[Dì‐162 ([162nd]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐19 ([19th]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Jìn·zé ({fulfilled to the limit} · duty) de (’s) Jiā·zhǔ (family · head) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Zhōng·pú (loyal · servant)
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4 Bǎohù (protected) Jiā·rén (family · persons)

13 Xīn·qín (laboriously · diligently) Yǎng·jiā (supported · family)

21 Láo·xīn (strained · hearts) Láo·lì (strained · strengths)

28 Jiān·chí (firmly · held) Bú·xiè (not · {did slack})

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has been partially proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1, 2. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yào (needed) miàn·duì (faces · {to face}) shénme ([what]) gǎibiàn (changings) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yuēsè (Joseph) yào (needed) gàosu ({to tell}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shénme ([what]) huài (bad) xiāoxi ([news]) ?

Yuēsè (Joseph) zài (again) wǎng ({went towards}) (donkey’s) bèi (back) shang (upon) fàng·le ({to put} · [to completion]) (one) jiàn ([mw]) bāo·fu (wrapped · {cloth for wrapping})   (→ [cloth-wrapped bundle]) , (he) huán·shì (ring → [all around] · {looked at}) bèi (by) yè·sè (night · scene) lǒng·zhào·zhe (enveloped · covered · being) de (’s) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) , qīng (lightly) pāi (patted) zhèi (this) tóu ({head of}) shēn (body) ({was bearing}) zhòng·dàn (heavy · burden) de (’s) jiā·chù (tame · {domestic animal}) . (he) xīn·li (heart · inside) pán·suan·zhe ({was examine-} · {was plan-} · -ing) màn·cháng (boundless · long) lǚ·tú (journeying · way) zhī·hòu (’s · after) yào ({would need}) miàn·duì (face · {to be facing}) de (’s) shì (things) . Āijí (Egypt) shì (was) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) de (’s) ne? Nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) jǔ·mù·wú·qīn (raise · eyes · {not did have} · relatives) , yán·yǔ (speech · language) bù·tōng (not · {was connecting}) , fēng·sú (practices · customs) bù·tóng (not · {were the same}) , tāmen ([they]) (one) jiā (family) sān (three) kǒu (mouths) néng (could) shì·yìng (appropriately · {respond to}) zhè·me (this · [so]) (big) de (’s) gǎibiàn (changing) ma?

2 Yuēsè (Joseph) zài (in) mèng (dream) zhōng (within) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) xiàng (to) (him) chuándá (convey) (one) ge ([mw]) lái·zì (came · from) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) : Xīlǜ (Herod) Wáng (King) yào (wanted) shā·sǐ ({to kill} · {to be dead}) tāmen ([their]) nián·yòu (years · young) de (’s) érzi (son) ! Tāmen ([they]) bìxū (needed) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) lí·kāi ({to leave} · {clear of}) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:13, 14.) Yuēsè (Joseph) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) hěn (very) nán ({was difficult}) kāi·kǒu ({to open} · mouth) ({to hold}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) huài (bad) xiāoxi ([news]) gàosu ({to tell}) ài·qī (beloved · wife) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , dàn (but) (he) hái·shi (still · {had been}) gǔ·qǐ (drumming · up) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) shuō ({to say}) le ([to completion]) . Tīng·le ({having heard} · [to completion]) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xiāoxi ([news]) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) hěn ({very much}) dān·xīn ({was carrying on a shoulder pole} · heart)   (→ [was worrying]) . Zěn·me (how · [so]) huì (would) yǒu (have) rén (people) xiǎng (wanting) shāhài ({to kill}) (her) (that) wú·gū (without · guilt) de (’s) háizi (child) ne? Suī·rán (although · -ly) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) dōu (both) xiǎng·bu·tōng (thought · not · {to be passing through})   (→ [couldn’t understand]) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) , dàn (but) tāmen ([they]) hái·shi (still · were) quán·xīn (whole·heartedly) xìn·lài (trusting · {relying on}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , shōu·shi ({gathering together} · {putting in order}) xíng·zhuāng (travelling · packing) zhǔn·bèi ({[up to] standard} · {to prepare}) shàng·lù ({to go upon} · road) .

3. Qǐng (please) jiǎng·shù ({speak of} · relate) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) jiā·rén (family · persons) lí·kāi (left · {clear of}) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) de (’s) qíng·jǐng (situation · scene) . ( (also) qǐng (please) kàn (see) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) .)

3 Dāng ({just at}) rén·men (people · [pl]) hái (still) zài ({were in}) shuì·mèng (sleeping · dreaming) zhōng (within) de (’s) shíhou (time) , Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) jiù (then) dài·zhe (take- · -ing) Yēsū (Jesus) qiāo·qiāo (quiet · quiet) de (-ly) lí·kāi (left · {clear of}) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) . Tāmen ([they]) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [continuously]) wǎng (towards) nán (south) zǒu (walked) . Jiàn·jiàn (gradual · gradual) de (-ly) , dōng·fāng (east · direction) de (’s) tiān·sè (sky · colour) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) fā·liàng ({to send out} · {being bright}) le ([indicates a change]) . Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , Yuēsè (Joseph) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) qián·tú (ahead · road) máng·máng ({was boundless & indistinct} · {was boundless & indistinct}) , zìjǐ (self) zhǐ·shì (only · was) ge ([mw]) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) , zěn·néng (how · could) bǎohù (protect) qī’·ér (wife · child) miǎn·shòu ({to avoid} · receiving) qiáng·dà (strong · great) de (’s) è (evil) shì·li (powers · forces) shāng·hài (injuring · harming) ne! (he) néng (could) zài (in) yì·xiāng ({differing [from]} · {native place[’s place]}) yǎng·huo (support · {to live}) jiā·rén (family · persons) ma? (he) dān·dāng ({would carry on a shoulder pole} · {would bear}) de (getting) (up) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) gěi ({had given}) (him) de (’s) zhòng·rèn (heavy · undertaking) , jiāng ({to take}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) yǔ·zhòng·bù·tóng (with · crowd · not · {was the same}) de (’s) xiǎo·háir (young · child) yǎng·yù ({to provide for} · {to raise}) chéng·rén ({to become} · {(full-grown) person}) ma? Yuēsè (Joseph) yào (needed) miàn·duì (face · {to be facing}) de (’s) kùn·nan ({being hard-pressed} · {being difficult})   (→ [difficulties]) què·shí (certainly · solidly) hěn (very) ({were great}) . Ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·kan (see · see) Yuēsè (Joseph) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) kè·fú (overcame · {into submitting}) chóng·chóng (layer · {[upon] layer} [of]) kùn·nan ({being hard-pressed} · {being difficult})   (→ [difficulties]) , (also) kàn·kan (see · see) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] whom [there]} · {is having}) rén (people) , tè·bié (especially · distinctly) shì (are) zuò (being) fù·qin (father · relatives) de () , kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) (him) , xiǎn·chū (show · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) .

Bǎohù (protected) Jiā·rén (family · persons) ˄

4, 5. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēsè (Joseph) de (’s) rén·shēng (human · life) yǒu·le (had · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) gǎibiàn (changing) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) gǔ·lì (roused · encouraged) Yuēsè (Joseph) fù·qi ({to shoulder} · up) (one) xiàng ({item of}) zhòng·dà (weighty · big) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [assignment]) ?

4 Dà·yuē (largely · approximately) (one) nián (year) duō ({more than ←}) qián (before) , Yuēsè (Joseph) zài (in) jiā·xiāng (family · {native place}) Násālè (Nazareth) gēn (with) Xīlǐ (Heli) de (’s) nǚ’·ér (female · child)   (→ [daughter]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) dìng·hūn ({had agree on} · marriage) . (from) nà·shí (that · time) (beginning) , (him) de (’s) rén·shēng (human · life) jiù (then) kāi·shǐ·le (opened · began · [to completion]) zhòng·dà (weighty · big) de (’s) gǎibiàn (changing) . Yuēsè (Joseph) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì (was) ge ([mw]) xīn·dì (heart · soil) chún·jié (pure · clean) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) , ér·qiě (and · moreover) zhōng·yú ({was loyal} · to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) . Hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) , (he) què (however) dé·zhī (got · {to know}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) jìng·rán (unexpected·ly) huái·le ({had conceived} · [to completion]) yùn (pregnancy) ! Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) (not) ràng (allow) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) míng·shēng (name · reputation) shòu·dào ({to receive} · {arriving at}) pò·huài (breaking · {to be ruined}) , Yuēsè (Joseph) xiǎng (wanted) sī·xià (privacy · under) gēn (with) (her) lí·hūn ({to leave} · marriage)   (→ [to divorce]) .* Kě·shì (however · was) , (he) zài (in) mèng (dream) li (inside) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) duì (to) (him) shuō (say) , shì (was) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) shèng·líng (holy · spirit) shǐ (caused) Mǎlìyà (Mary) huái·yùn ({to conceive} · pregnancy) de (’s) . Ér·qiě (and · moreover) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) yào (must) shēng·xia ({give birth to} · down) de (’s) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) háizi (child) huì (would) zhěngjiù (save) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) tuō·lí ({to cast off} · {to leave}) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) zuì (sins) ”. Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) hái (also) gǔ·lì (rousing · encouraging) Yuēsè (Joseph) shuō (said) : Bú·yào (not · must)   (→ [must not]) hài·pà (feel · {are afraid}) jiē ({to receive}) (you) de (’s) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) huí·jiā ({to circle back to} · home) ”. ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:18–21)

5 Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zhèng·zhí (upright · straight) de (’s) rén (person) , (he) lè·yú ({was happy} · to) fúcóng (obey) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) jiù (exactly) zhào·zhe (reflect·ing) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) huà (words) (went) zuò ({to do}) . Yuēsè (Joseph) fù·qi·le (shouldered · up · [to completion]) (one) xiàng ({item of}) yì·cháng ({differently from} · ordinarily) zhòng·dà (weighty · big) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [assignment]) , (he) yào (needed) fǔ·yǎng ({to foster} · {to raise}) de (’s) (not) shì (was) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) érzi (son) , ér ({but [rather]}) shì (was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Érzi (Son) , shì (was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) zuì (most) zhēn’·ài (treasured · loved) de (’s) Érzi (Son) . ({a few}) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) hòu (later) , wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) zūn·cóng ({abide by} · follow) Luómǎ (Roman) huángdì (emperor) de (’s) mìnglìng (order) , Yuēsè (Joseph) dài·zhe (take- · -ing) yǒu (having) shēn·yùn (body · pregnancy) de (’s) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) qián·wǎng (forward · {went towards}) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) dēng·jì ({to enter (e.g. in a register) in} · {to record in}) hù·jí (households · registry) . Háizi (child) jiù (exactly) zài (in) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) chū·shēng ({came out} · {was born}) le ([to completion]) .

6–8. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Shénme ([what]) shì·jiàn (events · items) shǐ (caused) Yuēsè (Joseph’s) (one) jiā ({family of}) rén (people) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living) yòu (again) chǎn·shēng·le ({to produce} · {to give birth to} · [to completion]) gǎibiàn (changing) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Shénme ([what]) zhèng·jù (proving · evidence) biǎo·míng (shows · {[to make] clear}) , yǐn·lǐng (guided · lead) zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) de () nèi (that) ([mw for small, roundish things]) xīng (star) shì (was) shòu (receiving) Sādàn (Satan’s) kòngzhì (controlling) de (’s) ? ( (also) qǐng (please) kàn (see) jiǎo·zhù (foot·note) .)

6 Yuēsè (Joseph) méi·yǒu (not · had) dài (taken) jiā·rén (family · persons) huí ({to circle back to}) Násālè (Nazareth) , ér·shì ({but [rather]} · was) zài (in) ({apart from}) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) zhǐ·yǒu (only · having) shù (several) ({Chinese miles}) de () Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) zhù·le (residing · [indicates a change]) xia·lai (down · {to come}) . Tāmen ([they]) zhù·jìn (resided · into) (one) suǒ ({place of}) jiǎn·lòu (simple · crude) de (’s) fáng·zi (house · [suf]) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) jiā·jìng (family · circumstances) pínqióng ({were in poverty}) , Yuēsè (Joseph) què (however) jìn·lì ({expended to the limit} · power) bǎohù ({to protect}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yēsū (Jesus) , méi·yǒu (not · had) ràng (let) tāmen ([them]) quē·yī (lack · clothing) shǎo·shí (lack · food) . Yēsū (Jesus) jiàn·jiàn (gradually · gradually) zhǎng·dà (grew · big) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) zài (at) (he [was]) (one) suì ({year of age}) duō ({more than ←}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , zhèi (this) jiā ({family of}) rén (people) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living) yòu (again) tū·rán (sudden·ly) fā·shēng·le ({had issuing forth} · {had coming to life} · [to completion])   (→ [had happening]) zhòng·dà (weighty · big) gǎibiàn (changing) .

7 Yǒu (had) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) cóng (from) Dōng·fāng (East · direction) lái (coming) , kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) lái·zì (coming · from) yáo·yuǎn (distant · far) de (’s) Bābǐlún (Babylon) . Tāmen ([they]) shòu ({had received}) (one) ([mw for small, roundish things]) xīng (star’s) yǐn·lǐng (guiding · leading) , lái·dào ({to come} · to) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) zhù·chù (residing · place) . Tāmen ([them]) de (’s) tàidu (attitudes) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) zūn·zhòng ({were respecting} · {were assigning weightiness}) , shuō (said) yào (wanted) zhǎo ({to look for}) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) jiāng·yào ({in the future} · must) zuò (be) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) de (’s) wáng (king) de (’s) háizi (child) .

8 Zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) (not) zhī·dào ({did know} · way)   (→ [did know]) , zhèi (this) (time) tāmen ([they]) chà·diǎnr ({falling short by} · {a bit}) ({had held}) nián·yòu (years · young) de (’s) Yēsū (Jesus) hài·sǐ ({to be harmed} · {to be dead}) le ([to completion]) . Nèi (that) ([mw for small, roundish things]) yǐn·lǐng (guided · lead) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) xīng (star) xiān (first) ({had held}) tāmen ([them]) dài·dào ({to be brought} · to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) , ér (and) (not) shì ({had been}) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) .* Lái·dào (came · to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) hòu ({after ←}) , tāmen ([they]) gàosu (told) Xīlǜ (Herod) Wáng (King) , tāmen ([they]) zhèng·zài (exactly · {were then}) xúnzhǎo ({searching for}) (one) ge ([mw]) háizi (child) , ér (and) zhè (this) háizi (child) jiāng·lái ({going to} · come)   (→ [in the future]) huì (would) chéng·wéi (become · {to be}) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) de (’s) wáng (king) . Xīlǜ (Herod) Wáng (King) tīng (heard) hòu ({after ←}) dù·huǒ ({being jealous} · fire) zhōng (within) shāo (burned) , fēi·cháng (un·usually) fèn·nù ({was indignant} · {was angry}) .

9–11. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Sādàn (Satan) (and) Xīlǜ (Herod) de (’s) néng·lì (abilities · powers) bìng (actually) (not) shì (were) zuì·dà (most · great) de (’s) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Zài (at) shí·jì (realistic · boundaries)   (→ [reality]) shang (upon) , qián·wǎng (forward · {going towards}) Āijí (Egypt) de (’s) lǚ·tú (journeying · way) gēn (with) shén·huà (god · words)   (→ [myths]) suǒ ({that which [they]}) jiǎng ({talk about}) de (’s) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) bù·tóng (not · {being the same}) ?

9 Rán’ér (but) , Sādàn (Satan) (and) Xīlǜ (Herod) Wáng (King) de (’s) néng·lì (abilities · powers) bìng (actually) (not) shì (were) zuì (most) qiáng·dà (strong · great) de (’s) . Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) zhè·me (this · [so]) shuō (say) ne? Zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) lái·dào (came · to) Yēsū (Jesus) suǒ·zài ({that which [he]} · {was at}) de (’s) wū·zi (house · [suf]) , kàn·dào (saw · reaching) háizi (child) (and) háizi (child) de (’s) mā·ma (ma·ma) shí (time) , jiù (then) ná·chu (took · out) suǒ ({those which [they]}) dài·lái ({had brought} · {to come}) de (’s) lǐ·wù (gift · things) , jiù·shì (exactly · were) jīn·zi (gold · [suf]) , rǔ·xiāng (milky · incense)   (→ [frankincense]) , mò·yào ({myrrh (loan)} · medicine) , sòng·gěi ({to give as gifts} · {to give to}) tāmen ([them]) , (also) méi·yǒu (not · had) jiào (asked) tāmen ([them]) huán·lǐ ({to give in return} · gifts) . Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) tū·rán (sudden·ly) jiān (within) shōu·dào (receiving · {arriving at}) zhè·me (this · [so]) zhēn·guì (precious · costly) de (’s) lǐ·wù (gift · things) , yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) hěn (very) jīng·xǐ (startled · delighted) ! Zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) méi·yǒu (not · had) ànzhào ({according to}) yuán·běn (original · root) de (’s) jìhuà (plan) huí·dào ({circled back} · to) Xīlǜ (Herod) Wáng (King) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) , xiàng (to) wáng (king) bǐng·gào ({to report (to one's superior)} · {to tell}) tāmen ([they]) zài (at) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) zhǎo·dào·le ({had looked for [and]} · {arrived at} · [to completion]) háizi (child) . Zhè (this) shì (was) yīn·wei (because · for) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zǔ·zhǐ (obstructed · stopped) tāmen ([them]) , tōng·guò ({through (adv)} · passing) (one) cháng ([mw for happenings]) mèng (dream) fēnfu (instructed) tāmen ([them]) cóng (from) lìng (another) (one) tiáo ({strip of}) (route) huí·xiāng ({to circle back to} · {native place}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:1–12.)

10 Zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) lí·kāi (left · clear) hòu ({after ←}) bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) , tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) jiù (then) jǐng·gào (warned · told) Yuēsè (Joseph) : Qǐ·lai ({get up} · {to come}) , dài·zhe (take- · -ing) xiǎo·háir (young · child) (and) (his) mǔ·qin (mother · relative) táo·dào (flee · to) Āijí (Egypt) ({to go}) , zhù (reside) zài (at) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) , zhí·dào (straight · {up until}) (I) gěi (give) (you) zhǐ·shì (pointing · instructions) ; yīn·wei (because · for) Xīlǜ (Herod) yào (wants) xúnzhǎo ({to search for}) xiǎo·háir (young · child) , ({to hold}) (him) shā·sǐ ({to kill} · {to be dead}) .” ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:13) Yuēsè (Joseph) (held) háizi (child) de (’s) ān·quán ({being safe} · {being whole})   (→ [safety]) fàng ({to put}) zài (in) dì‐yī ([first]) wèi (place) . Jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) běn (this) zhāng (chapter’s) kāi·tóu (opening · beginning) suǒ ({that which [it]}) shuō (said) , (he) ànzhào ({in accordance with}) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) zhǐ·shì (pointing · instructions) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) dòng·shēn ({got moving} · {body → [self]})   (→ [set out on journey]) , dài·zhe (take- · -ing) quán (whole) jiā (family) qián·wǎng (forward · {to go towards}) Āijí (Egypt) . Nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) bài (worshipped) jiǎ·shén (false · gods) de () zhān·xīng·jiā ({divining from} · {heavenly bodies} · specialists)   (→ [astrologers]) suǒ ({those which [they]}) sòng ({had given as gifts}) de () áng·guì ({held high} · costly) lǐ·wù (gift · things) zhèng·hǎo (exactly · well) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) yòng·lái ({be used} · {to come}) zuò ({to be}) lǚ·fèi (travelling · expenses) (and) bāng·bǔ ({to help} · {make up for}) jiā·jì (family · {calculating [of finances]}) .

[Dì‐163 ([163rd]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yuēsè (Joseph) xíng·shì (did · things) guǒ·gǎn (resolutely · daringly) , gānyuàn ({was willing}) xiàn·chū ({to offer} · out) zìjǐ (self) ({to go}) bǎohù ({to protect}) érzi (son) ˄

11 Mǒu·xiē (certain · few) shén·huà (god · words)   (→ [myths]) (and) chuán·shuō ({passed on} · sayings)   (→ [legends]) gěi (give) zhèi (this) (time’s) lǚ·tú (journeying · way) chā·rù·le ({inserting of} · {to be entered} · [indicates changes]) xū·gòu (falsely · fabricated) de (’s) qíng·jié (circumstances · items) , shuō (say) nián·yòu (years · young) de (’s) Yēsū (Jesus) shī·xíng ({carried out} · performed) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward signs})   (→ [miracles]) , suō·duǎn·le (shrank · {to be short} · [indicates a change]) lù·chéng (road · journey) , xiáng·fú·le (subdued · {to be submitting} · [to completion]) tú·zhōng (route · within) de (’s) qiáng·dào ({using force} · robbers) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) shǐ (causing) zōnglǘ·shù (palm · trees) wān ({to bend}) xia·lai (down · {to come}) , hǎo (well) ràng ({to allow}) (his) mǔ·qin (mother · relative) cǎi·zhāi ({to pick} · {to pluck}) guǒ·zi (fruit · [suf]) .* Dàn (but) shí·qíng (real · situation) shì (was) , duì (to) Yuēsè (Joseph’s) (one) jiā (family) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , tāmen ([they]) yào (needed) ({to go to}) de (’s) shì (was) ge ([mw]) mò·shēng ({[from] road} · unfamiliar)   (→ [strange]) de (’s) dìfang (place) , lǚ·tú (journeying · way) (both) màn·cháng ({was boundless} · {was long}) yòu (also) jiān·xīn ({was difficult} · {was [causing] suffering}) .

[Dì‐165 ([165th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Yuēsè (Joseph) gānyuàn ({was willing}) wèi (for) jiā·rén (family · persons) shě·qì ({to give up} · {to abandon}) bǐ·jiào (compared · relatively) shū·shì (leisurely · comfortable) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living)

12. Xiànjīn (present) de (’s) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiào·fǎ (imitating · {taking as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (do) , hǎo (well) zài (in) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) wēi·jī (danger · occasions) sì·fú (four · {hiding (in ambush)})   (→ [lurking on every side]) de (’s) shì·jiè (world · extent) li (inside) jiào·yǎng ({to teach} · {to raise}) háizi (children) ?

12 Zuò (are) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) de () cóng (from) Yuēsè (Joseph) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) dōng·xi (easts · wests)   (→ [things]) . Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) bǎohù (protect) jiā·rén (family · persons) miǎn·shòu ({to avoid} · receiving) shāng·hài (injury · harm) , Yuēsè (Joseph) gānyuàn ({was willing}) fàng·xia ({to release} · down) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , shě·qì ({to give up} · {to abandon}) bǐ·jiào (compared · relatively) shū·shì (leisurely · comfortable) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living) . (he) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) jiā·rén (family · persons) shì (were) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) gěi ({had given}) (him) de (’s) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) lǐ·wù (gift · things) . Xiànjīn (present) de (’s) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) zài (in) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) wēi·jī (danger · occasions) sì·fú (four · {hiding (in ambush)})   (→ [lurking on every side]) de (’s) shì·jiè (world · extent) li (inside) jiào·yǎng ({to teach} · {to raise}) háizi (children) (also) (not) róng·yì ({is allowing} · {being easy}) . Shèhuì (society) mí·màn·zhe (fully · {is overflow-} · -ing [with]) bù·liáng (not · good) fēng·qì (attitudes · spirits) , dú·hài (poisoning · harming) háizi (children) de (’s) xīn·líng (hearts · spirits) , yǐn·yòu (drawing · luring) tāmen ([them]) zuò ({to do}) huài·shì (bad · things) , zì·huǐ (self · {to destroy}) qián·tú (ahead · roads) . Zuò (are) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) de () yīnggāi (should) xiàng (like) Yuēsè (Joseph) nà·yàng (that · [way]) xíng·shì (do · things) guǒ·gǎn (resolutely · daringly) , jìn·lì ({expend to the limit} · power) bǎohù ({to protect}) háizi (children) miǎn·shòu ({to avoid} · receiving) bù·liáng (not · good) fēng·qì (attitudes · spirits) de () yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound)   (→ [influences]) , zhè (this) shì (is) míng·zhì ({having clarity} · wise) de (’s) zuò·fǎ (doing · way) .

Xīn·qín (laboriously · diligently) Yǎng·jiā (supported · family) ˄

13, 14. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) huì (would) zài (in) Násālè (Nazareth) zhù·le ({be residing} · [indicates a change]) xia·lai (down · {to come}) ?

13 Kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) , Yuēsè (Joseph’s) (one) jiā (family) zài (in) Āijí (Egypt) dòu·liú (stayed · remained) de (’s) shí·jiān (time · within) bìng (actually) (not) cháng ({was long}) , yīn·wei (because · for) guò·le ({having pass-} · -ed) bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) , Yuēsè (Joseph) jiù (then) cóng (from) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) dé·zhī (got · {to know}) Xīlǜ (Herod) de (’s) sǐ·xùn ({had died} · news) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) dài·zhe (take- · -ing) quán (whole) jiā (family) lí·kāi (left · {clear of}) Āijí (Egypt) , huí·xiāng ({to circle back to} · {native place}) (went) le ([indicates a change]) . Zhè (this) jiù (exactly) yìng·yàn·le ({responded to} · {produced the expected result of} · [to completion])   (→ [fulfilled]) gǔ·dài (ancient · era) de (’s) (one) ge ([mw]) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) : Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) cóng (from) Āijí (Egypt) (held) [zìjǐ (self) ] de (’s) érzi (son) zhào ({to summon}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) le ([to completion]) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:15) Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , Yuēsè (Joseph) gāi (should) zài (at) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) ān·jiā ({set up} · home) cái ({only then}) hǎo ({would be good}) ne?

14 Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (was) ge ([mw]) jǐnshèn (cautious) de (’s) rén (person) , (he) xiǎng·dào (thought · {arriving at}) Xīlǜ (Herod) de (’s) jì·chéng·rén (continuing · {to hold} · person)   (→ [heir]) Ājīláosī (Archelaus) (also) shì (was) ge ([mw]) cán·bào (cruel · violent) de (’s) è·rén (wicked · person) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · was) jiù (exactly) shùn·cóng ({submitting to} · {complying with}) shèng·líng (holy · spirit) de (’s) zhǐ·yǐn (pointing · leading) , dài (taking) jiā·rén (family · persons) qián·wǎng (forward · {to go towards}) běi·fāng (north · direction) de (’s) Jiālìlì (Galilee) , huí·dào ({to circle back} · to) jiā·xiāng (family · {native place}) Násālè (Nazareth) ({to go}) , yuǎn·lí (far · {to be away from}) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) , bì·kāi ({to avoid} · {clear of}) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) de (’s) zhǒng·zhǒng ({kind of} · {kind of})   (→ [various kinds of]) wēixiǎn (dangers) . Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) jiù (then) zài (in) Násālè (Nazareth) zhù·le (resided · [indicates a change]) xia·lai (down · {to come}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:19–23.)

15, 16. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēsè (Joseph) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) bāokuò (included) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) (he) yòng (used) de (’s) gōng·jù (work · tools) dà·gài (largely · generally)   (→ [probably]) yǒu (had) něi·xiē (which · few) ?

15 Tāmen ([them]) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living) suī·rán (although · -ly) píng·dàn ({was ordinary} · {was bland}) , què (but) yì·diǎnr (one · bit) (even) (not) qīng·sōng ({was light} · {was relaxed}) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (was) ge ([mw]) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) , zhè (this) yì·wèi·zhe (meaning · taste · {is being}) (he) yào (needed) zuò ({to do}) gè·zhǒng (each · {kind of}) gēn (with) mù·gōng (wood·work) yǒu·guān (had · relation) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , bāokuò (including) fá·mù (felling · trees) , (holding) mù·tou (wood · [suf]) bān·yùn ({to move} · {to transport}) hui·lai ({to circle back} · {to come}) jiā·gōng ({to add} · work)   (→ [to process]) , yòng·lái ({to use} · {to come}) gài ({to build}) fáng·zi (houses · [suf]) , dā·qiáo ({to build} · bridges) , hái·yǒu (also · having) zào ({to build}) chuán (boats) , chē (vehicles) , lún·zi (wheels · [suf]) , è (yokes) , yǐjí ({as well as}) (each) yàng ({kind of}) nóng·jù (farming · implement) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 13:55) Zhèi·xiē (this · {number of things}) dōu ({every one}) shì (was) hěn (very) fèi·lì (expending · strength) de (’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) . Zài (in) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures’)   (→ [the Bible’s]) shí·dài (time · era) , mù·jiang (wood · craftsmen) tōng·cháng (commonly · usually) dōu (even) zhù (resided) zài (in) jiǎn·pǔ (simple · plain) de (’s) fáng·zi (house · [suf]) li (inside) , tāmen ([they]) huì (would) zài (at) zìjiā (self’s) mén (door) qián ({before ←}) huò (or) xiāng·lín (mutually · neighbouring) de (’s) zuōfang (workshop) zuò (do) gōng (work) .

16 Yuēsè (Joseph) yòng (used) de (’s) gōng·jù (work · tools) ({were able}) bù·shǎo (not · {to have been few}) , yǒu·xiē (had · some) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) hái·shi (also · were) (his) fù·qin (father · relative) liú·chuán ({had left behind} · {had passed on}) xia·lai (down · {to come}) de (’s) . Zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) gōng·jù (work · tools) dà·gài (largely · generally)   (→ [probably]) bāokuò (included) jiǎo·chǐ (angle · ruler)   (→ [square]) , cè·chuí (measuring · weight)   (→ [plumb bob]) , fěn·xiàn (powder → [chalk] · line) , fǔ·zi (hatchet · [suf]) , jù·zi (saw · [suf]) , biǎn (flat) (axe)   (→ [adze]) , tiě (iron) chuí (hammer) , (wood) chuí (mallet) , záo·zi (chisels · [suf]) , gōng·zuàn (bow · drill) , gè·zhǒng (each · {kind of}) nián (sticky) jiāo (glue) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) hái·yǒu (also · had) bǐ·jiào (compared · relatively) áng·guì ({held high} · expensive) de (’s) dīng·zi (nails · [suf]) .

17, 18. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) cóng (from) yǎng·fù (foster · father) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) xué·dào ({did learn} · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yuēsè (Joseph) xūyào ({did need}) jiā·bèi ({to add} · {times as much}) nǔ·lì (exerting · strength) de (-ly) gōng·zuò (work · {to do}) ?

17 Xiǎng·xiàng ({think of} · image) yí·xià (one · {going down})   (→ one · [time]) nián·yòu (years · young) de (’s) Yēsū (Jesus) kàn·zhe (watch·ing) (his) yǎng·fù (foster · father’s) gōng·zuò (work · doing) de (’s) qíng·jǐng (situation · scene) . (he) zhēng·dà (opened · {to be large}) yǎn·jing (eyes’ · eyeballs) , zǐ·xì ({the young of domestic animals} · {thin, fine})   (→ [carefully]) kàn·zhe (watch·ing) yǎng·fù (foster · father) de (’s) yì·jǔ ({[every] one} · lifting) yí·dòng ({[every] one} · moving) . Yǎng·fù (foster · father’s) hòu·shi (thick · solid) de (’s) jiānbǎng (shoulders) , qiáng·zhuàng (strong · robust) de (’s) gē·bo (arms · {upper arms}) , líng·qiǎo (clever · skillful) de (’s) shuāng·shǒu (both · hands) (and) chōng·mǎn (filled · {full with}) zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) de (’s) yǎn·shén (eyes · spirit) , yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [certainly]) lìng (caused) (him) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very much]) qīn·pèi ({to respect} · {to admire}) . Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) Yuēsè (Joseph) hěn (very) zǎo (early) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) jiào ({to teach}) nián·yòu (years · young) de (’s) érzi (son) zuò ({to do}) xiē (some) jiǎndān (simple) de (’s) mù·gōng (wood·work) , lì·rú (example · like) yòng (using) gān (dry) (fish) (skin) dǎ·mó ({to do} · {polishing of}) mù·tou (wood · [suf]) . Yuēsè (Joseph) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [probably]) hái (also) jiāo (taught) Yēsū (Jesus) fēn·biàn ({to distinguish} · {to differentiate}) bù·tóng (not · {were the same}) zhǒnglèi (kinds) de () mù·cái (wood · materials) , lì·rú (examples · like) xiàng (oak) (wood) , gǎnlǎn (olive) (wood) , sāng·yè (mulberry · leaves) wú·huā·guǒ·shù (no · flower · fruit · tree)   (→ [fig tree]) de (’s) mù·tou (wood · [suf]) děng·děng (etc. · etc.) .

[Dì‐166 ([166th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yuēsè (Joseph) xùn·liàn (trained · drilled) érzi (son) chéng·wéi ({to become} · {to be}) (one) ge ([mw]) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman)

18 Yēsū (Jesus) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) , yǎng·fù (foster · father) de (’s) shuāng·shǒu (both · hands) bú·dàn (not · only) qiáng·zhuàng ({were strong} · {were robust}) yǒu·lì ({were having} · power) , néng ({were able}) kǎn·dǎo ({to cut} · {to fall over}) dà·shù (big · trees) , pī·kāi ({to chop} · apart) mù·liào (wood · material) , ({to join}) sǔn ({mortise and tenon joints}) jià ({to put up}) liáng ({roof beams}) , hái (also) hěn ({very much}) wēn·róu ({were warm} · {were soft}) , néng ({were able}) gěi ({to give}) mā·ma (ma·ma) , zìjǐ (self) (and) dì·mèi ({younger brothers} · {younger sisters}) ài·fǔ (loving · caressing) (and) bāngzhù (helping) . Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) xiǎo (small) jiātíng ([family]) jiàn·jiàn (gradually · gradually) kuò·dà (expanded · {to be big}) , chú·le (besides · [to completion]) Yēsū (Jesus) zhī·wài (’ · outside) , tāmen ([they]) zhì·shǎo (most · few)   (→ [at least]) hái (also) shēng·le ({gave birth to} · [to completion]) liù (six) ge ([mw]) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 13:55, 56) Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) yǎng·huo (support · {to live}) quán·jiā (whole · family) , Yuēsè (Joseph) xūyào (needed) jiā·bèi ({to add} · {times as much}) nǔ·lì (exerting · strength) de (-ly) gōng·zuò (work · {to do}) .

[Dì‐167 ([167th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Yuēsè (Joseph) míng·bai (understood · clearly) , mǎn·zú (filling · {to sufficiency}) jiā·rén (family · persons) de () shǔ·líng (of · spirit) xūyào (needs) ({compared to}) shénme ([anything]) dōu (even) zhòng·yào ({was [more] weighty} · {was [more] important})

19. Yuēsè (Joseph) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zài (at) shǔ·líng (of · spirit) fāng·miàn (side · face) zhàogu ({looked after}) jiā·rén (family · persons) ?

19 Yǔ·cǐ·tóng·shí (with · this · {at the same} · time) , Yuēsè (Joseph) míng·bai (understood · clearly) , mǎn·zú (filling · {to sufficiency}) jiā·rén (family · persons) de () shǔ·líng (of · spirit) xūyào (needs) ({compared to}) shénme ([anything]) dōu (even) zhòng·yào ({was [more] weighty} · {was [more] important}) . Yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) , (he) huā (spent) shí·jiān (time · within) jiào·dǎo ({to teach} · {to guide}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) (and) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) lǜfǎ (laws) . (he) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) jīng·cháng (regularly · often) dài (took) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) dào (to) dāng·dì ({at that} · land) de (’s) huì·táng (meeting · hall)   (→ [synagogue]) qu ({to go}) , zài (at) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) tīng ({to listen to}) bié·ren (other · people) xuān·dú (declaring · read) (and) jiǎng·jiě ({talk about} · [explain]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Lǜfǎ (Law) . Yēsū (Jesus) tīng·wán ({listened to} · {to completion}) Lǜfǎ (Law) hòu ({after ←}) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) hái (also) huì (would) wèn (ask) hěn (very) duō (many) wèn·tí (asking · subjects)   (→ [questions]) , Yuēsè (Joseph) (also) yīn·yìng ({according with} · {complying with}) zìjǐ (self) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) de (’s) jǐn·liàng ({to the greatest extent} · amount) huí·dá ({[in] return} · {would answer}) . Yuēsè (Joseph) hái (also) dài (took) quán·jiā (whole · family) dào (to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) guò·jié ({to pass} · festivals) . (taking) měi (each) nián (year) de (’s) Yúyuè·jié (Passover · festival) wéi (as) (example) , Yuēsè (Joseph) yào (needed) zǒu ({to walk}) chà·bu·duō ({falling short of} · not · much) 120 gōng·lǐ (metric · {Chinese miles})   (→ [kilometres]) (75 yīng·lǐ (English · {Chinese miles})   (→ [miles]) ) cái ({only then}) néng (could) dàodá (reach) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) , wǎng (going) fǎn (returning) de (’s) shí·jiān (time · within) dà·gài (largely · generally)   (→ [probably]) shì (was) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) xīng·qī (star · periods)   (→ [weeks]) .

[Dì‐168 ([168th]) (and) ‐169 (pages) de () tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yuēsè (Joseph) jīng·cháng (regularly · often) dài (took) quán·jiā (whole · family) dào (to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) de (’s) shèng·diàn (holy · temple) chóngbài ({to worship}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God)

20. Zuò (are) jiā·zhǔ (family · heads) de () Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) , gānyuàn ({be willing}) xiàn·chū ({to offer} · out) zìjǐ (selves) ({to go}) zhàogu ({to look after}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) ?

20 Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , zuò (are) jiā·zhǔ (family · heads) de () Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) (even) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) , gānyuàn ({are willing}) xiàn·chū ({to offer} · out) zìjǐ (selves) ({to go}) zhàogu ({to look after}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) . Tāmen ([they]) nǔ·lì (exerting · strength) gōng·zuò (work · do) , zhàogu ({to look after}) jiā·rén (family · persons) de () shēng·huó (life · living) suǒ·xū ({[all] which} · {is needed}) , dàn (but) zuì (most) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regard) de (’s) hái·shi (still · is) mǎn·zú (filling · {to sufficiency}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) de () shǔ·líng (of · spirit) xūyào (needs) . Tāmen ([they]) fù·chū (pay · out) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) nǔ·lì ({exerting of} · strength) , jīng·cháng (regularly · often) jǔ·xíng ({to raise} · {to carry out})   (→ [to conduct]) jiātíng ([family]) chóngbài (worshipping) , (also) dài ({to take}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) cān·jiā ({to join} · {to add to})   (→ [to attend]) jùhuì (meetings) (and) dà·huì (large · assemblies) . Xiàng (like) Yuēsè (Joseph) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , tāmen ([they]) rèn·wéi (identify · {to be}) , jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shì (is) fù·mǔ (fathers’ · mothers’) zuì (most) zhí·de (worth · getting) zuò ({to do}) de (’s) shì (thing) .

Láo·xīn (strained · hearts) Láo·lì (strained · strengths) ˄

21. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Duì (to) Yuēsè (Joseph’s) (one) jiā (family) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , Yúyuè·jié (Passover · festival) shì (was) ge ([mw]) shénme ([what]) yàng (kind) de (’s) jié·rì (festival · sun → [day]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) zài (at) shénme ([what]) shíhou (time) cái ({only then}) fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing that})   (→ [discovered that]) Yēsū (Jesus) bú·jiàn (not · {was to be seen}) le ([indicates a change]) ?

21 Yēsū (Jesus) 12 suì ({years of age}) (that) nián (year) , Yuēsè (Joseph) xiàng (like) yǐ·wǎng (in · {[the] past}) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) dài (took) quán·jiā (whole · family) shàng ({to go up to}) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) guò ({to pass}) Yúyuè·jié (Passover · festival) , zhè (this) shì (was) ge ([mw]) huān·lè (joyful · happy) de (’s) jié·rì (festival · sun → [day]) . Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) zhèng·zhí (exactly · {happened to be}) chūn·jì (spring · season) , xiāng·jiān (countryside · within) lù·shang (road · upon) (one) piàn ([mw for stretches of land]) cuì·lǜ ({was emerald green} · {was green}) , xǔ·duō (numbers · many) jiātíng ([families]) dōu (even) jié·bàn (formed · accompanying) tóng·xíng (together · {to travel}) , zài (on) lù·shang (road · upon) zǔ·chéng·le (organized · {to become} · [to completion]) zhǎng·cháng (grew · {to be long}) de (’s) duì·wu ({groups of} · five)   (→ [contingents]) . Rén·men (people · [pl]) lái·dào (came · to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem’s) (those) xiǎn·de (showed · getting) kōng·kuàng ({to be empty} · {to be vast}) de (’s) jìn·jiāo (nearby · outskirts) , yí·miàn (one · face → side) shàng·pō ({were going up} · slopes) yí·miàn (one · face → side) chàng ({were singing}) tāmen ([they]) suǒ ({those which [they]}) shú·xī (deeply · knew) de (’s) dēng ({to ascend to}) chéng (city) de (’s) (songs) . ( Shī·piān (poetry · {pieces of writing})   (→ [Psalms]) 120–134 piān ({pieces of writing}) ) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) jùjí·le (assemble · -ed) chéng·qiān (becoming · thousands) shàng·wàn ({up to} · {tens of thousands}) de () rén (people) , xiāng·dāng ([it] · equaled)   (→ [it was quite]) yōng·jǐ (swarmed · crowded) . Jié·qī (festival · period) guò·hòu ({had passed} · afterwards) , gè·ge (each · [mw]) jiātíng ([family]) fēn·fēn (disorderedly · disorderedly) shōu·shi ({gathered together} · {put in order}) xíng·zhuāng (travelling · packing) huí·jiā ({to circle back to} · home) qu ({to go}) . Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yào (needed) zhàoliào ({to take care of}) hěn (very) duō (many) shì (things) , hái (still) yǐ·wéi (took · {to be}) Yēsū (Jesus) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) gēn (with) qí·tā (them · otherwise’s)   (→ [other]) qīn·yǒu (relatives · friends) yì·tóng ({[as] one} · together) shàng·lù ({going upon} · road) , zhí·dào (straight · {up until}) lí·kāi ({had left} · {clear of}) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) zhěng·zhěng (fully · fully) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) hòu ({after ←}) cái ({only then}) fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing that})   (→ [discovered that]) Yēsū (Jesus) bú·jiàn (not · {was to be seen}) le ([indicates a change]) , bù·jīn (not · {being able to restrain selves}) jīng·huáng ({were startled} · {were afraid}) shī·cuò (lost · arranging) ! (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:41–44)

22, 23. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing that})   (→ [discovered that]) Yēsū (Jesus) bú·jiàn (not · {was to be seen}) le ([indicates a change]) , jiù (then) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (did) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Tāmen ([they]) zhǎo·dào ({looked for [and]} · {arrived at}) Yēsū (Jesus) hòu ({after ←}) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) shuō·le (say · -ed) shénme ([what]) ?

22 Tāmen ([they]) huāng·máng ({being frantic} · hurried) fǎn·huí ({to return to} · {to circle back to}) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) , yán·lù (along · road) xúnzhǎo ({searched for}) Yēsū (Jesus) de (’s) zōng·yǐng (traces · shadow) . Tāmen ([they]) yí·miàn (one · face → side) zǒu ({were going}) , yí·miàn (one · face → side) hūhǎn ({were crying out}) érzi (son) de (’s) míng·zi (name · word) . Zài (in) tāmen ([their]) kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) , chéng (city) li (inside) de (’s) jiē·dào (streets · roads) zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) xiǎn·de (showed · getting) yòu (also) mò·shēng ({[from] road} · {to be unfamiliar})   (→ [to be strange]) yòu (also) lěng·qing ({to be cold} · {to be quiet}) . Háizi (child) dào·dǐ (to · bottom) zài ({was at}) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) ne? Yǐ·jing (already · {was going through}) shì (was) dì‐sān ([third]) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) le ([to completion]) , hái (still) méi (not) zhǎo·dào ({had looked for [and]} · {arrived at}) ! Yuēsè (Joseph) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) xiǎng·dào (thought · {arriving at}) zìjǐ (self) gū·fù·le ({had failed to fulfil} · {had betrayed} · [to completion]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) suǒ ({that which [he]}) jiāo·tuō ({had handed over} · {had entrusted}) de (’s) shén·shèng (godly · holy) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [assignment]) . Zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) , tāmen ([they]) zhǎo (seeking) dào ({arrived at}) shèng·diàn (holy · temple) lai ({to come}) le ([to completion]) . Tāmen ([they]) zài (in) (one) ge ([mw]) dà·tīng (big · hall) jìng (unexpectedly) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) nián·shào (years · young) de (’s) Yēsū (Jesus) zuò (sitting) zài (in) (one) qún ({group of}) jīng·tōng ({conversant with} · {understood thoroughly}) Lǜfǎ (Law) de (’s) rén (men) dāng·zhōng (in · among) ! Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) zhōng·yú (finally · at) sōng·le ({let go} · [indicates a change]) yì·kǒu·qì (one · {mouthful of} · breath) . (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:45, 46)

23 Yēsū (Jesus) zhèng·zài (exactly · {was then}) zhuān·xīn (focused·-hearted) de (-ly) tīng ({listening to}) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) jīng·tōng ({conversant with} · {understood thoroughly}) Lǜfǎ (Law) de (’s) rén (men) jiǎng·huà (speak · words) , hái (also) bù·shí (not · occasionally)   (→ [frequently]) fā·wèn (uttering · questioning) . Nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) bǎo·xué ({full with} · learning) zhī (’s) shì (scholars) kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) háizi (child) nà·me (that · [so]) shú·shi (deeply · knowing) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) , dōu (all) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) jīng·yà ({were startled} · {were surprised}) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yuēsè (Joseph) (also) dà·chī·yì·jīng (greatly · {were eating} · one · {being startled}) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · has) jì·zǎi (recorded · written) Yuēsè (Joseph) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) shuō·le (say · -ed) shénme ([what]) , dàn (but) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) huà (words) wú·yí (no · doubt) dào·chū·le (speak · out · [to completion]) tāmen ([them]) liǎ ({two [mw]}) de (’s) xīn·shēng (heart · voice) : Háizi (child) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) dài ({did treat}) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) ne? (your) fù·qin (father · relative) (and) (I) dào·chù ({at arrived at’s} · places)   (→ [everywhere]) zhǎo ({have been looking for}) (you) , zhǎo·de ({have looked for} · getting) hǎo (very) ({to be bitter}) a!” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:47, 48)

24. Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) jì·shù·le (records · narrates · [to completion]) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) miàn·duì (faces · face) de (’s) shénme ([what]) tiǎo·zhàn (incitings · {to fight})   (→ [challenges]) ?

24 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) duǎn·duǎn (short · short) liǎng (two) sān (three) ({sentences of}) huà (words) jiù (exactly) jì·shù·le (record · narrate · [to completion]) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) miàn·duì (faces · face) de (’s) tiǎo·zhàn (incitings · {to fight})   (→ [challenges]) . Yǎng·yù ({providing for} · raising) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) yì·diǎnr (one · bit) (even) (not) qīng·sōng ({is light} · {is relaxing}) , jiù·suàn (even · figuring) háizi (child) shì (is) wán·měi (complete · beautiful)   (→ [perfect]) de (’s) rén (person) (also) (not) lì·wài (rule · {is outside})   (→ [is exception]) . Zài (in) jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) wēi·jī (danger · occasions) chóng·chóng (layer · {[upon] layer}) de (’s) shì·jiè (world · extent) li (inside) , zuò (are) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) de () nán·miǎn (difficult · {to avoid}) yào (must) wèi (for) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) láo·xīn (strain · hearts) láo·lì (strain · strengths) , chéng·shòu (bear · suffer) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) yā·lì (pressing · forces)   (→ [pressures]) . Dàn (but) fù·mǔ·men (fathers · mothers · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) fàng·xīn ({set free [from anxiety]} · hearts) , yīn·wei (because · for) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) míng·bai (understands · clearly) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) de (’s) nán·chu (difficult · places) .

25, 26. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answered) fù·mǔ (father · mother) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yuēsè (Joseph) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) duì (towards) érzi (son) de (’s) huà (words) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) gǎn·shòu (feeling · receiving) ?

25 Yēsū (Jesus) liú ({had remained}) zài (in) shèng·diàn (holy · temple) li (inside) , yīn·wei (because · for) shì·shàng (world · upon) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) bié·de (other · ’s) dìfang (place) lìng (causing) (him) gǎn·jué ({to feel} · {to become aware of}) zìjǐ (self) gēn (with) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) nà·me (that · [so]) qīnjìn ({being close}) , yòu (also) kě·yǐ ({being able} · [suf]) ràng ({to let}) (him) nà·me (that · [so]) jìn·qíng ({[indulging] to the limit} · feelings) de (-ly) xué·xí (learn · {get practised with}) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) de (’s) Huàyǔ (Word) . Yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) , Yēsū (Jesus) tǎn·shuài (candid · frank) de (-ly) duì (to) (him) de (’s) fù·mǔ (father · mother) shuō (said) : Nǐ·men (you · [pl]) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) yào ({did need}) dào·chù ({at arrived at’s} · places)   (→ [everywhere]) zhǎo ({to look for}) (me) ne? Nǐ·men (you · [pl]) (not) zhī·dào ({did know} · way)   (→ [did know]) (I) (must) zài ({be in}) (my) Fù·qin (Father · relative’s) jiā (household) li (inside) ma?” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:49)

26 Yuēsè (Joseph) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) jīng·cháng (regularly · often) huí·xiǎng ({circled back} · {to think about}) Yēsū (Jesus) de () huà (words) . (he) hěn (very) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) wèi ({on account of}) érzi (son) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō (said) de (’s) zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) zì·háo (self · {was bold & unconstrained})   (→ [was proud of it]) . Duō (many) nián (years) lái ({had come to be}) , (he) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [continuously]) nǔ·lì ({had exerted} · strength) jiào·dǎo ({to teach} · {to guide}) Yēsū (Jesus) jiāng ({to take}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) kàn·zuò ({to look at} · as) Fù·qin (Father · relative) , qīnjìn ({[to draw] close to}) (him) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) de (’s) Yēsū (Jesus) suī·rán (although · -ly) nián·jì (years · age) hái (still) nà·me (that · [so]) xiǎo ({was young}) , què (yet) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) tǐ·huì (personally · understanding) dào ({arriving at}) (one) ge ([mw]) guān’·ài ({is concerned about} · loves) háizi (child) de (’s) fù·qin (father · relative) shì (is) zěn·me·yàng (what · [so] · [way]) de (’s) . Yēsū (Jesus) yǒu (had) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({kind of}) tǐ·huì (personally · understanding) , zhǔ·yào ({[of] main} · importance) shì (was) yīn·wei (because · for) (he) (and) yǎng·fù (foster · father) Yuēsè (Joseph) yǒu (had) hěn (very) hǎo (good) de (’s) guān·xi (involvement · relation)   (→ [relationship]) .

27. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Zuò (are) fù·qin (father · relatives) de () , (you) yǒu (have) shū·róng (special · honour) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) (you) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) ?

27 Zuò (are) fù·qin (father · relatives) de () , (you) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) zìjǐ (self) xiǎng·yǒu (enjoys · has) shénme ([what]) shū·róng (special · honour) ma? Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) (you) guān·huái ({are concerned about} · cherish) , ài·hù (cherish · protect) (you) de (’s) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) , ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) jiù (then) néng (can) cóng (from) (your) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) kàn·chū (see · out) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shì (is) rén’·ài (benevolent · loving) de (’s) Fù·qin (Father · relative) . Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) (you) shì (are) jì·fù (continuing · father)   (→ [stepfather]) huò (or) yǎng·fù (foster · father) , jiù (exactly) yào (must) xué·xí (learn · {get practised with}) Yuēsè (Joseph) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [good example]) , shì ({look at}) měi (each) ge ([mw]) ér·nǚ (son · daughter) dōu ({each one}) shì ({to be}) dú·tè (singular · special) (and) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) , (also) yào (must) bāngzhù (help) tāmen ([them]) qīnjìn ({[to draw] close to}) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yǐfúsuǒ·shū (Ephesus · book)   (→ [Ephesians]) 6:4.)

Jiān·chí (firmly · held) Bú·xiè (not · {did slack}) ˄

28, 29. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:51, 52 de (’s) huà (words) ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū (see · out) , Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) rén (person) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yēsū (Jesus) de () zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) zēng·zhǎng ({was increasing} · {was growing}) , Yuēsè (Joseph) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) gōng·láo ([credit for] {meritorious service} · labour) ?

28 Guān·yú (relating · to) Yuēsè (Joseph) hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) , Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) jì·shù (recorded · narrating) bìng (actually) (not) duō ({is much}) , què (but) zhí·de ({is worth} · getting) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) liú·yì ({to leave} · {attention [on]}) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) : Yēsū (Jesus) réng·jiù (still · {as formerly}) shùn·fú ({submitted to} · obeyed) tāmen ([them]) ”, (meaning) shùn·fú ({submitted to} · obeyed) (him) de (’s) fù·mǔ (father · mother) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) (also) shuō (says) : Yēsū (Jesus) de () zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) (and) shēn·liang (body · amount)   (→ [height]) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) zēng·zhǎng ({were increasing} · {were growing}) , yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) ({were getting}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (and) rén (people) de (’s) xǐ’·ài (liking · loving) .” (Qǐng (please) (read) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:51, 52.) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) kàn·chū (see · out) Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) rén (person) ? Yuēsè (Joseph) jìxù (continued) lǚ·xíng ({to carry out} · {to do}) jiā·zhǔ (family · head) de (’s) zé·rèn (responsibilities · {to be assumed}) , zhàogu ({to look after}) jiā·rén (family · persons) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) (his) (that) wán·měi (complete · beautiful)   (→ [perfect]) érzi (son) de (’s) zūn·zhòng (respecting · {assigning of weightiness}) (and) shùn·fú (submitting · obeying) .

29 Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , Yēsū (Jesus) de () zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) zēng·zhǎng ({was increasing} · {was growing}) , Yuēsè (Joseph) wú·yí (no · doubt) (also) yǒu (had) bù·shǎo (not · little) gōng·láo ([credit for] {meritorious service} · labour) . Yǒu (had) ({sentence of}) gǔ·lǎo (ancient · old) de (’s) Yóutài (Jewish) yàn·yǔ (proverb · saying) shuō (saying) : Zhīshi (knowledge) fèn·zǐ ({part of the group} · persons)   (→ [members]) cái ({only then}) yǒu (have) zhēn (true) zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) , ér (and) láo·dòng (labour · moving) jiē·céng (rank · stratum) (like) mù·jiang (wood · craftsmen) , nóng·fū (farming · {manual workers}) , tiě·jiang (iron · craftsmen) lián (even) shì·fēi (is · {is not})   (→ [right & wrong]) duì·cuò ({being correct} · {being mistaken}) dōu (even) fēn·bu·qīng ({do distinguish} · not · clearly) , (how) dǒng·de ({would understand} · getting) tán·lùn ({to talk about} · {to discuss}) gāo·shēn (high · deep) de (’s) dào·li (way · reasonings) ”. Yēsū (Jesus) què (however) biǎo·míng (showed · {[to make] clear}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) shuō·fa (speaking · way) shì (is) cuò (wrong) de (’s) . Yēsū (Jesus) de () yǎng·fù (foster · father) Yuēsè (Joseph) zhǐ·shì (only · was) ge ([mw]) bēi·wēi (low · {very small}) de (’s) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) , què (yet) jiào·dǎo (taught · guided) yǒu·fāng (having · {[right] way}) . (he) zài (at) Yēsū (Jesus) hěn (very) xiǎo ({was young}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , jiù (then) (already) bǎwò ({had been grasping}) gè·zhǒng (each · {kind of}) bù·tóng (not · {was the same}) de (’s) jīhuì (opportunity) , jiào·dǎo ({to teach} · {to guide}) Yēsū (Jesus) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) shì (is) fēi ({is not})   (→ [right & wrong]) biāo·zhǔn (marks · standards) .

30. Jiā·zhǔ (family · heads) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) ?

30 Yēsū (Jesus) de () shēn·liang (body · amount)   (→ [height]) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) zēng·zhǎng ({was increasing} · {was growing}) , xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) Yuēsè (Joseph) (also) chū·le ({had put out} · [to completion]) bù·shǎo (not · little) (power) . Yóu·yú ({because of} · from) shòu·dào (receiving · {arriving at}) hěn (very) hǎo (good) de (’s) zhàogu ({looking after}) , Yēsū (Jesus) yǒu (had) qiáng·zhuàng (strong · robust) de (’s) shēntǐ (body) . Cǐ·wài (this · outside) , Yuēsè (Joseph) (also) (held) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) shǒu·yì (hands · skill) chuán·shòu ({to pass on} · {to teach}) gěi ({to give to}) Yēsū (Jesus) . Rén·men (people · [pl]) bù·jǐn (not · only) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Yēsū (Jesus) shì (was) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) de (’s) érzi (son) , (also) chēng (called) (him) wéi (as) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) ”. (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 6:3) Yóu·cǐ (from · this) kě·jiàn (can · see) , Yuēsè (Joseph) gěi (gave) Yēsū (Jesus) de () xùn·liàn (training · drilling) hěn ({very much}) yǒu (had) chéng·xiào (accomplishment · effect) . Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , míng·zhì ({having clarity} · wise) de (’s) jiā·zhǔ (family · heads) (also) huì (will) xiàng (like) Yuēsè (Joseph) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , bāngzhù (help) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) xué·huì ({to learn} · {to understand}) (one) mén ([mw for subjects of study]) jì·néng (skill · ability) , ràng ({to allow}) tāmen ([them]) zhǎng·dà ({have grown} · big) hòu ({after ←}) kě·yǐ ({to be able} · [suf]) zì·shí·qí·lì (selves · {to eat} · {[from] own} · abilities) .

31. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēsè (Joseph) zài (at) shénme ([what]) shíhou (time) qù·shì ({went from} · world)   (→ [passed away]) ? ( (also) qǐng (please) kàn (see) fù·lán (attached · {bounded area})   (→ [box]) .) (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (is) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) de (’s) hǎo (good) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [example]) ?

31 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) jì·shù (records · narrates) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (at) 30 suì ({years of age}) shòu·jìn (received · immersion) , zhī·hòu (it · after) jiù (then) zài (further) méi·yǒu (not · has) tí·dào (raised · {arriving at})   (→ [mentioned]) gēn (with) Yuēsè (Joseph) yǒu·guān (has · relation) de (’s) shì (things) le ([indicates a change]) . Zài (at) Yēsū (Jesus) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) chuán·dào ({to spread} · way)   (→ [to preach]) shí (time) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) (already) shì (was) ge ([mw]) guǎ·fu (widowed · woman) . ( Qǐng (please) kàn (see) Yuēsè (Joseph) Zài (at) Shénme ([what]) Shíhou (time) Qù·shì ({went from} · world)   (→ [passed away]) ?” zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) fù·lán (attached · {bounded area})   (→ [box]) .) Yuēsè (Joseph) shì (is) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) de (’s) yōuxiù (excellent) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [good example]) , (he) jìn·lì ({expended to the limit} · power) bǎohù ({to protect}) jiā·rén (family · persons) , yòu (also) xīn·qín (laboriously · diligently) yǎng·jiā (supported · family) , bìng ({side by side with}) jiān·chí (firmly · holding) bú·xiè (not · slacking) de (-ly) shì·fèng (serving · {attending to}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) . Suǒ·yǒu ({[all] whom [there]} · {are having}) fù·qin (father · relatives) , jiā·zhǔ (family · heads) yǐjí ({as well as}) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] whom [there]} · {are having}) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) dōu (all) gāi (should) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) , xiǎn·chū (show · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) .

Yuēsè (Joseph) Zài (at) Shénme ([what]) Shíhou (time) Qù·shì ({went from} · world)   (→ [passed away]) ?

Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) , Yēsū (Jesus) 12 suì ({years of age}) shí (time) Yuēsè (Joseph) réng·rán (still · -ly) huó·zhe ({was live-} · -ing) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) , Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) dà·dōu (largely · even) zài (at) 12 suì ({years of age}) zuǒ·yòu (left · right)   (→ [or so]) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) xué·xí ({to learn} · {to get practised with}) fù·qin (father · relative) de (’s) shǒu·yì (hands · skill) , 15 suì ({years of age}) zuò (became) xué·tú (learning · apprentices) . Yēsū (Jesus) chéng·wéi (became · {to be}) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) shí (time) , Yuēsè (Joseph) xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) hái (still) huó·zhe ({was live-} · -ing) . Yēsū (Jesus) 30 suì ({years of age}) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) chuán·dào ({to spread} · way)   (→ [to preach]) shí (time) , Yuēsè (Joseph) hái (also) huó·zhe ({was live-} · -ing) ma? Kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) bú·dà (not · greatly) kě·néng (could · {have been able}) . Dào·le (reach·ed) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) shíhou (time) , Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zhǐ (only) tí·dào (raises · {arriving at})   (→ [mentions]) Yēsū (Jesus) de () mǔ·qin (mother · relative) (and) dì·mèi ({younger brothers} · {younger sisters}) , què (but) méi·yǒu (not · has) tí·dào (raised · {arriving at})   (→ [mentioned]) Yuēsè (Joseph) . Yǒu (had) (one) (time) , Yēsū (Jesus) shèn·zhì (greatly · {was to the point of}) bèi (by) rén (people) chēng·wéi ({being called} · {to be}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) érzi (son) ”, ér (and) (not) shì ({to be}) Yuēsè (Joseph) de (’s) érzi (son) . (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 6:3) Kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) ({[at] that}) shíhou (time) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) zuò (doing) shénme ([anything]) dōu (even) zìjǐ (self) zuò (was) zhǔ (master) , bú·bì (not · {did have to}) zhēng·qiú ({ask for} · seek) zhàngfu (husband) de (’s) yì·jian (idea · view) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 2:1–5) Zài (in) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures’)   (→ [the Bible’s]) shí·dài (time · era) , fùnǚ (woman) hěn (very) shǎo (seldom) huì (would) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (do) , chú·fēi ({except if} · not)   (→ [unless]) (she) shì (was) guǎ·fu (widowed · woman) . Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , Yēsū (Jesus) lín·sǐ ({was about to} · die) shí (time) , (also) tuō (entrusted) shǐ·tú (sent · disciple)   (→ [apostle]) Yuēhàn (John) zhàogu ({to look after}) mǔ·qin (mother · relative) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 19:26, 27) Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) had been}) Yuēsè (Joseph) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) hái (still) jiàn·zài ({was healthy} · {was living}) , Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (then) (not) xūyào ({would have needed}) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) le ([indicates a change]) . Xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) , Yuēsè (Joseph) zài (at) Yēsū (Jesus) hái (still) nián·qīng (years · {were light}) shí (time) jiù (then) qù·shì ({went from} · world)   (→ [passed away]) le ([to completion]) . Shēn·wéi (body → [self] · being) zhǎng·zǐ (eldest · son) de (’s) Yēsū (Jesus) , kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) jì·chéng·le (continued · {to hold} · [indicates a change])   (→ [inherited]) fù·qin (father · relative) de (’s) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) gōng·zuò (work · doing) , zhàogu ({looked after}) jiā·rén (family · persons) zhí·dào (straight · {up until}) shòu·jìn (received · immersion) wéi·zhǐ (as · stopping) . ˄ ˄

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})

  • Yuēsè (Joseph) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) bǎohù (protected) jiā·rén (family · persons) miǎn·shòu ({to avoid} · receiving) shāng·hài (injury · harm) ?
  • Yuēsè (Joseph) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zhàogu ({looked after}) jiā·rén (family · persons) ?
  • Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Yuēsè (Joseph) jiān·chí (firmly · holding) bú·xiè (not · slacking) de (-ly) zhí·xíng (grasped · did) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) suǒ ({that which [he]}) jiāo·tuō ({had handed over} · {had entrusted}) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [assignment]) ?
  • (you) xīwàng (hope) zěn·yàng (what · [ways]) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) Yuēsè (Joseph) ?