📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐17 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(SHÍ·QĪ ten · seven → [seventeen] 17) → [17th]) ZHĀNG (chapter 章)
📖 📄 📘
through · passing → [passing through] → [through]
prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer]
Above’s · God → [God]
{(through) channel} · {connect → [communicate]} → [communicate]
溝通) 🔼
[🔊 (jw.org…🎧 > MP3)]
📖 📄 📘 3 WÈISHÉNME (WÈI·SHÉN·ME for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) YĪNGGĀI (should (we) 应该 應該) XIÀNG (to 向 向/曏/嚮) YĒHÉHUÁ (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)? 🔽
📖 📄 📘 5 WǑMEN (WǑ·MEN we · [pl] 我们 我們) BÌXŪ (must 必须 必須) ZĚNYÀNG (ZĚN·YÀNG what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) ZUÒ (do 做), SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) CÁI ({only then} 才 才/纔) HUÌ (will 会 會) TĪNG (hear 听 聽/听) WǑMEN DE ((WǑ·MEN us · [pl] 我们 我們) (DE ’s 的) → [our]) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)? 🔽
📖 📄 📘 9 GUĀNYÚ (GUĀN·YÚ relating · to 关于 關於) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) DE (’s 的) CHÁNGJIÀN (CHÁNG·JIÀN commonly · {seen → [met with]} 常见 常見) WÈNTÍ (WÈN·TÍ asking · subjects → [questions] 问题 問題) 🔽
📖 📄 📘 16 SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) ZĚNYÀNG (ZĚN·YÀNG what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) HUÍYÌNG (HUÍ·YÌNG {circling back} · {does answer} 回应 回應) WǑMEN DE ((WǑ·MEN us · [pl] 我们 我們) (DE ’s 的) → [our]) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)? 🔽
📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]
📖 📄 📘 “Zào (made 造) tiāndì (tiān·dì heaven · earth 天地) de (’s 的) Zhǔ (Lord 主)” hěn ({very much} 很) xiǎng (wants 想) tīng ({to hear} 听 聽/听) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告). (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 115:15)
📖 📄 📘 1, 2. (Jiǎ ({1st of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [a] 甲)) Nǐ (you 你) juéde (jué·de feel · {getting that} → [get to feel that] 觉得 覺得) néng ({being able} 能) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) gēn (with 跟) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) gōutōng (gōu·tōng {(through) channel} · {to connect → [to communicate]} → [to communicate] 沟通 溝通) shì (is 是) yí (one 一) jiàn ({item of} → [mw] 件) hěn (very 很) róngxìng (róng·xìng glorious · fortunate 荣幸 榮幸) de (’s 的) shì (thing 事) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼)? (Yǐ ({2nd of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [b] 乙)) Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xūyào ({do need} 需要) zhīdào (zhī·dào {to know} · {(the) way (of)} → [to know] 知道), guānyú (guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) zěnme (zěn·me what · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) shuō (says 说 說/説)?
📖 📄 📘 DÌQIÚ (DÌ·QIÚ earth · globe 地球) gēn (with 跟) yǔzhòu (yǔ·zhòu universe · {all time, past, present and future} → [universe] 宇宙) xiāngbǐ fēicháng miǎoxiǎo. Zài Yēhéhuá yǎnzhōng, dìshang de wànguó jiù xiàng tǒng li de yì dī shuǐ. (Shīpiān 115:15; Yǐsàiyàshū 40:15) Suīrán wǒmen gēn yǔzhòu xiāngbǐ wēi ({are tiny} 微)‐bùzúdào (bù·zú·dào not · {are enough} · {to speak of} 不足道), dàn (nevertheless 但) Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 145:18, 19 shuō (says 说 說/説): “Suǒyǒu (Suǒ·yǒu {(all) whom (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) hūqiú Yēhéhuá de, suǒyǒu zhēnchéng de hūqiú tā de, Shàngdì dōu qīnjìn tāmen. Shàngdì ràng jìngwèi tā de rén rúyuàn‐yǐ‐cháng; tā tīngjian tāmen qiújiù, jiù zhěngjiù tāmen.” Quánnéng de Chuàngzàozhǔ Yēhéhuá xiǎngyào qīnjìn wǒmen, chuítīng wǒmen de dǎogào, zhè shì duō dà de róngxìng a! Nénggòu xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào zhēn shì (is 是) wú‐yǔ‐lún‐bǐ ((wú {not having} 无 無/无)‐(yǔ with 与 與/与)‐(lún {human relations} 伦 倫)‐(bǐ comparing 比) → [incomparable]) de (’s 的) shūróng.
📖 📄 📘 2 Kěshì (Kě·shì but · {(it) is (the case)} 可是), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) bìxū (must 必须 必須) ànzhào Shàngdì rènkě de fāngshì dǎogào, tā cái huì chuítīng. Nàme, wǒmen yīnggāi zěnyàng dǎogào ne? Ràng wǒmen lái kànkan, guānyú dǎogào Shèngjīng zěnme shuō.
📖 📄 📘 WÈISHÉNME (WÈI·SHÉN·ME for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) YĪNGGĀI (should (we) 应该 應該) XIÀNG (to 向 向/曏/嚮) YĒHÉHUÁ (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)? 🔼
📖 📄 📘 3. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) nǐ (you 你) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 3 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) xīwàng (xī·wàng {hopes that} · {gazes (into the distance at that) → [hopes that]} → [wishes that] 希望) nǐ (you 你) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) tā (him 他) dǎogào (dǎo·gào {will pray} · {will request | will tell} → [will pray] 祷告 禱告), yě jiùshì gēn tā shuōhuà. Wǒmen zěnme zhīdào ne? Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Féilìbǐshū (Féilìbǐ·shū Philippi · book → [Philippians] 腓立比书 腓立比書) 4:6, 7. Yǔzhòu de Zhìgāo Zhǔzǎi Yēhéhuá shífēn réncí, tā qǐng nǐ xiàng tā dǎogào. Tā fēicháng guānxīn nǐ, xīwàng nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de gǎnshòu hé nántí gàosu tā.
📖 📄 📘 4. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) jīngcháng (jīng·cháng regularly · often 经常 經常) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào praying · {requesting | telling} → [praying] 祷告 禱告) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) jiāshēn (jiā·shēn add · {being deep} (to) → [deepen] 加深) nǐ (you 你) gēn (with 跟) tā (him 他) de (’s 的) yǒuyì (yǒu·yì friendly · friendship → [friendship] 友谊 友誼)?
📖 📄 📘 4 Dǎogào (Dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) bāngzhù (help 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) jiāshēn (jiā·shēn {to add} · {being deep} (to) → [to deepen] 加深) gēn (with 跟) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) yǒuyì (yǒu·yì friendly · friendship → [friendship] 友谊 友誼). Péngyou zhījiān jīngcháng tántan zìjǐ de xiǎngfa, gǎnshòu, hé guānxīn de shì, tāmen de yǒuyì jiù huì gèng shēnhòu. Tóngyàng, Yēhéhuá tōngguò Shèngjīng gàosu wǒmen tā de xiǎngfa hé gǎnshòu, yǐjí jiānglái yào zuò de shì. Nǐ kěyǐ tōngguò dǎogào jīngcháng gēn tā shuōhuà, bǎ nèixīn shēnchù de gǎnshòu gàosu tā. Zhèyàng, nǐ gēn Yēhéhuá de yǒuyì huì yuèláiyuè shēnhòu. (Yǎgèshū 4:8)
📖 📄 📘 WǑMEN (WǑ·MEN we · [pl] 我们 我們) BÌXŪ (must 必须 必須) ZĚNYÀNG (ZĚN·YÀNG what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) ZUÒ (do 做), SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) CÁI ({only then} 才 才/纔) HUÌ (will 会 會) TĪNG (hear 听 聽/听) WǑMEN DE ((WǑ·MEN us · [pl] 我们 我們) (DE ’s 的) → [our]) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)? 🔼
📖 📄 📘 5. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zěnme (zěn·me how · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) zhīdào (zhī·dào {do know} · {(the) way (of)} → [do know] 知道), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) búhuì (bú·huì not · will 不会 不會) chuítīng (chuí·tīng {hang down} · {to listen to} 垂听 垂聽/听) suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) which (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) de (’s 的) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 5 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) huì (will 会 會) chuítīng (chuí·tīng {hang down} · {to listen to} 垂听 垂聽/听) suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) which (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) de (’s 的) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Búhuì. Zài xiānzhī Yǐsàiyà de shídài, Yēhéhuá duì Yǐsèlièrén shuō: “Jíshǐ nǐmen yízài dǎogào, wǒ yě bù tīng. Nǐmen shuāngshǒu zhānmǎnle xiānxuè.” (Yǐsàiyàshū 1:15) Yóucǐ‐kějiàn, wǒmen yào liúyì zìjǐ de xíngwéi, bìmiǎn zuòchū Yēhéhuá zēnghèn de shì, fǒuzé tā jiù búhuì tīng wǒmen de dǎogào.
📖 📄 📘 6. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) xìnxīn (xìn·xīn believing · heart → [faith] 信心) hěn ({very much} 很) zhòngyào (zhòng·yào {is weighty} · {is important} 重要)? Nǐ (you 你) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) biǎomíng (biǎo·míng {do show} · {to be clear} 表明) zìjǐ (self 自己) yǒu (has 有) xìnxīn (xìn·xīn believing · heart → [faith] 信心)?
📖 📄 📘 6 Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) xiǎngyào ((we) want 想要) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) tīng ({to listen to} 听 聽/听) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告), wǒmen jiù bìxū duì tā yǒu xìnxīn. (Mǎkě Fúyīn 11:24) Shǐtú Bǎoluó shuō: “Rén méiyǒu xìnxīn, jiù bù kěnéng yíngdé Shàngdì de xǐyuè, yīnwei dào Shàngdì miànqián lái de rén bìxū xiāngxìn tā cúnzài, yě xiāngxìn tā huì jiǎngshǎng kěnqiè xúnqiú tā de rén.” (Xībóláishū 11:6) Dàn wǒmen zhǐ zài kǒutóu shang shuō yǒu xìnxīn shì búgòu de, hái yào shíkè tīngcóng Yēhéhuá de fēnfu, zhèyàng cái néng qīngchu biǎomíng zìjǐ yǒu xìnxīn. (Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Yǎgèshū (Yǎgè·shū James · book 雅各书 雅各書) 2:26)
📖 📄 📘 7. (Jiǎ ({1st of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [a] 甲)) Xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào praying · {requesting | telling} → [praying] 祷告 禱告) shí ({(particular) times} 时 時), wèishénme (wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) yīnggāi ((we) should 应该 應該) huáizhe (huái·zhe {(carrying in) bosom → [harbouring]} · be → [be harbouring] 怀着 懷着/著) qiānbēi (qiān·bēi modest · low → [humble] 谦卑 謙卑) hé (and 和) zūnzhòng (zūn·zhòng respecting · {(viewing/treating as) weighty} 尊重) de (’s 的) tàidu (tài·du state · degree → [attitude] 态度 態度)? (Yǐ ({2nd of the 10 Heavenly Stems} → [b] 乙)) Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {form → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) biǎomíng (biǎo·míng {do show} · {to be clear} 表明) zìjǐ (self 自己) de (’s 的) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) shì (are 是) zhēnchéng (zhēn·chéng genuine · sincere 真诚 真誠) de (’s 的)?
📖 📄 📘 7 Xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào praying · {requesting | telling} → [praying] 祷告 禱告) shí ({(particular) times} 时 時), wèishénme (wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) yīnggāi ((we) should 应该 應該) huáizhe (huái·zhe {(carrying in) bosom → [harbouring]} · be → [be harbouring] 怀着 懷着/著) qiānbēi (qiān·bēi modest · low → [humble] 谦卑 謙卑) hé (and 和) zūnzhòng (zūn·zhòng respecting · {(viewing/treating as) weighty} 尊重) de (’s 的) tàidu (tài·du state · degree → [attitude] 态度 態度) ne ([? ptcl] 呢)? Wǒmen gēn guójiā yuánshǒu shuōhuà shí, yídìng huì biǎoxiàn zūnzhòng de tàidu. Yēhéhuá shì Quánnéng de Shàngdì, wǒmen gēn tā shuōhuà shí, bú shì yīnggāi gèng zūnzhòng, gèng qiānbēi ma? (Chuàngshìjì 17:1; Shīpiān 138:6) Xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào shí, wǒmen yīnggāi huáizhe zhēnchéng de tàidu, yě yào fāzì nèixīn, búyào fǎnfù shuō tóngyàng de huà. (Mǎtài Fúyīn 6:7, 8)
📖 📄 📘 8. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) wèi (for 为 為/爲) mǒu (certain 某) jiàn ({item of} → [mw] 件) shì (thing 事) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request} → [pray] 祷告 禱告) hòu ({after (that)} 后 後/后), xūyào (need 需要) zěnme (zěn·me what · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) zuò ({to do} 做)?
📖 📄 📘 8 Zuìhòu (Zuì·hòu most · afterwards → [finally] 最后 最後), rúguǒ (rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) wèi (for 为 為/爲) mǒu (certain 某) jiàn ({item of} → [mw] 件) shì (thing 事) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request} → [pray] 祷告 禱告), jiù (then 就) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) cǎiqǔ xiāngyìng de xíngdòng, érqiě jìnlì‐ér‐wéi. Lìrú, rúguǒ wǒmen wèi měi tiān de jīběn xūyào xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào, ér zìjǐ yě yǒu nénglì móushēng, jiù bù yīnggāi shénme dōu bú zuò, zhǐ děngzhe Yēhéhuá gěi wǒmen xūyào de yíqiè. Wǒmen bìxū qínfèn gōngzuò, néng zhǎodào shénme gōngzuò jiù nǔlì qù zuò. (Mǎtài Fúyīn 6:11; Tiēsāluóníjiā Hòushū 3:10) Lìngwài, wǒmen yàoshi dǎogào qiú Yēhéhuá bāngzhù zìjǐ jièchú mǒu ge èxí, jiù yào bìkāi rènhé kěnéng shǐ zìjǐ shòudào yǐnyòu de qíngkuàng. (Gēluóxīshū 3:5) Wǒmen jiēzhe huì tǎolùn yìxiē guānyú dǎogào de chángjiàn wèntí.
📖 📄 📘 GUĀNYÚ (GUĀN·YÚ relating · to 关于 關於) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) DE (’s 的) CHÁNGJIÀN (CHÁNG·JIÀN commonly · {seen → [met with]} 常见 常見) WÈNTÍ (WÈN·TÍ asking · subjects → [questions] 问题 問題) 🔼
📖 📄 📘 9. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) shéi (whom 谁 誰) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)? Guānyú (Guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告), wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) cóng (from 从 從) Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 16:23 xuédào (xué·dào {do learn} · {arriving at} 学到 學到) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼)?
📖 📄 📘 9 Yīnggāi ((we) should 应该 應該) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) shéi (whom 谁 誰) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)? Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) jiāo méntú yào xiàng “wǒmen zài tiānshang de Fùqin” dǎogào. (Mǎtài Fúyīn 6:9) Tā yě shuō: “Nǐmen xiàng wǒ Fùqin qiú shénme, tā dōu huì yīn wǒ de míng cìgěi nǐmen.” (Yuēhàn Fúyīn 16:23) Suǒyǐ, wǒmen yīnggāi fèng Yēsū de míng, zhǐ xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào. Fèng Yēsū de míng dǎogào yìwèizhe, wǒmen yào zūnzhòng Yēhéhuá gěi Yēsū de tèshū dìwèi, zhèyàng Yēhéhuá cái huì tīng wǒmen de dǎogào. Wèishénme ne? Wǒmen yǐjing xuéguo, Yēsū láidào dìshang zhěngjiù wǒmen tuōlí zuì hé sǐwáng. (Yuēhàn Fúyīn 3:16; Luómǎshū 5:12) Yēhéhuá yě wěirèn Yēsū zuò Dà Jìsī hé Shěnpànguān. (Yuēhàn Fúyīn 5:22; Xībóláishū 6:20)
📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]
📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) suíshí (suí·shí {along with} · {(particular) time} → [at any time] 随时 隨時) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)
📖 📄 📘 10. Dǎogào (Dǎo·gào praying · {requesting | telling} → [praying] 祷告 禱告) xūyào ({does require} 需要) tèdìng (tè·dìng specially · set 特定) de (’s 的) zīshì (zī·shì posture · configuration → [position] 姿势 姿勢) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Qǐng (please 请 請) jiěshì (jiě·shì {untie → [solve]} · explain 解释 解釋).
📖 📄 📘 10 Dǎogào (Dǎo·gào praying · {requesting | telling} → [praying] 祷告 禱告) xūyào ({does require} 需要) tèdìng (tè·dìng specially · set 特定) de (’s 的) zīshì (zī·shì posture · configuration → [position] 姿势 姿勢) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Bù ((it) not 不) xūyào ({does require} 需要). Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) yāoqiú wǒmen guìzhe, zuòzhe, huò zhànzhe xiàng tā dǎogào. Shèngjīng biǎomíng, wǒmen kěyǐ yòng rènhé zhuāngzhòng de zīshì gēn Yēhéhuá shuōhuà. (Lìdàizhì Shàng 17:16; Níxīmǐjì 8:6; Dànyǐlǐshū 6:10; Mǎkě Fúyīn 11:25) Zài Yēhéhuá kànlái, zuì zhòngyào de shì dǎogào shí yǒu zhèngquè de tàidu, ér bú shì yòng shénme zīshì. Wǒmen kěyǐ zài xīnli mòdǎo, yě kěyǐ chūshēng dǎogào. Wúlùn zài nǎli, báitiān háishi hēiyè, suíshí dōu kěyǐ dǎogào. Wǒmen xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào shí kěyǐ quèxìn, jiùsuàn méiyǒu rén tīngdào, Yēhéhuá yě yídìng néng tīngdào. (Níxīmǐjì 2:1–6)
📖 📄 📘 11. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) wèi (for 为 為/爲) něixiē (něi·xiē which · {indefinite number of} → [which] 哪些) shì (things 事) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 11 Kěyǐ (Kě·yǐ (we) can · [suf] 可以) wèi (for 为 為/爲) něixiē (něi·xiē which · {indefinite number of} → [which] 哪些) shì (things 事) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)? Fánshì fúhé Yēhéhuá zhǐyì de shì, wǒmen dōu kěyǐ dǎogào. Shèngjīng shuō: “Wúlùn wǒmen ànzhào tā de zhǐyì qiú shénme, tā dōu huì tīng wǒmen.” (Yuēhàn Yīshū 5:14) Wǒmen kěyǐ wèi zìjǐ de shì dǎogào ma? Kěyǐ de. Xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào jiù xiàng gēn mìyǒu shuōhuà yíyàng. Wǒmen kěyǐ xiàng Yēhéhuá qīngsù xīnshi. (Shīpiān 62:8) Wǒmen kěyǐ dǎogào qiú tā cìgěi wǒmen qiángdà de shénshèng lìliang, bāngzhù wǒmen zuò zhèngquè de shì. (Lùjiā Fúyīn 11:13) Wǒmen yě kěyǐ qiú Yēhéhuá cìgěi wǒmen zhìhuì zuò míngzhì de juédìng, qiú tā ràng wǒmen yǒu nénglì kèfú nántí. (Yǎgèshū 1:5) Wǒmen yīnggāi qiú Yēhéhuá kuānshù wǒmen de zuì. (Yǐfúsuǒshū 1:3, 7) Wǒmen yě kěyǐ wèi jiārén, huìzhòng de dìxiong jiěmèi, yǐjí qítā rén dǎogào. (Shǐtú Xíngzhuàn 12:5; Gēluóxīshū 4:12)
📖 📄 📘 12. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zuì (most 最 最/㝡) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) wèi (for 为 為/爲) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) shì (things 事) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 12 Zuì ((we) most 最 最/㝡) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) wèi (for 为 為/爲) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) shì (things 事) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)? Jiùshì gēn Yēhéhuá hé tā de zhǐyì yǒuguān de shì. Wǒmen yīnggāi fāzì nèixīn de gǎnxiè Yēhéhuá wèi wǒmen zuò de yíqiè. (Lìdàizhì Shàng 29:10–13) Yēsū zài dìshang shí, céngjīng jiāo méntú zěnyàng dǎogào. (Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 6:9–13 Yēsū shuō, méntú shǒuxiān yīnggāi wèi Shàngdì de míng zhāngxiǎn wéi shèng zhèi jiàn shì dǎogào, yě jiùshì qíqiú Shàngdì de míng bèi fèng wéi shénshèng. Ránhòu tā shuō, wǒmen yīnggāi qíqiú Shàngdì de Wángguó láilín, yǐjí Yēhéhuá de zhǐyì zài dìshang shíxiàn. Zài tídào zhèixiē zhòngyào de shì zhīhòu, Yēsū cái wèi gèrén de xūyào dǎogào. Rúguǒ wǒmen zài dǎogào zhōng bǎ Yēhéhuá hé tā de zhǐyì fàng zài dì‐yī wèi, jiù biǎomíng wǒmen zuì zhòngshì de shì zhèixiē shì.
📖 📄 📘 13. Dǎogào (Dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) yǒu (have 有) duō ({(how) much} 多) cháng ({being long} 长 長)?
📖 📄 📘 13 Dǎogào (Dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) yǒu (have 有) duō ({(how) much} 多) cháng ({being long} 长 長)? Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) guīdìng. Ànzhào jùtǐ de qíngkuàng, dǎogào kěcháng‐kěduǎn. Lìrú, fànqián de dǎogào kěnéng bǐjiào duǎn, dàn rúguǒ yào gǎnxiè Yēhéhuá huò xiàng tā qīngsù xīnshì, dǎogào jiù kěnéng bǐjiào cháng. (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng 1:12, 15) Dàn wǒmen búhuì xiàng Yēsū shídài de yìxiē rén nàyàng, wèile yǐn‐rén‐zhùmù ér zuò rǒngcháng de dǎogào. (Lùjiā Fúyīn 20:46, 47) Yēhéhuá bù xīnshǎng zhèyàng de dǎogào. Duì tā lái shuō, zhòngyào de shì wǒmen de dǎogào yào fāzì nèixīn.
📖 📄 📘 14. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) duō (much → [how] 多) jiǔ (long (then) 久) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告) yí (one 一) cì (time 次)? Zhè (this 这 這) ràng (lets 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) kànchū (kàn·chū see · out 看出) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) shì (is 是) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · kind 怎样 怎樣) de (’s 的) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝)?
📖 📄 📘 14 Yīnggāi ((we) should 应该 應該) duō (much → [how] 多) jiǔ (long (then) 久) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告) yí (one 一) cì (time 次)? Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) gǔlì wǒmen jīngcháng gēn tā gōutōng. Shèngjīng shuō, wǒmen yīnggāi “rìyè dǎogào” “búduàn dǎogào”, érqiě “dǎogào yào jiānchí‐búxiè”. (Mǎtài Fúyīn 26:41; Luómǎshū 12:12; Tímótài Qiánshū 5:5) Yēhéhuá suíshí dōu yuànyì tīng wǒmen dǎogào. Wǒmen kěyǐ měi tiān yīn tā de àixīn hé kāngkǎi gǎnxiè tā, yě kěyǐ xiàng tā qíqiú zhǐyǐn, lìliang, hé ānwèi. Rúguǒ wǒmen juéde xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào shì hěn dà de róngxìng, jiù huì suíshí‐suídì xiàng tā dǎogào.
📖 📄 📘 15. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) jiéshù (jié·shù {is tied → [is concluded]} · {is bound → [is restrained]} → [is ended] 结束 結束) shí ({(particular) time} 时 時) yào (must 要) shuō ((we) say 说 說/説) “āmen (amen 阿们 阿們)”?
📖 📄 📘 15 Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) jiéshù (jié·shù {is tied → [is concluded]} · {is bound → [is restrained]} → [is ended] 结束 結束) shí ({(particular) time} 时 時) yào (must 要) shuō ((we) say 说 說/説) “āmen (amen 阿们 阿們)”? “Āmen (amen 阿们 阿們)” de (’s 的) yìsi shì “chéngxīn xīwàng rúcǐ” huò “quèshí rúcǐ”. Wǒmen zài dǎogào jiéshù shí shuō “āmen”, jiù biǎoshì wǒmen de dǎogào shì chūyú zhēnxīn de. (Shīpiān 41:13) Shèngjīng biǎomíng, wǒmen tīngwán biéren de dǎogào hòu, yě kěyǐ zài xīnli shuō huò kāikǒu shuō “āmen”, biǎoshì tóngyì zhèige rén shuō de huà. (Lìdàizhì Shàng 16:36 jí jiǎozhù; Gēlínduō Qiánshū 14:16)
📖 📄 📘 SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) ZĚNYÀNG (ZĚN·YÀNG what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) HUÍYÌNG (HUÍ·YÌNG {circling back} · {does answer} 回应 回應) WǑMEN DE ((WǑ·MEN us · [pl] 我们 我們) (DE ’s 的) → [our]) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)? 🔼
📖 📄 📘 16. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zhēnde (zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) huì (will 会 會) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · answer 回应 回應) rén (people 人) de (’s 的) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Guānyú (Guān·yú relating · to 关于 關於) zhè (this 这 這) yi (one 一) diǎn (point 点 點), Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) zěnme (zěn·me what · [suf] 怎么 怎麼/麽) shuō ({does say} 说 說/説)?
📖 📄 📘 16 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zhēnde (zhēn·de really · ’s 真的) huì (will 会 會) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · answer 回应 回應) rén (people 人) de (’s 的) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions] 吗 嗎)? Tā yídìng huì. Shèngjīng shuō, tā shì “tīng dǎogào de Zhǔ”, yě shuō tā “huì huíyìng nǐ”. (Shīpiān 65:2; Yǐsàiyàshū 30:19) Shìshang qiānqiān‐wànwàn de rén chéngxīn xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào, tā dōu chuítīng, érqiě yòng bùtóng de fāngshì huíyìng.
📖 📄 📘 17. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {patterns → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [angels] 天使) hé (and 和) tā (his 他) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上) de (’s 的) púrén (pú·rén servant · persons 仆人 僕人) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · {does answer} 回应 回應) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 17 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) huì (will 会 會) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [angels] 天使) hé (and 和) tā (his 他) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上) de (’s 的) púrén (pú·rén servant · persons 仆人 僕人) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · answer 回应 回應) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告). (Xībóláishū 1:13, 14) Lìrú, bùshǎo rén dōu yǒu zhèyàng de jīnglì: Tāmen xiǎngyào míngbai Shèngjīng huòzhě xiǎngyào rènshi Shàngdì, wèi zhèi jiàn shì dǎogào hòu bùjiǔ, jiù yǒu Yēhéhuá Jiànzhèngrén shàngmén bàifǎng tāmen. Zhè biǎomíng, tiānshǐ yě cānyù quánqiú xuānyáng “hǎo xiāoxi” de gōngzuò, bìng zhǐyǐn chuándàoyuán zhǎodào zhèixiē chéngkěn de rén. (Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù enlightening · showing · record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 14:6.) Lìngwài, yǒuxiē rén céng wèi mǒu ge nántí huò xūyào xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào, hòulái Yēhéhuá tōngguò Jīdūtú dìxiong jiěmèi bāngzhù tāmen. Wǒmen hěn duō rén dōu yǒuguo zhèyàng de jīnglì. (Zhēnyán 12:25; Yǎgèshū 2:16)
📖 📄 📘 [túpiàn (tú·piàn picture · {slice → [mw]} 图片 圖片) (jw.org)]
📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · answers 回应 回應) wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) de (’ 的) yí (one 一) ge ([mw] 个 個/个) fāngfǎ (fāng·fǎ direction · method 方法), shì (is 是) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) qítā (qí·tā us · besides’ → [other] 其他) Jīdūtú (Jī·dū·tú {Foundation · {Directing (Person)} → [Christ]} · Followers → [Christians] 基督徒) lái (coming 来 來) bāngzhù ({to help} 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們)
📖 📄 📘 18. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {patterns → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) shénshèng lìliang ((shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) → [holy spirit]) hé (and 和) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · {does answer} 回应 回應) rén (people 人) de (’s 的) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 18 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) huì (will 会 會) yòng (use 用) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) shénshèng lìliang ((shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) → [holy spirit]) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · {to answer} 回应 回應) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告). Rúguǒ wǒmen yùdào nántí shí xiàng tā qiúzhù, tā kěnéng huì tōngguò shénshèng lìliang zhǐyǐn wǒmen, ràng wǒmen gèng yǒu nénglì yìngfu. (Gēlínduō Hòushū 4:7) Yēhéhuá yě huì tōngguò Shèngjīng huíyìng wǒmen de dǎogào, bāngzhù wǒmen zuò míngzhì de juédìng. Wǒmen dú Shèngjīng shí, kěnéng huì kàndào duì zìjǐ yǒu bāngzhù de jīngwén. Yēhéhuá yě huì tōngguò biéren shuō de huà lái huíyìng wǒmen. Yǒushí, biéren zài jùhuì zhōng huídá wèntí shí, zhènghǎo tídào wǒmen xūyào tīngdào de zīliào. Yòu huòzhě huìzhòng de zhǎnglǎo gēn wǒmen shuōhuà shí, tándào yí ge wǒmen xūyào liúyì de Shèngjīng guāndiǎn. (Jiālātàishū 6:1)
📖 📄 📘 19. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yǒushí (yǒu·shí {do have} · {(particular) times} (when we) → [sometimes] 有时 有時) huì (will 会 會) juéde (jué·de {to feel} · get → [get to feel] 觉得 覺得), Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · answered 回应 回應) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 19 Kěshì (Kě·shì however · {(it) is (the case)} 可是), yǒushí (yǒu·shí {(there) are having} · {(particular) times} → [sometimes] 有时 有時) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěnéng (kě·néng maybe · {being able} → [possibly] 可能) huì (will 会 會) xiǎng (think 想): “Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · has 没有 沒有) huíyìng wǒ de dǎogào?” Yào jìde, tā zhīdào wǒmen xūyào shénme, yě zhīdào yīnggāi zài shénme shíhou, yǐ shénme fāngshì huíyìng wǒmen de dǎogào. Wǒmen kěnéng yào jìxù dǎogào, biǎomíng zìjǐ shì rènzhēn de, yě biǎomíng zìjǐ zhēnde xìnlài tā. (Lùjiā Fúyīn 11:5–10) Yǒushí, Yēhéhuá huíyìng dǎogào de fāngshì gēn wǒmen qīwàng de bù yíyàng. Lìrú, wǒmen wèi mǒu ge nántí dǎogào hòu, Yēhéhuá kěnéng huì gěi wǒmen lìliang jìxù rěnnài xiaqu, ér bú shì bǎ nántí chúqù. (Qǐng (please 请 請) dú (read 读 讀) Féilìbǐshū (Féilìbǐ·shū Philippi · book → [Philippians] 腓立比书 腓立比書) 4:13)
📖 📄 📘 20. Wèishénme (Wèi·shén·me for · what · [suf] → [why] 为什么 為什/甚麼) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) jīngcháng (jīng·cháng regularly · often 经常 經常) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘 20 Néng ({being able} 能) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) dǎogào (dǎo·gào {to pray} · {to request | to tell} → [to pray] 祷告 禱告) zhēnde shì hěn dà de róngxìng! Wǒmen shēnxìn, tā huì tīng wǒmen de dǎogào. (Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 145:18) Wǒmen yuè jīngcháng fāzì nèixīn de xiàng Yēhéhuá dǎogào, gēn tā de yǒuyì jiù huì yuè shēnhòu.
📖 📄 📘 YÀODIǍN (YÀO·DIǍN important · points 要点 要點) ZǑNGJIÉ (ZǑNG·JIÉ {summing up} · tying → [summary] 总结 總結)
📖 📄 📘 1. SHÀNGDÌ (SHÀNG·DÌ Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) LÈYÌ (LÈ·YÌ {is (of) happy} · intention → [is willing] 乐意 樂意) TĪNG ({to listen to} 听 聽/听) WǑMEN DE ((WǑ·MEN us · [pl] 我们 我們) (DE ’s 的) → [our]) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)
📖 📄 📘 “Suǒyǒu (Suǒ·yǒu {(all) whom (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) hūqiú (hū·qiú calling · entreating 呼求 呼/嘑/謼求) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de ({’s (ones)} 的), suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) whom (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) zhēnchéng (zhēn·chéng true · sincere 真诚 真誠) de (-ly 地) hūqiú (hū·qiú call · entreat 呼求 呼/嘑/謼求) tā (him 他) de ({’s (ones)} 的), Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) dōu ({every one} 都) qīnjìn ({is close to} 亲近 親近) tāmen (tā·men him/her · [pl] → [them] 他们 他們).”—Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 145:18
📖 📄 📘 Rúguǒ (Rú·guǒ if · {fruit → [if indeed]} 如果) xiǎngyào ((we) want 想要) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) tīng ({to listen to} 听 聽/听) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告), jiù (then 就) yīnggāi (should 应该 應該) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {pattern → [way]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) zuò (do 做)?
📖 📄 📘
Hebrew · book → [Hebrews]
- 📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yào (must 要) duì (towards 对 對) tā (him 他) yǒu (have 有) xìnxīn (xìn·xīn believing · heart → [faith] 信心).
📖 📄 📘
{sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm]
- 📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) yào (must 要) tàidu (tài·du state · degree → [(in) attitude] 态度 態度) qiānbēi (qiān·bēi {be modest} · {be low} → [be humble] 谦卑 謙卑), biǎoxiàn (biǎo·xiàn express · show 表现 表現) zūnzhòng (zūn·zhòng respecting · {(viewing/treating as) weighty} 尊重).
📖 📄 📘
James · book
- 📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen de ((Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) xíngdòng (xíng·dòng {walking → [doing]} · moving → [actions] 行动 行動) yào (must 要) gēn (with 跟) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · requesting → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) yízhì (yí·zhì {(be of) one} · causing → [be consistent] 一致).
📖 📄 📘
blessings · news
6:7, 8
- 📖 📄 📘 Dǎogào (Dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告) yào (must 要) zhēnchéng (zhēn·chéng {be genuine} · {be sincere} 真诚 真誠), yě (also 也) yào (must 要) fāzì (fā·zì {be sent out} · from 发自 發自) nèixīn (nèi·xīn inner · heart 内心 內心), búyào (bú·yào not · must → [must not] 不要) fǎnfù (fǎn·fù {turning over} · {turning around} → [over and over] 反复 反復/覆) shuō ({be saying} 说 說/説) tóngyàng (tóng·yàng same · pattern 同样 同樣) de (’s 的) huà (words 话 話).
📖 📄 📘
Isaiah · book
- 📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen de ((Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) xíngwéi (doing → [actions] 行为 行為) yào (must 要) fúhé (fú·hé {tally with → [accord with]} · {close with → [conform to]} 符合) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) yāoqiú (yāo·qiú requiring · requesting → [requirements] 要求).
📖 📄 📘 2. GUĀNYÚ (GUĀN·YÚ relating · to 关于 關於) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) DE (’s 的) CHÁNGJIÀN (CHÁNG·JIÀN commonly · {seen → [met with]} 常见 常見) WÈNTÍ (WÈN·TÍ asking · subjects → [questions] 问题 問題)
📖 📄 📘
((we) should
pray · {request | tell} → [pray]
- 📖 📄 📘 Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 6:9; Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 14:6
📖 📄 📘
praying · {requesting | telling} → [praying]
({does require}
specially · set
posture · configuration → [position]
([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions]
- 📖 📄 📘 Lìdàizhì Shàng ((Lì·dài·zhì {all previous} · {replacings → [generations]} · records 历代志 歷代志) (Shàng upper 上) → [1 Chronicles]) 17:16; Níxīmǐjì (Níxīmǐ·jì Nehemiah · record 尼希米记 尼希米記) 8:5, 6; Dànyǐlǐshū (Dànyǐlǐ·shū Daniel · book 但以理书 但以理書) 6:10; Mǎkě (Mark 马可 馬可) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 11:25
📖 📄 📘
we · [pl]
hearts · inside
{keeping silent} · pray
Above’s · God → [God]
hear · {arriving at}
([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions]
- 📖 📄 📘 Níxīmǐjì (Níxīmǐ·jì Nehemiah · record 尼希米记 尼希米記) 2:1–6
📖 📄 📘
prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers]
({(how) much}
({being long}
- 📖 📄 📘 Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ((Sāmǔ’ěr·jì Samuel · record 撒母耳记 撒母耳記) (Shàng upper 上) → [1 Samuel]) 1:12, 15; Lùjiā (Luke 路加) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn blessings · news 福音) 20:46, 47
📖 📄 📘
((we) should
(much → [how]
(long (then)
pray · {request | tell} → [pray]
- 📖 📄 📘 Luómǎshū (Luómǎ·shū Rome · book → [Romans] 罗马书 羅馬書) 12:12; Tiēsāluóníjiā Qiánshū ((Tiēsāluóníjiā Thessalonica 帖撒罗尼迦 帖撒羅尼迦) (Qián·shū earlier · book 前书 前書) → [1 Thessalonians]) 5:17
📖 📄 📘
for · what · [suf] → [why]
prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer]
{is tied → [is concluded]} · {is bound → [is restrained]} → [is ended]
({(particular) time}
((we) say
- 📖 📄 📘 Lìdàizhì Shàng ((Lì·dài·zhì {all previous} · {replacings → [generations]} · records 历代志 歷代志) (Shàng upper 上) → [1 Chronicles]) 16:36 jí (and 及) jiǎozhù (jiǎo·zhù foot·note 脚注 腳註/注); Gēlínduō Qiánshū ((Gēlínduō Corinth 哥林多) (Qián·shū earlier · book 前书 前書) → [1 Corinthians]) 14:16
📖 📄 📘 3. KĚYǏ (KĚ·YǏ (we) can · [suf] 可以) WÈI (for 为 為/爲) NĚIXIĒ (NĚI·XIĒ which · {indefinite number of} → [which] 哪些) SHÌ (things 事) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)
📖 📄 📘 “Wúlùn (Wú·lùn {not having} · {discussing of} → [no matter] 无论 無論) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) ànzhào ({according to} 按照) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) zhǐyì (will 旨意) qiú (request 求) shénme (shén·me what · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼), tā (he 他) dōu ({in all those cases} 都) huì (will 会 會) tīng (hear 听 聽/听) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們).”—Yuēhàn Yīshū ((Yuēhàn John 约翰 約翰) (Yī·shū first · book 一书 一書) → [1 John]) 5:14
📖 📄 📘 Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) wèi (for 为 為/爲) něixiē (něi·xiē which · {indefinite number of} → [which] 哪些) shì (things 事) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告)?
📖 📄 📘
blessings · news
6:9, 10
- 📖 📄 📘 Qíqiú (Qí·qiú pray · request (for) 祈求) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) de (’s 的) zhǐyì (will 旨意) shíxiàn (shí·xiàn {solidly → [really]} · {to appear} → [to come true] 实现 實現).
📖 📄 📘
Lìdàizhì Shàng
{all previous} · {replacings → [generations]} · records
→ [1 Chronicles])
- 📖 📄 📘 Biǎodá (Biǎo·dá show · express 表达 表達) duì (towards 对 對) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) gǎnxiè (gǎn·xiè feeling · {to thank} → [thankfulness] 感谢 感謝).
📖 📄 📘
blessings · news
- 📖 📄 📘 Wèile (Wèi·le for · {to completion} 为了 為了) gèrén (gè·rén individual · person → [personal] 个人 個人) xūyào ({(things) needed} 需要) hé (and 和) yōulǜ (worrying → [worries] 忧虑 憂慮) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · {request | tell} → [pray] 祷告 禱告).
📖 📄 📘
blessings · news
- 📖 📄 📘 Qiú (request 求) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) cì ({to give} 赐 賜) shénshèng lìliang ((shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) → [holy spirit]).
📖 📄 📘
James · book
- 📖 📄 📘 Qiú (request 求) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) cì ({to give} 赐 賜) zhìhuì (zhì·huì wisdom · intelligence → [wisdom] 智慧), zuò ({to make} 做) míngzhì (míng·zhì {clear (on) → [understanding]} · wisdom → [wise] 明智) de (’s 的) juédìng (decidings → [decisions] 决定 決定).
📖 📄 📘
Philippi · book → [Philippians]
- 📖 📄 📘 Qiú (request 求) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) ràng ({to make} 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) yǒu (have 有) lìliang (lì·liang strength · quantity 力量) bǎochí (bǎo·chí {to protect} · {to hold} → [to keep] 保持) rěnnài (enduring 忍耐).
📖 📄 📘
Ephesus · book → [Ephesians]
1:3, 7
- 📖 📄 📘 Qiú (request 求) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) kuānshù (kuān·shù {being generous} · {to forgive} 宽恕 寬恕) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) zuì (sins 罪).
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Shǐtú Xíngzhuàn
sent · disciples’ → [apostles’]
doings · biography
→ [Acts])
- 📖 📄 📘 Wèi (for 为 為/爲) biéren (bié·ren other · people 别人 別人) dǎogào (dǎo·gào pray · request → [pray] 祷告 禱告).
📖 📄 📘 4. YĒHÉHUÁ (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) HUÍYÌNG (HUÍ·YÌNG {circling back} · answers 回应 回應) WǑMEN DE ((WǑ·MEN us · [pl] 我们 我們) (DE ’s 的) → [our]) DǍOGÀO (DǍO·GÀO prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)
📖 📄 📘 “Tīng (hears 听 聽/听) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayer · {requesting | telling} → [prayer] 祷告 禱告) de (’s 的) Zhǔ (Lord 主) a ([ptcl used in direct address] 啊), gèzhǒng (gè·zhǒng each · kind 各种 各種)‐gèyàng (gè·yàng each · type 各样 各樣) de (’s 的) rén (people 人) dōu (all 都) huì (will 会 會) lái (come 来 來) xiàng (to 向 向/曏/嚮) nǐ (you 你) qíqiú (qí·qiú {to pray} · {to entreat} 祈求).”—Shīpiān (Shī·piān {sacred song} · {piece of writing} → [Psalm] 诗篇 詩篇) 65:2
📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) zěnyàng (zěn·yàng what · {patterns → [ways]} → [how] 怎样 怎樣) huíyìng (huí·yìng {circling back} · {does answer} 回应 回應) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) dǎogào (dǎo·gào prayers · {requesting | telling} → [prayers] 祷告 禱告)?
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admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs]
enlightening · showing · record → [Revelation]
- 📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ can · [suf] 可以) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [angels] 天使) huò (or 或) rén (humans 人) lái (come 来 來) bāngzhù ({to help} 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們).
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Gēlínduō Hòushū
later · book
→ [2 Corinthians])
- 📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) shénshèng lìliang ((shén·shèng godly · holy 神圣 神聖) (lì·liang force · quantity 力量) → [holy spirit]) bāngzhù (helps 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們).
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Philippi · book → [Philippians]
4:6, 7, 13
- 📖 📄 📘 Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · God → [God] 上帝) ràng (makes 让 讓) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) xiǎngyǒu (xiǎng·yǒu enjoy · have 享有) nèixīn (nèi·xīn inner · heart 内心 內心) ānníng ({being peaceful} 安宁 安寧), yě (also 也) gěi (gives 给 給) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) lìliang (lì·liang strength · quantity 力量), shǐ (making 使) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) néng (able 能) rěnnài ({to endure} 忍耐) xiaqu (xia·qu down · {to go} 下去).
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Galatia · book → [Galatians]
Tímótài Hòushū
later · book
→ [2 Timothy])
3:16, 17
- 📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) tōngguò (tōng·guò through · passing → [passing through] → [through] 通过 通過) Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) hé (and 和) Jīdūtú (Jī·dū·tú {Foundation · {Directing (Person)} → [Christ]} · Follower → [Christian] 基督徒) huìzhòng (huì·zhòng congregated · multitude → [congregation] 会众 會眾) bāngzhù (helps 帮助 幫助) wǒmen (wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) xíngshì (xíng·shì {walking → [doing]} · things 行事) míngzhì (míng·zhì {to be clear (on) → [to understand]} · wisdom → [to be wise] 明智).