de (’s 的) huàyǔ, nǐmen yěxǔ néng jièzhe zìjǐ de (’s 的) pǐnxíng gǎnhuà zhàngfu, yòngbuzháo yìyán‐yìyǔ, 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Xībóláishū (Xībólái·shū Hebrew · book → [Hebrews] 希伯来书 希伯來書) 13:17 (nwtsty 2023)

📖 📄 📘 Yào (must 要) fúcóng (obey 服从 服從) nèixiē (nèi·xiē that · {indefinite number of} → [those] 那些) zài (in 在) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) dāngzhōng dàitóu de (’s 的) rén (persons 人), yuànyì (yuàn·yì {be (of) willing} · intentions → [be willing] 愿意 願意) jiēshòu (jiē·shòu {to receive} · {to accept} 接受) tāmen de ((tā·men him · [pl] → [them] 他们 他們) (de ’s 的) → [their]) zhǐshì, yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) tāmen (tā·men he · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) shíkè (shí·kè {(every) (particular) time} · {(every) moment} 时刻 時刻) shǒuhù nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們), érqiě (ér·qiě and · moreover 而且) yào (must 要) xiàng (to向/曏/嚮) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) jiāozhàng. Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣) zuò (do 做), tāmen (tā·men he · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) jiù (then 就) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ may · [suf] 可以) xǐlè (xǐ·lè happy · joyful → [joyful] 喜乐 喜樂) de (-ly 地) lǚxíng (lǚ·xíng {shoe → [walk]} · {walk → [do]} → [carry out] 履行) zhízé, búyòng tànxī, bùrán nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) jiù (then 就) yǒu ({would be having} 有) sǔnshī le ([indicates a change] 了). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Jiǎozhù (Jiǎo·zhù foot·note 脚注 腳註/注)

📖 📄 📘 Guānyú (Guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {patterns → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) yìngyòng zhèi (this) tiáo yuánzé (yuán·zé original · rule → [principle] 原则 原則), qǐng (please) kàn (see 看) Fùlù (Fù·lù appended · record → [Appendix] 附录 附錄)Héshí (Hé·shí what · {(particular) times} → [when] 何时 何時) Yào (must 要) Méngtóu (Méng·tóu cover · head 蒙头 蒙頭)? Wèihé (Wèi·hé for · what → [why] 为何 為何) Yào (must 要) Méngtóu (Méng·tóu cover · head 蒙头 蒙頭)? 🔼”. 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 13:1–7 (bi12)
[Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) WOL nwt version link]

📖 📄 📘 1 Zàishàng dāngquán de (’s 的), rénrén dōu yào shùnfú, yīnwei quánbǐng wúbù chūyú Shàngdì. Mùqián de (’s 的) dāngquánzhě dōu zài Shàngdì de (’s 的) ānpái xià, gè zài qí wèi. 2 Suǒyǐ, rén fǎnduì dāngquánzhě, jiùshì gēn Shàngdì de (’s 的) ānpái zuòduì. Zuòduì de (’s 的) rén bì zìzhāo xíngfá. 3 Xíngshàn de (’s 的) rén búyòng jùpà tǒngzhìzhě, zuò’è de (’s 的) rén cái yào jùpà. (you 你) xiǎng búyòng jùpà dāngquánzhě ma? (you 你) zhǐyào búduàn xíngshàn, jiù bì shòu dāngquánzhě zànxǔ, 4 yīnwei dāngquán de (’s 的) shì (is 是) Shàngdì de (’s 的) púrén, duì (you 你) yǒuyì. Dàn (you 你) zuò’è, jiù gāi jùpà, yīnwei dāngquán de (’s 的) (not 不) shì (is 是) túrán pèijiàn. (he 他) shì (is 是) Shàngdì de (’s 的) púrén, xiàng zuò’è de (’s 的) rén shīxíng jiàngnù.

📖 📄 📘 5 Suǒyǐ, nǐmen shízài lǐyīng shùnfú, búdàn shì (being 是) yīnwei pà fènnù, yě shì (being 是) wèile liángxīn de (’s 的) yuángù. 6 Nǐmen yě gāi nà shuì, yīnwei tāmen shì (are 是) Shàngdì de (’s 的) gōngpú, zhuānzé zhíxíng zhèige zhíwù. 7 Gè rén suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) dāng dé de (’s 的), nǐmen dōu yào qīnghuán: Yāoqiú nà shuì de (’s 的), xiàng (him 他) nà shuì; yāoqiú jìngòng de (’s 的), xiàng (him 他) jìngòng; yāoqiú jìngwèi de (’s 的), jiù jìngwèi (him 他); yāoqiú zūnzhòng de (’s 的), jiù zūnzhòng (him 他). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 13:1–7
[Pīnyīn (Pīn·yīn {Piecing Together of} · Sounds → [Pinyin] 拼音) WOL nwt version link]

📖 📄 📘 1 Zàishàng dāngquán de (’s 的), rénrén dōu yào shùnfú, yīnwei quánbǐng wúbù chūyú Shàngdì. Mùqián de (’s 的) dāngquánzhě dōu zài Shàngdì de (’s 的) ānpái xià, gè zài qí wèi. 2 Suǒyǐ, rén fǎnduì dāngquánzhě, jiùshì gēn Shàngdì de (’s 的) ānpái zuòduì. Zuòduì de (’s 的) rén bì zìzhāo xíngfá. 3 Xíngshàn de (’s 的) rén búyòng jùpà tǒngzhìzhě, zuò’è de (’s 的) rén cái yào jùpà. (you 你) xiǎng búyòng jùpà dāngquánzhě ma? (you 你) zhǐyào búduàn xíngshàn, jiù bì shòu dāngquánzhě zànxǔ, 4 yīnwei dāngquán de (’s 的) shì (is 是) Shàngdì de (’s 的) púrén, duì (you 你) yǒuyì. Dàn (you 你) zuò’è, jiù gāi jùpà, yīnwei dāngquán de (’s 的) (not 不) shì (is 是) túrán pèijiàn. (he 他) shì (is 是) Shàngdì de (’s 的) púrén, xiàng zuò’è de (’s 的) rén shīxíng jiàngnù.

📖 📄 📘 5 Suǒyǐ, nǐmen shízài lǐyīng shùnfú, búdàn shì (being 是) yīnwei pà fènnù, yě shì (being 是) wèile liángxīn de (’s 的) yuángù. 6 Nǐmen yě gāi nà shuì, yīnwei tāmen shì (are 是) Shàngdì de (’s 的) gōngpú, zhuānzé zhíxíng zhèige zhíwù. 7 Gè rén suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) dāng dé de (’s 的), nǐmen dōu yào qīnghuán: Yāoqiú nà shuì de (’s 的), xiàng (him 他) nà shuì; yāoqiú jìngòng de (’s 的), xiàng (him 他) jìngòng; yāoqiú jìngwèi de (’s 的), jiù jìngwèi (him 他); yāoqiú zūnzhòng de (’s 的), jiù zūnzhòng (him 他). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 12:17, 18 (nwtsty 2023)

📖 📄 📘 17 Duì (towards) shéi (anyone) dōu ({in all those cases} 都) búyào (bú·yào not · must → [must not] 不要) (with 以) è (evil) bào è (evil). Suǒyǒu (Suǒ·yǒu {(all) which (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) rén (men 人) rènwéi (rèn·wéi identify · as 认为 認為) měihǎo (měi·hǎo beautiful · good 美好) de (’s 的) shì (things 事), (you 你) dōu (all 都) yào (must 要) zhòngshì (zhòng·shì {(as) weighty} · {look at} 重视 重視). 18 Zhǐyào (Zhǐ·yào only · requires 只要) zìjǐ (self 自己) zuòde dào ((zuò·de does · getting 做得) (dào {to arrive at} 到) → [can do]), jiù (then 就) yào (must 要) jǐn kěnéng (kě·néng maybe · {being able} → [possibility] 可能) gēn (with 跟) suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) which (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) rén (men 人) hémù xiāngchǔ. 🔼