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📖 📄 📘 Jīngwén (Jīng·wén Scripture · Writings → [Scriptures] 经文 經文) (and 和) Jiǎozhù (Jiǎo·zhù Foot·notes 脚注 腳註/注)

Introduction and Disclaimer

1 Corinthians 14:8–11

8 For if the trumpet sounds an indistinct call, who will get ready for battle? 9 In the same way, unless you with the tongue use speech that is easily understood, how will anyone know what is being said? You will, in fact, be speaking into the air. 10 It may be that there are many kinds of speech in the world, and yet no kind is without meaning. 11 For if I do not understand the sense of the speech, I will be a foreigner to the one speaking, and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me. 🔼

2 Timothy 3:5

having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 🔼

2 Corinthians 5:7

for we are walking by faith, not by sight. 🔼

Acts 8:30, 31

30 Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” 31 He said: “Really, how could I ever do so unless someone guided me?” So he urged Philip to get on and sit down with him. 🔼

Hebrews 13:15

Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that make public declaration to his name. 🔼

1 Corinthians 14:8–11

8 For if the trumpet sounds an indistinct call, who will get ready for battle? 9 In the same way, unless you with the tongue use speech that is easily understood, how will anyone know what is being said? You will, in fact, be speaking into the air. 10 It may be that there are many kinds of speech in the world, and yet no kind is without meaning. 11 For if I do not understand the sense of the speech, I will be a foreigner to the one speaking, and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me. 🔼

1 Corinthians 14:8–11

8 For if the trumpet sounds an indistinct call, who will get ready for battle? 9 In the same way, unless you with the tongue use speech that is easily understood, how will anyone know what is being said? You will, in fact, be speaking into the air. 10 It may be that there are many kinds of speech in the world, and yet no kind is without meaning. 11 For if I do not understand the sense of the speech, I will be a foreigner to the one speaking, and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me. 🔼

1 Corinthians 14:10

It may be that there are many kinds of speech in the world, and yet no kind is without meaning. 🔼

Mark 7:13

Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like this.” 🔼

1 John 2:17

Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. 🔼

John 4:24

God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.” 🔼

Matthew 6:9

“You must pray, then, this way:

“ ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 🔼

Matthew 24:14

And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. 🔼

1 Timothy 2:3, 4

3 This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, 4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. 🔼

Ecclesiastes 10:10

If an iron tool is dull and one does not sharpen its edge, he will need to exert much effort. But wisdom helps to achieve success. 🔼

2 Corinthians 10:4, 5

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things. 5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 🔼