
“Good News”! p. 1 “Good News”! p. 2


📖 📄 📘Hǎo (Good 好) Xiāoxi (Xiāo·xi Disappearing · News → [News] 消息)”! (2024 Dàhuì (Dà·huì Big · Meeting → [Convention] 大会 大會) Yuánchuàng (Yuán·chuàng Originally · Created 原创 原創) Gēqǔ (Gē·qǔ Song · Tune → [Song] 歌曲))

📖 📄 📘 (Lùjiā (Luke 路加) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 2:10)

📖 📄 📘 1. “Róngyào (glory 荣耀 榮耀) guī ({belongs to}) Zhìgāo (Zhì·gāo Most · High 至高) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝)!”
Chénxīng (Chén·xīng {early morning} · stars 晨星) dōu (all 都) gāogē (gāo·gē {(at) high (volume)} · sing 高歌).
Jìjìng (Jì·jìng (in) quiet · still 寂静 寂靜) kuàngyě (kuàng·yě spacious · {open country} → [wilderness] 旷野 曠野) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息) fèiténg (fèi·téng … → [boils over] 沸腾 沸騰):
Jiù (exactly 就) zài (in 在) Dàwèi (David’s 大卫 大衛) Chéng ({City Wall} → [City] 城),
Jiùzhǔ (Jiù·zhǔ Saving · Lord 救主) Yēsū (Jesus 耶稣 耶穌) dànshēng ({has been born} 诞生 誕生)!”

📖 📄 📘 (FÙGĒ (FÙ·GĒ SUBSIDIARY · SONG → [CHORUS] 副歌 副歌/謌))
Tīngjian (Tīng·jian hear · {to be meeting} 听见 聽見) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息),
Chuán (spread) hēiyè (hēi·yè black · night’s → [night’s] 黑夜) xǐxùn (xǐ·xùn … → [happy news] 喜讯 喜訊),
Zhēn (true 真) guāng (light 光) (already 已) láilín ({has arrived} 来临 來臨)!
Xuāngào (Xuān·gào declare · tell 宣告) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息),
Yuàn ({(we) wish}) jiéjìn (jié·jìn {to dry up → [to use up]} · {to the utmost/limit} → [to use up] 竭尽 竭盡)quánlì (quán·lì whole · strength 全力).
Jīdū (Christ 基督) shì (is 是) wéiyī (wéi·yī only · one 惟/唯一) dàolù (dào·lù way · road 道路), zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [truth] 真理), shēngmìng (life 生命).

📖 📄 📘 2. Dāng (when) zhèngyì (zhèng·yì {being upright} · righteousness 正义 正義) shǎnyào (shǎn·yào shines · {to be bright} (on) → [shines on] 闪耀 閃耀) tiānjì (tiān·jì sky · boundary → [horizon] 天际 天際),
({register or record for reference} → [musical notation] → [compose]) hépíng (hé·píng {being (together) with (one another)}’s · {being flat, level, even}’s → [peace’s (nwtsty-CHS Appx. A2 says this term mainly refers to the absence of war or conflict)] 和平) xuánlǜ (xuán·lǜ looping · {regulation → [style of poetry]} → [melody] 旋律),
Qīngchūn (Qīng·chūn {being green → [youth]} · spring → [youth] 青春) huì (will) xiàng (like 像/象) (river 河) bēnliú (bēn·liú rush · flow 奔流) bùxī (bù·xī not · {being ceasing} → [unceasingly] 不息).
(he 他) hànwèi (hàn·wèi {will defend} · {will guard} 捍卫 捍衛/衞) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [truth] 真理),
Quánbǐng (Quán·bǐng (his) authority · {handle → [power]} 权柄 權柄) yǒng (forever 永) ({will not have}無/无)qióngjìn (qióng·jìn {being impoverished} · ending 穷尽 窮盡).

📖 📄 📘 (FÙGĒ (FÙ·GĒ SUBSIDIARY · SONG → [CHORUS] 副歌 副歌/謌))
Tīngjian (Tīng·jian hear · {to be meeting} 听见 聽見) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息),
Chuán (spread) hēiyè (hēi·yè black · night’s → [night’s] 黑夜) xǐxùn (xǐ·xùn … → [happy news] 喜讯 喜訊),
Zhēn (true 真) guāng (light 光) (already 已) láilín ({has arrived} 来临 來臨)!
Xuāngào (Xuān·gào declare · tell 宣告) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息),
Yuàn ({(we) wish}) jiéjìn (jié·jìn {to dry up → [to use up]} · {to the utmost/limit} → [to use up] 竭尽 竭盡)quánlì (quán·lì whole · strength 全力).
Jīdū (Christ 基督) shì (is 是) wéiyī (wéi·yī only · one 惟/唯一) dàolù (dào·lù way · road 道路), zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [truth] 真理), shēngmìng (life 生命).

📖 📄 📘 (FÙGĒ (FÙ·GĒ SUBSIDIARY · SONG → [CHORUS] 副歌 副歌/謌))
Tīngjian (Tīng·jian hear · {to be meeting} 听见 聽見) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息),
Chuán (spread) hēiyè (hēi·yè black · night’s → [night’s] 黑夜) xǐxùn (xǐ·xùn … → [happy news] 喜讯 喜訊),
Zhēn (true 真) guāng (light 光) (already 已) láilín ({has arrived} 来临 來臨)!
Xuāngào (Xuān·gào declare · tell 宣告) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息),
Yuàn ({(we) wish}) jiéjìn (jié·jìn {to dry up → [to use up]} · {to the utmost/limit} → [to use up] 竭尽 竭盡)quánlì (quán·lì whole · strength 全力).
Jīdū (Christ 基督) shì (is 是) wéiyī (wéi·yī only · one 惟/唯一) dàolù (dào·lù way · road 道路), zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [truth] 真理), shēngmìng (life 生命).

📖 📄 📘 (Cānkàn (Cān·kàn {refer to} · see 参看 參看) Mǎtài (Matthew 马太 馬太) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 24:14; Yuēhàn (John 约翰 約翰) Fúyīn (Fú·yīn Blessings · News 福音) 8:12; 14:6; Yǐsàiyàshū (Yǐsàiyà·shū Isaiah · Book 以赛亚书 以賽亞書) 32:1; 61:2)