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📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù {Opening → [Enlightening]} · Showing · Record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 17 🔼
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 1 Nèi (those 那) (seven 七) ge ([mw]個/个) fēnbié (fēn·bié divided · differentiated → [respectively] 分别 分別) názhe (ná·zhe holding · being → [holding] 拿着 拿/拏着/著) wǎn (bowls碗/㼝/椀/盌) de ( 的) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [angels] 天使) zhōng (among 中), yǒu ({(there) was having} 有) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) lái (coming) duì (towards → [to]) (me 我) shuō (saying說/説): “Lái (come), (I 我) yào (must → [will] 要) ràng (let) (you 你) kàn (see 看) (big → [great] 大) chāngjì shòu ({will receive} 受) de (’s 的) chéngfá (punishing 惩罚 懲罰). (she 她) zuò (sits 坐) zài (on 在) hěn (very 很) duō (many 多) tiáo ({sths. long and narrow of} → [mw for long, narrow, or thin objects]) héliú (hé·liú rivers · {flowings → [streams]} 河流) shang (upon 上), 2 dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上) de (’s 的) lièwáng (liè·wáng {series of} · kings 列王) gēn (with 跟) (her 她) yínluàn (yín·luàn {were excessive → [were wanton]} · {were chaotic → [were indiscriminate]} → [were sexually immoral] 淫乱 淫亂), zhù (living 住) zài (on 在) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上) de (’s 的) rén (people 人) dōu (even 都) hēzuìle (her 她) yínluàn (yín·luàn {being excessive → [being wanton]} · {being chaotic → [being indiscriminate]} → [being sexually immoral] 淫乱 淫亂) de (’s 的) jiǔ (wine 酒).”

📖 📄 📘5 (her 她) étou (forehead · {head → [suf]} 额头 額頭) shang (upon 上) xiězhe (xiě·zhe {written on with} · {was being} → [was written on with] 写着 寫着/著) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) yǐnhán (yǐn·hán conceals · {keeps in the mouth} → [contains in a concealed form] 隐含 隱含) àomì (ào·mì profound · secret → [profound mystery] 奥秘 奧秘/祕) de (’s 的) míngzi (míng·zi name · word → [name] 名字): “Dà Bābǐlún ((Dà Big → [Great] 大) (Bābǐlún Babylon 巴比伦 巴比倫) [Babylon the Great]), chāngjì (prostitutes 娼妓) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon’s 地上) kězēng (kě·zēng able · {to be detested} → [disgusting] 可憎) zhī (’s 之) (things 物) de ( 的) mǔqin (mǔ·qin mother · relative 母亲 母親).”

📖 📄 📘16 (you 你) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) de (’s 的) shí (ten 十) zhī ([mw]隻/只) jiǎo (horns 角) (and 和) yěshòu (yě·shòu {open country → [wild]} · beast 野兽 野獸) huì (will) zēnghèn (zēng·hèn detest · hate 憎恨) chāngjì, cuīcán (her 她), shǐ (make 使) (her 她) chìshēn, hái (also) huì (will) chīdiào tā de ((tā her 她) (de ’s 的) → [her]) ròu (flesh 肉), yòng (use 用) huǒ (fire 火) ({to hold} 把) (her 她) wánquán (wán·quán completing · completely 完全) shāodiào (shāo·diào {to be burned} · {to fall → [away]} 烧掉 燒掉). 17 Yīnwei (Yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) (held 把) zìjǐ (self 自己) de (’s 的) xiǎngfa (xiǎng·fa thinking · way 想法) fàngjìn (fàng·jìn {to be put} · {to enter into} 放进 放進) shí (ten 十) zhī ([mw]隻/只) jiǎo (horns 角) de ( 的) xīnli (xīn·li hearts · inside 心里 心裡/裏), yào ({to require} 要) shí (ten 十) zhī ([mw]隻/只) jiǎo (horns 角) ({to hold} 把) tāmen (tā·men its · [pl] → [their] 他们 他們) yízhì (yí·zhì {(of) one} · devoting → [unanimous] 一致) de ( 的) xiǎngfa (xiǎng·fa thinking · way 想法) shíxíng (shí·xíng {solidly → [really]} · {to be walked → [to be carried out]} → [to be carried out] 实行 實行) chulai (chu·lai out · {to come} 出来 出來), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) ({to hold} 把) wángquán (wáng·quán king’s · authority 王权 王權) jiāogěi (jiāo·gěi {to be handed over} · {to be given to} 交给 交給) yěshòu (yě·shòu {open country → [wild]} · beast 野兽 野獸), zhídào (zhí·dào straight · {up until} 直到) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) shuō (said說/説) de (’s 的) huà (words) shíxiànle (shí·xiàn·le {{solidly → [really]} · {will have appeared} → [will have came true]} · [indicates a change] 实现了 實現了) wéizhǐ (wéi·zhǐ {to serve as} · stopping → [until that] 为止 為止). …