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📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù {Opening → [Enlightening]} · Showing · Record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 16 🔼
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘7 (I 我) tīngjian (tīng·jian heard · {to be meeting} 听见 聽見) yǒu ({(there) was having} 有) shēngyīn (shēng·yīn voice · sound 声音 聲音) cóng (from) jìtán (jì·tán {offering sacrifice} · altar 祭坛 祭壇) fāchū (fā·chū issuing · out 发出 發出), shuō (saying說/説): “Shì ({(it) is (the case)} 是) de (’s 的), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) Quánnéng (Quán·néng All · Able → [Almighty] 全能) de (’s 的) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊), nǐ de ((nǐ you 你) (de ’s 的) [your]) pànjué (pàn·jué judgings · decidings → [judgments] 判决 判決) (both 既) gōngpíng ({are just} 公平) yòu (also 又) zhèngyì (zhèng·yì {are upright} · {are righteous} 正义 正義).”

📖 📄 📘 16 Tāmen (Tā·men it · [pl] → [they] 它们 它/牠們) (held 把) lièwáng (liè·wáng {series of} · kings 列王) zhàojí (zhào·jí {to be called together} · {to be gathered} → [to be gathered] 召集) dào ({to arrive at} 到) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) dìfang (dì·fang {(section of) earth → [place]} · {direction → [place]} → [place] 地方), Xībólái ((in) Hebrew 希伯来 希伯來) (Language) jiào (called叫/呌) Hāmǐjíduōdùn (Armageddon 哈米吉多顿 哈米吉多頓).