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📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐13 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(SHÍ·SĀN TEN · THREE → [THIRTEEN] 13) [13TH]) (LESSON)

📖 📄 📘 Yǎgèshū (Yǎgè·shū James · Book 雅各书 雅各書) 1:13 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Shòudào (Shòu·dào {being subjected to} · {arriving at} 受到) kǎoyàn (testing → [trial] 考验 考驗) de (’s 的) shíhou ({(particular) times} 时候 時候), shéi (whoever) dōu ({each one} 都) (not 不) gāi (should) shuō (say說/説): “Shì ({(it) is} 是) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) kǎoyàn (testing → [trying] 考验 考驗) (me 我).” Yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) (both 既) bùnéng (bù·néng not · can → [cannot] 不能) bèi (by 被) huàishì (huài·shì bad · things 坏事 壞事) kǎoyàn ({be tested} → [be tried] 考验 考驗), (he 他) zìjǐ (himself 自己) (also 也) (not 不) yòng ({does use} 用) huàishì (huài·shì bad · things 坏事 壞事) kǎoyàn ({to test} → [to try] 考验 考驗) rén (people 人). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū First · Book 一书 一書) [1 John]) 4:8 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Méiyǒu (Méi·yǒu not · {does have} 没有 沒有) àixīn (ài·xīn loving · heart → [love] 爱心 愛心) de ({’s (person)} 的), jiù (then 就) hái (still) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) rènshi (rèn·shi (gotten) {to recognize} · {to know} 认识 認識) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝), yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) ài (love). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 7:13, 14 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 13 Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yào (must 要) jìn ({enter in through}) zhǎimén (zhǎi·mén narrow · gate 窄门 窄門). Yīnwei (Yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) tōngwǎng (tōng·wǎng {(going) through → [passable]} · towards → [leading to] 通往) mièwáng (miè·wáng {being extinguished} · dying 灭亡 滅亡) de (’s 的) mén (gate) shì (is 是) kuān (broad) de ({’s (gate)} 的), (road 路) shì (is 是) guǎngkuò (guǎng·kuò wide · broad 广阔 廣闊) de ({’s (road)} 的), jìnqu (jìn·qu entering · {to go} 进去 進去) de (’s 的) rén (persons 人) (also 也) duō ({are many} 多); 14 tōngwǎng (tōng·wǎng {(going) through → [passable]} · towards → [leading to] 通往) shēngmìng (life 生命) de (’s 的) mén (gate) shì (is 是) zhǎi (narrow 窄) de ({’s (gate)} 的), (road 路) shì (is 是) xiáxiǎo (xiá·xiǎo narrow · small 狭小 狹小) de ({’s (road)} 的), zhǎodào (zhǎo·dào {are looking for (and)} · {arriving at (it)} → [are finding it] 找到) de (’s 的) rén (persons 人) (also 也) shǎo ({are few} 少). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 13:34, 35 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 34 (I 我) gěi ({am giving}) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) (one 一) tiáo ({strip of} → [item of]) xīn (new 新) jièmìng (jiè·mìng commandment · order 诫命 誡命), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) yào ({to require} 要) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) bǐcǐ (bǐ·cǐ those · these → [one another] 彼此) xiāng’ài (xiāng’·ài {each other} · {to love} 相爱 相愛). (I 我) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) ài ({have loved}) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們), nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) (also 也) yào (must 要) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng (in) what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) bǐcǐ (bǐ·cǐ those · these → [one another] 彼此) xiāng’ài (xiāng’·ài {each other} · love 相爱 相愛). 35 Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yàoshi (yào·shi if · are 要是) bǐcǐ (bǐ·cǐ those · these → [one another] 彼此) xiāng’ài (xiāng’·ài {each other} · loving 相爱 相愛), suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) whom (there)} · {are having → [are]} → [all] 所有) rén (people 人) jiù (then 就) yīncǐ (yīn·cǐ {because of} · this 因此) zhīdào (zhī·dào {will know} · {(the) way (of)} → [will know] 知道) nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) shì (are 是) wǒ de ((wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) méntú (mén·tú {school of thought} · disciples 门徒 門徒) le ([indicates a change] 了).” 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 17:16 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 Tāmen (Tā·men he/she · [pl] [they] 他们 他們) (not 不) shǔyú (shǔ·yú {are in the category of} · {are in} 属于 屬於) shìjiè (shì·jiè {generation → [world]} · extent → [world] 世界), zhèngrú (zhèng·rú just · as 正如) (I 我) (not 不) shǔyú (shǔ·yú {am in the category of} · {am in} 属于 屬於) shìjiè (shì·jiè {generation → [world]} · extent → [world] 世界) yíyàng (yí·yàng {(of) one} · {pattern → [way]} → [the same way] 一样 一樣). 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù {Opening → [Enlightening]} · Showing · Record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 18:4 (nwtsty 2024)

📖 📄 📘 (I 我) tīngjian (tīng·jian heard · {to be meeting} 听见 聽見) tiānshang (tiān·shang heaven · upon 天上) fāchū (fā·chū {(there) was being issued} · out 发出 發出) lìng (another 另) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) shēngyīn (shēng·yīn voice · sound 声音 聲音), shuō (saying說/説): “Wǒ de ((Wǒ me 我) (de ’s 的) [my]) zǐmín (zǐ·mín persons · people 子民) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊), nǐmen (nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yàoshi (yào·shi if · are 要是) (not 不) xiǎng (wanting 想) fēndān (fēn·dān {to divide} · {carrying of on a shoulder pole → [taking on of]} → [to share responsibility for] 分担 分擔) tā de ((tā her 她) (de ’s 的) [her]) zuì (sins 罪), (not 不) xiǎng (wanting 想) gēn (with 跟) (her 她) yìqǐ (yì·qǐ {being one} · {rising → [group]} → [together] 一起) zāoshòu (zāo·shòu {to meet with} · {to receive} 遭受) zāihuò (calamities 灾祸 災禍), jiù (then 就) yào (must 要) cóng (from) (her 她) lǐmiàn (lǐ·miàn in·{face → [side]} → [inside] 里面 裡/裏面) chūlai (chū·lai {get out} · {to come} 出来 出來)! 🔼

📖 📄 📘 Jiǎozhù (Jiǎo·zhù Foot·note 脚注 腳註/注)

📖 📄 📘 Xiǎng ({(if you) want} 想) liǎojiě (liǎo·jiě {to understand} · {to untie → [to solve]} → [to understand] 了解 了/瞭解) wèishénme (wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù {Opening → [Enlightening]} · Showing · Record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) (holds 把) cuòwù (cuò·wù {staggered → [erroneous]} · false 错误 錯誤) de (’s 的) zōngjiào (zōng·jiào {schools of thought} · teachings → [religion] 宗教) miáoshù (miáo·shù {to be traced → [to be described]} · {to be related} → [to be described] 描述) wéi (as為/爲) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) míngjiào (míng·jiào name · called 名叫) Dà Bābǐlún ((Dà Big → [Great] 大) (Bābǐlún Babylon 巴比伦 巴比倫) [Babylon the Great]) de (’s 的) nǚrén (nǚ·rén female · person → [woman] 女人), qǐng (please) kàn (see 看) Fùlù (Fù·lù Appended · Record → [Endnote] 附录 附錄) Dì‐1 ((Dì [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(Yī One 1) [1st]) Xiàng (Item) 🔼. 🔼