[Dì‐180 ([180th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐21 ([21st]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Kè·fú (overcame · {to be submitting}) Kǒngjù (fearing) , Xiāo·chú (eliminated · removed) Yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying)
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

5 Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) Yǐ·jing (already · {have gone through}) Zhǎo·zháo ({looking for} · successfully) Mísàiyà (Messiah) le ([indicates a change]) ”!

10 Bú·yào (not · must)   (→ [must not]) ({be afraid})

17 Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yào (must) Huái·yí (harbour · doubt) ne?”

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has been partially proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1–3. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Dāng·tiān ({on that} · sky → [day]) Bǐdé (Peter) qīn·yǎn (personally · {[with] eyes}) kàn·jian ({looking at} · {had seen}) shénme ([what]) shì (things) fā·shēng ({issue forth} · {come to life})   (→ [happen]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) (he) yòu ({in addition}) yǒu ({was having}) shénme ([what]) jīng·lì ({going through} · experiencing) ?

Bǐdé (Peter) jǐn·wò·zhe (tightly · hold- · -ing) chuán (boat) jiǎng (oar) shǐ·jìn ({using [all]} · strength) de (-ly) huá (rowed) . (he) níng·shì (congealed · {looking at})   (→ [gazed fixedly at]) qī·hēi (painted · black) de (’s) hǎi·miàn (sea · surface) , jiàn·dào (saw · {arriving at}) dōng·miàn (east · face) shuǐ·píng·xiàn (water · {being level} · line)   (→ [horizon]) shang (upon) yǒu (had) (one) ge ([mw]) wēi·wēi (slightly · slightly) fā·guāng ({sending out} · light) de (’s) dōng·xi (east · west)   (→ [thing]) . (that) shì (was) pò·xiǎo (breaking · dawn) de (’s) chén·guāng ({early morning} · light) ma? (he) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) huá·le (rowing · [to completion]) hǎo·jǐ (good · few) ge ([mw]) xiǎo·shí (small · {time periods})   (→ [hours]) le ([to completion]) , bèi·bù (back · part) (and) jiānbǎng (shoulders) de () jī·ròu (muscle · flesh) xiàng (like) bèi (by) huǒ (fire) zhuó·shāng ({had been burned} · {to be injured}) nà·me (that · [so]) téng·tòng ({were hurting} · {were painful}) . Hǎi·miàn (sea · surface) shang (upon) de (’s) kuáng·fēng (wild · wind) měng·liè (fierce · violent) de (-ly) chuī·zhe ({was blow-} · -ing) , ({was holding}) (him) de (’s) tóu·fa (head · hair) chuī·de ({to be blown} · getting) péng·luàn ({to be dishevelled} · {to be disordered}) , (also) ({was holding}) Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) guā·de ({to be blown} · getting) bō·tāo (waves · {large waves}) xiōng·yǒng ({rushing water} · {to be surging}) . (one) ge ([mw]) yòu (again) (one) ge ([mw]) bōlàng (wave) pāi·dǎ (clapped · struck) zài (on) yú·chuán (fishing · boat) de (’s) chuán·tóu (ship · head)   (→ [prow]) shang (upon) , bīng·lěng (ice · cold) de (’s) shuǐ·huā (water · flowers)   (→ [sprays]) jiàn (splashed) zài (on) (his) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) , (his) quán·shēn (whole · body) dōu (all) shī·tòu ({was wet} · thoroughly) le ([to completion]) . Dàn (but) (he) hái·shi (still · was) jìxù (continuing) shǐ·jìn ({using [all]} · strength) de (-ly) huá ({to row}) .

2 Bǐdé (Peter) shì (was) gēn (with) huǒ·bànr (partners · companions) yì·qǐ ([as] one · group)   (→ [together]) chū·hǎi ({having gone out to} · sea) de (’s) , liú·xia ({having left} · down) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) àn (shore) shang (upon) . Dāng·tiān ({on that} · sky → [day]) shāo (slightly) zǎo (earlier) de (’s) shíhou (time) , tāmen ([they]) kàn·dào ({had seen} · reaching) Yēsū (Jesus) zhǐ (only) yòng (using) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) bǐng ({round flat cakes}) (and) ({a few}) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) (fishes) , jiù (then) wèi·bǎo·le ({had fed} · {to be full} · [to completion]) qǐ·mǎ (starting · number)   (→ [at least]) ({a few}) qiān ({thousands of}) ge ([mw]) jī’·è (hungry · starving) de (’s) rén (people) . Qúnzhòng (crowd) yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) xiǎng (wanting) yào ({to require}) Yēsū (Jesus) zuò ({to be}) wáng (king) , dàn (but) Yēsū (Jesus) (not) xiǎng ({did want}) cānyù ({to participate in}) zhèng·zhì (politics · governing) , (also) jué (absolutely) (not) xīwàng ({did hope}) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) yǒu ({to have}) zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) yě·xīn (wild · heart)   (→ [ambition]) . Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) bì·kāi (avoid · {clear of}) qúnzhòng (crowd) , (he) cuīcù (urged) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) shàng·chuán ({to go up onto} · boat) dào (to) duì’·àn (opposite · shore) ({to go}) , zìjǐ (self) jiù (then) dú·zì (alone · self) dào ({arrived at}) shān (mountain) shang (upon) dǎo·gào ({to pray} · {to request}) . (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 6:35–45; qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 6:14–17)

3 Nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) shì (was) jiē·jìn (approaching · {to be close to}) yuè (moon) yuán ({would be round}) de (’s) rì·zi (sun → [day] · [suf]) , mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) qǐ·chéng (started · journey) shí (time) (that) lún ([mw for the sun, the moon, etc.]) dāng·kōng ({had been at} · {is empty [place]})   (→ [had been high above in the sky]) de (’s) míng·yuè (bright · moon) , cǐ·kè (this · moment) zhèng ({just then}) jiàn·jiàn (gradually · gradually) ({[in the] west}) chén ({was sinking}) . Tāmen ([they]) suī·rán (although · -ly) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) huá·le (rowing · [to completion]) hěn (very) jiǔ ({long time}) , chuán·r (boat · [suf]) què (yet) zhǐ (only) qián·jìn·le (forward · {had advanced} · [to completion]) ({a few}) gōng·lǐ (metric · {Chinese miles})   (→ [kilometres]) . Hǎi·shàng (sea · upon) kuáng·fēng (wild · wind) hū·xiào ({was crying out} · {was roaring}) , jù·làng (huge · waves) páoxiào ({were roaring}) , suǒ·yǐ ({those which} · {were the reasons}) dà·jiā (big · family)   (→ [everyone]) hěn (very) nán (difficultly) jiāo·tán (mutually · {would have conversed}) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) , Bǐdé (Peter) hěn (very) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [probably]) zài ({was then}) dú·zì (alone · self) sī·suǒ (thinking · searching) .

[Dì‐180 ([180th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Zài (in) liǎng (two) nián (years) de () shí·jiān (time · within) li (inside) , Bǐdé (Peter) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus’) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) xué·dào ({had learned} · {arriving at}) hěn (very) duō (many) dōng·xi (easts · wests)   (→ [things]) , dàn (but) (he) hái·yǒu (still · had) bù·shǎo (not · few) shì·qing (things · situations) yào (needing) xué·xí ({to be learned} · {to get practised with})

4. Bǐdé (Peter) jié·lì (exhausted · power) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) , shì (being) wǒ·men (our · [pl]) xué·xí ({to learn} · {to get practised with}) de (’s) hǎo (good) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [example]) ?

4 Zài (in) (him) de (’s) nǎo·hǎi (mind · sea) li (inside) , kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) yǒu (had) hěn (very) duō (many) zhí·de (worth · getting) sī·suǒ ({to think about} · {to search for}) de (’s) shì (things) . (he) gēnsuí ({had been following}) Násālè·rén (Nazarene · person) Yēsū (Jesus) liǎng (two) nián (years) duō ({more than ←}) le ([to completion]) , zhè (this) qí·jiān (’ · during) (he) jīng·lì·le ({had gone through} · {had experienced} · [to completion]) hěn (very) duō (many) shì·qing (things · situations) , (also) xué·dào ({had learned} · {arriving at}) hěn (very) duō (many) dōng·xi (easts · wests)   (→ [things]) . Dàn·shì (but · was) , (he) hái·yǒu (still · had) bù·shǎo (not · few) shì·qing (things · situations) yào (needing) xué·xí ({to be learned} · {to get practised with}) , lì·rú (examples · like) xué·xí (learning · {getting practised with}) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) kè·fú ({to overcome} · {to be submitting}) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) xiāo·chú (eliminating · removing) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) . Bǐdé (Peter) jié·lì (exhausted · power) kè·fú ({to overcome} · {to be submitting}) ruò·diǎn (weak · points) , shì (is) wǒ·men (our · [pl]) xué·xí ({to learn} · {to get practised with}) de (’s) hǎo (good) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [example]) . Ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) lái (come) kàn·kan ({to see} · {to see}) ba.

Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) Yǐ·jing (already · {have gone through}) Zhǎo·zháo ({looking for} · successfully) Mísàiyà (Messiah) le ([indicates a change]) ”! ˄

5, 6. Qǐng (please) shuō·shuo ({speak of} · {speak of}) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living) qíngkuàng (situation) .

5 Bǐdé (Peter) yǒng·yuǎn (eternally · {far [in time]}) bú·huì (not · would) wàng·jì (forget · {to remember}) chū·cì (first · time) yù·jiàn (met · saw) Yēsū (Jesus) de () (that) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) . Nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , (him) de (’s) xiōng·dì ({elder brother} · {younger brother}) Āndéliè (Andrew) gàosu ({had told}) (him) (one) ge ([mw]) jīng·rén (startled · people) de (’s) xiāo·xi (disappearing · news)   (→ [news]) : Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yǐ·jing (already · {have gone through}) zhǎo·zháo ({looking for} · successfully) Mísàiyà (Messiah) le ([indicates a change]) ”! (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:41) Zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) chéng·le (became · [indicates a change]) (his) (one) shēng (life) de (’s) zhuǎn·liè·diǎn (turning · twisting · point) , (him) de (’s) rén·shēng (human · life) cóng·cǐ (from · this) jiù (then) (not) yí·yàng ({was [of] one} · [way])   (→ [was the same]) le ([indicates a change]) .

6 Bǐdé (Peter) zhù (resided) zài (in) Jiābǎinóng (Capernaum) , Jiābǎinóng (Capernaum) shì (was) Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) dàn·shuǐ·hú (tasteless → [fresh] · water · lake) běi·miàn (north · face) de (’s) (one) ge ([mw]) yán’·àn (along · coast) chéng·zhèn (city · town) . Bǐdé (Peter’s) jiā (household) li (inside) chú·le (besides · [to completion]) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) zhī·wài (’s · outside) , hái·yǒu (also · had) yuè·mǔ ({of wife’s parents} · mother)   (→ [wife’s mother]) (and) xiōng·dì ({elder brother} · {younger brother}) Āndéliè (Andrew) . (he) (and) Āndéliè (Andrew) gēn (with) Xībìtài (Zebedee) de (’s) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) érzi (sons) Yǎgè (James) (and) Yuēhàn (John) hé·huǒ ({had joined} · partnership) jīng·yíng ({to engage in} · {to operate}) bǔ·yú (catching · fish) yè·wù ({line of business} · business) . (his) kào ({relying on}) bǔ·yú (catching · fish) yǎng·huo ({to support} · {to live}) jiā·rén (family · persons) , kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) xūyào (required) xīn·láo (labourious · work) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , (also) yào (required) zhǎng·wò ({[in] palm} · grasping) hěn (very) duō (many) xiāng·guān ({with each other} · involved) de (’s) jì·néng (skills · abilities) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) (not) nán (difficultly) xiǎng·xiàng ({think of} · image) , zài (on) (one) ge ([mw]) yòu (again) (one) ge ([mw]) màn·cháng (boundless · long) de (’s) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , (he) gēn (with) huǒ·bànr (partners · companions) tōng·xiāo ({all through} · night) chū·hǎi ({would go out to} · sea) , zài (in) liǎng (two) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) yú·chuán (fishing · boats) zhī·jiān (’ · between) lā·kāi ({would pull} · open) tuō·wǎng (drag·nets) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) ({would hold}) (fish) huò (caught) lā·shang ({to be pulled} · upon) àn (shore) . Dàn (but) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) (not) shì (was) dào·cǐ·wéi·zhǐ ({arriving at} · this · {to be} · stop) . Bái·tiān (white · sky)   (→ [daytime]) , tāmen ([they]) hái (still) yào (needed) ({to hold}) ({had caught}) ({had gotten}) de (’s) (fish) fēn·lèi ({to be separated into} · kinds) (and) mài·diào ({to be sold} · away) , (also) yào (needed) qīng·xǐ ({to clean up} · {to wash}) (and) xiū·bǔ ({to repair} · {to mend}) yú·wǎng (fishing · nets) .

7. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) guān·yú (relating · to) Yēsū (Jesus) de () shénme ([what]) xiāo·xi (disappearing · news)   (→ [news]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) zhè (this) shì (was) ge ([mw]) lìng (made) rén (people) xīng·fèn ({[have] rising [spirit for]} · {acting vigorously})   (→ [excited]) de (’s) xiāo·xi (disappearing · news)   (→ [news]) ?

7 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) shuō (says) , Āndéliè (Andrew) shì (was) Shī·jìn·zhě ({carrying out} · immersing · person) Yuēhàn (John) de (’s) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciple) . Měi·dāng (every · {[time] when}) Āndéliè (Andrew) tán·jí (discussed · reaching) Yuēhàn (John) suǒ ({those which [he]}) shuō (said) de (’s) huà (words) shí (time) , Bǐdé (Peter) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) dōu (even) huì (would) xìng·zhì (excitement · interest) bó·bó (thriving · thriving) de (-ly) língtīng (listen)   (→ [listen respectfully]) . (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , Āndéliè (Andrew) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Yuēhàn (John) zhǐ·zhe ({point at} · -ing) Násālè·rén (Nazarene · person) Yēsū (Jesus) shuō (saying) : Kàn (see) , zhè (this) shì (is) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Mián·yáng·gāo ({silk floss} · sheep · lamb)   (→ [Lamb]) !” Āndéliè (Andrew) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) gēnsuí·le (follow·ed) Yēsū (Jesus) , hái (also) xīng·fèn ({[having] rising [spirit for]} · {acting vigorously})   (→ [excited]) de (-ly) huí·qu ({circled back} · {to go}) gàosu ({to tell}) Bǐdé (Peter) : Mísàiyà (Messiah) zhōng·yú (finally · at) chū·xiàn ({had put out} · appearing) le ([indicates a change]) ! (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:35–40) Zài (at) (this) zhī·qián (’ · before) dà·yuē (largely · approximately) sì·qiān (four · thousand) nián (years) , rén·lèi (human·kind) de (’s) zǔxiān (ancestors) zài (in) Yīdiàn (Eden) Yuán (Garden) fǎn·pàn ({had opposed} · {had rebelled against}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) zhī·hòu (’s · after) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) jiù (then) yīngxǔ ({had promised}) huì (would) yǒu (have) (one) ge ([mw]) Zhěngjiù·zhě (Rescue · -er) lái·dào (come · arrive) , wèi (for) rén·lèi (human·kind) dài·lái ({to bring} · {to come}) zhēn·zhèng (true · proper) de (’s) xīwàng (hoping) . ( Chuàng·shì·jì (creating · world · record) (→ [Genesis]) 3:15) Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , Āndéliè (Andrew) qīn·yǎn (personally · {[with] eyes}) jiàn·dào ({had seen} · {arriving at}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) Zhěngjiù·zhě (Rescue · -er) Mísàiyà (Messiah) le ([indicates a change]) ! Bǐdé (Peter) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) xiāo·xi (disappearing · news)   (→ [news]) hòu ({after ←}) , (also) jí·máng (impatiently · hurriedly) gǎn (hurried) ({to go}) jiàn ({to see}) Yēsū (Jesus) .

8. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) wèi (for) Bǐdé (Peter) suǒ ({that which [he]}) (raised) de (’s) míng·zi (name · word) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) hán·yì (contained · meaning) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) yǒu·xiē (have · some) rén (persons) rèn·wéi (identifying · {to be}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) míng·zi (name · word) bìng (actually) (not) shì·hé ({is suitable for} · {is fitting for}) Bǐdé (Peter) ?

8 Yǐ·wǎng (in · {[the] past}) , Bǐdé (Peter) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [all along]) dōu (even) shì (was) jiào (called) Xīmén (Simon) . (he) dào·le (reach·ed) Yēsū (Jesus) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) , Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (then) kàn·zhe ({look at} · -ing) (him) , shuō (said) : “ ‘ (you) shì (are) Yuēhàn (John) de (’s) érzi (son) Xīmén (Simon) , (you) yào (must) jiào·zuò ({be called} · {to be}) Jīfǎ (Cephas) .’ ( Jīfǎ (Cephas) fān·chéng (translated · {to be turned into}) Xīlà·yǔ (Greek · language) jiù·shì (exactly · is) Bǐdé (Peter) ’.)” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:42) Jīfǎ (Cephas) shì (is) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) huò (or) pán·shí ({huge, stable rock} · rock) de (’s) yì·si (meaning · thought) . Xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) , Yēsū (Jesus) wèi (for) Bǐdé (Peter) (raising) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) míng·zi (name · word) , shì (was) yù·jiàn (fore·seeing) jiāng·lái ({going to} · come)   (→ [in the future]) Bǐdé (Peter) huì (would) xiàng (like) pán·shí ({huge, stable rock} · rock) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) jiān·dìng ({be firm} · {be set}) kě·kào ({be able} · {to be leaned on}) , néng ({be able}) zài (in) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) dāng·zhōng (in · among) ({to raise}) wěndìng (stable) de (’s) zuò·yòng (doing · usage)   (→ [effect]) . Bǐdé (Peter) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) (also) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) kàn ({did see}) zìjǐ (self) ma? Bú·dà (not · greatly) kě·néng (could · {have been able to}) . Jiù (exactly) lián (even) jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) yuèdú (read) Fú·yīn·shū (blessings · news · books)   (→ [Gospels]) de () rén (persons) (even) jué·de (feel · {getting to be}) Bǐdé (Peter) quēfá (lacked) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) tè·zhì (particular · qualities) . Yǒu·xiē (have · some) rén (persons) rèn·wéi ({have identified} · {to be}) Bǐdé (Peter) chǔ·shì (handled · matters) bú·gòu (not · {having enough}) wěn·zhòng ({being stable} · {being weighty}) , yì·zhì (intentions · will) bú·gòu (not · {did have enough}) jiān·dìng ({being firm} · {being set}) .

9. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) Yēsū (Jesus) guān·chá (observe · examine) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) shí (times) , zhuó·yǎn (use · eyes) (on) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiāng·xìn ([them] · {believe [in]}) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) dòng·chá·lì (penetratingly · examining · powers) ?

9 Bǐdé (Peter) dāng·rán (should · -ly)   (→ [of course]) yǒu (had) ruò·diǎn (weak · points) , zhè (this) (also) shì (was) Yēsū (Jesus) qīngchu (clearly) zhī·dào (knowing · way)   (→ [knowing]) de (’s) . Dàn (but) Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) (him) de (’s) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , zǒng·shì (always · was) zhuó·yǎn (using · eyes) (on) bié·ren (other · people’s) hǎo (good) de (’s) yí·miàn (one · face → [side]) . Yēsū (Jesus) kàn·chū (saw · out) Bǐdé (Peter) yǒu (had) hěn (very) duō (many) měi·hǎo (beautiful · good) de (’s) tè·zhì (special · qualities) , (He) xiǎng (wanted) bāngzhù ({to help}) Bǐdé (Peter) ({to hold}) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) tè·zhì (special · qualities) fā·huī ({to be issued forth} · {to be wielded}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) . Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) (him) de (’s) Ài·zǐ (beloved · Son) (also) tóng·yàng (same · [way]) zhuó·yǎn (use · eyes) (on) wǒ·men (our · [pl]) hǎo (good) de (’s) yí·miàn (one · face → [side]) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) jué·de (feel · {getting to be}) zìjǐ (selves) méi·yǒu (not · {do have}) shénme ([any]) yōu·diǎn (excellent · points) , dàn (but) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) bìxū (must) xiāng·xìn ([them] · {believe [in]}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) Yēsū (Jesus) de () dòng·chá·lì (penetratingly · examining · powers) , bìng·qiě (simultaneously · also) yào (must) xiàng (like) Bǐdé (Peter) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , lè·yú ({be happy} · to) jiēshòu (accept) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) xùn·liàn (training · drilling) (and) sù·zào (moulding · building) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Yī·shū (first · book) (→ [1 John]) 3:19, 20.)

Bú·yào (not · must)   (→ [must not]) ({be afraid}) ˄

10. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) hěn (very) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [probably]) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) qīn·shēn (personal · {[with] body → [self]}) de (’s) jīng·lì ({going through} · experiencing) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) (he) què (however) huí·qu ({did circle back} · {to go}) zuò ({to do}) shénme ([what]) gōng·zuò (work · doing) ?

10 Bǐdé (Peter) hěn (very) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [probably]) gēn (with) Yēsū (Jesus) qù·guo ({went to} · {[in the] past}) mǒu·xiē (certain · {number of}) dìfang (places) chuán·dào ({to spread} · way)   (→ [to preach]) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) jiàn·guo ({had seen} · {[in the] past}) Yēsū (Jesus) shī·xíng ({carry out} · perform) (him) de (’s) dì‐yī ([first]) ge ([mw]) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , jiù·shì (exactly · was) zài (in) Jiāná (Cana) de (’s) (one) ge ([mw]) hūn·yàn (wedding · feast) shang (upon) (holding) shuǐ (water) biàn·chéng ({to be changed} · {to become}) jiǔ (wine) . Gèng (more) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) shì (was) , Bǐdé (Peter) néng ({was able}) qīn’·ěr (personally · {[with] ears}) tīng·dào ({to hear} · reaching) Yēsū (Jesus) tán·lùn ({talk about} · discuss) (both) měi·hǎo (beautiful · good) yòu (also) dài·lái (bringing · {to come}) xīwàng (hoping) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) , jiù·shì (exactly · was) guān·yú (relating · to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God’s) Wáng·guó (King’s · nation)   (→ [Kingdom]) de (’s) zhēn·lǐ (true · logic)   (→ [truth]) . Rán’ér (but) , (he) hòu·lái (afterwards · came) què (however) lí·kāi ({to leave} · {clear of}) Yēsū (Jesus) , chóng (again) cāo ({to operate}) jiù·yè (former · occupation) , dǎ·yú ([generalized verb] → [to catch] · fish) ({to go}) le ([indicates a change]) . ({a few}) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) hòu ({after ←}) , Bǐdé (Peter) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) jiàn·dào (saw · {arriving at}) Yēsū (Jesus) , zhèi (this) (time) Yēsū (Jesus) yāoqǐng (invited) Bǐdé (Peter) gēnsuí ({to follow}) (him) , quán·shí (full-·time) zuò ({to do}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) .

11, 12. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Bǐdé (Peter) zài (on) yú·chuán (fishing · boat) shang (upon) dù·guò·le ({had crossed} · {had passed} · [to completion]) jiān·kǔ (difficult · bitter) de (’s) (one) wǎn (night) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Tīng·jian (hearing · meeting) Yēsū (Jesus) jiǎng·huà (speaking · words) , Bǐdé (Peter) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) yí·lǜ (doubts · concerns) ?

11 Qián (preceding) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , Bǐdé (Peter) (and) huǒ·bànr (partners · companions) zhěng·yè (whole · night) chū·hǎi ({had gone out to} · sea) bǔ·yú ({to catch} · fish) , tāmen ([they]) (one) (time) yòu (again) (one) (time) de (-ly) sā·wǎng ({had cast} · nets) , què (yet) shénme ([anything]) (even) lāo·bu·dào ({had scooped} · not · {arriving at}) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) fēi·cháng (un·usually) huī·xīn (ash · {hearts were})   (→ [were discouraged]) shī·wàng ({were having lost} · {hoped for})   (→ [were disappointed]) . Bǐdé (Peter) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [surely]) xiǎng·jìn ({thought of} · {to the limit}) bàn·fǎ (handling · methods) , gēn·jù (roots · {according to}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) jīng·yàn ({passed through} · testing)   (→ [experience]) , shǐ·chū (used · out) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [he]} · had) běn·lǐng (root · understanding)   (→ [ability]) . Tāmen ([they]) (held) yú·chuán (fishing · boat) huá·dào ({to be rowed} · to) (lake) zhōng (within)   (→ [upon]) bù·tóng (not · same) de (’s) dìfang (places) , shì·tú ({to try} · planning) zhǎo·dào ({to look for [and]} · {arrive at}) mì·shí (seeking · food) de (’s) yú·qún (fish · schools) . (he) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [probably]) xiàng (like) bié·de (other · ’s) yú·fū (fishing · {manual workers}) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , xīwàng (hoped)   (→ [wished]) néng·gòu ({to be able} · enough) tòu·guò ({to penetrate} · past) (that) qī·hēi (painted · black) de (’s) (lake) shuǐ (water) , kàn·jian ({looking at} · {to see}) yú·qún (fish · schools) zài ({were at}) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) , huò·zhě (or · [suf]) néng ({to be able}) yòng ({to use}) fāng·fǎ (direction · method) shǐ ({to cause}) yú·qún (fish · schools) yóu ({to swim}) jìn (into) wǎng (nets) zhōng (within) . Dāng·rán (should · -ly)   (→ [of course]) , (his) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) xiǎng (thinking) zhǐ (only) huì (would) lìng (make) zìjǐ (self) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) jǔ·sàng ({dispirited from} · {losing sth. important}) . (his) (going) dǎ·yú ([generalized verb] → [to catch] · fish) (not) shì (was) wèi·le (for · [to completion]) xiāo·qiǎn ({passing the time} · {dispelling [boredom]}) , ér·shì ({but [rather]} · was) wèi·le (for · [to completion]) yǎng·jiā (supporting · family) huó·kǒu (saving · mouths → [mw for people]) . Zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) , (he) hái·shi (still · was) kōng·shǒu ({were empty} · hands) ér (thus) huí ({circling back}) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) yú·huò (fishing · harvest) , dàn (but) yú·wǎng (fishing · nets) hái·shi (still · were) yào (needing) ({to be washed}) de (’s) . Suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) , Yēsū (Jesus) lái·dào (came · arrived) de (’s) shíhou (time) , Bǐdé (Peter) réng (still) zài ({was then}) mánglù (busy) de (-ly) gōng·zuò (work · doing) .

[Dì‐183 ([183rd]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Duì·yú (towards · {with regard to}) Yēsū (Jesus’) chuán·jiǎng (spreading · speaking) de (’s) zhǔ·tí (master · subject)   (→ [theme]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Wáng·guó (King’s · nation)   (→ [Kingdom]) , Bǐdé (Peter) kě·wèi (can · say) bǎi·tīng·bú·yàn ({hundred times} · hearing · not · {would be bored})

12 Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) yǒu (had) (one) (big) qún ({crowd of}) rén (people) jǐn·jǐn (tightly · tightly) wéi·zhe (surround·ing) Yēsū (Jesus) , zǐ·xì ({the young of domestic animals} · {thin, fine})   (→ [carefully]) tīng ({listening to}) (he) jiǎng (spoke’s) měi (each) (one) ({sentence of}) huà (words) . Rén·qún (people · crowd) shí·zài (truly · presently) tài (excessively) ({were pressing}) le ([to completion]) , Yēsū (Jesus) yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) shàng·le ({going up to} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) chuán (boat) , jiào (asking) Bǐdé (Peter) shāowēi (slightly) ({to hold}) chuán (boat) huá·lí ({to be rowed} · {to be away from}) àn·biān (shore · edge) . Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) chuán (boat) shang (upon) jiào·dǎo (taught · instructed) qúnzhòng (crowd) , (his) (that) qīngxī ({clear, distinct}) de (’s) shēngyīn (voice) jīng·guò (passing · over) shuǐ·miàn (water · surface) chuán·dào·le ({to spread} · to · [to completion]) àn (shore) shang (upon) . Bǐdé (Peter) (and) àn (shore) shang (upon) de (’s) qúnzhòng (crowd) dōu (all) quán·shén (complete · spirit) guàn·zhù ({passing through} · concentrating) de (-ly) língtīng ({listened to})   (→ [listened respectfully to]) Yēsū (Jesus) shī·xíng ({carry out} · perform) jiào·dǎo (teaching · instructing) . Duì·yú (towards · {with regard to}) Yēsū (Jesus’) chuán·jiǎng (spreading · speaking) de (’s) zhǔ·tí (master · subject)   (→ [theme]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Wáng·guó (King’s · nation)   (→ [Kingdom]) , Bǐdé (Peter) kě·wèi (can · say) bǎi·tīng·bú·yàn ({hundred times} · hearing · not · {would be bored}) . Néng·gòu ({to be able} · enough) xiézhù ({to assist}) Jīdū ([Christ]) ({to hold}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) wèi (for) rén (people) dài·lái (bringing · {to come}) xīwàng (hoping) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) chuán·biàn ({to be spread} · {everywhere on}) quán·dì (whole · earth) , (that) huì (would) shì (be) duō (abundantly) (great) de (’s) róng·xìng (honour · {good fortune}) a! Kě·shì (however · was) , zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) hé·hū ({would conform} · with) xiàn·shí (existing · reality) ma? (him) de (’s) jiā·rén (family · persons) yǐ·hòu (at · afterwards) gāi (should) zěn·me (how · [so]) shēng·huó (lives · live) ne? Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) zhè ({[at] this}) shíhou (time) , Bǐdé (Peter) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) xiǎng·qǐ (thought · up) zài (on) qián (preceding) (one) tiān (sky’s)   (→ [day’s]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , (he) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) láo·lù·le ({had laboured} · busily · [to completion]) (one) zhěng·yè (whole · night) , què (yet) yì·wú ({[in even] one [thing]} · {was without}) suǒ·huò ({that which [he]} · {had obtained}) . (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:1–3)

13, 14. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) wèi (for) Bǐdé (Peter) shī·xíng·le ({did carry out} · {did perform} · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Bǐdé (Peter) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

13 Yēsū (Jesus) jiǎng·wán·le (spoke · {to completion} · [indicates a change]) huà (words) , jiù (then) duì (to) Bǐdé (Peter) shuō (said) : Huá·dào (row · to) shuǐ (water) shēn ({is deep}) de (’s) dìfang (place) ({to go}) ba ([indicates a mild command]) . Nǐ·men (you · [pl]) yào (must) xià (lower) wǎng (nets) bǔ·yú ({to catch} · fish) .” Bǐdé (Peter) tīng (heard) hòu ({after ←}) fēi·cháng (un·usually) yí·huò ({was doubting} · {was confused}) , jiù (then) shuō (said) : Lǎo·shī (experienced · teacher) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) láo·lù·le (laboured · busily · [to completion]) (one) zhěng·yè (whole · night) , bìng (actually) méi·yǒu (not · had) (caught) (gotten) shénme ([anything]) . Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) (you) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) fēnfu (instruct) , (I) jiù (then) xià ({will lower}) wǎng (nets) ({to go}) ba ([indicates uncertainty]) .” Bǐdé (Peter) cái ({just then}) gāng·gāng (just · just) ({had held}) yú·wǎng (fishing · nets) ({to be washed}) gān·jìng (dry · clean) , Yēsū (Jesus) què (however) jiào (asked) (him) xià ({to lower}) wǎng (nets) , (he) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) bú·dà (not · greatly) yuàn·yì ([was with] willing · intention) , kuàng·qiě (moreover · also) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) gēnběn ({[at] root}) (not) shì (was) yú·qún (fish · schools) mì·shí ({would seek} · food) de (’s) shí·jiān (time · within) ne. Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , (he) hái·shi (still · was) zhào ({according to}) Yēsū (Jesus) de (’s) huà (words) (going) zuò ({to do}) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) hái (also) shì·yì (showing · hint)   (→ [signalling]) lìng (another) (one) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) chuán (boat) de (’s) huǒ·bànr (partners · companions) yì·qǐ ([as] one · group)   (→ [together]) ({to go}) . (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:4, 5)

14 Bǐdé (Peter) (held) wǎng (nets) ({to be pulled}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) yú·wǎng (fishing · nets) chū·qí ({putting out} · {being strange}) de (-ly) chén·zhòng (sinkingly · {being heavy}) . (he) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) bù·kě (not · could) sī·yì ({have thought of} · {to suggest})   (→ [couldn’t have conceived]) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) gèng ({more so}) shǐ·jìn ({using [all]} · strength) de (-ly) (pulling) , jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) jiù (then) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) yú·wǎng (fishing · nets) li (inside) mǎn ({were full with}) shì (were) huó·bèng (vividly · leaping) luàn·tiào (chaotically · jumping) de (’s) (fish) . (he) xīng·fèn ({[was having] rising [spirit for]} · {acting vigorously})   (→ [was excited]) (extremely) le ([indicates a change]) , mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) ([generalized verb])   (→ [made]) shǒu·shì (hand · gestures) jiào ({to call}) lìng (another) (one) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) chuán (boat) de (’s) huǒ·bànr (partners · companions) guò·lai ({to cross} · {to come}) bāng·máng ({to help} · {[with] being busy}) . Bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) , tāmen ([they]) jiù (then) fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing that})   (→ [discovered]) (one) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) chuán (boat) zhuāng·bu·xià ({would hold} · not · down) nà·me (that · [so]) duō (many) (fish) . Zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) , tāmen ([they]) (held) liǎng (two) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) chuán (boats) dōu (both) zhuāng·mǎn·le ({to be loaded} · {to be full with} · [to completion]) (fish) , dàn·shì (but · {was [that]}) (fish) shí·zài (truly · presently) tài (excessively) duō ({were many}) le ([to completion]) , zhòng·de ({were heavy} · {getting to be [that]}) lián (even) chuán (boats) (also) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) wǎng (towards) xià (down) chén ({to sink}) . Kàn·dào (seeing · reaching) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) qíng·jǐng (situation · scene) , Bǐdé (Peter) jīng·yà ({was startled} · {was surprised}) de (getting) bù·dé·liǎo (not · {to be getting} · ending) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) (he) yǐ·qián (at · before) (also) jiàn·guo ({had seen} · {[in the] past}) Jīdū ([Christ]) shī·xíng ({carry out} · perform) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward signs})   (→ [miracles]) , dàn (but) zhèi (this) (time’s) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) què·shì (however · was) wèi·le (for · [to completion]) (him) ér (thus) shī·xíng ({carried out} · performed) de (’s) ya! Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (man) jìng·rán (actual·ly) néng·gòu ({was able} · enough) shǐ ({to cause}) (fish) yóu ({to swim}) jìn (into) yú·wǎng (fishing · nets) ! Bǐdé (Peter) hài·pà (felt · {was fearing}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) , jiù (then) zài (at) Yēsū (Jesus’) gēn·qián (accompaniment · before) guì·xia (kneeled · down) , shuō (said) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, lí·kāi (leave · {clear of}) (me) ba ([indicates a mild command]) , (I) shì (am) ge ([mw]) zuì·rén (sinning · person) .” Kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) Yēsū (Jesus) (use) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({kind of}) qí·miào (remarkable · wonderful) de (’s) fāng·shì (direction · style) yùn·yòng ({to utilize} · {to use}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) suǒ ({that which [he]}) (gave) de (’s) dà·néng (great · ability) , Bǐdé (Peter) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) zìjǐ (self) bú·pèi (not · {was worthy}) zuò ({to be}) Yēsū (Jesus) de (’s) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciple) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:6–9.)

[Dì‐184 yè de túpiàn (jw.org)]

Zhǔ (Lord) a (I) shì (am) ge ([mw]) zuì·rén (sinning · person)

15. Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) ràng (let) Bǐdé (Peter) míng·bai (understand · clearly) , (him) de (’s) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) shì (were) duō·yú (excessive · surplus)   (→ [unnecessary]) de (’s) ?

15 Yēsū (Jesus) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) de (-ly) shuō (said) : Bú·yào (not · must)   (→ [must not]) ({be afraid}) , cóng·jīn·yǐ·hòu (from · now · at · afterwards) , (you) yào (will) ({be getting}) huó·rén (living · people) le ([indicates a change]) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:10) Zhè (this) (not) shì (was) gǎn·dào (feeling · {arriving at}) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) de (’s) shíhou (time) . Bǐdé (Peter) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [all along]) wèi (for) bǔ·yú (catching · fish) (and) qí·tā (it · otherwise’s)   (→ [other]) shēng·huó (life · living) shang (upon) de (’s) wèn·tí (asking · problems) ér (thus) yōulǜ ({being anxious}) , qí·shí (its · actuality) dōu (all) shì (was) duō·yú (excessive · surplus)   (→ [unnecessary]) de (’s) . (his) yīn ({because of}) gè·rén (individual · person)   (→ [personal]) de (’s) ruò·diǎn (weak · points) ér (thus) dān·xīn ({carrying on a shoulder pole} · heart)   (→ [worrying]) zìjǐ (self) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) zī·gé (qualifications · standards) gēnsuí ({to follow}) Yēsū (Jesus) , (also) shì (was) méi·yǒu (not · having) gēn·jù (root · evidence)   (→ [basis]) de () . Yēsū (Jesus) yào (wanted) ràng ({to let}) (him) cānyù ({participate in}) de (’s) chuán·dào (spreading · way)   (→ [preaching]) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , shì (was) (one) jiàn ([mw]) wěidà (great) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , (one) jiàn ([mw]) huì (would) gǎi·xiě (change · write) lì·shǐ (past · history) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) . Ér·qiě (and · moreover) , (he) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) shì·fèng (served · {attended to}) de (’s) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (also) lè·yì ([has] happy · intention) kuān·dà (generously · {in a large way}) shè·miǎn ({to pardon} · {to excuse}) rén (people) . (Yǐsàiyà·shū (Isaiah · book) 55:7) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) huì (would) zhàogu ({look after}) Bǐdé (Peter’s) zài (at) shēntǐ (body) (and) shǔ·líng (of · spirit) fāng·miàn (sides · faces) de () xūyào ({needed [things]}) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 6:33)

16. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) , Yǎgè (James) (and) Yuēhàn (John) duì (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) de () hū·zhào (calling · summoning) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) huí·yìng (returned · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , tāmen ([they]) suǒ ({that which [they]}) zuò (made) de (’s) juédìng (deciding) shì (was) zuì (most) míng·zhì ({having clarity} · wise) de (’s) ?

16 Bǐdé (Peter) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) xiǎng·yìng ({made a sound} · {to respond to}) Yēsū (Jesus) de () hū·zhào (calling · summoning) , Yǎgè (James) (and) Yuēhàn (John) (also) yí·yàng ({were [of] one} · [way])   (→ [were the same]) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) : Tāmen ([they]) (held) chuán (boats) lǒng·le ({to reach} · [to completion]) àn (shore) , jiù (then) piē·xia ({cast aside} · down) yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding)   (→ [everything]) , gēnsuí·le (follow·ed) Yēsū (Jesus) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:11) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) xíng·dòng (doing · moving) biǎo·míng (showed · {[to make] clear}) , (he) duì (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) (and) chāi (sent) Yēsū (Jesus) lái ({to come}) de (’s) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yǒu (had) jiān·dìng (firm · set) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . (he) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zuò (made) de (’s) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) juédìng (deciding) (also) shí·zài (truly · presently) shì (was) zuì (most) míng·zhì ({having clarity} · wise) de (’s) juédìng (deciding) . Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) de (’s) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) (also) xiǎn·chū ({are showing} · out) tóng·yàng (same · kind) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , tāmen ([they]) kè·fú (overcome · {to be submitting}) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) xiāo·chú (eliminate · remove) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) , xiàn·shēn (dedicate · bodies → [selves]) shì·fèng ({to serve} · {to attend to}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) bú·huì (not · will) lìng (cause) xìn·lài (trust · {rely on}) (him) de (’s) rén (people) shī·wàng ({to lose} · {hoped for})   (→ [to be disappointed]) . ( Shī·piān (poetry · {piece of writing})   (→ [Psalm]) 22:4, 5)

Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yào (must) Huái·yí (harbour · doubt) ne?” ˄

17. Zài (at) rèn·shi ({had recognized} · {had known}) Yēsū (Jesus) liǎng (two) nián (years) hòu ({after ←}) , Bǐdé (Peter) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) huí·xiǎng ({circled back} · {to think}) qi (up) shénme ([what]) shì (things) ?

17 Ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) huí·dào ({circle back} · to) wén·zhāng (writing · chapter’s) kāi·tóu (opening · beginning) de (’s) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) . Zài (on) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) kuáng·fēng (wild · wind) dà·zuò (greatly · {had risen}) de (’s) yè·wǎn (night · evening) , Bǐdé (Peter) zài (on) Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) shang (upon) fèn·lì (exerting · strength) de (-ly) huá·zhe ({was row-} · -ing) chuán (boat) . Nà·shí ({[at] that} · time) , Bǐdé (Peter) rèn·shi ({had recognized} · {had known}) Yēsū (Jesus) yǐ·jing (already · {having gone through}) yǒu (having) liǎng (two) nián (years) le ([indicates a change]) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) (not) zhī·dào ({do know} · way)   (→ [do know]) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Bǐdé (Peter) xiǎng·qǐ·le (thought · up · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) . Zhè (this) qí·jiān (’ · during) fā·shēng ({had issued forth} · {had come to life})   (→ [had happened]) de (’s) shì (things) , shí·zài (truly · presently) tài (too) duō ({were many}) le ([to completion]) . Yēsū (Jesus) zhì·hǎo·le ({had cured} · {to be well} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) yuè·mǔ ({of wife’s parents} · mother)   (→ [wife’s mother]) , fā·biǎo·guo ({had issued} · {had expressed} · {[in the] past}) Dēng·shān ({having ascended} · mountain) Bǎo (treasured) Xùn (lesson)   (→ [Sermon on the Mount]) ”, bìng ({side by side with}) (one) (time) yòu (again) (one) (time) de (-ly) tōng·guò ({through (adv)} · passing) (him) de (’s) jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) (and) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward signs})   (→ [miracles]) , zhèng·míng ({had proven} · clearly) zìjǐ (self) jiù·shì (exactly · was) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) jiǎnxuǎn ({had chosen}) de (’s) Mísàiyà (Messiah) . Suí·zhe ({go along with} · -ing) shí·jiān (time · within) guò·qu (passing · going) , Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) ruò·diǎn (weak · points) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) yǒu·suǒ (having · {that which [was]})   (→ [somewhat]) gǎi·shàn (changing · {to be [more] good}) , (he) yīnggāi (should) méi·yǒu (not · {have been having}) xiàng (like) yǐ·qián (at · before) nà·yàng (that · [way]) gǎn·dào (feeling · {arriving at}) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) le ([indicates a change]) . Kuàng·qiě (moreover · also) , Yēsū (Jesus) hái (also) jiǎnxuǎn·le ({had chosen} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) zuò ({to be}) shí’·èr (ten · two)   (→ [twelve]) shǐ·tú (sent · disciples)   (→ [apostles]) zhī·yī (’ · one) ne! Kě·shì (however · was) , bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) zhī·hòu (’s · after) , Bǐdé (Peter) jiù (then) huì (would) kàn·chū (see · out) , zìjǐ (self) de (’s) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) hái (still) wèi ({not yet}) wánquán (completely) kè·fú ({had been overcome} · {to be submitting}) xiāo·chú ({had been eliminated} · {had been removed}) .

18, 19. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) zài (on) Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) huí·yìng (returned · responding [to]) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) qǐng·qiú (requesting · entreating) ?

18 Dào·le ({arrived at} · [to completion]) qǐchū tíjí de (’s) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) de (’s) dì‐sì ([fourth]) gèng, (meaning) líng·chén (approaching · dawn) 3 diǎn (dot)   (→ [o’clock]) zhì (to) rì·chū (sun · {coming out})   (→ [sunrise]) zhī·jiān (them · between) de (’s) mǒu (certain) ge ([mw]) shí·fèn (time · component) , Bǐdé (Peter) tūrán fàng·xia (released · down) chuán (boat) jiǎng (oar) , zhíqi yāo ({lower back}) lai. (he) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) yǒu (had) dōng·xi (east · west)   (→ [thing]) zài (on) shuǐ·miàn (water · surface) shang (upon) yídòng. Shì (was) yuèguāng zài (on) bōlàng (waves) shang (upon) de (’s) dàoyǐng ma? (not) , (that) dōng·xi (east · west)   (→ [thing]) (not) shì (was) yáoyáo-huànghuàng ér·shì ({but [rather]} · was) zhílì de. (that) shì (was) ge ([mw]) rén (person) a! Búcuò, yǒu (had) ge ([mw]) rén (person) zài (on) hǎi·miàn (sea · surface) shang (upon) xíngzǒu (walking) ! Nèi·ge (that · [mw]) rén (person) yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) zǒu yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) jìn ({was near}) , hǎo·xiàng (very · like) yào (must) zài (at) tāmen ([their]) shēn·biān (bodies → [selves] · beside) zǒuguò. Mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) dōu (all) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very much]) hài·pà (felt · {were fearing}) , yǐ·wéi (took · {to be}) shì (were) kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) huànxiàng le ([to completion]) . Nèi·ge (that · [mw]) rén (person) kāi·kǒu (opening · mouth) shuō (said) : Fàng·xīn ({set free [from anxiety]} · hearts) , shì (is) (me) , bú·yào (not · must)   (→ [must not]) ({be afraid}) .” Yuán·lái (originally · {came to be})   (→ [it turned out]) shì (was) Yēsū (Jesus) ! ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:25–28)

19 Bǐdé (Peter) huí·yìng (returning · responding) shuō (said) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, rúguǒ shì (is) (you) , jiù (then) fēnfu (command) (me) cóng (from) shuǐ (water) shang (upon) zǒudào (you) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) ({to go}) ba ([indicates a mild command]) .” Bǐdé (Peter) què·shí (certainly · solidly) hěn ({very much}) yǒu (had) yǒngqì. (he) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) qián·suǒ·wèi·jiàn (before · {that which} · not · {had been seen}) de (’s) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) fēi·cháng (un·usually) xīng·fèn ({[having] rising [spirit for]} · {acting vigorously})   (→ [excited]) , jiù (then) xiǎng (wanted) zhì·shēn ({to place} · body → [self]) (in) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) dāng·zhōng (at · within) , hǎo (well) jìn·yí·bù ({to advance} · one · step) qiánghuà zìjǐ (self) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Yēsū (Jesus) xīnrán dāying (him) de (’s) qǐng·qiú (requesting · entreating) . Bǐdé (Peter) yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) kuàchū chuán (boat) wài, xià·dào ({going down} · to) qǐfú (not) dìng (stable) de (’s) hǎi·miàn (sea · surface) shang (upon) . Shì xiǎng·xiàng ({to think of} · image) , (he) (once) cǎi xià·qu (down · {to go}) , jiù (then) gǎn·jué (felt · {became aware of}) dào ({arriving at}) jiǎoxià fǎngfú shì (was) jiān·shí (firm · solid) de (’s) (ground) , jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) (he) jiù (then) zhàn zài (on) shuǐ·miàn (water · surface) shang (upon) le ([indicates a change]) . (he) (one) (one) de (-ly) xiàng (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) zǒuqu shí (time) , xīn·li (heart · inside) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) fēi·cháng (un·usually) jīng·yà ({was startled} · {was surprised}) . Kě·shì (however · was) , zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) (he) yòu ({on the other hand}) bèi (by) lìng (another) (one) zhǒng ({kind of}) qíng·xù (feeling · mood) suǒ chánrào. (Qǐng (please) (read) Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:29.)

[Dì‐187 yè de túpiàn (jw.org)]

(he) kàn·zhe ({was see-} · -ing) bàofēng, hài·pà (felt · {was fearing}) qi·lai (up · {to come})

20. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) (held) shìxiàn zhuǎn·yí ({to be turned} · {to be moved}) dào ({arriving at}) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [result]) rúhé? (Bǐng) ((third)) Yēsū (Jesus) zhǐ·chū (pointed · out) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) wèn·tí (asking · problem) chū ({came out}) zài (at) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) ?

20 Bǐdé (Peter) bìxū (needed) jìxù ({to continue}) ({to hold}) shìxiàn fàng ({to be put}) zài (on) Yēsū (Jesus’) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) , yīn·wei (because · for) shì (was) Yēsū (Jesus) yùnyòng (using) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) suǒ ({that which [he]}) (gave) de (’s) lì·liang (power · quantity) shǐ ({to cause}) Bǐdé (Peter) zhàn zài (on) bō·tāo (waves · {large waves}) xiōng·yǒng ({rushing water} · surging) de (’s) shuǐ·miàn (water · surface) shang (upon) , ér (and) Yēsū (Jesus) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (did) , shì (was) yīn·wei (because · for) Bǐdé (Peter) duì (towards) (him) yǒu (had) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Dàn (but) Bǐdé (Peter) què (however) zhuǎn·yí·le (turned · moved · [to completion]) shìxiàn. Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) : (he) kàn·zhe ({was see-} · -ing) bàofēng, hài·pà (felt · {was fearing}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) ”. Zhè (this) shíhou (time) , Bǐdé (Peter) yǎn zhōng (within) zhǐ (only) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) jù·làng (huge · waves) (one) xià ({coming down}) yòu (again) (one) xià ({coming down}) de (-ly) pāi·dǎ·zhe (clap · strike · -ing) yú·chuán (fishing · boat) , zài (in) kuáng·fēng (wild · wind) zhōng (within) jīqǐ wúshù de (’s) làng huā (and) shuǐ (water) pào, yú·shì ({from [these]} · was) hài·pà (feeling · {was fearing}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) . (he) hěn (very) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) xiǎng·xiàng ({thought of} · {image of}) zìjǐ (self) zhèng·zài (just · {was then}) wǎng (towards) xià (down) chén (sinking) , kuàiyào zài (in) (lake) li (inside) yānsǐ. (he) yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) xiǎng (thought) yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) hài·pà (felt · fearing) , xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) (also) yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) bóruò. Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) bèi ([got]) kàn·zuò ({looked at} · as) néng (able) zài (on) xìn·yǎng (beliefs · reverence) shang (upon) jiān·dìng ({to be firm} · {be set}) bù·yí (not · {to be shifting}) , yīn’·ér ({because of [this]} · thus) gěile qǐmíng wéi ({to be}) Jīfǎ (Cephas) de (’s) rén (person) , cǐ·kè (this · moment) què (however) yīn·wei (because · for) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) dòng·yáo ({was moving [waveringly]} · {was shaking}) , jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) (one) kuài shí·tou (stone · [suf]) nà·yàng (that · [way]) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) wǎng (towards) xià (down) chén ({to sink}) . Bǐdé (Peter) yíxiàng shànyú yóuyǒng (swimming) , dàn (but) zhè·shí (this · time) (he) méi·yǒu (not · had) yǐkào ({leaned on}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) néng·lì (ability · power) , fǎn’·ér (instead · thus) hǎnjiào shuō (said) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, jiù (save) (me) !” Yēsū (Jesus) shēn·shǒu (extended · hand) zhuāzhù Bǐdé (Peter) , jiāng (took) (him) ({to be pulled}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) zhàn zài (on) shuǐ·miàn (water · surface) shang (upon) , zhǐ·chū (pointed · out) (him) de (’s) wèn·tí (asking · problem) chū ({came out}) zài (at) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) , shuō (saying) : (you) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) tài (excessively) xiǎo ({is little}) le ([to completion]) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) yào (must) huái·yí (harbour · doubt) ne?” ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:30, 31)

21. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) yǒu (has) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) pò·huài·lì (breaking · {to be ruined} · power) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) cái ({only then}) néng (can) xiāo·chú (eliminate · remove) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) ?

21 Yēsū (Jesus) de (’s) huà (words) yìzhēnjiànxuè, wèn·tí (asking · problem) de (’s) zhēngjié jiù (exactly) zài·yú (existed · in) huái·yí (harbouring · doubt) . Huái·yí (harbouring · doubt) huò (or) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) yǒu (have) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) pò·huài·lì (breaking · {to be ruined} · power) . Jiǎrú wǒ·men (we · [pl]) xiàng (to) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) qūfú, xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) jiù (then) huì zhújiàn jiǎnruò, wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zài (at) shǔ·líng (of · spirit) fāng·miàn (side · face) (also) huì xiāochén xia·lai (down · {to come}) . Yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) bìxū (must) jié·lì (exhaust · power) xiāochú yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) . Zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiāochú ne? Jiù·shì (exactly · is) yào (must) (hold) shìxiàn fàng ({to be put}) zài (on) zhèng·què (right · true) de (’s) shì (things) shang (upon) . Rúguǒ wǒ·men (we · [pl]) chángcháng xiǎng·zhe ({are think of} · -ing) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) lìng (make) zìjǐ (selves) hài·pà (feel · {are fearing}) huò (or) huī·xīn ({are ash} · hearts)   (→ [be discouraged]) de (’s) shì (things) , huò (or) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) shǐ (cause) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) bùnéng zhuānxīn gēncóng ({to follow}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (and) (his) Ài·zǐ (beloved · Son) de (’s) shì (things) , yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) jiù (then) zhǐ (only) huì (will) yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) duō ({be many}) . Xiāng·fǎn (mutually · contrary) , jiǎrú wǒ·men (we · [pl]) (hold) shìxiàn fàng ({to be put}) zài (on) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s) (and) Yēsū (Jesus’) shēn·shang (bodies → [selves] · upon) , jīng·cháng (regularly · often) yòng·xīn (use · hearts) sī·suǒ ({to think about} · {to search for}) tāmen ([they]) zài (in) guò·qù (past · gone [time]) , xiànzài (presently) (and) jiāng·lái ({going to} · come)   (→ [in the future]) wèi (for) ài (love) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) rén (people) suǒ ({those which [they]}) zuò (do) de (’s) shì (things) , jiù (then) néng (can) xiāochú yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) , bǎochí (maintain) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) .

22. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) zhí·de ({is worth} · getting) xiàofǎ?

22 Bǐdé (Peter) gēnsuí (followed) Yēsū (Jesus) fǎn·huí ({to return to} · {to circle back to}) chuán (boat) shang (upon) hòu ({after ←}) , jiù (then) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) fēng·bào (wind · {being violent})   (→ [storm]) màn·màn (slowly · slowly) píng·xī ({was pacified} · {was brought to rest}) xialai, Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) (also) jiàn·jiàn (gradually · gradually) huīfùle níng·jìng ({being peaceful} · {being still}) . Rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) , Bǐdé (Peter) (and) bié·de (other · ’s) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) duì Yēsū (Jesus) shuō (said) : (you) zhēn (truly) shì (are) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Érzi (Son) .” ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:33) Pòxiǎo (breaking · dawn) shí·fèn (time · component) , tài·yáng (greatest · {of the living world})   (→ [sun]) cóng (from) (lake) miàn (face)   (→ [surface]) rǎnrǎn shàng·shēng (upwards · rose) , Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) xīn·li (heart · inside) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) chōngmǎnle gǎn·jī (feeling · {incited to} [gratefulness]) zhī (’s) qíng (feeling) . (he) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) xué·huì (learning · {to be able}) (not) ràng ({to let}) kǒngjù (fearing) (and) yí·lǜ (doubt · worrying) pò·huài (break · {to be ruined}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Dāng·rán (should · -ly)   (→ [of course]) , yào (wanting) xiàng (like) Yēsū (Jesus) yù·yán ({in advance} · {had said})   (→ [had prophesied]) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , chéng·wéi ({to become} · {to be}) (one) ge ([mw]) xiàng (like) pán·shí ({huge, stable rock} · rock) bān xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) jiān·dìng ({was firm} · {was set}) de (’s) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · follower) , Bǐdé (Peter) yào (needed) zǒu de (’s) hái (still) hěn (very) cháng. Dàn (but) (he) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) xiàdìng jué·xīn (determined · heart) yào (must) jìxù (continue) nǔlì, jìxù (continue) jìn·bù ({to advance} · steps)   (→ [to progress]) . (you) (also) yǒu (have) zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) jué·xīn (determined · heart) ma? Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) què·shí (certainly · solidly) zhí·de ({is worth} · getting) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) xiàofǎ, (not) shì (is) ma?

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})