📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]
📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐1 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(YĪ one 1) → [1st]) ZHĀNG (chapter 章)
📖 📄 📘
this · {pattern of → [way of]}
exactly · is
above’s · God
({to completion}
了) 🔼
[🔊 (jw.org…🎧 > MP3)]
📖 📄 📘 “Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zūnshǒu (observe 遵守) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) ài (loving 爱 愛) tā (him 他) le ({to completion} 了), kuàngqiě (kuàng·qiě moreover · also 况且 況且) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) bìng (truly 并 並/竝/并) bú (not 不) shì (are 是) chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔).”—YUĒHÀN YĪSHŪ ((YUĒHÀN John 约翰 約翰) (YĪ·SHŪ first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 5:3.
📖 📄 📘 4 ZHÈYÀNG (ZHÈ·YÀNG this · {pattern of → [way of]} 这样 這樣) ZUÒ (doing 做) “JIÙSHÌ (JIÙ·SHÌ exactly · is 就是) ÀI (loving 爱 愛) TĀ (him 他) LE ({to completion} 了)” 🔽
📖 📄 📘 7 “WǑMEN (WǑ·MEN we · [pl] 我们 我們) ZŪNSHǑU (observe 遵守) SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ above’s · God 上帝) DE (’s 的) JIÈMÌNG (JIÈ·MÌNG commandments · orders 诫命 誡命)” 🔽
📖 📄 📘 13 “TĀ DE ((TĀ him 他) (DE ’s 的) → [his]) JIÈMÌNG (JIÈ·MÌNG commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) BÌNG (truly 并 並/竝/并) BÚ (not 不) SHÌ (are 是) CHÉNZHÒNG (CHÉN·ZHÒNG sinkingly · heavy 沉重) DE (’s 的) FÙDĀN (FÙ·DĀN {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔)” 🔽
📖 📄 📘 1, 2. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) nǐ (you 你) ài ({do love} 爱 愛) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God → [God] 上帝)?
📖 📄 📘 NǏ (you 你) ÀI ({do love} 爱 愛) SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ above’s · God 上帝) MA ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) nǐ (you 你) yǐ (already 已) xiànshēn (xiàn·shēn {have offered → [have dedicated]} · {body → [self]} 献身 獻身) gěi (to 给 給) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God → [God] 上帝), jiù (then 就) bìdìng (bì·dìng certainly · {has been set} 必定) huì (will 会 會) háobù (háo·bù {a fine hair} · not 毫不) yóuyù (yóu·yù still · {being comfortable} → [hesitating] 犹豫 猶豫) de (-ly 地) shuō (say 说 說/説): “Wǒ (I 我) ài (love 爱 愛) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝)!” Nǐ (you 你) dáde (dá·de answer · getting 答得) hǎo ({to be well} 好)! Wǒmen (Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) ài ({to love} 爱 愛) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) shì (is 是) tiānjīng‐dìyì ((tiān·jīng heaven’s · scripture 天经 天經)‐(dì·yì earth’s · righteousness 地义 地義) → [perfectly right and proper]) de (’s 的) shì (thing 事). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) ài ({to love} 爱 愛) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), qíshí (qí·shí its · actuality → [actually] 其实 其實) shì (is 是) huíyìng (huí·yìng {to circle back} · {to respond to} 回应 回應) tā (his 他) duì (towards 对 對) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛). Guānyú (Guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) zhèi (this 这 這) diǎn (point 点 點), Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) shuō (says 说 說/説): “Wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) ài (love 爱 愛), shì (is 是) yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) xiān (first 先) ài (loved 爱 愛) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們).” (Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 4:19)
📖 📄 📘 2 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zhǔdòng (zhǔ·dòng {(being) master} · {has moved} → [has taken the initiative] 主动 主動) duì (towards 对 對) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) biǎoxiàn (biǎo·xiàn {to express} · {to show} 表现 表現) àixīn (ài·xīn loving · heart 爱心 愛心). Tā (he 他) bǎ (holds 把) dìqiú (dì·qiú earth · globe 地球) cìgěi (cì·gěi {to be given} · to 赐给 賜給) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zuò ({to be} 作) měilì (beautiful 美丽 美麗) de (’s 的) jiāyuán (jiā·yuán home · garden → [home] 家园 家園). Tā (he 他) hòucì (hòu·cì {thickly → [generously]} · gives 厚赐 厚賜) bǎiwù (bǎi·wù {hundred → [all]} · things 百物), zhàogu (zhào·gu {to take care of} · {to look after} 照顾 照顧) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) shēntǐ (body 身体 身體) xūyào (xū·yào needs · needed 需要). (Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 5:43–48) Gèng (more 更) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào weighty · important 重要) de (’s 的) shì (is 是), tā (he 他) mǎnzú (mǎn·zú fills · {to be sufficient} → [satisfies] 满足 滿足) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) shǔlíng (shǔ·líng {(in the) category (of)} · spirit → [spiritual] 属灵 屬靈) xūyào (xū·yào needs · needed 需要). Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) bǎ (holds 把) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) cìgěi (cì·gěi {to be given} · to 赐给 賜給) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們), yòu ({in addition} 又) gǔlì (gǔ·lì {drums → [rouses]} · encourages 鼓励 鼓勵) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) tā (him 他) dǎogào (dǎo·gào {to pray} · {to request} 祷告 禱告), bìng ({side by side with} 并 並/竝/并) bǎozhèng (bǎo·zhèng guaranteeing · testifying 保证 保證) huì (will 会 會) chuítīng (chuí·tīng {hang down} · {to hear} 垂听 垂聽/听) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) qíqiú (qí·qiú praying · requesting 祈求), cì (give 赐 賜) shènglíng (shèng·líng holy · spirit 圣灵 聖靈) bāngzhù ({to help} 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們). (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 65:2; Lùjiā (Luke 路加) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 11:13) Zuì (most 最 最/㝡) lìng (makes 令) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) gǎndòng (gǎn·dòng feel · moved 感动 感動) de (’s 的) shì (is 是), Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) chāiqiǎn (sent 差遣) zìjǐ (self 自己) zhēn’ài (zhēn’·ài treasured · loved 珍爱 珍愛) de (’s 的) Érzi (Ér·zi Son · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子) dào (to 到) shìshàng (shì·shàng world · upon 世上) lái ({to come} 来 來), jiùshú (jiù·shú {to save} · {to ransom} 救赎 救贖) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) tuōlí (tuō·lí {to cast off} · {to leave} 脱离 脫離) zuì (sin 罪) hé (and 和) sǐwáng (dying 死亡). Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) duì (towards 对 對) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) duōme (duō·me {how much} · [suf] 多么 多麼) wěidà ({is great} 伟大 偉大)! (Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 3:16; Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 5:8)
📖 📄 📘 3. (Jiǎ ({1st of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [a] 甲)) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xiǎng (want 想) jìxù ({to continue} 继续 繼續) méng ({to be covered by} → [to receive] 蒙 蒙/懞) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) suǒ ([passive signifier] → [from him] 所) ài (loving 爱 愛), jiù (then 就) bìxū (must 必须 必須) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zuò (do 做)? (Yǐ ({2nd of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [b] 乙)) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) gāi (should 该 該) xiǎngxiang (xiǎng·xiang {think about} · {think about} 想想) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào weighty · important 重要) wèntí (wèn·tí asking · subject → [question] 问题 問題)? Zài (at 在) nǎli (nǎ·li which · inside → [where] 哪里 哪裡/裏) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) zhǎodào (zhǎo·dào {look for (and)} · {arrive at} → [find] 找到) dá’àn (dá’·àn answering · {set of information} → [answer] 答案)?
📖 📄 📘 3 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) xīwàng (hopes → [wishes] 希望) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) néng ({to be able} 能) cóng (from 从 從) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) yǒngyuǎn (yǒng·yuǎn eternally · {far (in time)} 永远 永遠) déyì (dé·yì {to get} · benefits 得益). Kěshì (Kě·shì however · is 可是), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) néngfǒu (néng·fǒu {will be able} · {(or) not} 能否) déyì (dé·yì {to get} · benefits 得益) zé ({in that case} 则 則) quán (entirely 全) kàn (watches → [depends on] 看) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zìjǐ (selves 自己). Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) shuō (says 说 說/説): “Nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) cháng ({be constant} 常) zài (in 在) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) li (inside 里 裡/裏)…zhǐwang (zhǐ·wang {fingering → [pointing to]} · {looking forward to} 指望) déxiǎng (dé·xiǎng getting · enjoying 得享) yǒngshēng (yǒng·shēng everlasting · life 永生).” (Yóudàshū (Yóudà·shū Jude · book 犹大书 猶大書) 21) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xiǎng (want 想) “cháng ({to be constant} 常) zài (in 在)” Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) li (inside 里 裡/裏), jiù (then 就) yào (must 要) yǒu (have 有) xíngdòng (xíng·dòng doing · moving → [actions] 行动 行動). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) bìxū (need 必须 必須) cǎiqǔ (cǎi·qǔ {to pick} · {to take} 采取 採取) jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [concrete] 具体 具體) de (’s 的) xíngdòng (xíng·dòng doing · moving → [actions] 行动 行動) huíyìng (huí·yìng {to circle back} · {to respond to} 回应 回應) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛). Yīncǐ (Yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此), yǒu ({is having} 有) yí (one 一) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào weighty · important 重要) de (’s 的) wèntí (wèn·tí asking · subject → [question] 问题 問題) zhíde (zhí·de worth · getting 值得) xiǎngxiang (xiǎng·xiang {to think about} · {to think about} 想想): “Wǒ (I 我) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) biǎomíng (biǎo·míng show · {to be clear} 表明) zìjǐ (self 自己) ài (loves 爱 愛) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)?” Dá’àn (Dá’·àn answering · {set of information} → [answer] 答案) jiànyú (jiàn·yú {is seen} · in 见于 見於) shǐtú (shǐ·tú sent · disciple → [apostle] 使徒) Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) shòu ({having received} 受) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) qǐshì (qǐ·shì enlightening · showing → [inspiring] 启示 啟示) suǒ ({that which [he]} 所) xiě (wrote 写 寫) de (’s 的) zhèi (this 这 這) jù {sentence of} 句) huà (words 话 話) li (inside 里 裡/裏): “Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zūnshǒu (observe 遵守) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) ài (loving 爱 愛) tā (him 他) le ({to completion} 了), kuàngqiě (kuàng·qiě moreover · also 况且 況且) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) bìng (truly 并 並/竝/并) bú (not 不) shì (are 是) chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔)”. (Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 5:3) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) zǐxì (zǐ·xì {the young of domestic animals → [finely, in detail]} · {{being thin, fine} → [carefully]} 仔/子细 仔/子細) fēnxī (fēn·xī differentiate · dissect → [analyse] 分析) zhèi (this 这 這) jù {sentence of} 句) huà (words 话 話) de (’ 的) hányì (hán·yì {{held in the mouth} → [contained]} · meaning 含/涵义 含/涵義), yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) hěn ({very much} 很) xiǎng (want 想) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) biǎomíng (biǎo·míng {to show} · {to be clear} 表明) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) duōme (duō·me {how much} · [suf] 多么 多麼) ài (love 爱 愛) tā (him 他).
📖 📄 📘 ZHÈYÀNG (ZHÈ·YÀNG this · {pattern of → [way of]} 这样 這樣) ZUÒ (doing 做) “JIÙSHÌ (JIÙ·SHÌ exactly · is 就是) ÀI (loving 爱 愛) TĀ (him 他) LE ({to completion} 了)” 🔼
📖 📄 📘 4, 5. Qǐng (please 请 請) shuōshuo (shuō·shuo {talk about} · {talk about} 说说 說說) nǐ (you 你) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jìng’ài (jìng’·ài respecting · loving 敬爱 敬愛) zhī (’s 之) qíng (feeling 情) shì (was 是) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) méngshēng (méng·shēng sprouted · born 萌生) de (’s 的).
📖 📄 📘 4 Dāng (at 当 當) shǐtú (shǐ·tú sent · disciple → [apostle] 使徒) Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) xiěxia (xiě·xia wrote · down 写下 寫下) “ài (loving 爱 愛) tā (him 他)” zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) duǎnyǔ (duǎn·yǔ short · expression → [phrase] 短语 短語) shí ({(particular) time} 时 時), tā (he 他) xiǎngdào (xiǎng·dào {was thinking} · {arriving at} 想到) de (’s 的) shì (was 是) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Tā (he 他) xiǎngdào (xiǎng·dào {was thinking} · {arriving at} 想到) de (’s 的) shì (was 是), wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) huáiyǒu (huái·yǒu {{(carrying in) bosom} → [harbouring]} · having 怀有 懷有) shēnhòu (shēn·hòu deep · thick 深厚) de (’s 的) gǎnqíng (gǎn·qíng feeling · emotion 感情). Nǐ (you 你) hái (still 还 還) jìde (jì·de remember · {getting ←} 记得 記得) zìjǐ (self 自己) duì (towards 对 對) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) méngshēng (méng·shēng sprouted · {gave birth to} 萌生) jìng’ài (jìng’·ài respecting · loving 敬爱 敬愛) zhī (’s 之) qíng (emotion 情) de (’s 的) shíhou ({(particular) time} 时候 時候) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)?
📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn pictures · [mw] 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]
📖 📄 📘 Xiànshēn (Xiàn·shēn {offering → [dedicating]} · {bodies → [selves]} → [dedication] 献身 獻身) shòujìn (shòu·jìn receiving · immersing → [baptism] 受浸) biāozhìzhe (biāo·zhì·zhe {marking (with)} · mark · {are being} → [are marking that] 标志着 標志/誌/識着/著) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) huì (will 会 會) zhōngshēng (zhōng·shēng {(to the) end (of) → [whole]} · lives 终生 終生) àidài (ài·dài love · honour 爱戴 愛戴) hé (and 和) fúcóng (obey 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華)
📖 📄 📘 5 Qǐng (please 请 請) huíxiǎng (huí·xiǎng {circle back} · {to think about} → [recall] 回想) nǐ (you 你) chūcì (chū·cì first · time 初次) rènshi (rèn·shi (got) {to recognize} · {to know} 认识 認識) guānyú (guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) hé (and 和) tā (his 他) zhǐyì (will 旨意) de (’s 的) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [truth] 真理) shí ({(particular) time} 时 時) de (’s 的) qíngxing (qíng·xing situation · form 情形), nàshí (nà·shí {at that} · time 那时 那時) nǐ (you 你) kāishǐ (kāi·shǐ opened · began 开始 開始) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) yǒu ({to have} 有) xìnxīn (xìn·xīn believing · heart → [faith] 信心). Nǐ (you 你) jiànjiàn (jiàn·jiàn gradually · gradually 渐渐 漸漸) míngbai (míng·bai understood · clearly 明白) suīrán (suī·rán although · -ly 虽然 雖然) zìjǐ (self 自己) shēnglái (shēng·lái {was born} · {coming (from) → [since]} → [since birth] 生来 生來) yǒu ({have been having} 有) zuì (sin 罪), gēn (from 跟) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) shūyuǎn (shū·yuǎn {have been scattered} · {have been distant} → [have been alienated] 疏远 疏遠), Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) què (however 却 卻) tōngguò (tōng·guò {through (adv)} · passing → [through] 通过 通過) Jīdū (Jī·dū foundation · {directing (person)} → [Christ] 基督) wèi (for 为 為/爲) nǐ (you 你) dǎkāi (dǎ·kāi {struck → [built]} · {to be opened up} 打开 打開) chūlù (chū·lù {going out} · way 出路), ràng (allowing 让 讓) nǐ (you 你) jiānglái (jiāng·lái {going to} · come → [in the future] 将来 將來) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ {to be able} · [suf] 可以) huòdé (huò·dé {to obtain} · {to get} 获得 獲得) wánměi (wán·měi complete · beautiful → [perfect] 完美) de (’s 的) shēnxīn (shēn·xīn body · {mind and heart} 身心), chéngshòu (chéng·shòu {to carry on} · {to receive} → [to inherit] 承受) yǒngshēng (yǒng·shēng everlasting · life 永生), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · were 就是) Yàdāng (Adam 亚当 亞當) suǒ ({those which [he]} 所) shīqù (shī·qù lost · away 失去) de (’s 的). (Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 20:28; Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 5:12, 18) Nǐ (you 你) kāishǐ (kāi·shǐ opened · began 开始 開始) lǐngwù (lǐng·wù {to receive} · realizing 领悟 領悟) dào ({arriving at} 到), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) chāiqiǎn (sending 差遣) tā (his 他) zuì (most 最 最/㝡) zhēn’ài (zhēn’·ài treasured · loved 珍爱 珍愛) de (’s 的) Érzi (Ér·zi Son · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子) wèi (for 为 為/爲) nǐ (you 你) shěmìng (shě·mìng {to give up} · life 舍命 捨命), fùchūle (fù·chū·le paid · out · {to completion} 付出了) duō ({(how) much} 多) dà ({was great} 大) de (’s 的) xīshēng (xī·shēng sacrifice · {domestic animal} → [sacrifice] 牺牲 犧牲). Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) zhème (zhè·me {this (way)} · [suf for adverbs] 这么⧸末 這麼/末) ài (loves 爱 愛) nǐ (you 你), nǐ (you 你) gǎndòng (gǎn·dòng felt · moved 感动 感動) bùyǐ (bù·yǐ not · ceasing 不已), bùjīn (bù·jīn not · {(being able) to restrain (yourself)} 不禁) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) méngshēngle (méng·shēng·le sprouted · {gave birth to} · [indicates a change] 萌生了) jìng’ài (jìng’·ài respecting · loving 敬爱 敬愛) zhī (’s 之) qíng (emotion 情). (Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 4:9, 10)
📖 📄 📘 6. Zhēnzhèng (Zhēn·zhèng true · proper 真正) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) shì (is 是) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) biǎodá (biǎo·dá shown · expressed 表达 表達) chulai (chu·lai out · {to come} 出来 出來) de (’s 的)? Nǐ (you 你) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) cùshǐ (cù·shǐ {did urge} · {did cause} 促使) nǐ (you 你) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zuò ({to do} 做)?
📖 📄 📘 6 Rán’ér (but 然而), zhèi (this 这 這) fèn ({portion of} 份) gǎnqíng (gǎn·qíng feeling · emotion 感情) búguò (bú·guò not · passing → [only] 不过 不過) shì (was 是) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) duì (towards 对 對) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) péiyǎng (cultivating 培养 培養) zhēnzhì (zhēn·zhì genuine · sincere 真挚 真摯) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) de (’s 的) kāiduān (kāi·duān {opening → [starting]} · {extremity → [beginning]} 开端 開端) éryǐ (ér·yǐ and · finishing → [that’s all] 而已). Ài (love 爱 愛), bùzhǐ (bù·zhǐ not · just 不只) shì (is 是) nèixīn (nèi·xīn inner · heart 内心 內心) yǒu (having 有) yí (one 一) fèn ({portion of} 份) gǎnqíng (gǎn·qíng feeling · emotion 感情) huò (or 或) kǒutóu (kǒu·tóu mouth · {head → [aspect]} → [verbally] 口头 口頭) shuō (saying 说 說/説) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {small number of} → [a few] 一些) huà (words 话 話) jiù (then 就) gòu ({is enough} 够 夠) le ({to completion} 了). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zhēnde (zhēn·de truly · ’s 真的) ài (love 爱 愛) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), jiù (then 就) búhuì (bú·huì not · will 不会 不會) jǐnshì (jǐn·shì just · be 仅是 僅是) kǒu (mouth 口) li (inside 里 裡/裏) shuō (saying 说 說/説) “wǒ (I 我) ài (love 爱 愛) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華)”. Gēn (with 跟) xìnxīn (xìn·xīn believing · heart → [faith] 信心) yíyàng (yí·yàng {(of) one} · {pattern → [way]} → [the same] 一样 一樣), zhēnzhèng (zhēn·zhèng true · proper 真正) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) yào (must 要) yǒu (have 有) ài (love 爱 愛) suǒ ({that which (it)} 所) yǐnfā (yǐn·fā {draws (out)} · {to send out} 引发 引發) de (’s 的) xíngdòng (xíng·dòng doing · moving → [actions] 行动 行動) lái ({to come} 来 來) zhèngmíng (zhèng·míng {to be proven} · {to be clear} 证明 證明). (Yǎgèshū (Yǎgè·shū James · book 雅各书 雅各書) 2:26) Míngquè (Míng·què {clear, distinct} · certain → [clear and definite] 明确 明確) de (-ly 地) shuō (saying 说 說/説), yàoshi (yào·shi if · {(it) is (that)} 要是) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) ài (love 爱 愛) yí (one 一) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) rén (person 人), jiù (then 就) huì (will 会 會) zuò (do 做) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [some] 一些) lìng (causing 令) duìfāng (duì·fāng facing · {direction → [party]} → [that other person] 对方 對方) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {to be joyful} · {to be happy} 欢喜 歡喜) de (’s 的) shì (things 事), jiècǐ (jiè·cǐ {borrowing → [making use of]} · these 借此 借/藉此) bǎ ({to hold} 把) ài (love 爱 愛) biǎomíng (biǎo·míng {to be expressed} · {to be clear} 表明) chulai (chu·lai out · {to come} 出来 出來). Tóngyàng (Tóng·yàng same · {pattern → [way]} 同样 同樣), yàoshi (yào·shi if · {(it) is (that)} 要是) nǐ (you 你) duì (towards 对 對) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛) zài (in 在) xīnli (xīn·li heart · inside 心里 心裡/裏) zhāle (zhā·le {has pricked} · [indicates a change] 扎了) gēn (roots 根), nǐ (you 你) jiù (then 就) huì (will 会 會) kěwàng (kě·wàng thirstily · hope → [long] 渴望) guò ({to pass} 过 過) yì (one 一) zhǒng ({kind of} 种 種/种) lìng (makes 令) tiān (heavenly 天) Fù (Father 父) xǐyuè (xǐ·yuè {be happy} · {be pleased} 喜悦 喜悅) de (’s 的) shēnghuó (shēng·huó life · living 生活). Nǐ (you 你) shì (are 是) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) shòule jìn ((shòu·le received · {to completion} 受了) (jìn immersing 浸) → [baptized]) de (’s 的) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s 耶和华 耶和華) Jiànzhèngrén (Jiàn·zhèng·rén {have seen} · evidence · person → [Witness] 见证人 見證人) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) shì (are 是), nǐ (you 你) duì (towards 对 對) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) shēnhòu (shēn·hòu deep · thick 深厚) gǎnqíng (gǎn·qíng feeling · emotion 感情) hé (and 和) chóngjìng (chóng·jìng esteeming · respecting 崇敬) zhī (’s 之) xīn (heart 心), cùshǐ (cù·shǐ urged · caused 促使) nǐ (you 你) zuòchūle (zuò·chū·le {to make} · out · [indicates a change] 作出了) yìshēng (yì·shēng {one → [whole]} · life 一生) zhōng (within 中) zuì (most 最 最/㝡) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào weighty · important 重要) de (’s 的) juédìng (deciding → [decision] 决定 決定): Jiēshòu (Jiē·shòu {to receive} · {to accept} 接受) jìnlǐ (jìn·lǐ immersing · ceremony → [baptism] 浸礼 浸禮), yǐ ({in order to} 以) shì (show 示) zìjǐ (self 自己) yǐ (already 已) xiànshēn (xiàn·shēn {has offered → [has dedicated]} · {body → [self]} 献身 獻身) gěi (to 给 給) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華), yuànyì (yuàn·yì {are willing} · wishes → [is willing] 愿意 願意) zūnxíng (zūn·xíng {to abide by} · {to do} 遵行) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) zhǐyì (will 旨意). (Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 14:7, 8) Nǐ (you 你) yào (want 要) lǚxíng (lǚ·xíng {to shoe → [to walk]} · {to walk → [to do]} → [to fulfill] 履行) zìjǐ (self 自己) duì (to 对 對) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zuò (made 作) de (’s 的) zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) yánsù (yán·sù {tight → [strict]} · {respectful → [solemn]} → [solemn] 严肃 嚴肅) chéngnuò (chéng·nuò {bearing of} · promising → [promise] 承诺 承諾), jiù (then 就) xū (must 须 須) liúyì (liú·yì leave · {attention on} → [pay attention to] 留意) shǐtú (shǐ·tú sent · disciple → [apostle] 使徒) Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) zài (at 在) Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 5:3 hái ({in addition} 还 還) shuōle (shuō·le says’ · [indicates a change] 说了 說/説了) xiē ({indefinite/small amount of} 些) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼).
📖 📄 📘 “WǑMEN (WǑ·MEN we · [pl] 我们 我們) ZŪNSHǑU (observe 遵守) SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ above’s · God 上帝) DE (’s 的) JIÈMÌNG (JIÈ·MÌNG commandments · orders 诫命 誡命)” 🔼
📖 📄 📘 7. Nǐ (you 你) kěfǒu (kě·fǒu can · {(or) not} 可否) jǔchū (jǔ·chū raise · out → [cite (as examples)] 举出 舉/擧出) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {small number of} → [some] 一些) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命)? Yào (want 要) zūnshǒu ({to observe} 遵守) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) jiù (then 就) xū (must 须 須) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zuò (do 做)?
📖 📄 📘 7 Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) zhǐchū (zhǐ·chū {fingers → [points]} · out 指出) ài (loving 爱 愛) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) yìwèizhe (yì·wèi·zhe meaning · taste · {is being} → [means] 意味着 意味着/著) yào (must 要) “zūnshǒu (observe 遵守) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命)”. Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) bāokuò (bāo·kuò wrap · {draw together} → [include] 包括) xiē ({indefinite number of} 些) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) tōngguò (tōng·guò {through (adv)} · passing → [through] 通过 通過) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) cìgěi (cì·gěi gives · to 赐给 賜給) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) xǔduō (xǔ·duō numbers · many 许多 許多) jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [specific] 具体 具體) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), bǐrú (bǐ·rú {compared to} · {for example} 比如) bùkě (bù·kě not · may 不可) zuìjiǔ (zuì·jiǔ {be drunk with} · {alcoholic drinks} 醉酒), yínluàn (yín·luàn {be excessive → [be wanton]} · {be chaotic → [be indiscriminate]} → [be sexually immoral] 淫乱 淫亂), bài ({do obeisance to} → [worship] 拜) ǒuxiàng (ǒu·xiàng idols · images 偶像), tōuqiè (steal 偷窃 偷竊), shuōhuǎng (shuō·huǎng speak · lies 说谎 說/説謊), děngděng (děng·děng etc. · etc. 等等). (Gēlínduō Qiánshū ((Gēlínduō Corinth 哥林多) (Qián·shū earlier · book 前书 前書) → [1 Corinthians]) 5:11; 6:18; 10:14; Yǐfúsuǒshū (Yǐfúsuǒ·shū Ephesus · book → [Ephesians] 以弗所书 以弗所書) 4:28; Gēluóxīshū (Gēluóxī·shū Colossae · book → [Colossians] 歌罗西书 歌羅西書) 3:9) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zūnshǒu ({are observing} 遵守) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), jiù (then 就) xū (must 须 須) ànzhào ({in accordance with} 按照) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) li (inside 里 裡/裏) míngquè (míng·què clear · reliable 明确 明確) de (’s 的) dàodé (dào·dé {roads → [principles]} · virtues → [moral] 道德) biāozhǔn (biāo·zhǔn marks · standards → [standards] 标准 標準) shēnghuó ({be living} 生活).
📖 📄 📘 8, 9. Yǒuxiē (Yǒu·xiē {(there) are having} · some 有些) qíngkuàng (situations 情况 情況) shì (being 是) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) tígōng (tí·gōng raised · provided 提供) jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [specific] 具体 具體) zhǐyǐn (zhǐ·yǐn {finger → [pointing]} · guiding → [guidance] 指引) de (’s 的), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) cái ({only then} 才 才/纔) néng (can 能) zhīdào (zhī·dào know · {(the) way (of)} → [know] 知道) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) xǐhuan (xǐ·huan likes · {is happy with} 喜欢 喜歡) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zuò (doing 做)? Qǐng (please 请 請) jǔlì (jǔ·lì raise · example 举例 舉例).
📖 📄 📘 8 Rán’ér (but 然而), wèile (wèi·le {in order to} · {to completion} 为了 為了) lìng (make 令) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) xīn (heart 心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {to be joyful} · {to be happy} 欢喜 歡喜), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yào (need 要) zuò ({to do} 做) de ({’s (things)} 的) bùzhǐ (bù·zhǐ not · {are stopping at} 不止) shì (being 是) zūnshǒu ({abiding by} 遵守) tā (his 他) jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [definite] 具体 具體) de (’s 的) mìnglìng (commands 命令). Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) bìng (actually 并 並/竝/并) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) bānxia (bān·xia issued · down 颁下 頒下) fánduō (fán·duō numerous · many 繁多) de (’s 的) guītiáo (guī·tiáo rules · [mw] 规条 規條), zài (at 在) měi (every 每) yì (one 一) fāngmiàn (fāng·miàn side · face → [aspect] 方面) zhīpèi (zhī·pèi dispatching · allocating → [governing] 支配) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) rìcháng (rì·cháng {suns → [daily]} · normal 日常) shēnghuó (shēng·huó life · living 生活). Yīncǐ (Yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此), měi (each 每) yì (one 一) tiān (sky → [day] 天) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) dōu (all 都) kěnéng (kě·néng maybe · {being able} → [possibly] 可能) huì (will 会 會) yùdào (yù·dào encounter · {arriving at} 遇到) gèzhǒng (gè·zhǒng each · kind 各种 各種)‐gèyàng (gè·yàng each · type 各样 各樣) de (’s 的) qíngkuàng (situations 情况 情況), shì (are 是) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) tígōng (tí·gōng raised · provided 提供) jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [specific] 具体 具體) zhǐyǐn (zhǐ·yǐn {finger → [pointing]} · guiding (about) 指引) de (’s 的). Zài (at 在) zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē this · {number of} 这些 這些) qíngkuàng (situations 情况 情況) xià (under 下), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zěnme (zěn·me how · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) zhīdào (zhī·dào {will know} · {(the) way (of)} → [will know] 知道) zìjǐ (selves 自己) gāi (should 该 該) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zuò (do 做) cái ({only then} 才 才/纔) néng ({will be able} 能) lìng ({to make} 令) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) xǐyuè (xǐ·yuè {be happy} · {be pleased} 喜悦 喜悅) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) qīngchu (clearly 清楚) xiǎnshì (xiǎn·shì {to be obvious} · shows 显示 顯示) chū (out 出) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) xiǎngfa (xiǎng·fa thinking · way 想法). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) búduàn (bú·duàn not · {breaking off} 不断 不斷) yándú (yán·dú {grind → [study]} · read 研读 研讀) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經), jiù (then 就) huì (will 会 會) liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě understand · {untie → [solve]} → [understand] 了解 了/瞭解) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) xǐ’ài (xǐ’·ài likes · loves 喜爱 喜愛) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼), hènwù (hèn·wù hates · loathes 恨恶 恨惡) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼). (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 97:10; Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 6:16–19) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) jiànjiàn (jiàn·jiàn gradually · gradually 渐渐 漸漸) huì (will 会 會) míngbai (míng·bai understand · clearly 明白) tā (he 他) kànzhòng (kàn·zhòng regards · {(as) weighty} → [values] 看重) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) xíngwéi (doings → [actions] 行为 行為) hé (and 和) tàidu (tài·du states · degrees → [attitudes] 态度 態度). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yuè ({jumping over} → [the more] 越) liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě understand · {untie → [solve]} → [understand] 了解 了/瞭解) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) pǐngé (pǐn·gé character · {grid → [pattern]} 品格) hé (and 和) zuòfēng (zuò·fēng doing · {winds → [styles]} → [ways] 作风 作風), jiù (then 就) yuè ({jumping over} → [the more] 越) dǒngde (dǒng·de {will understand} · getting 懂得) rúhé (rú·hé like · how → [how] 如何) ànzhào ({in accordance with} 按照) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) guāndiǎn (guān·diǎn view·point 观点 觀點) zuò ({to make} 作) juédìng (decidings → [decisions] 决定 決定) hé (and 和) chǔshì (chǔ·shì {to handle} · affairs 处事 處事) zuòrén (zuò·rén {to be} · human → [to conduct ourselves] 做/作人). Zhèyàng (Zhè·yàng this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣), jíshǐ (jí·shǐ {even though} · if 即使) pèngdào (pèng·dào bump · (in)to 碰到) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) tígōng (tí·gōng raised · provided 提供) jùtǐ (jù·tǐ having · body → [specific] 具体 具體) zhǐyǐn (zhǐ·yǐn {finger → [pointing]} · guiding (about) 指引) de (’s 的) qíngkuàng (situations 情况 情況), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yě (even 也) zǒng (eventually 总 總/縂) néng ({would be able} 能) zhīdào (zhī·dào {to know} · {(the) way (of)} → [to know] 知道) “Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) zhǐyì (will 旨意) shì (is 是) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)”. (Yǐfúsuǒshū (Yǐfúsuǒ·shū Ephesus · book → [Ephesians] 以弗所书 以弗所書) 5:17)
📖 📄 📘 9 Bǐfang shuō ((Bǐ·fang comparing · {direction, method} 比方) (shuō saying 说 說/説) → [for example]), Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) zhíjiē (zhí·jiē {being straight} · connecting → [directly] 直接) shuō (said 说 說/説) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) bùkě (bù·kě not · may 不可) guānkàn (guān·kàn watch · see 观看 觀看) xuànrǎn (xuàn·rǎn {add washes of ink or colour to a drawing} · {add details to a painting, etc.} → [play up] 渲染) bàolì (bào·lì violent · force → [violence] 暴力) hé (and 和) sèqíng (sè·qíng {colour → [sexual]} · feeling → [eroticism] 色情) de (’s 的) diànyǐng (diàn·yǐng electric · images → [movies] 电影 電影) huò (or 或) diànshì (diàn·shì electric · {looking at} → [television] 电视 電視) jiémù (jié·mù segment · items → [programmes] 节目 節目). Dàn (but 但) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) shì (are 是) bu (not 不) shì (are 是) zhēnde (zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) xūyào (needing 需要) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) míngwén (míng·wén (in) clear · writing 明文) jìnzhǐ (jìn·zhǐ {to prohibit} · {to stop} 禁止), cái ({only then} 才 才/纔) zhīdào (zhī·dào {would know} · {(the) way (of)} → [would know] 知道) bù (not 不) gāi (should 该 該) kàn (watch 看) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · kind 这样 這樣) de (’s 的) yǐngpiàn (yǐng·piàn images · {slices → [mw]} → [videos or movies] 影片) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zhīdào (zhī·dào know · {(the) way (of)} → [know] 知道) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) kàn ({looks at} 看) zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē these · few 这些 這些) shì (matters 事). Tā de ((Tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) qīngchu (clear 清楚) de (-ly 地) gàosu (tells 告诉 告訴) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們): “Fán (any 凡 凡/凢) xǐ’ài (xǐ’·ài likes · loves 喜爱 喜愛) bàolì (bào·lì violent · force → [violence] 暴力) de (’s 的) rén (person 人), [Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華)] bì (certainly 必) hènwù (hèn·wù hates · loathes 恨恶 恨惡).” (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 11:5) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) hái (also 还 還) shuō (says 说 說/説): “Yínluàn (Yín·luàn {excessive → [wanton]} · {chaotic → [indiscriminate]} → [sexually immoral] 淫乱 淫亂) de ({’s (people)} 的), tōngjiān (tōng·jiān connect · {illicit sexual relations} → [commit adultery] 通奸 通奸/姦) de ({’s (people)} 的), Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) bìdìng (bì·dìng certainly · {has been set} 必定) shěnpàn (shěn·pàn {will try} · {will judge} 审判 審判).” (Xībóláishū (Xībólái·shū Hebrew · book → [Hebrews] 希伯来书 希伯來書) 13:4) Zhèixiē (Zhèi·xiē this · {number of} 这些 這些) huà (words 话 話) dōu (all 都) shì (are 是) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) yòng (used 用) shènglíng (shèng·líng holy · spirit 圣灵 聖靈) qǐshì (qǐ·shì {to enlighten} · {to show} → [to inspire] 启示 啟示) rén (humans 人) xiěxia (xiě·xia {to write} · down 写下 寫下) de ({’s (words)} 的), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) jiāyǐ (jiā·yǐ {add (to them)} · [suf] 加以) shēnsī (shēn·sī deep · thinking 深思), jiù (then 就) néng (can 能) qīngchu (clearly 清楚) lǐnghuì (lǐng·huì understand · {be able with → [understand]} 领会 領會) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) zhǐyì (will 旨意). Yīncǐ (Yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此), yǐngpiàn (yǐng·piàn images · {slices → [mw]} → [videos or movies] 影片) yàoshi (yào·shi if · are 要是) kèhuà (kè·huà carving · drawing → [portraying] 刻画 刻畫/劃) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) hènwù (hèn·wù hates · loathes 恨恶 恨惡) de (’ 的) xíngwéi (doing → [conduct] 行为 行為), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) jiù (then 就) juébù (jué·bù {cutting off → [absolutely]} · not 绝/决不 絕/決不) guānkàn (guān·kàn {would watch} · {would see} 观看 觀看). Zhèige (Zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) shìjiè (shì·jiè world · extent 世界) bǎ (holds 把) fǔbài (fǔ·bài rotten · {defeated → [decayed]} 腐败 腐敗) duòluò (duò·luò {fallen → [degenerated]} · descended → [decadent] 堕落 墮落) de (’s 的) shì (things 事) dàngzuò (dàng·zuò {to be regarded as} · {to be used as} 当做/作 當做/作) wúhài (wú·hài without · harm 无害 無害) de (’s 的) yúlè (yú·lè amusement · enjoyment → [entertainment] 娱乐 娛樂), dàn (but 但) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zhīdào (zhī·dào know · {(the) way (of)} → [know] 知道) qìjué (qì·jué discarding · {cutting off} 弃绝 棄絕) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · kind 这样 這樣) de (’s 的) yúlè (yú·lè amusement · enjoyment → [entertainment] 娱乐 娛樂) néng (can 能) lìng (make 令) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) xǐyuè (xǐ·yuè {be happy} · {be pleased} 喜悦 喜悅).*
📖 📄 📘 10, 11. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xuǎnzé ({do choose} 选择 選擇) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華)? Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) gāi (should 该 該) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) biǎoxiàn (biǎo·xiàn show · display 表现 表現) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從)?
📖 📄 📘 10 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zūnshǒu (observe 遵守) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), zuì (most 最 最/㝡) zhǔyào (zhǔ·yào {master → [mainly]} · important 主要) de (’s 的) yuányīn (yuán·yīn origin · reason 原因) shì (is 是) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěwàng (kě·wàng thirstily · {do hope} → [do long] 渴望) měi (each 每) tiān (sky → [day] 天) de (’s 的) shēnghuó (shēng·huó life · living 生活) dōu ({each one} 都) gēn (with 跟) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) sīxiǎng (thinking 思想) yízhì (yí·zhì {(to be of) one} · sending → [to be consistent] 一致) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣) zuò (do 做), bú (not 不) shì (is 是) wèile (wèi·le {in order to} · {to completion} 为了 為了) bìmiǎn (avoid 避免) shòufá (shòu·fá receiving · punishing 受罚 受罰), huò (or 或) bìmiǎn ({to avoid} 避免) xiàng (like 像/象) wúshì (wú·shì not · {do regard} → [disregard] 无视 無視) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God’s 上帝) zhǐyì (will 旨意) de (’s 的) rén (people 人) nàyàng (nà·yàng that · {pattern → [way]} 那样 那樣) chéngdān (chéng·dān bearing · {carrying on a shoulder pole} 承担 承擔) èguǒ (è·guǒ bad · {fruits → [consequences]} 恶果 惡果). (Jiālātàishū (Jiālātài·shū Galatia · book → [Galatians] 加拉太书 加拉太書) 6:7) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xuǎnzé (choose 选择 選擇) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華), shì (regard 视 視/眡) zhī (it 之) wéi (as 为 為/爲) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) tā (him 他) biǎodá (biǎo·dá {to show} · {to express} 表达 表達) ài (love 爱 愛) de (’s 的) bǎoguì (bǎo·guì precious · valuable 宝贵 寶貴) jīhuì (opportunity 机会 機會). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěwàng (kě·wàng thirstily · hope → [long] 渴望) zuò ({to do} 做) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [some] 一些) shì (things 事) hǎo (well 好) dédào (dé·dào {to get} · {arriving at} 得到) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) yuènà (yuè·nà {being pleased} · {to accept} → [approval] 悦纳 悅納), jiù (exactly 就) xiàng (like 像/象) háizi (hái·zi child · [suf for nouns] 孩子) kěwàng (kě·wàng thirstily · hopes → [longs] 渴望) zuò ({to do} 做) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [some] 一些) shì (things 事) hǎo (well 好) dédào (dé·dào {to get} · {arriving at} 得到) fùqin (fù·qin father · relative 父亲 父親) de (’s 的) xǐyuè (xǐ·yuè {being happy} · {being pleased} 喜悦 喜悅) yíyàng (yí·yàng {(of) one} · {pattern → [way]} → [the same] 一样 一樣). (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 5:12) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) shì (is 是) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) tiān (heavenly 天) Fù (Father 父), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) shēnshēn (deeply · deeply 深深) àidài (ài·dài love · respect 爱戴 愛戴) tā (him 他). Zhīdào (Zhī·dào knowing · {(the) way (of)} → [knowing] 知道) zìjǐ (selves 自己) zhèng ({just now} 正) ànzhe (àn·zhe {according to} · being → [according to] 按着 按着/著) “méng ({is covered by} → [receives] 蒙 蒙/懞) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s 耶和华 耶和華) yuènà (yuè·nà {being pleased} · {to accept} → [approval] 悦纳 悅納)” de (’s 的) fāngshì (fāng·shì direction · style → [way] 方式) shēnghuó ({are living} 生活), méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · {is having} (anything) 没有 沒有) bǐ ({compared to} 比) zhè (this 这 這) gèng (more 更) lìng (making 令) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) gǎndào (gǎn·dào feel · {arriving at} 感到) xǐlè (xǐ·lè {being happy} · {being joyful} → [joy] 喜乐 喜樂) hé (and 和) mǎnzú (mǎn·zú {being filled} · {to be sufficient} → [satisfaction] 满足 滿足) le ({to completion} 了). (Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 12:2)
📖 📄 📘 11 Yīncǐ (Yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此), wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) jì (both 既) búhuì (bú·huì not · will 不会 不會) dàizhe (dài·zhe {be bring-} · -ing 带着 帶着/著) yuànqì (yuàn·qì resentment · {air → [attitude]} 怨气 怨氣), yě (also 也) búhuì (bú·huì not · will 不会 不會) tiāosān‐jiǎnsì ((tiāo·sān pick · three 挑三)‐(jiǎn·sì choose · four 拣四 揀四) → [pick and choose]) huò (or 或) fùjiā (fù·jiā attach · add 附加) tiáojiàn (tiáo·jiàn {[mw for long, narrow, or thin objects] → [clauses]} · [mw for items, etc.] → [conditions] 条件 條件).* Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) búhuì (bú·huì not · will 不会 不會) tiāotiao (tiāo·tiao pick · pick 挑挑)‐jiǎnjiǎn (jiǎn·jiǎn choose · choose 拣拣 揀揀), zhǐ (only 只 只/秖/衹/祇) zài (at 在) zìjǐ (selves 自己) fāngbiàn (fāng·biàn direction · {is convenient} → [find it convenient] 方便) huòzhě (huò·zhě or · [suf] 或者) méi ({do not have} 没 沒) shénme (shén·me {what → [any]} · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) kùnnan (kùn·nan {being hard-pressed} · {being difficult} → [difficulty] 困难 困難) de (’s 的) shíhou ({(particular) times} 时候 時候) cái ({only then} 才 才/纔) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) shì (are 是) “zhōngxīn (zhōng·xīn (with) inner feelings · hearts 衷心) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從)” de (’s 的). (Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 6:17) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) gēn (with 跟) Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {pieces of writing} → [Psalms] 诗篇 詩篇) de (’ 的) yí (one 一) wèi ({place of a} → [mw for persons] 位) zhíbǐzhě (zhí·bǐ·zhě grasped · pen · person → [writer] 执笔者 執筆者) yǒu (have 有) tónggǎn (tóng·gǎn same · feeling 同感), tā (he 他) shuō (said 说 說/説): “Wǒ (I 我) sùlái (sù·lái always · {since (then)} → [always] 素来 素來) ài ({have loved} 爱 愛) nǐ de ((nǐ you 你) (de ’s 的) → [your]) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), yǐhòu (yǐ·hòu {from this point} · afterwards 以后 以後) yě (also 也) yíyàng (yí·yàng {(of) one} · {pattern → [way]} → [the same way] 一样 一樣) xǐ’ài (xǐ’·ài {will like} · {will love} (them) 喜爱 喜愛).” (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 119:47) Méi (not 没 沒) cuò (mistaken 错 錯), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xǐ’ài (xǐ’·ài like · love 喜爱 喜愛) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) chéngrèn (chéng·rèn undertake · {to recognize} → [recognize] 承认 承認) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) dāng (should 当 當) dé (get 得) wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) wánquán (complete 完全) de (’s 的), wútiáojiàn (wú·tiáo·jiàn without · {[mw for long, narrow, or thin objects] → [clause]} · [mw for items, etc.] → [unconditional] 无条件 無條件) de (’s 的) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從), ér (and 而) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) yě (also 也) yāoqiú (yāo·qiú requires · requests → [requires] 要求) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣) zuò ({to do} 做). (Shēnmìngjì (Shēn·mìng·jì states · commands · record → [Deuteronomy] 申命记 申命記) 12:32) Gǔdài (Gǔ·dài ancient · {replacings → [generations]} 古代) de (’ 的) zúzhǎng (zú·zhǎng clan · elder (man) → [patriarch] 族长 族長) Nuóyà (Noah 挪亚 挪亞) duì (to 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) zhōngxīn (zhōng·xīn {was (of) faithful} · heart → [was faithful] 忠心)‐gěnggěng (gěng·gěng {was upright} · {was upright} 耿耿), jǐshí (jǐ·shí (for) {a few} · {tens of} 几十 幾十) nián (years 年 年/秊) yìzhí (yì·zhí one · {being straight} → [continuously] 一直) fúcóng (obeyed 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), jiècǐ (jiè·cǐ {borrowing → [making use of] → [by means of]} · this 借此 借/藉此) biǎodá (biǎo·dá showed · expressed 表达 表達) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) àidài (ài·dài loving · honouring 爱戴 愛戴). Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) shuō (says 说 說/説): “Nuóyà (Noah 挪亚 挪亞) jiù (exactly 就) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣) zuò (did 做). Fán (all 凡 凡/凢) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) fēnfu ({had commanded} 吩咐) tā (him 他) de ({’s (things)} 的), tā (he 他) dōu (all 都) zhàozhe (zhào·zhe {in accordance} · being → [in accordance] 照着 照/炤着/著) zuò (did 做) le ({to completion} 了).” (Chuàngshìjì (Chuàng·shì·jì {initiating, creating of} · world · record → [Genesis] 创世纪 創世紀) 6:22) Dànyuàn (Dàn·yuàn only · wish 但愿 但願) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) duì (towards 对 對) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) yě (also 也) yǒu ({will have} 有) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · kind 这样 這樣) de (’s 的) hǎopíng (hǎo·píng good · comment 好评 好評).
📖 📄 📘 12. Zěnyàng (Zěn·yàng what · kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) huì (will 会 會) jiào (call → [make] 叫 叫/呌) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) xīn (heart 心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {to be joyful} · {to be happy} 欢喜 歡喜)?
📖 📄 📘 12 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) lèyì (lè·yì {are (of) happy} · intentions → [are willing] 乐意 樂意) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) duì (towards 对 對) cǐ (this 此) yǒu (has 有) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) gǎnjué (gǎn·jué feeling · sensing 感觉 感覺) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Tā de ((Tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) shuō (says 说 說/説), wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣) zuò (doing 做) jiào (calls → [makes] 叫 叫/呌) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) “xīn (heart 心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ joyful · happy 欢喜 歡喜)”. (Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 27:11) Wǒmen de ((Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) zhēnde (zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) néng (can 能) lìng (make 令) yǔzhòu (yǔ·zhòu universe’s · {all time, past, present and future}’s → [universe’s] 宇宙) Zhìgāo (Zhì·gāo most · high 至高) Zhǔzǎi (Zhǔ·zǎi master · governor 主宰) de (’s 的) xīn (heart 心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ joyful · happy 欢喜 歡喜) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Zhēnde (Zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) néng (can 能)! Shìshí shang ((Shì·shí matter · {being solid} → [reality] 事实 事實) (shang upon 上) → [truly]), tā (he 他) quèshí (què·shí truly · {solidly → [really]} 确实 確實) yǒu (has 有) lǐyóu (lǐ·yóu reason · cause 理由) gǎndào (gǎn·dào {to feel} · {arriving at} 感到) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ joyful · happy 欢喜 歡喜). Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) chuàngzào (chuàng·zào initiated · {made, created} 创造 創造) rén (humans 人) shí ({(particular) time} 时 時) fùyǔ (fù·yǔ {bestowed upon} · {gave to} 赋予/与 賦予/與) rén (humans 人) zìyóu (zì·yóu self-·determining → [free] 自由) yìzhì (yì·zhì intention · will 意志). Zhè (this 这 這) yìwèizhe (yì·wèi·zhe meaning · taste · {is being} → [means] 意味着 意味着/著) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yǒu (have 有) xuǎnzé ({to choose} 选择 選擇) de (’s 的) zìyóu (zì·yóu self-·determining → [freedom] 自由): Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) xuǎnzé (choose 选择 選擇) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), yě (also 也) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) xuǎnzé (choose 选择 選擇) bù (not 不) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) tā (him 他). (Shēnmìngjì (Shēn·mìng·jì states · commands · record → [Deuteronomy] 申命记 申命記) 30:15, 16, 19, 20) Yàoshi (Yào·shi if · {(it) is (that)} 要是) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yīnwei (yīn·wei {because of} · {on account of} 因为 因為) quánxīn (quán·xīn {(with) whole} · heart 全心) àidài (ài·dài loving · respecting 爱戴 愛戴) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) ér (thus 而) yuànyì (yuàn·yì {are (of) willing} · wishes → [are willing] 愿意 願意) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) tā (him 他), jiù (then 就) bìdìng (bì·dìng certainly · {being set} 必定) huì (will 会 會) lìng (make 令) tiān (heavenly 天) Fù (Father 父) shēngǎn (shēn·gǎn deeply · feel 深感) xīnwèi (xīn·wèi happy · comforted → [gratified] 欣慰). (Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 11:20) Zàishuō (Zài·shuō further · saying → [what’s more] 再说 再說/説), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xuǎnzé (choose 选择 選擇) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), yě (also 也) děngyú (děng·yú {is (of a) class → [is equivalent]} · to 等于 等於) xuǎnzéle (xuǎnzé·le choosing · [indicates a change] 选择了 選擇了) zuìjiā (zuì·jiā most · good → [best] 最佳) de (’s 的) shēnghuó (shēng·huó life · living 生活) fāngshì (fāng·shì direction · style → [way] 方式).
📖 📄 📘 “TĀ DE ((TĀ him 他) (DE ’s 的) → [his]) JIÈMÌNG (JIÈ·MÌNG commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) BÌNG (truly 并 並/竝/并) BÚ (not 不) SHÌ (are 是) CHÉNZHÒNG (CHÉN·ZHÒNG sinkingly · heavy 沉重) DE (’s 的) FÙDĀN (FÙ·DĀN {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔)” 🔼
📖 📄 📘 13, 14. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) shuō (say 说 說/説) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) “jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) bìng (truly 并 並/竝/并) bú (not 不) shì (are 是) chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔)”? Qǐng (please 请 請) yòng (use 用) bǐyù (bǐ·yù comparing · analogy → [illustration] 比喻) shuōmíng (shuō·míng {to explain} · {to be clear} 说明 說/説明).
📖 📄 📘 13 Guānyú (Guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) yāoqiú (yāo·qiú requirings · requestings → [requirements] 要求), shǐtú (shǐ·tú sent · disciple → [apostle] 使徒) Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) suǒ ({those which (he)} 所) shuō (said 说 說/説) de (’s 的) huà (words 话 話) quèshí (què·shí truly · {solidly → [really]} 确实 確實) lìng (make 令) rén (people 人) ānxīn (ān·xīn {be (of) calm} · hearts 安心). Tā (he 他) shuō (said 说 說/説): “Tā de ((Tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) bìng (truly 并 並/竝/并) bú (not 不) shì (are 是) chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔)”. Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 5:3 zhōng (within 中) yìzuò (yì·zuò translated · {to be} 译做 譯做) “chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔)” de (’s 的) Xīlà (Greek 希腊 希臘) yǔ (language 语 語) cí (word 词 詞) de (’s 的) zìmiàn (zì·miàn characters · {face → [surface]} → [literal] 字面) yìsi (yì·si meaning · thought → [meaning] 意思) shì (is 是) “chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的)”.* Lìng (another 另) yí (one 一) bù Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng holy · Scriptures → [Bible] 圣经 聖經) yìběn bǎ (holds 把) jīngwén de (’s 的) zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) bùfen yìzuò “tā (him 他) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) bú (not 不) shì (are 是) nán dān de (’s 的)”. ( Xīnyuē Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng holy · Scriptures → [Bible] 圣经 聖經) Huīfù Běn) Méi cuò, Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) yāoqiú bú (not 不) shì (are 是) bù (not 不) hélǐ huò (or 或) lìng (causing 令) rén búshèng (bú·shèng not · {to win victory over} → [not to be able to bear] 不胜 不勝) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔) de (’ 的), tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) lǜfǎ bú (not 不) shì (are 是) bùwánměi de (’s 的) rén wúfǎ fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) de (’s 的).
📖 📄 📘 14 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) dǎ ge ([mw] 个 個/个) bǐfang (bǐ·fang comparing · {direction, method} → [analogy] 比方). Nǐ de ((Nǐ you 你) (de ’s 的) → [your]) yí (one 一) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) hǎo (good 好) péngyou qǐng (asks 请 請) nǐ (you 你) bāng ({to help} 帮 幫) tā (him 他) bānjiā. Tā (he 他) yǒu (has 有) hěn (very 很) duō (many 多) xiāngzi yào (requiring 要) bān, yǒude bǐjiào qīng, yí (one 一) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) rén dōu bānde dòng; yǒude què (however 却 卻) hěn ({very much} 很) zhòng, yào (requiring 要) liǎng ge ([mw] 个 個/个) rén tái cái xíng. Nǐ de ((Nǐ you 你) (de ’s 的) → [your]) péngyou qǐng (asks 请 請) nǐ (you 你) yí (one 一) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) rén bān xiāngzi shí ({(particular) time} 时 時), huì (would 会 會) buhuì (bu·huì not · would 不会 不會) xuǎn yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [a few] 一些) míngzhī (míng·zhī clearly · knows 明知) nǐ (you 你) bānbudòng de (’s 的) xiāngzi ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Dāngrán búhuì (bú·huì not · would 不会 不會). Tā (he 他) bù (not 不) xiǎng ({would want} 想) lìng ({to cause} 令) nǐ (you 你) shòushāng. Tóngyàng (Tóng·yàng same · {pattern → [way]} 同样 同樣), cí’ài de (’s 的) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) yě búhuì (bú·huì not · would 不会 不會) yāoqiú wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zūnshǒu ({to observe} 遵守) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [a few] 一些) míngzhī (míng·zhī clearly · knows 明知) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) wúlì zūnshǒu ({to observe} 遵守) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命). (Shēnmìngjì (Shēn·mìng·jì states · commands · record → [Deuteronomy] 申命记 申命記) 30:11–14) Tā (he 他) jué ({cutting off} → [absolutely] 绝 絕/絶) búhuì (bú·huì not · would 不会 不會) yào ({ask for} 要) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) bēifù (bēi·fù {to carry on the back} · {to bear} 背负 背負) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · kind 这样 這樣) de (’s 的) zhòngdàn. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) liǎojiě wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) nénglì (néng·lì ability · power 能力) xiàndù, yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) “tā (he 他) shēnzhī (shēn·zhī deeply · knows 深知) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) běnzhì (běn·zhì root · nature 本质 本質), jìde (jì·de remembers · {getting ←} 记得 記得) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) búguò (bú·guò not · passing → [merely] 不过 不過) shì (are 是) chéntǔ”. (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 103:14)
📖 📄 📘 15. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) quèxìn (què·xìn firmly · believe 确信 確信), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) néng (can 能) ràng (allow 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) dédào (dé·dào {to get} · {arriving at} 得到) zuìdà de (’s 的) yìchu?
📖 📄 📘 15 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命) néng (can 能) ràng (allow 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) dédào (dé·dào {to get} · {arriving at} 得到) zuìdà de (’s 的) yìchu, jué ({cutting off} → [absolutely] 绝 絕/絶) bú (not 不) shì (are 是) chénzhòng (chén·zhòng sinkingly · heavy 沉重) de (’s 的) fùdān (fù·dān {shouldered (things)} · {carried on a shoulder pole (things)} → [burdens] 负担 負擔). (Yǐsàiyàshū (Yǐsàiyà·shū Isaiah · book 以赛亚书 以賽亞書) 48:17) Zhèng yīnwei (yīn·wei {because of} · {on account of} 因为 因為) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · pattern 这样 這樣), Móxī duì (to 对 對) gǔdài Yǐsèlièrén shuō (said 说 說/説): “Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) fēnfu wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) yào (must 要) zūnxíng (zūn·xíng {abide by} · {carry out} 遵行) zhè (these 这 這) yíqiè tiáolì, shíkè (shí·kè {[(every)] (particular) time} · {[(every)] moment} 时刻 時刻) jìngwèi (jìng·wèi respect · fear 敬畏) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), cháng (constantly 常) dé ({to get} 得) yìchu, shǐ wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) huózhe, jiù (exactly 就) xiàng (like 像/象) jīntiān yíyàng (yí·yàng {(of) one} · {pattern → [way]} → [the same] 一样 一樣).” (Shēnmìngjì (Shēn·mìng·jì states · commands · record → [Deuteronomy] 申命记 申命記) 6:24) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yě kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) quèxìn (què·xìn firmly · believe 确信 確信), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) cì (giving 赐 賜) lǜfǎ gěi (to 给 給) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們), shì (is 是) yǐ (considering 以) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) zuìdà yìchu wéi niàn, wèi (for 为 為/爲) wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) chángyuǎn (cháng·yuǎn long · far 长远 長遠) de (’s 的), yǒngjiǔ de (’s 的) xìngfú zhuóxiǎng (zhuó·xiǎng applying · thinking 着想 着/著想). Chúcǐyǐwài (Chú·cǐ·yǐ·wài {except for} · this · {from it} · outside 除此以外), jué ({cutting off} → [absolutely] 绝 絕/絶) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · {is having} 没有 沒有) qítā (qí·tā it · besides’ → [other] 其他) yuányīn! Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God → [God] 上帝) yǒu (has 有) wúxiàn de (’s 的) zhìhuì. (Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 11:33) Yīncǐ (Yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此), tā (he 他) zhīdào (zhī·dào knows · {(the) way (of)} → [knows] 知道) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) duì (towards 对 對) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) zuìhǎo. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) yě shì (is 是) ài (love 爱 愛) de (’s 的) huàshēn (huà·shēn {being transformed into} · body → [personification] 化身). (Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 4:8) Ài (love 爱 愛) shì (is 是) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) běnzhì (běn·zhì root · nature 本质 本質), tā (he 他) suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) shuō (says 说 說/説) suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) zuò de (’s 的) dōu chūyú (chū·yú {comes out} · from 出于 出於) ài (love 爱 愛). Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) cì (gives 赐 賜) tā (his 他) púrén de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), quándōu (quán·dōu all · even 全都) yǐ ({are using} 以) ài (love 爱 愛) wéi běn.
📖 📄 📘 16. Jǐnguǎn (Jǐn·guǎn {to the greatest extent} · {caring about} → [even though] 尽管 儘管) yào (must 要) miànduì shìjiè (shì·jiè world · extent 世界) de (’s 的) duòluò (duò·luò {fallen → [degenerated]} · descended → [decadent] 堕落 墮落) yǐngxiǎng hé (and 和) zìjǐ (selves’ 自己) bùwánměi ròutǐ de (’s 的) fànzuì qīngxiàng, wèishénme (wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) réng néng (can 能) fúcóng (obey 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝)?
📖 📄 📘 16 Zhè (this 这 這) bìng (definitely 并 並/竝/并) bú (not 不) shì (is 是) shuō ({to say} 说 說/説), fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) zǒngshì róngyì de (’s 的). Zhèige (Zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) duòluò (duò·luò {fallen → [degenerated]} · descended → [decadent] 堕落 墮落) de (’s 的) shìjiè (shì·jiè world · extent 世界) zhèng “shòu ({is being subjected to} 受) nà (that 那) èzhě (è·zhě wicked · one 恶者 惡者) kòngzhì (controlling 控制)”, wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) dōu (all 都) xū (must 须 須) dǐkàng shìjiè (shì·jiè world · extent 世界) de (’s 的) yǐngxiǎng cái ({only then} 才 才/纔) xíng (goes → [is alright] 行). (Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 5:19) Cǐwài, wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yě (also 也) xū (must 须 須) gēn (with 跟) bùwánměi ròutǐ de (’s 的) fànzuì qīngxiàng bódòu (bó·dòu wrestle · fight 搏斗 搏鬥), yǐmiǎn wéifǎn Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) lǜfǎ (laws 律法). (Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 7:21–25) Kěshì (Kě·shì but · {(it) is (the case that)} 可是), píngzhe (píng·zhe {leaning on → [based on]} · being → [based on] 凭着 憑着/著) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) shì (are 是) nénggòu (néng·gòu able · enough 能够 能夠) déshèng (dé·shèng {to get} · {winning of victory} 得胜 得勝) de (’s 的). Rén (persons 人) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華), kěwàng (kě·wàng thirstily · hoping → [longing] 渴望) jiècǐ biǎomíng (biǎo·míng {to show} · {to be clear} 表明) zìjǐ (selves 自己) duì (towards 对 對) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) ài (love 爱 愛), bì (certainly 必) méng Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) cì (bestowing 赐 賜) fú (blessing 福). Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) huì (will 会 會) bǎ (hold 把) shènglíng (shèng·líng holy · spirit 圣灵 聖靈) cìgěi (cì·gěi {to be given} · to 赐给 賜給) “fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God’s 上帝) tǒngzhì (tǒng·zhì commanding · ruling 统治 統治) de (’s 的) rén (persons 人)”. (Shǐtú Xíngzhuàn ((Shǐ·tú sent · disciples’ → [apostles’] 使徒) (Xíng·zhuàn doings · biography 行传 行傳) → [Acts]) 5:32) Shènglíng (Shèng·líng holy · spirit 圣灵 聖靈) néng (can 能) zài (on 在) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) shēnshang (shēn·shang {bodies → [selves]} · upon 身上) jiēchū měihǎo (měi·hǎo beautiful · good 美好) de (’s 的) guǒshí, jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) gèzhǒng yǒuzhùyú wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) de (’s 的) bǎoguì (bǎo·guì precious · valuable 宝贵 寶貴) tèzhì (tè·zhì special · qualities 特质 特質). (Jiālātàishū (Jiālātài·shū Galatia · book → [Galatians] 加拉太书 加拉太書) 5:22, 23)
📖 📄 📘 17, 18. (Jiǎ ({1st of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [a] 甲)) Běn ({root or stem of a plant} → [this] 本) shū (book 书 書) huì (will 会 會) tàntǎo (tàn·tǎo explore · discuss → [examine] 探讨 探討) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)? Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yuèdú zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē this · {amount of} 这些 這些) zīliào shí ({(particular) times} 时 時) yào (must 要) jǐnjì shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)? (Yǐ ({2nd of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [b] 乙)) Xià yì (one 一) zhāng huì (will 会 會) tántan shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)?
📖 📄 📘 17 Běn ({root or stem of a plant} → [this] 本) shū (book 书 書) huì (will 会 會) tàntǎo (tàn·tǎo explore · discuss → [examine] 探讨 探討) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) yuánzé, dàodé (dào·dé {roads → [principles]} · virtues → [moral] 道德) biāozhǔn (biāo·zhǔn marks · standards → [standards] 标准 標準), háiyǒu (hái·yǒu also · has 还有 還有) qítā (qí·tā them · besides’ → [other] 其他) xǔduō (xǔ·duō numbers · many 许多 許多) xiǎnshì (xiǎn·shì {to be evident} · show 显示 顯示) chū (out 出) tā (his 他) zhǐyì (will 旨意) de (’s 的) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng holy · Scriptures → [Bible] 圣经 聖經) jìzǎi (jì·zǎi recorded · writings → [accounts] 记载 記載). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yuèdú zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē this · {amount of} 这些 這些) zīliào shí ({(particular) times} 时 時) yào (must 要) jǐnjì jǐ jiàn zhòngyào (zhòng·yào weighty · important 重要) de (’s 的) shì (things 事). Ràng (let 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) jìzhu, Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) búhuì (bú·huì not · will 不会 不會) qiǎngpò (qiǎng·pò strive · {to force} 强迫 強迫) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) fúcóng ({to obey} 服从 服從) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) lǜfǎ hé (and 和) yuánzé, tā (he 他) xīwàng (hopes → [wishes] 希望) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) gānxīn‐lèyì de (-ly 地) fúcóng ({will obey} 服从 服從) tā (him 他). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yě yào (must 要) jìzhu, Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) yào ({is asking for} 要) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) guò ({to pass} 过 過) de (’s 的) shēnghuó (shēng·huó life · living 生活) bùjǐn xiànjīn néng (can 能) dàdà (dà·dà greatly · greatly 大大) zàofú wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們), érqiě jiānglái (jiāng·lái {going to} · come → [in the future] 将来 將來) huì (will 会 會) wèi (for 为 為/爲) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) dàilái yǒngshēng (yǒng·shēng everlasting · life 永生). Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) hái (also 还 還) yào (must 要) jìzhu, wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) quánxīn (quán·xīn {being whole} · hearts 全心) fúcóng ({are obeying} 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · are 就是) zhēnxī (zhēn·xī treasuring · cherishing 珍惜) jīhuì (opportunity 机会 機會) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) tā (him 他) biǎomíng (biǎo·míng {to show} · {to be clear} 表明) zìjǐ (selves 自己) duōme (duō·me {(how) much} · [suf] 多么 多麼) ài (love 爱 愛) tā (him 他).
📖 📄 📘 18 Wèile (Wèi·le {in order to} · {to completion} 为了 為了) bāngzhù (help 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) biànmíng shìfēi, Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) rén’ài de (-ly 地) fùyǔ (fù·yǔ {has bestowed upon} · {has given to} 赋予/与 賦予/與) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) liángxīn zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) ēncì. Kěshì (Kě·shì however · is 可是), liángxīn bìxū (must 必须 必須) jīngguò xūntáo (xūn·táo {curing (meat/etc.) with smoke} · {moulding (as with clay)} → [training] 熏陶 熏/薰陶), shòudào qiánghuà, cái ({only then} 才 才/纔) néng ({would be able} 能) gěi ({to give} 给 給) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) kěkào (kě·kào can · {be leaned on → [be relied on]} 可靠) de (’s 的) zhǐyǐn (zhǐ·yǐn {finger → [pointing]} · guiding 指引). Xià (below → [next] 下) yì (one 一) zhāng ▶️ huì (will 会 會) tántan zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) wèntí (wèn·tí asking · subject 问题 問題).
📖 📄 📘 NǏ (you 你) HUÌ (would 会 會) ZĚNYÀNG (ZĚN·YÀNG what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) HUÍDÁ (HUÍ·DÁ {circle back} · {to answer} 回答)?
- 📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) qīwàng chóngbài tā (him 他) de (’s 的) rén duì (to 对 對) tā (him 他) biǎoxiàn (biǎo·xiàn {will show} · {will display} 表现 表現) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從)? Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) shuō (say 说 說/説), zhè (this 这 這) shì (is 是) wèi (for 为 為/爲) wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) zuìdà de (’s 的) yìchu zhuóxiǎng (zhuó·xiǎng applying · thinking 着想 着/著想)? (Shēnmìngjì (Shēn·mìng·jì states · commands · record → [Deuteronomy] 申命记 申命記) 5:28–33)
- 📖 📄 📘 Zài (in 在) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s 耶和华 耶和華) kànlai (kàn·lai {looking at} · {coming to be} → [considering] 看来 看來), wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) de (’s 的) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) yǒu ({is having} 有) duō ({(how) much} 多) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào {being weighty} · {being important} 重要)? (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ((Sāmǔ’ěr·jì Samuel · record 撒母耳记 撒母耳記) (Shàng upper 上) → [1 Samuel]) 15:22, 23)
- 📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) cóng (from 从 從) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) duì (towards 对 對) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) huái ({(carries in) bosom} → [harbours] 怀 懷) de (’ 的) tàidu (tài·du state · degree → [attitude] 态度 態度) xuédào shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)? (Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 8:29)
- 📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) fúcóng (obeying 服从 服從) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) wèishénme (wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) shì (is 是) tiānjīng‐dìyì ((tiān·jīng heaven’s · scripture 天经 天經)‐(dì·yì earth’s · righteousness 地义 地義) → [perfectly right and proper]) de (’s 的)? (Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù enlightening · showing · record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 4:11)