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📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù enlightening · showing · record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 14 🔼
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📖 📄 📘 1 (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]) zhàn (standing 站) zài (on 在) Xī’ān (Zion 锡安 錫安) Shān (Mount 山) shang (upon 上), yǒu (having 有) 14 wàn 4000 ((shí·sì ten · four → [fourteen] 14) (wàn {ten thousand}萬/万) (sì·qiān four · thousand 4000) → [144,000]) rén (people 人) gēn (with 跟) (him 他) zài (in 在) yìqǐ (yì·qǐ one · {rising → [group]} 一起). Zhèixiē (Zhèi·xiē this · {small number of} → [these] 这些 這些) rén (people 人) de (’s 的) étóu shang (upon 上) dōu (all 都) xiězhe (xiě·zhe {written on with} · {have been} → [have been written on with] 写着 寫着/著) tā de ((tā him 他) (de ’s 的) → [his]) míng (name 名) (and 和) (his 他) Fùqin (Fù·qin Father · relative 父亲 父親) de (’s 的) míng (name 名). … 4 Zhèixiē (Zhèi·xiē this · {small number of} → [these] 这些 這些) rén (people 人) shǐzhōng bǎochí (bǎo·chí {have protected} · {have held} → [have maintained] 保持) tóngzhēn, méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · had 没有 沒有) gēn (with 跟) nǚrén (nǚ·rén female · persons → [women] 女人) fāshēngguo (fā·shēng·guo {issuing forth} · {having come to life} · passed → [had happen] 发生过 發生過) guānxi (guān·xi involving · relating → [(sexual) relations] 关系 關係) ér (and 而) diànwū (diàn·wū {(with) blemishes} · defiled 玷污 玷污/汙) zìjǐ (selves 自己). Búlùn (Bú·lùn not · discussing → [no matter] 不论 不論) Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]) dào (to 到) nǎli (nǎ·li which · inside → [where] 哪里 哪裡/裏) (goes 去), tāmen (tā·men he/she · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) dōu (all 都) yìzhí (yì·zhí one · {being straight} → [continuously] 一直) gēnsuí (him 他). Tāmen (Tā·men he/she · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) shì (were 是) cóng (from) rénlèi (rén·lèi man·kind 人类 人類) dāngzhōng (dāng·zhōng in · among 当中 當中) mǎilai de (’s 的), shì (were 是) xiàngěi (xiàn·gěi offered · {to be given to} 献给 獻給) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝) (and 和) Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]) de (’s 的) zuìzǎo (zuì·zǎo most · early 最早) shōucheng.

📖 📄 📘 6 (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) lìng (another 另) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/箇/个) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) zài (in 在) kōngzhōng (kōng·zhōng {is empty → [sky]} · within 空中) fēixiáng (fēi·xiáng flying · soaring 飞翔 飛翔), yào (needing 要) xiàng (to向/曏/嚮) zhù (reside 住) zài (on 在) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上) de (’s 的) rén (people 人), xiàng (to向/曏/嚮) měi (every 每) ge ([mw]個/箇/个) guózú (guó·zú national · {ethnic group} → [nation] 国族 國族), bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族), yǔyán (yǔ·yán language · {(type of) speech} 语言 語言), (and 和) mínzú (mín·zú {(of) people} · {ethnic group} → [people] 民族) de (’s 的) rén (people 人) xuānyáng (xuān·yáng {to declare} · {to make known} 宣扬 宣揚) yǒnghéng (yǒng·héng everlasting · permanent 永恒 永恆) de (’s 的) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息). 7 (he 他) dàshēng (dà·shēng (in a) {big → [loud]} · voice 大声 大聲) shuō ({was saying}說/説): “Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yào (must 要) jìngwèi (jìng·wèi respect · fear 敬畏) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝), sòngyáng (sòng·yáng praise · {raise → [exalt]} 颂扬 頌揚) (him 他), yīnwei (yīn·wei because · for 因为 因為) (him 他) shěnpàn (shěn·pàn {to try} · {to judge} 审判 審判) de (’s 的) shíkè (shí·kè {(particular) time} · moment 时刻 時刻) dào ({has arrived} 到) le ([indicates a change] 了). Nǐmen (Nǐ·men you · [pl] 你们 你們) yào (must 要) chóngbài (worship 崇拜) zào (made 造) tiān (heaven 天), (earth 地), hǎi (sea 海), (and 和) shuǐquán (shuǐ·quán water · springs 水泉) de ( 的) Zhǔ (Lord 主).”