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📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐17 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(SHÍ·QĪ TEN · SEVEN → [SEVENTEEN] 17) [17TH]) (LESSON)

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 5:19 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) jiù (then 就) duì (towards → [to]) tāmen (tā·men him · [pl] [them] 他们 他們) shuō (said說/説): “ (I 我) shíshí (shí·shí {solidly → [truly]} · {solidly → [truly]} 实实 實實)zàizài (zài·zài presently · presently 在在) gàosu (tell 告诉 告訴) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們), Érzi (Ér·zi {Child → [Son]} · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子) zuò (doing 做) shénme (shén·me {what → [whatever]} · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) shì (thing 事) dōu ({in all those cases} 都) bùnéng (bù·néng not · can → [cannot] 不能) zìzuò‐zhǔzhāng ((zì·zuò self · make 自作)‐(zhǔ·zhāng advocating · spreading → [stand] 主张 主張) [act on his own]), zhǐyǒu (zhǐ·yǒu (there) only · {is having → [is]} 只有) kàndào (kàn·dào seeing · {arriving at} 看到) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) zuò ({is doing} 做) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼), Érzi (Ér·zi {Child → [Son]} · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子) cái ({only then}才/纔) zuò (does 做) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼). Wúlùn (Wú·lùn {not having} · {discussing of} → [no matter] 无论 無論) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) zuò (does 做) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼), Érzi (Ér·zi {Child → [Son]} · [suf for nouns] 儿子 兒子) dōu ({in all those cases} 都) zhàoyàng (zhào·yàng {in accordance with} · {(that) pattern} 照样 照樣) zuò (does 做). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 14:9 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) duì (towards → [to]) (him 他) shuō (said說/説): “ (I 我) gēn (with 跟) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) zài yìqǐ ((zài {have been in} 在) (yì·qǐ one · {rising → [group]} 一起) [have been together]) zhème (zhè·me this · [suf for interrogatives and adverbs] 这么/末 這麼/末) jiǔ (long 久) le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了), Féilì (Philip 腓力) (you 你) hái (still) (not 不) rènshi (rèn·shi (have come) {to recognize} · {to know} 认识 認識) (me 我) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])? Shéi (whoever) kànjianle (kàn·jian·le {{has looked at} · {to be seeing} → [has seen]} · {to completion} 看见了 看見了) (me 我), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) kànjianle (kàn·jian·le {{has looked at} · {to be seeing} → [has seen]} · {to completion} 看见了 看見了) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親). (you 你) zěnme (zěn·me how · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) shuō (say說/説), ‘Qiú ({(I) request} 求) (you 你) ràng ({to let}) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) kàn (see 看) yi (one 一) kàn ({seeing of} 看) tiān (heavenly 天) (Father 父)ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 14:31 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Kěshì (Kě·shì but · {(it) is (the case that)} 可是) wèile (wèi·le for · {to completion} 为了 為了) ràng (making) shìrén (shì·rén {generation’s → [world’s]} · people 世人) zhīdào (zhī·dào {to know} · {(the) way (of)} → [to know] 知道) (I 我) ài (love) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親), (I 我) zhèng (exactly 正) zhàozhe (zhào·zhe {in accordance with} · being → [in accordance with] 照着 照/炤着/著) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) gěi ({has given}) (me 我) de (’s 的) mìnglìng (commands 命令) ({am going} 去) zuò ({to do} 做). Qǐlai (Qǐ·lai {get up} · {to come} 起来 起來), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) líkāi (lí·kāi {will leave} · {to be opened from → [away from]} 离开 離開) zhèlǐ (zhè·lǐ this · inside → [here] 这里 這裡/裏) ba ([ptcl indicating a suggestion, request, or mild command] 吧/叭).” 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 14:23 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) huídá (huí·dá {circling back} · {to answer} 回答) (him 他) shuō (said說/説): “Shéi (whoever) ài (loves) (me 我), jiù (then 就) huì (will) ànzhào (àn·zhào {referring to → [in accordance with]} · {illuminated (by) → [reflecting] → [in accordance with]} → [in accordance with] 按照) (I 我) shuō (say說/説) de (’s 的) huà (words) (go 去) zuò ({to do} 做), (my 我) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) (also 也) huì (will) ài (love) (him 他), érqiě (ér·qiě and · further 而且) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) huì (will) dào ({arriving at} 到) (him 他) nàli (nà·li that · inside → [there] 那里 那裡/裏) (go 去), gēn (with 跟) (him 他) zhù (dwell 住) zài (in 在) yìqǐ (yì·qǐ one · {rising → [group]} → [the same place] 一起). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán Admonishing · Sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 8:31 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 (I 我) yīn ({because of} 因) (he 他) zào (created 造) de (’s 的) dàdì (dà·dì {big → [great]} · earth → [earth] 大地) ér (thus 而) huānxīn ({was joyful} 欢欣 歡欣),
(also 也) tèbié (tè·bié especially · differentiatedly → [especially] 特别 特別) xǐ’ài (xǐ’·ài liked · loved 喜爱 喜愛) shìshang (shì·shang {generation → [world]} · upon 世上) de (’s 的) rén (men 人). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Mǎkě Fúyīn ((Mǎkě Mark’s 马可 馬可) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to Mark]) 1:40–42 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 40 Yǒu ({(there) was having} → [(there) was] 有) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) máfēng‐bìng‐rén ((má·fēng numbing · wind → [leprosy] 麻/痳风 麻/痳風)‐(bìng diseased 病)‐(rén person 人) [leper]) láidào (lái·dào coming · {to arrive at} 来到 來到) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) nàli (nà·li that · inside → [there] 那里 那裡/裏), guìxia (guì·xia kneeling · down 跪下) kěnqiú (kěn·qiú earnestly · entreating 恳求 懇求) (him 他) shuō (saying說/説): “Zhǐyào (Zhǐ·yào (it) only · {is required} (that) 只要) (you 你) yuànyì (yuàn·yì {are (of) willing} · wishes → [are willing] 愿意 願意), jiù (then 就) néng (can 能) shǐ (make 使) (me 我) quányù (quán·yù {fully recover from illness} · {be better → [become well]} 痊愈 痊愈/癒/瘉).” 41 Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) hěn ({very much} 很) kělián (kě·lián (felt he) {was able to} · {be pitied} → [had pity on] 可怜 可憐) (him 他), jiù (then 就) shēnchu (shēn·chu stretched · out 伸出) shǒu (hand 手) lái ({to come}) ({to touch} 摸) (him 他), shuō (saying說/説): “ (I 我) hěn ({very much} 很) yuànyì (yuàn·yì {am (of) willing} · wishes → [am willing] 愿意 願意)! (you 你) quányù (quán·yù {fully recover from illness} · {be better → [become well]} 痊愈 痊愈/癒/瘉) ba ([ptcl indicating a suggestion, request or mild command] 吧/叭).” 42 Máfēng (Má·fēng numbing · wind → [leprosy] 麻/痳风 麻/痳風) lìkè (lì·kè (at that) {standing → [immediate]} · {carving → [moment]} → [immediately] 立刻) cóng (from) (him 他) shēnshang (shēn·shang {body → [self]} · upon 身上) xiāoshī (xiāo·shī vanished · {was lost} 消失), (he 他) jiù (then 就) quányù (quán·yù {fully recovered from illness} · {was better → [became well]} 痊愈 痊愈/癒/瘉) le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 15:13, 14 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 13 Rén (person 人) wèi ({in behalf of}為/爲) péngyou (friends 朋友) xīshēng (xī·shēng sacrifices · {(as with a) domestic animal} → [sacrifices] 牺牲 犧牲) shēngmìng (life 生命), rén ((among) persons 人) de ( 的) àixīn (ài·xīn loving · hearts → [loves] 爱心 愛心) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu (there) not · {is having → [is]} (any) → [(there) is not (any)] 没有 沒有) ({compared to} 比) zhè (this) gèng (more 更) (big → [great] 大) de ({’s (love)} 的) le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了). 14 Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yàoshi (yào·shi if · are 要是) zhào ({in accordance with}照/炤) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) fēnfu (commandings 吩咐) (going 去) zuò ({to do} 做), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · are 就是) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) péngyou (friends 朋友) le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Lùjiā Fúyīn ((Lùjiā Luke’s 路加) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to Luke]) 6:12 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Zài (in 在) nèi (that 那) duàn ({section of} 段) shíqī (shí·qī {(particular) time} · period 时期 時期), yǒu ({(there) was having} → [(there) was] 有) (one 一) (time 次) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) shàngshān (shàng·shān {went up to} · mountain 上山) ({to go} 去) dǎogào (dǎo·gào {to pray} · {to request | to tell} → [to pray] 祷告 禱告). (he 他) zhěngyè (zhěng·yè whole · night 整夜) xiàng (to向/曏/嚮) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayed · {requested | told} → [prayed] 祷告 禱告). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 15:10 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yàoshi (yào·shi if · are 要是) zūnshǒu (observing 遵守) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), jiù (then 就) huì (will) shíkè (shí·kè {(every) (particular) time} · {(every) carving → [(every) moment]} 时刻 時刻) liú (remain留/畱) zài (in 在) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) ài (love) li (inside裡/裏), zhèngrú (zhèng·rú just · as 正如) (I 我) zūnshǒule (zūnshǒu·le {have observed} · {to completion} 遵守了) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · Relative 父亲 父親) de (’s 的) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandments · orders 诫命 誡命), jiù (then 就) shíkè (shí·kè {(every) (particular) time} · {(every) carving → [(every) moment]} 时刻 時刻) liú (remain留/畱) zài (in 在) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) [his]) ài (love) li (inside裡/裏). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Fúyīn ((Yuēhàn John’s 约翰 約翰) (Fú·yīn Blessings · {Sounds → [News]} 福音) [The Good News According to John]) 17:26 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 (I 我) yǐjing (yǐ·jing already · {have gone through} 已经 已經) shǐ (making 使) tāmen (tā·men him/her · [pl] [them] 他们 他們) rènshi (rèn·shi recognize · know 认识 認識) nǐ de ((nǐ you 你) (de ’s 的) [your]) míng (name 名), yǐhòu (yǐ·hòu {from this point} · afterwards 以后 以後) hái ({still more}) yào (will 要) shǐ (make 使) tāmen (tā·men him/her · [pl] [them] 他们 他們) rènshi (rèn·shi recognize · know 认识 認識), zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {form → [way]} 这样 這樣) (you 你) ài (loved) (me 我) de (’s 的) nèi (that 那) zhǒng ({kind of}種/种) ài (love), jiù (then 就) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ may · [suf] 可以) liú (remain留/畱) zài (in 在) tāmen (tā·men him/her · [pl] [them] 他们 他們) lǐmiàn (lǐ·miàn in·side 里面 裡/裏面), (I 我) (also 也) gēn (with 跟) tāmen (tā·men him/her · [pl] [them] 他们 他們) liánhé (lián·hé {will be united} · {will be closed → [will be joined]} 联合 聯合).” 🔼