[Dì‐172 ([172nd]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐20 ([20th]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Zhǔ (Lord) a, (I) Xiāng·xìn ([it] · {have believed})
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

4 Wèi ({on account of}) Tài (too) Duō (many) Shì (things) Yōulǜ ({are anxious}) Bù’·ān (not · {are at ease})

14 Dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) (died) ér (and) Fù·shēng ({was restored} · {to be living})

24 Zhèng·zài (just · {was then}) Shì·hòu ({attending to} · {waiting upon}) Zhòng·rén ({crowd of} · people)

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has been partially proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Qǐng (please) miáo·shù (depict · state)   (→ [describe]) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) . (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) (her) de (’s) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) zhè·me (this · [so]) chén·zhòng (sinkingly · {was heavy}) ?

Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) nǎo·hǎi (mind · sea) li (inside) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) fú·xiàn (floated · {to appear}) chu (out) (her) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) Lāsālù (Lazarus) de () fénmù (grave) , zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) fénmù (grave) shì (was) ge ([mw]) dòng (cave) , dòng·kǒu (cave · mouth) yǒu (had) kuài ({piece of}) (big) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) fēng·zhe (seal·ing) . Shī·qù (losing · away) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) suǒ ({that which [it]}) dài·lái (brought · {to come}) de (’s) shāng·tòng (wounds · pain) , jiù (exactly) xiàng ({were like}) zhèi (this) kuài ({piece of}) bīng·lěng (ice · cold) de (’s) (big) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , zhòng·zhòng (heavy · heavy) de (-ly) (pressing) zài (on) (her) de (’s) xīn·tóu (heart · head) . Zhí·dào (straight · to) zhè (this) (one) (moment) , Mǎdà (Martha) hái·shi (still · was) hěn (very) nán (difficultly) xiāng·xìn ([it] · believing) (she) zhì’·ài (sincerely · loved) de (’s) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) sǐ·qù (dying · away) le ([to completion]) . Zài (in) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) qù·shì ({had gone from} · world)   (→ [had passed away]) hòu ({after ←}) de (’s) zhè (these) (four) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) li (inside) , yǒu ({had had}) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) qīn·yǒu (relatives · friends) lái (coming) āi·dào ({to lament} · {to mourn}) sǐ·zhě ({had died} · person) , wèi·wèn ({to console} · {to inquire after}) huó·rén (living · persons) , kàn·sì ({looking at} · seemed) méi·wán (not · finishing) méi·liǎo (not · ending) .

2, 3. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎdà (Martha) kàn·dào (seeing · reaching) Yēsū (Jesus) hòu ({after ←}) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) gǎn·jué (feeling · {becoming aware}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Mǎdà (Martha) suǒ ({that which [she]}) shuō (said) de (’s) (one) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) xiǎn·shì (evidently · {did show}) (she) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) ?

2 Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , zài (at) Bódàní (Bethany) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) shān·cūn (hill · village’s) wài·mian (outside · side) , zhàn (standing) zài (at) Mǎdà (Martha’s) miàn·qián (face · before) de (’s) , zhèng·shì (exactly · was) Lāsālù (Lazarus’) zuì·hǎo (most · good) de (’s) péngyou (friend) Yēsū (Jesus) . Kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) Yēsū (Jesus) , Mǎdà (Martha) jiù (then) gèng (more) shāng·xīn ({was wounded in} · heart) le ([indicates a change]) , yīn·wei (because · for) Yēsū (Jesus) běn·lái (originally · {had come}) shì ({to be}) shì·shàng (world · upon) wéi·yī (only · one) néng (could) jiù·huó ({have saved} · {to be alive}) (her) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) de (’s) rén (person) , dàn (but) (he) què (however) méi·yǒu (not · had) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (done) . Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , zài (in) Yēsū (Jesus) dòu·liú ({had stayed} · {had remained}) de (’s) duǎn·duǎn (short · short) shí·jiān (time · within) li (inside) , Mǎdà (Martha) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) kàn·dào (seeing · reaching) Yēsū (Jesus’) (that) hé’·ǎi (gentle · amiable) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) de (’s) mù·guāng (eye · light)   (→ [gaze]) , gǎn·shòu (felt · receiving) dào ({arriving at}) (him) de (’s) tǐ·xù (personally · sympathizing) (and) guān·huái ({being concerned} · {thinking of}) . (she) shòu·dào (received · {arriving at}) gǔ·lì (inspiring · encouraging) (and) ān·wèi (calming · comforting) , gǎnjué (felt) shū·fu (relaxed · submitting)   (→ [comfortable]) duō ({much more}) le ([indicates a change]) . Yēsū (Jesus) wèn·le (ask·ed) Mǎdà (Martha) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) wèn·tí (asking · subjects)   (→ [questions]) , jiā·qiáng·le (added · {being strong [to]} · [indicates a change]) (her) duì (towards) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , (also) cù·shǐ (urged · caused) (her) shuō·chū·le ({to say} · out · [to completion]) (one) fān ({occurrence of}) yì·wèi (meaning · flavour) shēn·cháng ({is deep} · {is long}) de (’s) huà (words) : (I) xiāng·xìn ([it] · {have believed}) (you) shì (are) Jīdū ([Christ]) , shì (are) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Érzi (Son) , jiù·shì (exactly · are) yào (must) lái·dào (come · {to arrive at}) shì·rén (world’s · people) dāng·zhōng (in · among) de (’s) nèi (that) wèi ([mw for persons]) .” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:27)

3 Zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) xiǎn·shì (evidently · shows) Mǎdà (Martha) shì (was) ge ([mw]) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) jiān·qiáng ({was firm} · {was strong}) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) li (inside) guān·yú (relating · to) (her) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) suī·rán (although · -ly) (not) duō ({is much}) , què (however) yùnhán·le (contain·s) hěn (very) (big) de (’s) jiào·yì (teaching · benefits) , néng ({is able}) jiā·qiáng ({to add} · {being strong [to]}) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · hearts)   (→ [faith]) . Ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·kan ({look at} · {look at}) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zhōng (within) guān·yú (relating · to) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) dì‐yī ([first]) duàn ({section of}) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) .

Wèi ({on account of}) Tài (too) Duō (many) Shì (things) Yōulǜ ({are anxious}) Bù’·ān (not · {are at ease}) ˄

4. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) jiātíng ([family]) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) (not) cháng·jiàn (often · seen) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Mǎdà (Martha) sān (three) jiě ({elder sisters}) ({younger brother}) gēn (with) Yēsū (Jesus) yǒu (had) zěn·me·yàng (what · [so] · kind) de (’s) guān·xi (involvement · relation)   (→ [relationship]) ?

4 Shì·qing (matter · situation) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) zài (at) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) qián (before) , dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Lāsālù (Lazarus) hái (still) jiàn·zài ({was healthy} · {was living}) . (one) ge ([mw]) hěn (very) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) rén·wù (person · thing)   (→ [personage]) kuài·yào (quickly · must) qián·lái (forward · {come to}) Bódàní (Bethany) , dào ({arrive at}) tāmen ([their]) jiā (home) zuò·kè ({to be} · guest) , zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (person) jiù·shì (exactly · was) Yēsū (Jesus) Jīdū ([Christ]) . Kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) , Lāsālù (Lazarus) , Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) sān (three) jiě ({elder sisters}) ({younger brother}) shì (were) zhù (residing) zài (in) yì·qǐ (one · group) de (’s) , jǐn·guǎn ({to the greatest extent} · {caring about})   (→ [even though]) zài (at) dāng·shí (that · time) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , chéng·nián ([of] {fully grown} · years) de () xiōng·dì ({elder brothers} · {younger brothers}) jiě·mèi ({elder sisters} · {younger sisters}) zhù (residing) zài (in) yì·qǐ (one · group) bìng (actually) (not) cháng·jiàn (often · {was seen}) . Yǒu·xiē (have · some) yán·jiū (study · investigate) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) rén (persons) rèn·wéi (identify · {as being}) , Mǎdà (Martha) zài (in) jiě ({elder sisters}) ({younger brother}) sān (three) rén (persons) zhōng (among) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) pái·háng ({to have been arranged in} · {seniority among siblings}) zuì·dà (most · big) , yīn·wei (because · for) tāmen ([they]) qǐng (invited) (guests) shí (times) , Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) jǔ·dòng (acting · moving) jiù (exactly) xiàng ({was like}) jiā (household) zhōng (within) de (’s) nǚ·zhǔ·rén (female · master · person)   (→ [hostess]) , ér·qiě (and · moreover) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) tí·dào (raises · {arriving at})   (→ [mentions]) zhè (these) sān (three) jiě ({elder sisters}) ({younger brother}) shí (times) , yǒu·shí (have · times) huì (would) xiān (first) tí·dào (raise · {arriving at})   (→ [mention]) Mǎdà (Martha) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:5) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) (not) zhī·dào ({do know} · way)   (→ [do know]) tāmen ([they]) sān (three) rén (persons) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) jié·hūn (formed · marriage)   (→ [gotten married]) , zhǐ (only) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) tāmen ([they]) dōu (all) chéng·le (became · [to completion]) Yēsū (Jesus) de (’s) mì·yǒu (close · friends) . Yēsū (Jesus) zài (in) Yóudìyà (Judea) chuán·dào (spread · way)   (→ [preached]) shí (times) , cháng·cháng (often · often) dào ({arrived at}) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) jiā (home) luò·jiǎo ({to set down} · feet)   (→ [to stop over]) . (he) zài (in) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) dì·qū (land · region) jīng·cháng (regularly · often) zāo·dào (encountered · {arriving at}) fǎnduì (opposing) (and) dí·shì ({[as] enemy} · {being regard}) , ér ({and yet}) zài (in) tāmen ([their]) jiā (home) li (inside) què (however) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) hěn (very) ānníng (peaceful) , (also) gǎn·shòu (felt · receiving) dào ({arriving at}) péngyou (friends) de () zhīchí (supporting) , fǎngfú ({as if}) dào·le ({arriving at} · [to completion]) (one) ge ([mw]) bì·fēng·gǎng ({to avoid} · wind · harbour)   (→ [haven]) . Yēsū (Jesus) wú·yí (no · doubt) hěn ({very much}) gǎn·jī (felt · {incited to be} [grateful for]) zhè (these) sān (three) jiě ({elder sisters}) ({younger brother}) gěi (gave) (him) de (’s) bāngzhù (helping) .

5, 6. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) zhèi (this) (time’s) Yēsū (Jesus’) lái (coming) zuò·kè ({to be} · guest) , Mǎdà (Martha) tè·bié (especially · distinctly) mánglù ({was busy}) ne? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yēsū (Jesus) lái ({came to}) jiā (home) li (inside) zuò·kè ({to be} · guest) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) jiù (then) bǎwò (grasped) jīhuì (opportunity) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) ?

5 Mǎdà (Martha’s) wéi·rén ({acting as} · person) qín·fèn ({was diligent} · {was acting vigourously}) , bù·shí (not · occasionally)   (→ [frequently]) rè·qíng (hot · feeling)   (→ [enthusiastic]) de (-ly) jiē·dài ({would receive} · {would entertain}) kè·rén (guest · persons) , bìng ({side by side with}) jǐn·liàng ({to the greatest extent} · amount) ràng (allowing) kè·rén (guest · persons) zhù·de ({to reside} · {getting to be}) shū·shu (relaxed · relaxed) fu·fu (submitting · submitting)   (→ [comfortable]) , yǒu ({to have}) bīn·zhì·rú·guī (guest · arriving · {as if} · returning)   (→ [being at a home away from home]) de (’s) gǎn·jué (feeling · {becoming aware}) . Jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) , (she) cháng·cháng (often · often) lìng (caused) zìjǐ (self) máng·de ({to be busy} · {getting to be}) bù·kě (not · able) kāi·jiāo ({to start} · {handing in})   (→ [unable to end]) . Zhèi (this) (time’s) Yēsū (Jesus’) lái ({coming to}) tāmen ([their]) jiā (home) zuò·kè ({to be} · guest) , qíng·xing (situation · form) (also) (not) lì·wài (rule · {was outside})   (→ [was exception]) . Mǎdà (Martha) hěn (very) kuài (quickly) jiù (then) xiǎng·hǎo (thought · {to a satisfactory finish}) yào (needed) yù·bèi ({in advance} · {to prepare}) shénme ([what]) fēng·fù (abundant · rich) de (’s) cài·yáo (dishes · {meat/fish dishes}) lái ({to come}) kuǎndài ({to entertain}) zhèi (this) wèi ([mw for persons]) guì·bīn (esteemed · guest) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) hái (also) bāokuò (including) Yēsū (Jesus) de () yì·xiē (one · {number of}) chuán·dào (spreading · way)   (→ [preaching]) tóng·bànr (together · companions) . Dāng·rì ({at that} · sun → [day]) de (’s) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) hěn ({very much}) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regarded) hào·kè ({being fond of} · visitors)   (→ [being hospitable]) zhī (’s) dào (way) . Kè·rén (guest · person) lái·dào (came · arrived) shí (time) , zhǔ·rén (master · person)   (→ [host]) huì (would) wěn (kiss) (him) , biǎo·shì ({to express} · {to show}) huān·yíng (joyfully · welcoming) , (also) huì (would) wèi (for) kè·rén (guest · person) tuō ({take off}) xié (shoes) (and) (wash) jiǎo (feet) , hái (also) huì (would) yòng (use) xīn·xiāng ({pervasive fragrance} · perfume) yóu (oil) wèi (for) kè·rén (guest · person) ({to apply on}) tóu (head) , ràng ({to allow}) kè·rén (guest · person) gǎn·dào ({to feel} · {arriving at}) shū·chàng (relaxed · free) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 7:44–47.) Zhǔ·rén (master · person)   (→ [host]) huì (would) gěi (give) kè·rén (guest · person) zhōu·dao ({complete circle} · arriving)   (→ [thoughtful]) de (’s) zhāo·dài (attracting · entertaining)   (→ [serving]) , wùqiú ({to strive}) ràng ({to allow}) kè·rén (guest · person) kě·yǐ ({to be able} · [suf]) zhù·de ({to reside} · getting) hǎo ({to be well}) , chī·de ({to eat} · getting) hǎo ({to be well}) .

6 Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yǒu (had) (one) (big) duī ({pile of}) gōng·zuò (work · doing) yào (needing) zuò ({to be done}) . Qǐ·chū (rising · beginning)   (→ [at first]) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) (also) zài ({was then}) bāng·máng (helping · {[with] being busy}) , dàn (but) Yēsū (Jesus) lái·dào (came · arrived) hòu ({after ←}) , qíngkuàng (situation) jiù (then) bù·tóng (not · {was the same}) le ([indicates a change]) . Yēsū (Jesus) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) zhè (this) shì (was) shī·xíng ({to carry out} · {to perform}) jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) de (’s) hǎo (good) jīhuì (opportunity) . Gēn (with) dāng·rì ({at that} · sun → [day]) de (’s) zōng·jiào ([of] {school of thought} · teaching)   (→ [religious]) lǐng·xiù (leading · sleeves)   (→ [leaders]) bù·tóng (not · same) de (’s) shì (was) , Yēsū (Jesus) hěn ({very much}) zūn·zhòng (respected · {assigned weightiness to}) nǚ·xìng (female · sex) , lè·yú ({was happy} · to) jiào·dǎo (teach · guide) tāmen ([them]) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Wáng·guó (king’s · nation)   (→ [Kingdom]) , ér (and) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) Wáng·guó (king’s · nation)   (→ [Kingdom]) jiù·shì (exactly · was) (his) chuán·dào (spreading · way)   (→ [preaching]) de (’s) zhǔ·tí (master · subject) . Yǒu·xiē (have · some) rén (persons) rèn·wéi (identify · {as being}) , zài (in) liǎng (two) jiě·mèi ({elder sister} · {younger sister}) zhōng (between) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) gǎn·qíng (feelings · emotions) bǐ·jiào (compared · relatively) fēng·fù ({were abundant} · {were rich}) , (also) bǐ·jiào (compared · relatively) xǐ·huan (liked · enjoyed) sī·kǎo (thinking · examining) . Kàn·dào (seeing · reaching) Yēsū (Jesus) zài ({was then}) shī·xíng ({carrying out} · performing) jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) hěn (very) xīng·fèn ({[having] rising [spirit for]} · {acting vigorously})   (→ [excited]) . (she) bǎwò (grasped) jīhuì (opportunity) , zuò (sat) dào ({arriving at}) Yēsū (Jesus’) jiǎo (feet) qián (before) , jù·jīng (gathering · energy) huì·shén (assembling · spirit)   (→ [concentrating attention]) de (-ly) tīng ({listened to}) Yēsū (Jesus) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō (said) de (’s) měi (every) ({sentence of}) huà (words) .

7, 8. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Mǎdà (Martha) nà·me (that · [so]) fán·zào ({was vexed} · {was irritable}) bù’·ān (not · {was at ease}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) (she) shuō (said) de (’s) shénme ([what]) huà (words) xiǎn·shì (evidently · showed) (her) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) fán·zào ({was vexed} · {was irritable}) ?

7 (not) nán ({is difficult}) xiǎng·xiàng ({to think of} · image) , dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Mǎdà (Martha) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) hěn (very) huāng·zhāng ({was flustered} · amplified) . (she) yào (needed) wèi (for) kè·rén (guest · persons) zuò ({to make}) hěn (very) duō (many) dào ({courses of}) cài (dishes) , hái (also) yào (needed) máng·zhe ({busy with} · {to be being}) zhāo·hu (beckoning · calling)   (→ [taking care of]) kè·rén (guest · persons) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be [that]}) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) fán·zào ({was vexed} · {was irritable}) . Dāng (at) (she) máng ({was busy}) jìn ({coming in}) máng ({was busy}) chū ({going out}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , (she) què (however) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) mèi·mei ({younger sister} · {younger sister}) zuò (sitting) zài (at) Yēsū (Jesus’) gēn·qián (accompaniment · before) shénme ([anything]) (even) (not) zuò (doing) , (she) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) chén·xia (sunk · down) liǎn (face) lai ({to come}) , dà·shēng ([with a] big · voice) tàn·qì (sighed · breath) shèn·zhì (greatly · {gone to the point of}) zhòu·qǐ (wrinkling · up) méi·tóu (brow · aspect) ne? Jiù·suàn (even · figuring) (she) yǒu ({had had}) zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) (also) (not) qíguài ({would have been strange}) . Xiǎngxiang ({think about}) kàn (see) , (she) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò·de·liǎo ({would have done} · getting · {to be finished}) nà·me (that · [so]) duō (many) shì (things) ne!

8 Mǎdà (Martha) yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) jiāo·jí ({was anxious} · {was impatient}) , zhōng·yú (finally · at) rěn·bu·zhù ({was bearing} · not · firmly) le ([indicates a change]) . (she) dǎ·duàn (struck · {to cut off})   (→ [interrupted]) Yēsū (Jesus) de () huà (words) , jī·dòng (excited · moved) de (-ly) shuō (saying) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, (my) mèi·mei ({younger sister} · {younger sister}) piē·xia ({has cast aside} · down) (me) , ràng ({has let}) (me) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) zhàogu ({look after}) yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding)   (→ [everything]) , (you) jué·de (feel · {getting to be}) méi ({does not have}) guān·xi (involvement · relation) ma? Qǐng (please) jiào (order) (her) lái ({to come}) bāng·bang (help · help) (me) ba ([indicates a mild command]) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 10:40) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) yǔ·qì (speaking · attitude) shì (was) tǐng (quite) qiáng·liè (strong · intense) de (’s) . Bù·shǎo (not · few) Shèng·jīng (holy · Scriptures)   (→ [Bible]) yì·běn (translated · editions) (hold) (her) de (’s) huà (words) yì·chéng ({to be translated} · {to become}) : Zhǔ (Lord) a (you) zěn·me (how · [so]) bù·lǐ (not · {do pay attention}) ?” Mǎdà (Martha) qǐng·qiú (requested · entreated) Yēsū (Jesus) jiū·zhèng ({to correct} · {to be right}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , jiào ({to order}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) huí·qu ({to circle back} · {to go}) bāng·máng ({to help} · {[with] being busy}) .

9, 10. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) huí·yìng (returned · responding [to]) Mǎdà (Martha) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Yēsū (Jesus) (not) shì (was) mò·shì (indifferently · regarding) Mǎdà (Martha) suǒ ({that which [she]}) fù·chū ({had expended} · out) de (’s) xīn·láo (labouriously · working) ?

9 Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) huí·yìng (returned · responding) ne? (he) wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (-ly) shuō (said) : Mǎdà (Martha) , Mǎdà (Martha) , (you) wèi ({on account of}) tài (too) duō (many) shì (things) yōulǜ ({are anxious}) bù’·ān (not · {are at ease}) le ([to completion]) . Qí·shí (its · actuality) xūyào (needed) de (’s) (not) duō ({are many}) , zhǐ·yào (only · {are needing}) (one) yàng (kind) jiù (then) gòu ({is enough}) le ([to completion]) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) xuǎnle zuì·hǎo (most · good) de (’s) (one) fènr, shéi (even) bùnéng cóng (from) (her) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) duóqu.” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 10:41, 42) Yēsū (Jesus) de () huí·yìng (returned · responding) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) lìng (caused) Mǎdà (Martha) (and) hěn (very) duō (many) dúdào zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) de (’s) rén (people) dōu (even) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) jīng·yà ({to be startled} · {to be surprised}) . Yēsū (Jesus) de () huà (words) shì (are) shénme ([what]) yìsi ne? (he) shì bu shì pīpíng Mǎdà (Martha) guò·dù (excessive · degree) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · {was regarding}) wùzhì? Shì bu shì mò·shì (indifferently · regarding) Mǎdà (Martha) wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) kuǎndài (entertain) (him) ér (thus) fù·chū ({had expended} · out) de (’s) xīn·láo (labouriously · working) ?

[Dì‐175 yè de túpiàn (jw.org)]

Mǎdà (Martha) suī·rán (although · -ly) céng·jīng (had · {gone through}) wèi ({on account of}) tài (too) duō (many) shì (things) yōulǜ ({being anxious}) bù’·ān (not · {are at ease}) ”, hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) què (however) qiānbēi de (-ly) jiēshòu·le (accept·ed) jiū·zhèng (correcting · {to be right})

10 Dōu (even) (not) shì (was) . Yēsū (Jesus) hěn (very) qīngchu ({was clear about}) , Mǎdà (Martha’s) dòng·jī (moving · intention) chúnzhèng, (she) shì (was) chū·yú ({coming out} · from) ài·xīn (loving · heart) cái zhè·me (this · [so]) zuò (doing) de (’s) . Ér·qiě (and · moreover) , Yēsū (Jesus) yíxiàng dōu (even) (not) rèn·wéi ({did identify} · {as being}) hǎo·hāor (well · {with care}) kuǎndài (entertaining) kè·rén (guest · persons) shì (is) cuò de (’s) . Xiān·qián (earlier · before) , (he) jiù (exactly) hěn (very) lè·yì ([was with] happy · intention) chū·xí ({to come out to} · [mw for banquets, etc.])   (→ [to attend]) Mǎtài ( yòu (also) jiào (called) Lìwèi (Levi) ) wèi (for) (him) bǎishè de (’s) shèng·yàn (grand · banquet) . (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:29) Wèn·tí (asking · problem) bìng (actually) (not) zài·yú ({did exist} · in) shí·wù (food · matter) de (’s) duō·shao ({being much} · {being little})   (→ [amount]) , ér ({but [rather]}) zài·yú (existed · in) Mǎdà (Martha) běnmòdàozhì le ([to completion]) : (she) guò·dù (excessive · degree) zhuānzhù (at) yù·bèi ({in advance} · preparing) jiā·yáo (fine · {meat and fish dishes}) měi·shí (good · food) , yǐ·zhì ({so as to} · incur) hūlüèle zuì (most) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) shì (thing) . Shì (was) shénme ([what]) shì (thing) ne?

[Dì‐174 yè de jīngxuǎn yǔjù]

Yēsū (Jesus) hěn ({very much}) xīn·shǎng (happily · admired) Mǎdà (Martha) nà·me (that · [so]) kāngkǎi ({was generous}) hàokè. (he) hěn (very) qīngchu ({was clear about}) Mǎdà (Martha’s) dòng·jī (moving · intention) chúnzhèng, (she) shì (was) chū·yú ({coming out} · from) ài·xīn (loving · heart) cái zhè·me (this · [so]) zuò (doing) de (’s)

11, 12. Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (-ly) jiū·zhèng (corrected · {to be right}) Mǎdà (Martha) ?

11 Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) dúshēngzǐ Yēsū (Jesus) zhèng·zài (exactly · {was in}) Mǎdà (Martha’s) jiā (home) zhōng (within) jiàoshòu zhēn·lǐ (true · reasoning)   (→ [truth]) . Méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) rèn·hé ({no matter} · what)   (→ [any]) shì (thing) , bāokuò (including) měiwèi de (’s) shí·wù (food · matter) , ({compared to}) jiēshòu (receiving) Yēsū (Jesus) de () jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) gèng (more) zhòng·yào ({was weighty} · {was important}) . Mǎdà (Martha) què (however) cuòguòle zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) néng ({was able}) qiáng·huà ({to be strong} · {to transform})   (→ [to strengthen]) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) de (’s) nán·dé (difficult · {to get}) jīhuì (opportunity) . Yēsū (Jesus) suī·rán (although · -ly) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) hěn ({very much}) kě·xī (could · {be pitied}) , dàn (but) zhè (this) bì·jìng (finishing · {in the end})   (→ [after all]) shì (was) Mǎdà (Martha) zìjǐ (herself) de (’s) xuǎnzé, suǒyǐ Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (exactly) zūn·zhòng (respected · {assigned weightiness to}) (her) de (’s) xuǎnzé.* Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , yào (must) fēnfu Mǎlìyà (Mary) (also) fàngqì zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jīhuì (opportunity) , Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (then) bùnéng tóng·yì (same · thinking)   (→ [agree]) le ([indicates a change]) .

12 Yēsū (Jesus) yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (-ly) jiū·zhèng (corrected · {to be right}) Mǎdà (Martha) . (he) shǒuxiān (first) wēn·róu (warm · soft) de (-ly) jiào·le (call·ed) (her) de (’s) míngzi liǎng (two) (times) , hǎo (well) huǎnhé (her) (that) jī·dòng (excited · moved) de (’s) qíng·xù (feeling · mood) . Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , Yēsū (Jesus) gàosu (her) bú·yòng (not · {does need}) wèi ({on account of}) tài (too) duō (many) shì (things) yōulǜ ({are anxious}) bù’·ān (not · {are at ease}) ”. Qí·shí (its · actuality) , zhǐ·yào (only · needed) yǒu ({to have}) yì-liǎng yàng ({kinds of}) fàn-cài jiù (then) gòu ({would be enough}) le ([to completion]) , hé·kuàng ({[considering] what} · situation)   (→ [let alone]) miàn·qián (face · before) yǒu (having) (one) dùn fēng·fù (abundant · rich) de (’s) shǔlíng yànxí ne. Jì·rán (since · -ly) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) xuǎnle zuì·hǎo (most · good) de (’s) (one) fèn”, (even) jiù·shì (exactly · was) jiēshòu (receiving) Yēsū (Jesus) de () jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) , Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (then) jué (absolutely) bú·huì (not · would) duóqu (her) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) fú·fen (blessing · portion) .

13. Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus) xiàng (to) Mǎdà (Martha) tí·chū (raised · out) de (’s) quàn·gào (advising · telling) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xuédào shénme ([what]) ?

13 Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) suī·rán (although · -ly) jiǎn·duǎn ({is simple} · {is short}) , què (however) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) ràng (let) jīntiān de (’s) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) xuédào bù·shǎo (not · few) dào·li (way · reasonings) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) qiānwàn búyào ràng (let) rèn·hé ({no matter} · what)   (→ [any]) shì (thing) zǔ'ài zìjǐ (selves) mǎnzú shǔlíng de (’s) xū·yào (needs · needed) . (Mǎtài Fúyīn 5:3) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) xīwàng (hope) zìjǐ (selves) néng·gòu ({will be able} · enough) xiàng ({to be like}) Mǎdà (Martha) nà·yàng (that · [way]) kāngkǎi (generous) , qín·fèn (diligent · {acting vigourously}) , dàn (but) (also) búyào yīn·wei ({because of} · for) hào·kè ({being fond of} · visitors)   (→ [being hospitable]) ér (thus) (hold) zìjǐ (selves) nòngde yōulǜ ({to be anxious}) bù’·ān (not · {to be at ease}) ”, jié·guǒ (forming · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) hūlüèle gèng (more) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) shì (things) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) gēn (with) xìn·tú (belief · followers) jiāo·wǎng ({associate with} · {go towards})   (→ [associate]) , zhǔ·yào ({[of] main} · importance) (not) shì (is) wèi·le (for · [to completion]) xiǎngyòng měishí, ér ({but [rather]}) shì (is) wèi·le (for · [to completion]) fēnxiǎng shǔlíng de (’s) ēncì, bǐ·cǐ (those · these)   (→ [each other]) gǔ·lì (inspiring · encouraging) . (Qǐng dú Luómǎshū 1:11, 12.) Jiù·suàn (even · figuring) zhǐ·shì (only · was) (one) dùn biàn fàn ({cooked rice})   (→ [meal]) , (even) néng (can) dádào zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) mù·dì (eye · target)   (→ [purpose]) .

Dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) (died) ér (and) Fù·shēng ({was restored} · {to be living}) ˄

14. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) kěn·dìng (agree · {as certain}) Mǎdà (Martha) jiēshòu·le (accept·ed) Yēsū (Jesus) de () jiū·zhèng (correcting · {to be right}) ?

14 Mǎdà (Martha) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) jiēshòu (accepted) Yēsū (Jesus) de () jiū·zhèng (correcting · {to be right}) ne? Kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) yǒu (had) . Shǐ·tú (sent · disciple)   (→ [apostle]) Yuēhàn (John) xùshù (recounted) Lāsālù (Lazarus) (died) ér (and) fù·shēng ({was restored} · {to be living}) de (’s) jīng·guò ({passing through} · passing) zhī·qián (’s · before) , zài (in) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) li (inside) shuō (says) : Yēsū (Jesus) ài (loved) Mǎdà (Martha) (and) (her) de (’s) mèi·mei ({younger sister} · {younger sister}) , (also) ài (loved) Lāsālù (Lazarus) .” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:5) Zhè (this) shì (was) Yēsū (Jesus) xiàng (to) Mǎdà (Martha) tí·chū ({had raised} · out) quàn·gào (advising · telling) zhī·hòu (’s · after) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) de () shì (matter) . Xiǎn·rán (obvious·ly) , Mǎdà (Martha) bú·dàn (not · only) méi·yǒu (not · had) shēng ({given life to} [towards]) Yēsū (Jesus) de () (anger) , fǎn’·ér (instead · thus) jiāng ({had taken}) Yēsū (Jesus) de () rén’·ài (benevolent · loving) quàn·gào (advising · telling) láo·jì (firmly · {to remember}) zài (in) xīn (heart) . Zài (on) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) shang (upon) , Mǎdà (Martha) díquè (truly) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , zhí·de ({is worth} · getting) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) rén·rén (person · person)   (→ [everyone]) dōu (all) huì (will) fàn·cuò (commit · errors) , yǒu·shí (have · times) nán·miǎn (difficult · {to avoid}) (also) xūyào (need) bié·ren (other · people) de (’s) jiū·zhèng (correcting · {to be right}) .

15, 16. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) bìng·dǎo ({falling ill} · fell) zhī·hòu (’s · after) , Mǎdà (Martha) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (did) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) luò·kōng (fell · empty) le ([to completion]) ?

15 Dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) Lāsālù (Lazarus) bìng·dǎo ({falling ill} · fell) zhī·hòu (’s · after) , Mǎdà (Martha) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) xīn·qín (laborious · diligent) de (-ly) zhàogu ({looked after}) (him) . Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) bāngzhù (help) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) jiǎn·qīng ({to reduce} · {to be light}) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) , zǎo·rì ([on] early · sun → [day]) kāng·fù ({to be healthy} · {to be restored}) , néng (could) zuò (do) de (’s) Mǎdà (Martha) dōu (all) zuò·le (did · [to completion]) . Kě·shì (however · was) , Lāsālù (Lazarus) de () bìng·qíng (illness · condition) hái·shi (still · was) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) è·huà ({to be bad} · {being transformed})   (→ [worsening]) . (sun)   (→ [day]) (again) (one) (sun)   (→ [day]) , Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) dōu (even) shí·kè ({[all the] time} · {[every] moment}) shǒu ({kept watch}) zài (at) Lāsālù (Lazarus’) shēn·biān (body → [self] · beside) zhàogu ({to look after}) (him) . Kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) de (’s) liǎn·róng (face · appearance) rì·jiàn (suns → [daily] · gradually) qiáo·cuì ({being [more] haggard} · {being [more] pale and weak}) , Mǎdà (Martha) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) xiǎng·qǐ (thought · up) tāmen ([they]) jiě ({elder sisters}) ({younger brother}) duō (many) nián (years) lái ([over the past ←]) yì·qǐ ([as] one · group)   (→ [together]) jīng·lì·guo ({had gone through} · {had experienced} · {[in the] past}) de (’s) ({being happy}) (and) bēi ({being sad}) . Zhè (this) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) lìng ({to cause}) (her) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very much]) nán·guò ({[to find it] difficult} · {to go through}) .

16 Hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) , Lāsālù (Lazarus) hǎo·xiàng ({very much} · {was like}) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) bù·xíng (not · {all right}) le ([indicates a change]) , Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) jiù (then) qǐng (asked) rén (person) gěi ({to give to}) Yēsū (Jesus) chuán·le ({passing on of} · [to completion]) ge ([mw]) kǒu·xìnr ({mouth (oral)} · message) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Yēsū (Jesus) zhèng ({just then}) zài (at) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) dìfang (place) chuán·dào ({was spreading} · way)   (→ [was preaching]) , nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) ({was apart from}) Bódàní (Bethany) dà·yuē (largely · approximately) yǒu (having) liǎng (two) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) de () lù·chéng (road · journey) . Kǒu·xìnr ({mouth (oral)} · message) hěn (very) jiǎn·duǎn ({was simple} · {was short}) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, gēn (with) (you) jiāo·qing (friendship · feeling) hěn (very) shēn ({is deep}) de (’s) péngyou (friend) bìng ({has fallen ill}) le ([indicates a change]) .” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:1, 3) Zhèi (these) liǎng (two) jiě·mèi ({elder sister} · {younger sister}) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Yēsū (Jesus) hěn ({very much}) ài (loved) Lāsālù (Lazarus) , (also) shēn·xìn (deeply · believed) Yēsū (Jesus) huì (would) jìn·lì ({expend to the limit} · power) bāngzhù ({to help}) (him) de (’s) hǎo (good) péngyou (friend) . Tāmen ([they]) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [continuously]) zài ({were then}) děngdài (awaiting) Yēsū (Jesus) , xīwàng (hoping) (he) jí·shí ({[at] in time for [this]} · time) gǎn·dào ({would hurry} · {to arrive}) , wǎn·jiù ({to pull} · {to save}) Lāsālù (Lazarus) de () shēngmìng (life) . Kě·shì (however · was) , tāmen ([them]) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) luò·kōng (fell · empty) le ([to completion]) , Lāsālù (Lazarus) zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) hái·shi (still · was) sǐ·qù (dying · away) le ([to completion]) .

17. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎdà (Martha) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) yí·huò (uncertain · confused) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Tīng·shuō (heard · {being said}) Yēsū (Jesus) kuài (quickly) lái·dào ({was coming} · {to arrive at}) zhèn (town) shang (upon) shí (time) , (she) yòu (moreover) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (did) ?

17 Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) bēi·tòng ({were sad} · {were in pain}) . Zài (in) jiē·zhe ({took hold of [next]} · -ing) de (’s) (few) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) , tāmen ([they]) máng·zhe ({busy with} · {were being}) bàn·lǐ (handling · managing) sāng·shì (funeral · matters) (and) jiē·dài (receiving · {entertaining [as guests]}) cóng (from) Bódàní (Bethany’s) yí·dài (one · belt → [area]) qián·lái (forward · {had come}) de (’s) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) qīn·yǒu (relatives · friends) . Rì·zi (suns → [days] · [suf]) yì·tiān (one · sky → [day]) yì·tiān (one · sky → [day]) de (’s) guò·qu (passed · went) , dàn (but) hái (still) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) Yēsū (Jesus) de () xiāo·xi (disappearing · news)   (→ [news]) . Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) Mǎdà (Martha) yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) yí·huò (uncertain · confused) . Zài (on) Lāsālù (Lazarus) ({had died}) hòu ({after ←}) de (’s) dì‐sì ([fourth]) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , Mǎdà (Martha) zhōng·yú (finally · at) tīng·shuō (heard · {being said}) Yēsū (Jesus) kuài (quickly) lái·dào ({was coming} · {to arrive to}) zhèn (town) shang (upon) le ([indicates a change]) . Jǐn·guǎn ({to the greatest extent} · {caring about})   (→ [though]) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) chén·zhòng (sinkingly · {was heavy}) , Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) xíng·dòng (doing · moving) hái·shi (still · were) nà·me (that · [so]) lì·luo (advantage · getting)   (→ [agile]) , (she) méi·yǒu (not · having) tōng·zhī (notified · {to be knowing}) mèi·mei ({younger sister} · {younger sister}) jiù (then) jí·máng (impatiently · hurriedly) gǎn (rushed) ({to go}) jiàn ({to see}) Yēsū (Jesus) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:18–20.)

18, 19. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎdà (Martha) biǎo·shì (expressed · showed) (she) xiāng·xìn ([it] · believed) rén (people) yǒu (have) shénme ([what]) xīwàng (hoping) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) (she) duì (towards) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) shēn·xìn (deeply · {was believing}) bù·yí (not · {was doubting}) ?

18 Mǎdà (Martha) (once) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Yēsū (Jesus) , jiù (then) rěn·bu·zhù (bearing · not · firmly) (held) lián·rì ({one after another} · suns → [days]) lái ({had come}) chán·rào ({to be tangled} · {to be entwined}) zài (in) (her) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary’s) xīn·tóu (hearts · heads) de () xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) shuō·le ({to be said} · [to completion]) chu·lai (out · {to come}) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, yào·shi (if · {[it] was [that]}) (you) zǎo ({early on}) zài ({had been at}) zhè·lǐ (this · inside)   (→ [here]) , (me) de (’s) xiōng·dì ({elder brother} · {younger brother}) jiù (then) bú·huì (not · would) ({have died}) le ([indicates a change]) .” Kě·shì (however · was) , (she) bìng (definitely) méi·yǒu (not · had) shī·qù (lost · away) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) (and) xīwàng (hoping) . (she) jìxù (continuing) shuō (said) : Jiù·shì (exactly · is) xiàn·zài (present · at) (I) (also) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) , fán (all) (you) xiàng (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) suǒ ({that which [you]}) qiú (ask) de (’s) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) dōu (all) (certainly) cìgěi ({will give}) (you) .” Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) qiáng·huà ({to be strong} · transform)   (→ [strengthen]) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , Yēsū (Jesus) duì (to) (her) shuō (said) : (you) de (’s) xiōng·dì ({elder brother} · {younger brother}) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) fù·huó ({will resume} · living)   (→ [will be resurrected]) .” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:21–23)

19 Mǎdà (Martha) yǐ·wéi (took · {to be}) Yēsū (Jesus) shuō ({was speaking of}) de (’s) shì (was) wèi·lái ({not yet} · come)   (→ [the future]) de (’s) shì (matter) , jiù (then) huí·yìng (returning · responding) shuō (said) : (I) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) zài (at) zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [last]) de (’s) rì·zi (sun’s → [day’s] · [suf]) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) de (’s) shíhou (time) , (he) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) fù·huó ({will resume} · living)   (→ [will be resurrected]) .” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:24) Suī·rán (although · -ly) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) qīngchu (clearly) biǎo·míng (shows · {[to make] clear}) , rén (people) yǒu (have) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) , dāng·shí ({at that} · time) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) chēng·wéi (called · {to be}) Sādūgāi·pài (Sadducee · {school of thought}) de (’s) Yóutài (Jewish) zōng·jiào ([of] {school of thought} · teaching)   (→ [religious]) lǐng·xiù (leading · sleeves)   (→ [leaders]) hái·shi (still · were) shuō (saying) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) zhè (this) huí ([mw]) shì (thing) . (Dànyǐlǐ·shū (Daniel · book) 12:13; Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 12:18) Mǎdà (Martha) gēn (with) tāmen ([them]) bù·tóng (not · {was the same}) , (she) duì (towards) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) shēn·xìn (deeply · {was believing}) bù·yí (not · {was doubting}) . Yīn·wei (because · for) (she) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) , Yēsū (Jesus) céng (had) zhǐ·chū (pointed · out) rén (people) yǒu (have) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) , (also) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Yēsū (Jesus) céng (had) fù·huó·guo (restored · {to be living} · {[in the] past})   (→ [resurrected]) (dead) rén (persons) jǐn·guǎn ({to the greatest extent} · {caring about})   (→ [although]) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) rén (persons) (not) xiàng ({were like}) Lāsālù (Lazarus) nà·yàng (that · [way]) sǐ·le ({having died} · [to completion]) nà·me (that · [so]) jiǔ ({for a long time}) . Kě·shì (however · was) , dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Mǎdà (Martha) hái (still) (not) qīngchu ({was clear about}) Yēsū (Jesus) dǎ·suan ({was making} · planning) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) .

20. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Qǐng (please) jiě·shì (solve · explain) Yēsū (Jesus) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō (said) de (’s) nèi (that) ({sentence of}) lìng (makes) rén (people) nán·wàng (difficult · {to forget}) de (’s) huà shì (is) shénme yìsi. (Yǐ) ((second)) Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:25–27 jì·zǎi·le (recorded · {wrote down} · [to completion]) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answering) , (her) de (’s) huà yòu (moreover) shuō·míng·le (explains · clearly · [to completion]) shénme?

20 Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , Yēsū (Jesus) shuō·le (say · -ed) (one) ({sentence of}) lìng (makes) rén (people) nán·wàng (difficult · {to forget}) de (’s) huà: “Wǒ jiù·shì (exactly · am) fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) , jiù·shì (exactly · am) shēngmìng (life) .” Méi (not) cuò (wrong) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) cìgěi ({giving to}) (his) érzi Yēsū (Jesus) quánlì, ràng ({to allow}) (him) zài (in) jiāng·lái ({going to} · come)   (→ [the future]) fù·huó ({to restore} · living [to])   (→ [to resurrect]) dì·shang (earth · upon) qiānqiān-wànwàn de (’s) rén (people) . Yēsū (Jesus) wèn (asking) Mǎdà (Martha) shuō (said) : (you) xiāngxìn zhèi (this) jiàn shì (thing) ma?” Mǎdà (Martha) yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) shuō·chū (saying · out) běn zhāng tí·mù (title · item) nèi (that) ({sentence of}) huà. (she) xiāngxìn Yēsū (Jesus) shì (was) Jīdū ([Christ]) , (namely) Mísàiyà, (also) xiāngxìn (he) shì (was) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) Érzi (Son) , (also) jiù·shì (exactly · was) xiān·zhī (earlier · knowing [persons])   (→ [prophets]) yù·gào (fore·told) huì (would) lái·dào (come · {to arrive at}) shì·rén (world’s · people) dāng·zhōng (in · among) de (’s) nèi (that) (one) wèi ([mw for persons]) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:28, 29; qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:25–27)

21, 22. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) qián·lái (forward · {had come}) dàoniàn de (’s) rén (people) nà·me (that · [so]) bēi·shāng ({were sad} · {were hurt}) jiù (then) yǒu (had) shénme fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Qǐng (please) miáo·shù (depict · state)   (→ [describe]) Lāsālù (Lazarus) fù·huó (resumed · living)   (→ [was resurrected]) de (’s) qíng·jǐng (situation · scene) .

21 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) (and) (his) érzi Yēsū (Jesus) Jīdū ([Christ]) xīn·shǎng (happily · {did admire}) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ma? Kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) xīn·shǎng (happily · {did admire}) ! Jiē ({taking hold of [next]}) xiàlái fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) de (’s) shì (thing) néng·gòu ({is able} · enough) qīngchu (clearly) zhèng·míng ({to prove} · clearly) zhè (this) (one) diǎn. Mǎdà (Martha) gǎn (hurried) huí·jiā ({to circle back to} · home) jiāng ({to take}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) jiào·lai ({to be called} · {to come}) . Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , (she) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Yēsū (Jesus) gēn (with) Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) qián·lái (forward · {had come}) dàoniàn de (’s) rén (people) shuō·huà (speak · words) , (also) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) Yēsū (Jesus) yīn·wei (because · for) mù·dǔ ({[with] eyes} · {had seen}) sǐwáng (dying) wèi (for) rén (people) dài·lái ({had brought} · {to come}) de (’s) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) ér bēi·tòng ({being sad} · {being in pain}) luò·lèi (drop · tears) . Zhī·hòu (it · after) , (she) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) Yēsū (Jesus) fēnfu rén (people) jiāng ({to take}) (her) dì·di ({younger brother} · {younger brother}) de (’s) mù·xué (grave · pit) ménkǒu de (’s) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) nuókāi. (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:28–39)

22 Yíxiàng shíshìqiúshì de (’s) Mǎdà (Martha) (not) tóng·yì ({was same} · thinking)   (→ [did agree]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) , (she) rèn·wéi (identified · {as being}) Lāsālù (Lazarus) sǐ·qù ({had died} · away) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) (four) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) , yítǐ kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) fā·chòu ({was emitting} · stinking) le ([indicates a change]) . Yēsū (Jesus) yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) tí·xǐng (raising · {being awake})   (→ [reminding]) (her) : “Wǒ (not) shì (was) gàosuguo (you) , (you) yào·shi (if · are) xiāngxìn, jiù (then) huì kàn·jian ({look at} · see) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) róngyào ma?” Mǎdà (Martha) xiāngxìn Yēsū (Jesus) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) róngyào, jiù·shì (exactly · was) kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (giving) Yēsū (Jesus) dà·néng (great · ability) , lìng (causing) Lāsālù (Lazarus) ({to have died}) ér (and) fù·shēng ({to be restored} · {to be living}) ! Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) de (’s) shì (thing) bìdìng (certainly) shǐ (caused) Mǎdà (Martha) bìshēng nánwàng: Yēsū (Jesus) mìnglìng shuō (said) Lāsālù (Lazarus) , chū·lai ({come out} · {to come}) !”; fénmù (grave) li (inside) chuán·lái (transmitted · {to come}) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) wēiruò de (’s) shēngyīn (sounds) , quánshēn bāo·zhe ({wrapped with} · being) guǒshībù de (’s) Lāsālù (Lazarus) qǐ·lai ({got up} · {to come}) , yí bù yí bù de (-ly) zǒudào mù·xué (grave · pit) ménkǒu; Yēsū (Jesus) fēnfu rén (people) “jiěkāi (him) , ràng (let) (him) zǒu”; Mǎdà (Martha) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) xīng·fèn ({[were having] rising [spirit for]} · {acting vigorously})   (→ [were excited]) bùyǐ, lì·kè (immediately · {[that] moment}) pǎo shàngqián qù gēn (with) Lāsālù (Lazarus) xiāng yōng. (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 11:40–44.) Nà yíkè, Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) bēi·tòng ({being sad} · {being in pain}) yī sǎo ér kōng!

[Dì‐177 yè de túpiàn (jw.org)]

Mǎdà (Martha) duì (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) yǒu (had) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) dédào jiǎngshǎng, (he) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) néng·gòu ({were able} · enough) qīnyǎn kàn·jian ({to look at} · {to see}) xiōng·dì ({elder brother} · {younger brother}) fù·huó ({be restored} · {to be living})   (→ [be resurrected])

23. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) Yēsū (Jesus) xǐ·huan (like · {are happy}) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) duì·dài ({to treat} · {to deal with}) yǒu (have) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) de (’s) rén (persons) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) (you) xūyào (must) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zuò (do) cái néng (can) dédào tāmen ([them]) de (’s) jiǎngshǎng?

23 Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) ràng (lets) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū (see · out) , sǐ·rén (dead · people) fù·huó (resuming · living)   (→ [being resurrected]) jué·duì (absolutely · compared) (not) shì (is) mèngxiǎng, ér shì (is) (one) ge ([mw]) gǎn·rén (moves · people) de (’s) Shèng·jīng (holy · Scriptures)   (→ [Bible]) zhēn·lǐ (true · logic)   (→ [truth]) , (also) shì (is) zhēnzhēn (truly) zhèngzhèng (properly) fā·shēng·guo ({has issued forth} · {has come to life} · {[in the] past})   (→ [has happened]) de (’s) shì (thing) . (Yuēbójì 14:14, 15) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) (his) érzi Yēsū (Jesus) xǐ·huan (like · {are happy}) jiǎngshǎng suǒyǒu xiǎn·chū (show · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) de (’s) rén (persons) , jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) jiǎngshǎng Mǎdà (Martha) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Lāsālù (Lazarus) yíyàng. Yào·shi (if · {[it] will be [that]}) (you) xiǎn·chū (show · out) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) Yēsū (Jesus) (also) huì dà·dà (greatly · greatly) jiǎngshǎng (you) .

Zhèng·zài (just · {was then}) Shì·hòu ({attending to} · {waiting upon}) Zhòng·rén ({crowd of} · people) ˄

24. Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [final]) (one) (time) tí·dào (raises · {arriving at})   (→ [mentions]) Mǎdà (Martha) shí (time) , gàosu wǒ·men (us · [pl]) shénme shì?

24 Cǐ hòu, Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zhǐ (only) tí·guo ({brought up} · {[in the] past}) Mǎdà (Martha) (one) (time) . Shì·qing (matter · situation) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) zài (on) Yēsū (Jesus) xīshēng shēngmìng (life) qián ({before ←}) ({a few}) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) de (’s) mǒu (certain) ge ([mw]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) . Yēsū (Jesus) hěn ({very much}) qīngchu ({was clear about}) zìjǐ (self) bùjiǔ jiù (then) huì yǒu (have) shénme zāoyù (encountering) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) juédìng (deciding) zài (at) shàng Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) zhī·qián (’s · before) , zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) qián·wǎng (forward · {to go towards}) jù·lí (distance · {apart from}) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) 3 gōng·lǐ (metric · {Chinese miles})   (→ [kilometres]) (2 yīnglǐ) de (’s) Bódàní (Bethany) , dào (to) Mǎdà (Martha’s) jiā li (inside) liúsù. Nèi·ge (that · [mw]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , Yēsū (Jesus) (and) Lāsālù (Lazarus) zài (in) huànguo máfēng de (’s) Xīmén jiā li (inside) chī·fàn (ate · {cooked rice} → [meal]) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [final]) (one) (time) tí·dào (raises · {arriving at})   (→ [mentions]) Mǎdà (Martha) shí (time) , shuō (says) (she) zhèng·zài (just · {was then}) shì·hòu ({attending to} · {waiting upon}) zhòng·rén ({crowd of} · people) ”. (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 12:2)

25. Jīntiān de (’s) Jīdūtú huìzhòng (also) yǒu (have) něixiē xiàng ({are like}) Mǎdà (Martha) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · persons) ?

25 Mǎdà (Martha) zìshǐzhìzhōng dōu (even) nà·me (that · [so]) qín·fèn ({was diligent} · {was acting vigourously}) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) tóu (head)   (→ [first]) (one) (time) tí·dào (raises · {arriving at})   (→ [mentions]) (her) shí (time) , (she) zài ({was then}) gōng·zuò (work · doing) ; zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [final]) (one) (time) tánjí (her) shí (time) , (she) (also) zài ({was then}) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , jìn·xīn ({expending to the limit} · heart) jìn·lì ({expending to the limit} · power) wèi (for) shēn·biān (body → [self] · beside) de (’s) rén (people) fúwù. Zài (in) jīntiān de (’s) Jīdūtú huìzhòng zhōng (within) , (also) yǒu (have) bù·shǎo (not · few) xiàng ({are like}) Mǎdà (Martha) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · persons) . Tāmen ([they]) kèkǔ nài láo, kāngkǎi ({are generous}) hàokè, bìng (simultaneously) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) huàzuò xíng·dòng (doing · moving) , xiàn·chū (offer · out) zìjǐ (selves) wèi (for) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (and) bié·ren (other · people) fúwù. Zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) měi·dé (beautiful · virtues) hěn ({very much}) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) bànsuízhe Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) yìshēng. Mǎdà (Martha) díquè (truly) hěn (very) míngzhì, yīn·wei ({because of} · for) yǒu·le (having · [to completion]) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) měi·dé (beautiful · virtues) , (she) jiù (then) gèng (more) néng ({was able}) yìngfu rì·hòu ([in the] suns → [days] · afterwards) chū·xiàn ({put out} · appearing) de (’s) gèzhǒng nántí le ([to completion]) .

26. Mǎdà (Martha) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , zhè (this) duì (to) (her) yǒu (had) shénme bāngzhù (helping) ?

26 Zài (further) guò (passed) ({a few}) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) , Mǎdà (Martha) suǒ ({he whom [she]}) shēn (deeply) ài (loved) de (’s) Zhǔ (Lord) Yēsū (Jesus) huì bèi rén (people) cánkù de (-ly) shāsǐ. Nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) jiǎ·rén (false · benevolence) jiǎ·yì (false · righteousness) de () zōng·jiào ([of] {school of thought} · teaching)   (→ [religious]) lǐng·xiù (leading · sleeves)   (→ [leaders]) zài (at) shāhài Yēsū (Jesus) zhī·hòu (’s · after) , hái (also) xiǎngyào (wanted) shāsǐ Lāsālù (Lazarus) , yīn·wei (because · for) Lāsālù (Lazarus) de () fù·huó ({resuming of} · living)   (→ [resurrection]) shǐ ({was causing}) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) rén (people) xìn·cóng·le ({to believe} · {to follow} · [indicates a change]) Yēsū (Jesus) . Zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) shì (things) wú·yí (no · doubt) dōu (all) huì shǐ (cause) Mǎdà (Martha) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) nánshòu. (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 12:9–11.) Cǐwài, Mǎdà (Martha) (and) (she) zhì’·ài (sincerely · loved) de (’s) dì·mèi ({younger brother} · {younger sister}) zuì·zhōng (most · finally) hái·shi (still · were) yào (needing) jīng·lì ({to go through} · {to experience}) shēng lí sǐ bié de (’s) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) (not) zhī·dào ({do know} · way)   (→ [do know]) zhè (this) shì (thing) zài (at) shénme shíhou (time) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) (and) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) , dàn Mǎdà (Martha) jì·rán (since · -ly) yǒu (had) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) (she) néng·gòu ({was able} · enough) rěnnài ({to endure}) dào·dǐ (to · bottom) . Jīntiān de (’s) Jīdūtú (not) shì (are) (also) yīnggāi xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Mǎdà (Martha) , xiǎn·chū (show · out) tóng·yàng (same · kind) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ma?

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})

  • Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus) gěi (gave) Mǎdà (Martha) de (’s) quàn·gào (advising · telling) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xuédào shénme?
  • Mǎdà (Martha) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) kèkǔ nài láo de (’s) gèxìng, lè·yú ({was happy} · to) xiàn·chū (offer · out) zìjǐ (self) wèi (for) bié·ren (other · people) fúwù?
  • Mǎdà (Martha) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ?
  • (you) xīwàng (hope) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) Mǎdà (Martha) , xiǎn·chū ({to show} · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ?