◀️ 🔼 ▶️


📖 📄 📘Jiǎndān (Jiǎn·dān Simple · {Single → [Simple]} → [Simple] 简单 簡單)de (’s 的) Shēngwù (Shēng·wù Living · Things 生物) Zhēnde (Zhēn·de Really · ’s 真的) Jiǎndān (Jiǎn·dān {Are Simple} · {Are Single → [Are Simple]} → [Are Simple] 简单 簡單) Ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])🔼
[🔊 (jw.org…🎧 > MP3)]



Question 2 1st picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 Réntǐ (Rén·tǐ human · body 人体 人體) de (’s 的) 200 duō ({more than (that)} 多) zhǒng ({kinds of}種/种) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) zhēnde (zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) néng (could 能) pèngqiǎo (pèng·qiǎo {having bumped into} · {being coincidental} → [by chance] 碰巧) chǎnshēng (chǎn·shēng {be given birth to → [be produced]} · {be given birth to → [be caused to exist]} → [be brought into being] 产生 產生) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

📖 📄 📘 Réntǐ (Rén·tǐ human · body’s 人体 人體) gòuzào (gòu·zào {constructing’s → [structure’s]} · making’s → [structure’s] 构造 構造) fùzá (fù·zá {being turned around’s → [being compound’s]} · {being mixed’s} → [being complex’s] 复杂 複雜) chéngdù (chéng·dù distance · degree → [degree] 程度) zhī (’s 之) gāo ({being high} 高), zài (in 在) yǔzhòu (yǔ·zhòu universe · {all time, past, present, and future} → [universe] 宇宙) zhōng (within 中) kěwèi (kě·wèi {(it) can} · {be said} 可谓 可謂) shǔ‐yī‐shǔ‐èr ((shǔ {to be counted as} → [to be reckoned as])‐(yī one 一)‐(shǔ {to be counted as} → [to be reckoned as])‐(èr two 二) [to be reckoned as among the highest]). Réntǐ dàyuē yǒu 100 wàn yì ((wàn {ten thousand}萬/万) (yì {hundred million} 亿 ) [trillion]) ge ([mw]個/个) wēixiǎo de xìbāo, lìrú gǔ xìbāo, xuè xìbāo, nǎo xìbāo. Qíshí, réntǐ xìbāo yǒu 200 duō zhǒng.

📖 📄 📘 Réntǐ (Rén·tǐ human · body’s 人体 人體) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) de ( 的) xíngzhuàng (shapes 形状 形狀) duōzhǒng (duō·zhǒng (are of) many · kinds 多种 多種)duōyàng (duō·yàng (are of) many · appearances 多样 多樣), gōngnéng (gōng·néng achievement · abilities → [functions] 功能) fēnfán (fēn·fán {are numerous} · {are complicated} 纷繁 紛繁), lìngrén (lìng·rén {commanding → [causing]} · person 令人) jīngtàn (jīng·tàn {to be startled} · {to exclaim in admiration} 惊叹 驚嘆/歎). Búdàn zhèyàng, réntǐ xìbāo hái gòuchéng (gòu·chéng form · {to become} → [form] 构成 構成) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) fùzá de zōnghé wǎngluò, xiāngbǐ (xiāng·bǐ {with each other} · {being compared} 相比) zhīxià (zhī·xià ’s · under 之下), liánxìzhe (lián·xì·zhe joining · tying · being → [linking] 联系着 聯繫着/著) jùliàng diànnǎo, yǒu (having 有) gāosù (gāo·sù high · speed 高速) zīliào (zī·liào resources · material → [data] 资料 資料) chuánsòng (chuán·sòng transmitting · carrying 传送 傳送) xiànlù de ( 的) Hùlián Wǎng ((Hù·lián Mutually · Connected 互联 互聯) (Wǎng Net → [Network]網/网) [Internet]) (even 也) xiǎnde bènzhòng chídùn. Jiùsuàn shì xìbāo zuì jīběn de (’s 的) bùfen (bù·fen part · portion 部分) suǒ ({that which (they)} 所) shèjí de jīzhì yě shífēn jīngmiào, shì rénlèi rènhé fāmíng dōu bùnéng pìměi de. Nàme, réntǐ xìbāo jiūjìng shì zěnyàng xíngchéng (xíng·chéng {form (n)} · {did come to be} → [did form] 形成) de ({’s (things)} 的) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)?

📖 📄 📘 Xǔduō (Xǔ·duō numbers · many 许多 許多) kēxué‐jiā ((kē·xué {branches of study} · learning → [science] 科学 科學)‐(jiā -ists 家) [scientists]) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) shuō ({do say}說/説)? Huó (living 活) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) fēn ({are divided into} 分) liǎng (two) (big → [major] 大) lèi (categories): Yǒu (having 有) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) ({pit (of a fruit)} → [nucleus]核/覈) de ({’ (ones)} 的), méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · having 没有 沒有) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) ({pit (of a fruit)} → [nucleus]核/覈) de ({’ (ones)} 的). Rénlèi (Rén·lèi human·kind 人类 人類) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) dòng‐zhíwù de xìbāo dōu yǒu xìbāo hé*, xìjūn (xì·jūn tiny · bacteria → [bacteria] 细菌 細菌) de (’s 的) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) zé méiyǒu. Yǒu xìbāo hé de xìbāo jiàozuò zhēnhé (zhēn·hé true · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [eukaryotic] 真核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞), méiyǒu xìbāo hé de jiàozuò yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞). Xiāngduì (Xiāng·duì {one another} · facing → [relatively] 相对 相對) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}說/説), yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) de ( 的) gòuzào (gòu·zào {constructings → [structures]} · makings → [structures] 构造 構造) ({compared to} 比) zhēnhé (zhēn·hé true · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [eukaryotic] 真核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) jiǎndān, suǒyǐ xǔduō kēxué‐jiā rènwéi dòng‐zhíwù de xìbāo dōu bìdìng shì cóng xìjūn xìbāo yǎnshēng chulai de.

📖 📄 📘 Shìshí shang ((Shì·shí matter · {being solid} → [fact] 事实 事實) (shang upon 上) [in fact]), xǔduō (xǔ·duō numbers · many 许多 許多) kēxué‐jiā ((kē·xué {branches of study} · learning → [science] 科学 科學)‐(jiā -ists 家) [scientists]) rènwéi (rèn·wéi identify · {(it) to be} 认为 認為), zài (in 在) (one 一) duàn ({section of} 段) yōucháng (yōu·cháng {remote (in time)} · long 悠长 悠長) de (’s 的) suìyuè (suì·yuè {years (of age)} · {moons → [months]} 岁月 歲月) li (inside裡/裏), yǒuxiē (yǒu·xiē {(there) were having → [(there) were]} · some 有些)jiǎndān (jiǎn·dān simple · {single → [simple]} → [simple] 简单 簡單)de (’s 的) yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) tūnshíle (tūn·shí·le (that) swallowed · ate · {to completion} 吞食了) qítā (qí·tā them · otherwise’s → [other] 其他) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞), què méiyǒu jiāyǐ (jiā·yǐ {added (to that)} · [suf] 加以) xiāohuà, hòulái méiyǒu zhìhuì de dà zìrán ((dà big → [great] 大) (zì·rán naturally · so → [nature] 自然) [nature]) zhǎodàole fāngfǎ, lìng zhèixiē bèi tūnshí de xìbāo búdàn gōngnéng dà biàn, hái néng zài sùzhǔ (sù·zhǔ lodging · host → [host (of a parasite)] 宿主)xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) li (inside裡/裏) āndùn xialai, zài (in 在)sùzhǔ (sù·zhǔ lodging · host → [host (of a parasite)] 宿主)jìnxíng (jìn·xíng advanced · {walked → [carried out]} 进行 進行) fùzhì (fù·zhì {turning around → [again]} · producing → [replicating] 复制 複製) shí ({(particular) times}) (also 也) (not 不) shòu ({to receive} 受) yǐngxiǎng, yìtóng fùzhì.*

📖 📄 📘 Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) shuō ({does say}說/説)? Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) shuō (says說/説) dìqiú (dì·qiú earth · globe 地球) shang (upon 上) de (’s 的) shēngmìng (life 生命) shì (is 是) zhìhuì (zhì·huì wisdom · intelligence → [wisdom] 智慧) de (’s 的) jiéjīng (jié·jīng {tied (into a knot) → [formed]} · crystal → [crystallization] 结晶 結晶). Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) de (’s 的) jiěshì (jiě·shì {untying → [solving]} · explaining 解释 解釋) héqíng‐hélǐ ((hé·qíng {is closing with → [is fitting/according with]} · {sensibility → [situation]} → [is fitting the situation] 合情)‐(hé·lǐ {is closing with → [is fitting/according with]} · reason → [is rational] 合理) [is fair and reasonable (possibly derived from hé qínglǐ)]): Rènhé (Rèn·hé {no matter} · which → [any] 任何) fángwū (house 房屋) dōu ({every one} 都) yǒu (has 有) rén (person 人) jiànzào ({(who) constructed (it)} 建造), dàn (but 但) jiànzào (constructed 建造) wànwù (wàn·wù {ten thousand → [all]} · things 万物 萬物) de ({’ (one)} 的) jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝).” (Xībóláishū (Xībólái·shū Hebrew · Book → [Hebrews] 希伯来书 希伯來書) 3:4) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) (also 也) shuō (says說/説): Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊), (you 你) suǒ ({that which (you)} 所) zào ({have made} 造) de ({’s (things)} 的) duōme (duō·me {(how) much} · [suf] → [how] 多么 多麼) fēngfù (fēng·fù {are plentiful} · {are abundant} 丰富 豐富)! Zhè (this) yíqiè (yí·qiè {one (whole)} · {corresponding (set)} → [all] 一切) dōu (all 都) shì (is 是) (you 你) yòng (using 用) zhìhuì (zhì·huì wisdom · intelligence → [wisdom] 智慧) zàochéng (zào·chéng {have made} · {to come to be} 造成) de ({’s (set of things)} 的). Dàdì (Dà·dì {big → [great]} · earth → [the earth] 大地) bùmǎn nǐ suǒ zào de wànwù (wàn·wù {ten thousand → [all]} · things 万物 萬物)qízhōng yǒu wúshù de dòngwù, yǒu ({are having} → [are] 有) dàda (dà·da {big → [great]} · {big → [great]} 大大)xiǎoxiǎo (xiǎo·xiǎo small · small 小小) de (’s 的) huówù.” (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {Sacred Song} · {Piece of Writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 104:24, 25)

Question 2 2nd picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 ({not having}無/无)shēngmìng (life 生命) de (’s 的) huàxué (huà·xué {transforming → [chemistry]} · studying → [chemical] 化学 化學) wùzhì (wù·zhì matter · substances → [substances] 物质 物質) zhēnde (zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) néng (could 能) yǎnshēng (yǎn·shēng {spill over} · {give birth to} → [give rise to] 衍生) chū (out 出) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个)jiǎndān (jiǎn·dān simple · {single → [simple]} → [simple] 简单 簡單)de (’s 的) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) lai ({to come}) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

📖 📄 📘 Zhèngjù (evidence 证据 證/証據) xiǎnshì (xiǎn·shì {to be evident} · {does show} 显示 顯示) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)? Duōkuī (Duō·kuī much · {owing to} → [thanks to] 多亏 多虧) wēi‐shēngwù‐xué ((wēi micro- 微)‐(shēng·wù living · things 生物)‐(xué studying) [microbiology]) de (’s 的) fāzhǎn (fā·zhǎn {issuing forth → [developing]} · {opening up} → [advancing] 发展 發展), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) néng ({are able} 能) xìkàn (xì·kàn {being thin, fine → [being meticulous]} · {to look at} → [to peer into] 细看〔細看 細看) yǐzhī (yǐ·zhī already · known 已知) de (’s 的) zuì (most最/㝡) jiǎndān de huó yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞), xīnshǎng (xīn·shǎng {being happy → [happily]} · {to reward → [to recognize]} → [to admire] 欣赏 欣賞) dào ({arriving at} 到) xìbāo nà lìngrén jīngtàn de (’s 的) gòuzào (gòu·zào {constructing → [structure]} · making → [structure] 构造 構造). Zhīchí jìnhuà de kēxué‐jiā tuīduàn (tuī·duàn {push → [deduce]} · {break → [judge]} → [deduce] 推断 推斷), yuánshǐ (yuán·shǐ original · beginning 原⧸元始) huó (living 活) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) de ( 的) xíngtài (xíng·tài forms · appearances → [forms] 形态 形態) gēn (with 跟) xiàndài de yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) bìdìng (bì·dìng certainly · {(it) has been set} 必定) xiāngchà (xiāng·chà {with each other} · differ 相差) búdà (bú·dà not · {being big → [greatly]} 不大).

📖 📄 📘 Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) jìnhuà‐lùn ((jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [theory of evolution]) shì (is 是) duì (towards → [correct]) de ({’s (theory)} 的), zhèi (this) tào ({set of} 套) lǐlùn (lǐ·lùn reasoning · {discussing → [theory]} → [theory] 理论 理論) jiù (then 就) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) néng ({be able} 能) hélǐ (hé·lǐ {closing with → [fitting/according with]} · reason → [reasonable] 合理) de (-ly 地) jiěshì (jiě·shì {to untie → [to solve]} · {to explain} 解释 解釋) dì‐yī ((dì [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(yī one 一) [first]) ge ([mw]個/个)jiǎndān (jiǎn·dān simple · {single → [simple]} → [simple] 简单 簡單)de (’s 的) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) pèngqiǎo (pèng·qiǎo {having bumped into} · {being coincidental} → [by chance] 碰巧) xíngchéng (xíng·chéng {form (n)} · {came to be} → [formed] 形成). Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) shēngmìng (life 生命) láizì (lái·zì came · from 来自 來自) chuàngzào (chuàng·zào initiating · {making, creating} → [creation] 创造 創造), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) jiù (then 就) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) néng ({be able} 能) zài (in 在) zuìxiǎo de shēngwù li yě kàndào jīngmiào (jīng·miào {(having) spirit → [refined]} · ingenious → [exquisite] 精妙) de (’s 的) shèjì (shè·jì {setting up} · planning → [design] 设计 設計). Hébù (Hé·bù why · not 何不) cānguān (cān·guān {call on} · {look at} → [tour] 参观 參觀) yíxià (yí·xià one · {going down → [time]} 一下) yuánhé xìbāo ne? Cānguān qījiān, qǐng (please) xiǎngxiang (xiǎng·xiang {think about} · {think about} 想想) zhèyàng de xìbāo dàodǐ (dào·dǐ to · {bottom → [the end]} → [in the final analysis] 到底) yǒu méiyǒu kěnéng pèngqiǎo xíngchéng (xíng·chéng {form (n)} · {to come to be} → [to form] 形成).


📖 📄 📘 Yào ({(if you) want} 要) cānguān (cān·guān {to call on} · {to look at} → [to tour] 参观 參觀) yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞), (you 你) jiù (then 就) děi (must 得) suōxiǎo (suō·xiǎo shrink · {to be small} 缩小 縮小), biànde (biàn·de {to change} · {to get} 变得 變得) hǎoxiàng (hǎo·xiàng {well → [very much]} · like 好像/象) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) jùhào (jù·hào sentence · mark → [period] 句号 句號) de (’s 的) ({a few}) bǎi (hundred 百) fēn (dividings → [parts] 分) zhī (’ → [among them] 之) (one 一) nàme (nà·me that · [suf] 那么/末 那麼/末) xiǎo (small 小). Zhèige (Zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) hǎobǐ (hǎo·bǐ well · {is compared to} → [is just like] 好比) (one 一) jiā ([mw for families, businesses] 家) gōngchǎng (gōng·chǎng work · factory → [factory] 工厂 工廠), (you 你) jìnrù qián, huì kàndào gōngchǎng de (’s 的) wéiqiáng (wéi·qiáng enclosing · wall 围墙 圍牆)xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (membrane 膜). Shíjì de wéiqiáng (uses 以) zhuān (brick磚/甎/塼) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) huījiāng jiànchéng, xìbāo mó zé yòu (also 又) jiānrèn (jiān·rèn {is strong} · {is pliable but tough} 坚韧 堅韌) yòu (also 又) yǒu ({is having} 有) tánxìng (tán·xìng flexible · nature → [flexibility] 弹性 彈性), dàyuē (dà·yuē largely · approximately 大约 大約) yíwàn céng dié (piled疊/曡/疉) qilai (qi·lai up · {to come} 起来 起來) cái ({only then}才/纔) děngyú yì zhāng zhǐ (paper紙/帋) de (’s 的) hòudù (hòu·dù {being thick} · degree → [thickness] 厚度). Búguò, xìbāo mó de gòuzào (gòu·zào {constructing → [structure]} · making → [structure] 构造 構造) ({compared to} 比) zhuānqiáng yào fùzá de duō. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {form → [way]} 这样 這樣) shuō (say說/説) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)?

📖 📄 📘 Zhèngrú (Zhèng·rú just · like 正如) wéiqiáng (wéi·qiáng enclosing · wall 围墙 圍牆) bǎohù (protects 保护 保護) gōngchǎng (gōng·chǎng work · factory → [factory] 工厂 工廠), xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (membrane 膜) bǎohù (protects 保护 保護) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) miǎnshòu (miǎn·shòu avoiding · {receiving of → [suffering of]} → [preventing] 免受) yǒuhài (yǒu·hài having · harm’s 有害) wùzhì (wù·zhì matter · substances → [substances] 物质 物質) qīnrù (qīn·rù {intruding in} · entering → [intruding in] 侵入). Suīrán (Suī·rán although · -ly 虽然 雖然) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng (it is) this · {pattern → [way]} 这样 這樣), xìbāo mó bìng bú shì mì‐bú‐tòufēng ((mì dense 密)‐(bú not 不)‐(tòu·fēng {does (allow to) pass through} · wind → [does let in air] 透风 透風) [airtight]) de ({’s (membrane)} 的), ér shì néng ràng xìxiǎo (xì·xiǎo tiny · small 细小 細小) de (’s 的) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) bǐrú (bǐ·rú {compared to} · {for example} 比如) yǎng (oxygen 氧) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) jìn–chū, róngxǔ xìbāo hūxī (hū·xī {to exhale} · {to inhale} → [to breathe] 呼吸)”. Kěshì, wèi jīng xìbāo pīzhǔn, xìbāo mó búhuì róngxǔ jiào ({being compared} → [relatively]) fùzá (fù·zá {turned around → [complex]} · mixed → [complex] 复杂 複雜) ér (and 而) yǒuhài (yǒu·hài having · harm 有害) de (’s 的) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) jìnrù ({to enter} 进入 進入) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞). Xìbāo (Xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (membrane 膜) (also 也) huì (will) zǔzhǐ (zǔ·zhǐ prevent · stop 阻止) yǒuyòng (yǒu·yòng having · use → [useful] 有用) de (’s 的) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) líkāi (lí·kāi leaving · {to be opened from → [away from]} 离开 離開) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞). Xìbāo mó zěnme néng zuòdào yǐshàng (few) diǎn (points) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)?

📖 📄 📘 Qǐng (please) xiǎngxiang (xiǎng·xiang {think about} · {think about} 想想) gōngchǎng (gōng·chǎng work · factory → [factory] 工厂 工廠) de (’s 的) qíngkuàng (situation 情况 情況). Yǒuxiē (Yǒu·xiē {(there) are having → [(there) are]} · some 有些) gōngchǎng (gōng·chǎng work · factories (that) → [factories (that)] 工厂 工廠) huì (will) yǒu (have 有) ménwèi (mén·wèi entrance · {guarding (persons)} 门卫 門衛) zài (at 在) wéiqiáng (wéi·qiáng enclosing · wall 围墙 圍牆) de (’s 的) rùkǒu (rù·kǒu {to be entered} · {mouths → [openings]} → [entrances] 入口) bǎshǒu (bǎ·shǒu {holding → [guarding]} · guarding → [guarding] 把守), jiānkòng (jiān·kòng supervising · controlling 监控 監控) huòwù (huò·wù product · things’ → [products’] 货物 貨物) jìn (entering)chū ({(and) coming out} 出). Tóngyàng (Tóng·yàng same · {pattern → [way]} 同样 同樣), xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (membrane 膜) shang (upon 上) xiāngqiànzhe (xiāngqiàn·zhe embedded · {are being} → [are embedded] 镶嵌着 鑲嵌着/著) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [some] 一些) tèbié (tè·bié special · differentiated → [special] 特别 特別) de (’s 的) dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substance) [protein]) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子), zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē this · {indefinite number of} → [these] 这些 這些) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) (both 既) shì (are 是) mén (doors/entrances), (also 也) shì (are 是) ménwèi (mén·wèi door/entrance · {guarding (persons)} 门卫 門衛).

Question 2 3rd picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 Xìbāo (Xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (membrane 膜) yǒu (has 有)ménwèi (mén·wèi door/entrance · {guarding (persons)} 门卫 門衛)”, zhǐ (only只/秖/衹/祇) róngxǔ (róng·xǔ {containing → [allowing]} · allowing 容许 容許) mǒuxiē (mǒu·xiē certain · {indefinite number of} → [certain] 某些) tèdìng (tè·dìng specially · set 特定) de (’s 的) wùzhì (wù·zhì matter · substances → [substances] 物质 物質) jìn ({to enter into})chū ({(or) to come out of} 出) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞)

📖 📄 📘 Yǒude (Yǒu·de {(there) are having → [(there) are]} · ’s → [(there) are some] 有的) dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substances) [proteins]) (1) zhōngyāng ({(that in the) centre} 中央) yǒu (have 有) kòngxì (kòng·xì unoccupied · gap 空隙), zhǐ ({(that) only}只/秖/衹/祇) róngxǔ (róng·xǔ {contains → [allows]} · allows 容许 容許) mǒuxiē (mǒu·xiē certain · {indefinite number of} → [certain] 某些) zhǒnglèi (types 种类 種類) de ( 的) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) jìn ({to enter into})chū ({to come out of} 出) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞). Yǒude dànbái‐zhì (2) zài xìbāo mó yí cè zhāngkāi, zài lìng yí cè bìhé ({are closed} 闭合 閉合). Yǒude dànbái‐zhì (3) yǒu ((that) have 有)zhuāng ({(making) to play the role} → [loading])xiè (unloading 卸) (area)”, “zhuāng ({(making) to play the role} → [loading])xiè (unloading 卸) (area)yǒu (has 有) tèdìng (tè·dìng specially · set 特定) de (’s 的) xíngzhuàng (shape 形状 形狀), gēn (with 跟) tèdìng (tè·dìng specially · set 特定) de (’s 的)huòwù (huò·wù product · thing → [product] 货物 貨物)pèihé (pèi·hé {to join together} · {to close with → [to combine with]} → [to fit] 配合). Dāng huòwù láidào zhuāng‐xiè qū shí, rúguǒ gēn zhuāng‐xiè qū de xíngzhuàng pèihé, dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substance’s) [protein’s]) bìhé (closed 闭合 閉合) de (’s 的) yìduān (yì·duān one · end 一端 一端/耑) jiù (then 就) huì (will) zhāngkāi (zhāng·kāi expand · {to be open} 张开 張開), ràng huòwù chuānguò xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (membrane 膜) (4). Zhè yíqiè huódòng dōu zài xìbāo biǎomiàn (biǎo·miàn surface · face 表面) jìnxíng, jiùsuàn shì jiégòu (jié·gòu {tying → [forming]} · constructing → [structure] 结构 結構) zuì (most最/㝡) jiǎndān (jiǎn·dān simple · {single → [simple]} → [simple] 简单 簡單) de (’s 的) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) (even 也) (not 不) lìwài (lì·wài rule · {is outside} → [is exception] 例外).


📖 📄 📘 Jiǎshè (Jiǎ·shè {being artificial} · {set up} → [suppose] 假设 假設) (you 你) dédào (dé·dào {have gotten} · {arriving at} 得到)ménwèi (mén·wèi entrance · {guarding (person’s)} 门卫 門衛)yǔnxǔ (permitting 允许 允許), kěyǐ (kě·yǐ {are able} · [suf] 可以) jìnrù ({to enter} 进入 進入) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞)gōngchǎng (gōng·chǎng work · factory → [factory] 工厂 工廠)le ([(at the end of a phrase/sentence) indicates a change] 了). (you 你) huì (will) fāxiàn (fā·xiàn {send out → [develop]} · {appearing of} → [find] 发现/见 發現/見) yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) nèi (inside) mǎn ({filled with}滿) shì (is 是) xiàng (like 像/象) shuǐ (water 水) yíyàng (yí·yàng {(of) one} · form → [the same] 一样 一樣) de (’s 的) yètǐ (yè·tǐ fluid · {bodies → [substances]} → [fluids] 液体 液體), zhèixiē yètǐ hányǒu fēngfù de (’s 的) yǎngfèn (yǎng·fèn supporting · components → [nutrients] 养分 養分), yán (salts), ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) qítā (qí·tā them · otherwise’s → [other] 其他) wùzhì (wù·zhì matter · substances → [substances] 物质 物質). Xìbāo yòng zhèixiē yuán (original → [raw] 原) cáiliào (cái·liào {timber → [material]} · materials → [materials] 材料)zhìzào (zhì·zào {to manufacture} · {to make} → [to manufacture] 制造 製造) suǒxū (suǒ·xū {those which} · {are needed} 所需) de (’s 的) dōngxi, dàn guòchéng bìng bú shì záluàn (zá·luàn mixed · random → [disorderly] 杂乱 雜亂) (without無/无)zhāng (sections → [structure] 章) de ({’s (process)} 的). Xìbāo hǎoxiàng yùnzuò shùnchàng (shùn·chàng {being suiting} · {being smooth} 顺畅 順暢) de (’s 的) gōngchǎng nàyàng, zài xìbāo li jìnxíng de wúshù huàxué (huà·xué {transforming → [chemistry]} · studying → [chemical] 化学 化學) fǎnyìng (fǎn·yìng {in the reverse direction} · respondings → [reactions] 反应 反應) quándōu (quán·dōu completely · all 全都) ànshí (àn·shí {according to} · {(particular) times} → [on schedule] 按时 按時) jìnxíng, érqiě jǐngrán (jǐng·rán {are orderly} · {are correct} 井然)yǒuxù (yǒu·xù {are having} · sequence 有序).

📖 📄 📘 Xìbāo (Xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) yòng (uses 用) hěn (very 很) duō (much 多) shíjiān (shí·jiān {(particular) times} · between → [time] 时间 時間) zhìzào (zhì·zào manufacturing · making 制造 製造) dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substances) [proteins]). Guòchéng (Guò·chéng {to pass through} · procedure → [process] 过程 過程) shì (is 是) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) de ({’s (process)} 的)? Xìbāo xiān zhìzào dàyuē 20 zhǒng ānjī (ān·jī ammonia · {base → [group]} → [amino] 氨基) suān ({sour (substances)} → [acids]酸/痠), (namely 即) dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substances) [proteins]) de ( 的) jīběn (jī·běn basic · root 基本) chéngfèn (chéng·fèn completion · components → [component parts] 成分/份). Ānjī suān bèi sòngdào hétáng tǐ ((hé·táng {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} · sugar → [ribose] 核糖) (tǐ bodies體/体/躰) [ribosomes]) nàli (nà·li that · inside → [there] 那里 那裡/裏) (5), hétáng tǐ ((hé·táng {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} · sugar → [ribose] 核糖) (tǐ bodies體/体/躰) [ribosomes]) hǎobǐ (hǎo·bǐ well · {are compared to} → [may be likened to] 好比) yìxiē (yì·xiē one · {indefinite number of} → [some] 一些) zìdònghuà (zì·dòng·huà self · {to be moving} · transformed → [automated] 自动化 自動化) jīqì (jī·qì machine · devices → [machines] 机器 機器), àn ({in accordance with} 按) jīngquè (jīng·què precise · reliable → [precise] 精确 精確) de (’s 的) xùliè (xù·liè {initialized (thing) → [order]} · {lined up (thing) → [series]} → [order] 序列) (holding 把) ānjī (ān·jī ammonia · {base → [group]} → [amino] 氨基) suān ({sour (substances)} → [acids]酸/痠) chuànlián (chuàn·lián {to be strung together} · {to be linked} 串) qilai (qi·lai up · {to come} 起来 起來), zhìchéng (zhì·chéng making · {to come to be} 制成 製成) mǒu zhǒng dànbái‐zhì. Zhèngrú yìxiē gōngchǎng yǒu zhōngyāng (central 中央) de (’s 的) diànnǎo (diàn·nǎo electric · brain → [computer] 电脑 電腦) chéngshì (chéng·shì procedure · pattern → [(computer) programme (Tw)] 程式) zhǔdǎo (zhǔ·dǎo master · directing 主导 主導) yùnzuò (yùn·zuò transportings · doings → [operations] 运作 運作), xìbāo yě yǒu “diànnǎo chéngshì” huò mìmǎ (mì·mǎ {dense → [intimate] → [secret]} · {sth. indicating a number} → [code] 密码 密碼), chēngwéi DNA (6), kòngzhì xìbāo de xǔduō gōngnéng. Hétáng tǐ ((Hé·táng {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} · sugar → [ribose] 核糖) (tǐ body體/体/躰) [ribosome]) qǔdé (qǔ·dé takes · gets 取得) (one 一) tào láizì (lái·zì comes · from 来自 來自) DNA de (’s 的) xiángxì (xiáng·xì detailed · fine 详细 詳細) zhǐlìng (zhǐ·lìng {(pointings with) finger → [pointings]} · orderings → [instructions] 指令 (7), zhīdào (zhī·dào knows · {(the) way (of)} → [knows] 知道) yào (must 要) zhìzào (zhì·zào make · build 制造 製造) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substance) [protein]), yǐjí ({as well as} 以及) rúhé (rú·hé like · how → [how] 如何) zhìzào (zhì·zào {to make} · {to build} (it) 制造 製造).

📖 📄 📘 Dànbái‐zhì ((Dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substance) [protein]) de (’s 的) zhìzào (zhì·zào {being manufactured} · {being made} 制造 製造) guòchéng (guò·chéng {to be passed through} · procedure → [process] 过程 過程) lìngrén (lìng·rén {commands → [makes]} · person 令人) tàn ({acclaim (it)}嘆/歎)wéi (as為/爲)guānzhǐ (guān·zhǐ {looking at} · {stopping (of)} → [sth. incomparably good] 观止 觀止)! Měi (each 每) ge ([mw]個/个) dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substance) [protein]) dōu ({each one} 都) zhédié (zhé·dié {bends → [folds]} · {piles up → [folds]} → [folds] 折叠 折疊) chéng ({to assume the shape of} 成) dútè (dú·tè singular · special → [unique] 独特 獨特) de (’s 的) sānwéi (sān·wéi three · {(aspects of) being → [dimensional]} 三维 三維) xíngzhuàng (shape 形状 形狀) (8), ér dànbái‐zhì de xíngzhuàng juédìng dànbái‐zhì de gōngyòng (gōng·yòng {meritorious service → [work]} · use → [function] 功用).* Qǐng xiǎngxiàng zhìzào yǐnqíng (yǐn·qíng {engine (loan)} 引擎) de (’s 的) qíngkuàng (situation 情况 情況). Zài (on 在) shēngchǎn ({giving birth} → [production] 生产 生產) xiàn (thread → [line] 线 線/綫) shang (upon 上), (each 各) bùjiàn (bù·jiàn part · item → [part] 部件) dōu ({each one} 都) yào (must 要) jīngquè (jīng·què precise · certain → [precise] 精确 精確) de (-ly 地) zhuāngpèi (zhuāng·pèi {(be made) to play the role → [be assembled]} · {be fit together} 装配 裝配) qilai (qi·lai up · {to come} 起来 起來), suǒ shēngchǎn de yǐnqíng cái néng ({would be able} 能) yùnzhuǎn (yùn·zhuǎn {to move} · {to turn} → [to work] 运转 運轉). Tóngyàng (Tóng·yàng same · {pattern → [way]} 同样 同樣), dànbái‐zhì yě bìxū jīngquè (jīng·què precise · certain → [precise] 精确 精確) de (-ly 地) zǔhé (zǔ·hé {(be formed into) sections → [be formed]} · {be closed → [be combined]} → [be assembled] 组合 組合) qilai (qi·lai up · {to come} 起来 起來) bìng ({side by side with}並/竝/并) zhédié (zhé·dié {being bent → [being folded]} · {being piled up → [being folded]} → [being folded] 折叠 折疊) chéng ({to assume the shape of} 成) zhèngquè (zhèng·què right · true 正确 正確) de (’s 的) xíngzhuàng (shape 形状 形狀), fǒuzé (fǒu·zé (if) not · {(according with) standard} → [otherwise] 否则 否則) wúfǎ (wú·fǎ (it) {will not have} · way → [(it) will be unable] 无法 無法) zhèngcháng yùnzuò, hái kěnéng wēihài (wēi·hài {ridge of a roof → [endanger]} · harm 危害) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞).

Question 2 4th picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 Xìbāo (Xì·bāo Tiny · Womb → [Cell] 细胞 細胞)Gōngchǎng (Gōng·chǎng Work · Factory → [Factory] 工厂 工廠)”—Dànbái‐Zhì ((Dàn·bái Egg · White → [Protein] 蛋白)‐(Zhì Substances) [Proteins]) de ( 的) Zhìzào ({Being Made} 制造 製造) Guòchéng (Guò·chéng {To Be Passed Through} · Procedure → [Process] 过程 過程): Xiàng (like 像/象) (one 一) jiā ([mw for families, businesses, establishments] 家) zìdònghuà (zì·dòng·huà self · {to be moving} · transformed → [automated] 自动化 自動化) shēngchǎn ({giving birth} → [producing] 生产 生產) de (’s 的) gōngchǎng (gōng·chǎng work · factory → [factory] 工厂 工廠) nàyàng (nà·yàng that · {pattern → [way]} 那样 那樣), xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) li (inside裡/裏) yǒu ({(there) are having} → [(there) are] 有) xǔduō (xǔ·duō numbers · many 许多 許多)jīqì (jī·qì machine · devices → [machines] 机器 機器)fùzé (fù·zé {carrying on the back/shoulders → [bearing]} · responsibility (for) 负责 負責) zǔhé (zǔ·hé {(forming) sections → [organizing]} · {closing → [combining]} → [assembling] 组合 組合) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) shūsòng (shū·sòng {contributing → [conveying]} · delivering 输送 輸送) fùzá (fù·zá {turned around → [complex]} · mixed → [complex] 复杂 複雜) de (’s 的)zhìpǐn (zhì·pǐn manufactured · products 制品 製品)

📖 📄 📘 Dànbái‐zhì ((Dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substance) [protein]) zhìchéng (zhì·chéng {is made} · {to come to be} 制成 製成) hòu ({after (that)}後/后) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) néng (can 能) qùdào (qù·dào go · {to arrive at} 去到) gāi (should) ({go to} 去) de (’s 的) dìfang (dì·fang {(section of) earth → [place]} · {direction → [place]} → [place] 地方) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Xìbāo (Xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) suǒ ({those which (it)} 所) zhìchéng de měi ge dànbái‐zhì dōu yǒu nèizhì (nèi·zhì inside · placed → [built-in] 内置 內置) de (’s 的)dìzhǐ (dì·zhǐ earth · site → [address] 地址) biāoqiān (biāo·qiān label · {bamboo slip for divination or drawing lots → [tag]} → [tag] 标签 標簽/籤)”, shǐ dànbái‐zhì néng bèi shūsòng (shū·sòng {contributed → [conveyed]} · delivered 输送 輸送) dào ({to arrive at} 到) héshì (hé·shì {closing → [fitting]} · proper 合适 合適) de (’s 的) dìfang (dì·fang {(section of) earth → [place]} · {direction → [place]} → [place] 地方) ({to go} 去). Xìbāo měi fēnzhōng shēngchǎn hé shūsòng jǐ qiān ge dànbái‐zhì, ér měi ge dànbái‐zhì dōu néng dàodá zhèngquè de mùdì‐dì ((mù·dì eye · target → [target] 目的)‐(dì ground → [place] 地) [destination]).

📖 📄 📘 Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) gāi (should) xiǎngxiang (xiǎng·xiang (we) {think about} · {think about} 想想) zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē this · {indefinite number of} → [these] 这些 這些) shìshí (shì·shí matters · {being solid} → [facts] 事实 事實)? Zài (in 在) yuánhé (yuán·hé primitive · {pit (of a fruit) → [nucleus]} → [prokaryotic] 原核) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · wombs → [cells] 细胞 細胞) li (inside裡/裏), (also 也) jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · being 就是) zài (in 在) zuì (most最/㝡) jiǎndān (jiǎn·dān simple · {single → [simple]} → [simple] 简单 簡單) de (’s 的) shēngwù (shēng·wù living · things 生物) li (inside裡/裏), fùzá (fù·zá {turned around → [complex]} · mixed → [complex] 复杂 複雜) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard things} → [molecules] 分子) shì (are 是) bùnéng (bù·néng not · able 不能) zìxíng (zì·xíng self · {walking → [doing]} 自行) shēngchǎn ({to be given birth to} → [to be produced] 生产 生產) chulai (chu·lai out · {to come} 出来 出來) de ({’s (molecules)} 的). Zài xìbāo wài, fùzá fēnzǐ huì fēnjiě (fēn·jiě divide · {be untied → [break down]} → [break down] 分解). Zài xìbāo li, fùzá fēnzǐ yào jièzhù (jiè·zhù {borrow → [make use of]} · {helping from} 借助 借/藉助) qítā (qí·tā them · otherwise’s → [other] 其他) fùzá fēnzǐ cái néng shēngchǎn chulai. Lìrú, yào shēngchǎn yì zhǒng néng (able 能) shìfàng ({to release} 释放 釋放) néngliàng (néng·liàng energy · quantity → [energy] 能量) de (’s 的) tèbié (tè·bié special · differentiated → [special] 特别 特別) fēnzǐ (fēn·zǐ {divided (off)} · {small and hard thing} → [molecule] 分子) xiàngān sān‐lín‐suān ((xiàn·gān gland · glycoside → [adenosine] 腺苷) ((sān three 三)‐(lín phosphorus磷/燐/粦)‐(suān {sour (substance)} → [acid]酸/痠) → [triphosphate]) [ATP]) (ATP) jiù (then 就) yào ((there) must 要) yǒu ({be having} → [be] 有) méi (enzymes 酶), dàn yào shēngchǎn méi jiù yào yǒu ATP tígōng de néngliàng cái xíng. Tóngyàng, yào yǒu DNA (dì‐3 ((dì [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(sān three 3) [3rd]) bùfen (bù·fen section · part 部分) ▶️ huì (will) tántán zhèi zhǒng fēnzǐ) cái néng shēngchǎn méi, dàn yào shēngchǎn DNA jiù yào yǒu méi cái xíng. Chúle méi zhīwài, biéde dànbái‐zhì ((dàn·bái egg · white → [protein] 蛋白)‐(zhì substances) [proteins]) yě yào kào xìbāo qù zhìzào ({to be made} 制造 製造), ér zhìzào xìbāo yòu děi (must 得) kào dànbái‐zhì cái xíng.*

📖 📄 📘 Wēi‐shēngwù‐xué‐jiā ((Wēi micro- 微)‐(shēng·wù living · things 生物)‐(xué studying)‐(jiā -ist 家) [microbiologist]) Lādù (Radu 拉杜) Bōpà (Popa 波帕) bìng (actually並/竝/并) (not 不) xiāngxìn (xiāng·xìn {each other → [it]} · {does believe} → [does believe] 相信) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) zhōng (within’s 中) guānyú (guān·yú {closing → [relating]} · to 关于 關於) chuàngzào (chuàng·zào initiating · {making, creating} → [creation] 创造 創造) de (’s 的) jìzǎi (jì·zǎi recorded · writing → [account] 记载 記載), dàn tā zài 2004 nián céng shuō: “Jìrán shēngmìng bùnéng zài shíyàn‐shì ((shí·yàn {solidly → [truly]} · testing → [experimenting] 实验 實驗)‐(shì room’s 室) [laboratory’s]) wánquán (wán·quán completing · completely → [completely] 完全) shòukòng (shòu·kòng received · controlling → [controlled] 受控) de (’s 的) qíngkuàng (situation 情况 情況) xià (under 下) chǎnshēng, yòu zěnme kěnéng shì zài dà‐zìrán ((dà big → [great] 大)‐(zì·rán naturally · so → [nature] 自然) [nature]) li (inside裡/裏) yǎnshēng (yǎn·shēng {spilled over} · {to be given birth to} → [given rise to] 衍生) chulai de ne?” Tā yòu shuō: “Huó xìbāo de (’s 的) gōngnéng (gōng·néng achievement · ability → [functioning] 功能) suǒ ({that which (it)} 所) shèjí (shè·jí {wades into → [involves]} · reaching → [involves] 涉及) de ( 的) jīzhì (mechanism · systems → [mechanisms] 机制 機製/制) fùzá (fù·zá {are turned around → [are complex]} · {are mixed} → [are complex] 复杂 複雜) wúbǐ (wú·bǐ without · comparing 无比 無比), zhèixiē jīzhì kànlai shì (are 是) (not 不) kěnéng (kě·néng maybe · {being able} → [possibly] 可能) tóngshí (tóng·shí {(at the) same} · {(particular) time} 同时 同時) pèngqiǎo (pèng·qiǎo {having bumped into} · {being coincidental} → [by chance] 碰巧) xíngchéng (xíng·chéng {forms (n)} · {having come to be} → [having formed] 形成) de ({’s (things)} 的).”

Question 2 5th picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 Mótiān dàlóu ((Mó·tiān scrapes · sky 摩天) (dà·lóu big · {storied building} → [multistoried building] 大楼 大樓) [skyscraper]) gēnjī (gēn·jī (if) roots · foundation 根基) (not 不) wěn ({is firm}) jiù (then 就) bìdìng (bì·dìng certainly · {(it) has been set} 必定) dǎotā (dǎo·tā {will fall → [will collapse]} · {will collapse} → [will collapse] 倒塌), jìnhuà‐lùn ((jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [theory of evolution]) jiěshì bùliǎo ((jiě·shì {to untie → [to solve]} · {to explain} 解释 解釋) (bù·liǎo not · {being finishing} → [being unable] 不了) [being unable to explain]) shēngmìng (life’s 生命) qǐyuán (qǐ·yuán {rising → [starting]} · source → [origin] 起源/原) (also 也) jué ({being cut off} → [absolutely]絕/絶) bùnéng (bù·néng not · can → [cannot] 不能) zhànde‐zhù‐jiǎo ((zhàn·de stand · getting 站得)‐(zhù {to be firmly on} 住)‐(jiǎo feet) [stand]), duì (towards → [right]) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

📖 📄 📘 (you 你) rènwéi (rèn·wéi {do identify} · {(it) to be} 认为 認為) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣)? Jìnhuà‐lùn ((Jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [the theory of evolution]) shìtú (shì·tú tries · seeks → [tries] 试图 試圖) jiěshì (jiě·shì {to untie → [to solve]} · {to explain} (that) 解释 解釋) dìqiú (dì·qiú earth · globe 地球) shang (upon’s 上) shēngmìng (life 生命) de (’s 的) qǐyuán (qǐ·yuán {rising → [starting]} · source → [origin] 起源/原) gēn (with 跟) shénmíng (shén·míng gods · brightnesses → [gods] 神明) wúguān (wú·guān {does not have} · {closing → [involving]} → [is unrelated] 无关 無/无關). Kěshì (Kě·shì however · {(it) is (the case)} 可是), kēxué‐jiā ((kē·xué {branches of study} · learning → [science] 科学 科學)‐(jiā -ists 家) [scientists]) duì (towards) shēngmìng (life 生命) de (’s 的) liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě understanding · {untying → [solving]} → [understanding] 了解 了/瞭解) yuè ({jumping over} → [the more] 越) shēn ({is deep} 深), jiù (then 就) yuè ({jumping over} → [the more] 越) kànchū (kàn·chū {(they) see} · out 看出) shēngmìng (life 生命) pèngqiǎo (pèng·qiǎo {having bumped into} · {being coincidental} → [by chance/coincidence] 碰巧) chǎnshēng (chǎn·shēng {being given birth to → [being produced]} · {being given birth to → [being caused to exist]} → [being brought into being] 产生 產生) de (’s 的) kěnéng‐xìng ((kě·néng {being able} · {to be able to be} → [being probable] 可能)‐(xìng nature → [property] 性) [likelihood]) wēihū‐qí‐wēi ((wēi·hū {is tiny} · {with regard to} 微乎)‐(qí its 其)‐(wēi {being tiny} 微) [is the tiniest of tiny]). Wèile (Wèi·le {in order to} · {to completion} 为了 為了) bǎituō (bǎi·tuō arrange · {to cast off} 摆脱 擺脫) kùnjìng (kùn·jìng {surrounded → [hard-pressed]} · {(set of) boundaries → [(bounded) place] → [situation]} 困境), yǒuxiē zhīchí jìnhuà‐lùn de kēxué‐jiā xīwàng ({to hold} 把) jìnhuà‐lùn ((jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [the theory of evolution]) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) shēngmìng (life 生命) de (’s 的) qǐyuán (qǐ·yuán {rising → [starting]} · source → [origin] 起源/原) fēnkāi (fēn·kāi {to be separated} · {to be opened → [apart]} 分开 分開) lái ({to come}) shuō ({to be spoken of}說/説). Nǐ rènwéi zhèyàng zuò hélǐ (hé·lǐ {is closing with → [is according with]} · reason → [is reasonable] 合理) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

📖 📄 📘 Jìnhuà‐lùn ((Jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [the theory of evolution]) jiànjī (jiàn·jī {is has built} · foundation 建基) (on於/于) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) jiǎshè (jiǎ·shè artificial · {setting up} → [hypothesis] 假设 假設), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is (that) 就是) yǒu ({(there) was having} → [(there) was] 有) yìlián‐chuàn ((yì·lián (with) one · linking → [in succession] 一连 一連)‐(chuàn {stringing together of} 串) [series of]) de (’s 的) qiǎohé (qiǎo·hé coincidental · {closings → [matchings]} (that) → [coincidences (that)] 巧合) yǎnshēng (yǎn·shēng {spilling over} · {gave birth to} → [gave rise to] 衍生) chū (out 出) shēngmìng (life 生命) lai ({to come (to be)}), jīyú (jī·yú base · {being at} → [based on] 基于 基於) zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) qiántí (qián·tí preceding · {carried (hanging down from the hand) → [raised] → [referred to]} (thing) → [presupposition] 前提), jìnhuà‐lùn ((jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [the theory of evolution]) zài (further 再) jiǎdìng (jiǎ·dìng {being artificial} · sets → [supposes] 假定) yǒu ({(there) was having} → [(there) was] 有) yìlián‐chuàn bú shòu zhǐhuī (zhǐ·huī {(pointing with) finger → [pointing]} · {spraying → [waving] → [directing]} → [directing] 指挥 指揮) de (’s 的) shìjiàn fāshēng, chǎnshēngle yíqiè zhǒnglèi fēnfán, jiégòu fùzá de shēngwù. Búguò, yàoshi jìnhuà‐lùn de qiántí (qián·tí preceding · {carried (hanging down from the hand) → [raised] → [referred to]} (thing) → [presupposition] 前提) bùnéng (bù·néng not · {is able} 不能) chénglì (chéng·lì {to come to be} · standing → [to hold water] 成立), nàme (nà·me {(in) that (case) → [then]} · [suf] 那么/末 那麼/末) jiànjī (jiàn·jī {have built} · foundation 建基) (on於/于) zhèige (zhèi·ge this · [mw] 这个 這個) jiǎshè (jiǎ·shè artificial · {setting up} → [hypothesis] 假设 假設) de ( 的) qítā (qí·tā it · otherwise’s → [other] 其他) lǐlùn (lǐ·lùn reasonings · {discussings → [theories]} → [theories] 理论 理論) yòu zěnnéng chénglì ne? Zhèngrú méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · {does have} → [does not have] 没有 沒有) gēnjī (gēn·jī roots · foundation 根基) de (’s 的) mótiān dàlóu ((mó·tiān scrapes · sky 摩天) (dà·lóu big · {storied building} → [multistoried building] 大楼 大樓) [skyscraper]) shì (is 是) zhàn buzhù ((zhàn stands 站) (bu·zhù not · firmly 不住) [cannot stand]) de ({’s (thing)} 的), jiěshì bùliǎo ((jiě·shì {to untie → [to solve]} · {to explain} 解释 解釋) (bù·liǎo not · {is finishing} → [is unable] 不了) [is unable to explain]) shēngmìng (life’s 生命) qǐyuán (qǐ·yuán {rising → [starting]} · source → [origin] 起源/原) de (’s 的) jìnhuà‐lùn ((jìn·huà {to advance} · transforming → [evolution] 进化 進化)‐(lùn discussing → [theory]) [theory of evolution]) (also 也) shì (is 是) zhàn buzhù ((zhàn stands 站) (bu·zhù not · firmly 不住) [cannot stand]) de ({’s (thing)} 的).

📖 📄 📘 Jiǎnlüè (Jiǎn·lüè {being simple → [being brief]} · {being brief} → [briefly] 简略 簡略) kànguo (kàn·guo {looking at} · {having passed} → [having looked at] 看过 看過) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个)jiǎndān (jiǎn·dān simple · {single → [simple]} → [simple] 简单 簡單)xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) de (’s 的) jiégòu (jié·gòu {tying → [forming]} · constructing → [structure] 结构 結構) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) gōngnéng (gōng·néng achievement · ability → [function] 功能) zhīhòu (zhī·hòu ’s · {after (that)} 之后 之後), (you 你) kànchū (kàn·chū {do see} · out 看出) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Zhèngjù biǎomíng yíqiè dōu shì chūyú qiǎohé, háishi chūyú jīngmiào (jīng·miào {(having) spirit → [excellent]} · ingenious → [exquisite] 精妙) de (’s 的) shèjì (shè·jì {setting up} · planning → [design] 设计 設計)? Rúguǒ nǐ hái bùnéng kěndìng, bùfáng jìn (advance) (one 一) (step 步) xìkàn zài suǒyǒu xìbāo zhōng, zhǐhuī xìbāo gōngnéng de zhǔ (master 主) chéngshì (chéng·shì {journey → [procedure]} · pattern → [(computer) programme (Tw)] 程式)”.

Question 2 6th picture

📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]


📖 📄 📘 Yǒuxiē (Yǒu·xiē {(there) are having → [(there) are]} · some 有些) xìjūn (xì·jūn tiny · bacteria → [bacteria] 细菌 細菌) néng (able 能) zài (in 在) 20 fēnzhōng (fēn·zhōng {dividings of} · clock → [minutes] 分钟 分鐘) nèi (inside) zìwǒ (zì·wǒ selves · {mes → [selves]} 自我) fùzhì (fù·zhì {turning around → [again]} · {to produce} → [to replicate] 复制 複製). Xìjūn (Xì·jūn tiny · bacterium → [bacterium] 细菌 細菌) xìbāo (xì·bāo tiny · womb → [cell] 细胞 細胞) xiān (first 先) fùzhì (fù·zhì {turning around → [again]} · makes → [makes a copy of] 复制 複製) kòngzhì xìbāo yùnzuò de (’s 的)chéngshì (chéng·shì (set of) {journey → [procedure]} · patterns → [(set of) (computer) programmes (Tw)] 程式)”, ránhòu yì‐fēnwéi‐èr. Rúguǒ yǎngliào (yǎng·liào nourishing · material → [nourishment] 养料 養料) yuányuán (yuán·yuán {source (of a river)} · {source (of a river)} → [is continuous] 源源)bùjué (bù·jué not · {is cut off → [is terminated]} → [is unending] 不绝 不絕), xìbāo de shùmù jiù néng yǐ bèishù zēngjiā. Àn zhè sùlǜ tuīsuàn, yí ge xìjūn xìbāo néng zài duǎnduǎn liǎng tiān nèi jiù biànchéng yí dà tuán xìjūn, bǐ dìqiú zhòng 2500 duō bèi. Bǐ xìjūn xìbāo gèng fùzá de xìbāo yě néng xùnsù zìwǒ fùzhì. Jǔ ge lì, dāng nǐ hái zài mǔfù zhōng, nǐ de nǎo‐xìbāo jiù yǐ jīngrén de sùdù zēngzhǎng, měi fēnzhōng zēngjiā 25 wàn ge!

📖 📄 📘 Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) shēngchǎn‐shāng zhǐ (only只/秖/衹/祇) qiú ({strive for} 求) sùdù (sù·dù {being fast → [speed]} · degree → [speed] 速度) kuài ({to be fast} 快), jiù wǎngwǎng gù bushàng zhìliàng. Xìbāo néng fùzhì de rúcǐ yòu (also 又) kuài (fast 快) yòu (also 又) zhǔn ({in accordance with (standard)} → [accurate]准/準), yòu zěnme kěnéng shì suíjī shìjiàn de chǎnwù ne?

📖 📄 📘 Sīkǎo (Sī·kǎo Thinking · Examining 思考) Lán (Fence(d In Area) → [Box (of Text, Etc.)])