[Dì‐145 ([145th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐17 ([17th]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Kàn (look) na! (I) shì (am) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) Bì·nǚ (slave · girl) !”
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

5 Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) Dēng·mén ({comes up to} · door) Zào·fǎng ({to arrive} · {to visit})

9 Duì (to) Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) Huà (words) de () Fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding)

14 Tànwàng (visiting) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth)

18 Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yuēsè (Joseph)

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has not yet been proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1, 2. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎlìyà (Mary) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) shénme ([what]) mò·shēng·rén ({[from] road} · unfamiliar · person)   (→ [stranger]) de (’s) wèn·hòu (asking · {inquiring after})   (→ [extending of greetings]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) (she) zhèng ({just then}) chǔ·yú ({was situated} · at) rén·shēng (human · life) de (’s) zhuǎn·liè·diǎn (turning · twisting · point) ?

Mǎlìyà (Mary) tái·qi (lifted · up) tóu (head) lai ({to come}) , zhēng·dà (opened · {to be big}) yǎn·jing (eye · eyeballs) kàn·zhe ({to be look-} · -ing [at]) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) dēng·mén ({had come up to} · door) zào·fǎng ({to arrive} · {to visit}) de (’s) rén (person) . Zhè (this) rén (person) jìng (actually) (not) shì (was) lái (coming) zhǎo ({to look for}) (her) fù·mǔ (father · mother) , ér·shì ({but [rather]} · was) lái (coming) zhǎo ({to look for}) (her) de (’s) ! (he) (not) kěnéng (could) shì (be) Násālè·rén (Nazarene · person) , zhèi (this) diǎn (point) Mǎlìyà (Mary) hěn ({very much}) kěn·dìng (agreed · {to be certain}) ; zài (in) Násālè (Nazareth) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xiǎo·chéng (small · town) , (one) yǎn ({glance of the eye}) jiù (then) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) rèn·chū (recognize · out) mò·shēng·rén ({[from] road} · unfamiliar · person)   (→ [stranger]) lai ({to come}) . Wú·lùn ({not having} · {discussing of})   (→ [no matter]) zhè (this) rén (person) zǒu·dào (went · to) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) , dōu (even) huì (would) bèi ([get]) rèn (recognized) chu·lai (out · {to come}) . Tā de ([his]) wèn·hòu (asking · {inquiring after})   (→ [extending of greetings]) (also) (not) xúncháng ({was ordinary}) , (he) duì (to) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shuō (said) : Méng ({have received}) (great) ēn (favour) de (’s) rén (person) , (you) hǎo ({be well}) ! Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (with) (you) tóng·zài (together · {is present}) le ([to completion]) .” (Qǐng (please) (read) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:26–28.)

2 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) jiù (exactly) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) xiàng (to) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) jiè·shào ({being situated between} · connects)   (→ [introduces]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì (was) Jiālìlì (Galilee) de (’s) Násālè·rén (Nazarene · person) Xīlǐ (Heli) de (’s) nǚ’·ér (female · child)   (→ [daughter]) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) , (she) zhèng ({just then}) chǔ·yú ({was situated} · at) rén·shēng (human · life) de (’s) zhuǎn·liè·diǎn (turning · twisting · point) , (she) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) xǔ·pèi ({being betrothed} · {to be married}) gěi ({to be given to}) mù·jiang (wood · craftsman) Yuēsè (Joseph) . Yuēsè (Joseph) suī (although) (not) fù·yǒu ({was wealthy} · {was having}) , què·shì (but · was) ge ([mw]) zhōng·xīn (faithful·-heartedly) shì·fèng (serving · {attending to}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) nán·zǐ (male · person) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) xiǎng·dào (thinking · {arriving at}) wǎng·hòu (towards · later) de (’s) rì·zi (suns → [days] · [suf]) huì (would) zěn·me (how · [so]) guò (pass) : Zuò (being) Yuēsè (Joseph) de (’s) xián·nèi·zhù (worthy · wife · helping) , xiàng·fū (assisting · husband) jiào·zǐ (teaching · children) , guò·zhe (pass·ing) píngfán (ordinary) de (’s) shēng·huó (life · living) . Dàn (but) tū·rán (sudden·ly) zhī·jiān (’s · within) , yǎn·qián (eyes · before) chū·xiàn·le ({put out} · appearing · [to completion]) zhè·me (this · [so]) (one) ge ([mw]) fǎng·kè (visiting · guest) , jiāo·gěi ({handing over} · {to give to}) (her) (one) xiàng ({item of}) lái·zì (coming · from) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) shǐ·mìng ({being sent} · command)   (→ [mission]) , (her) de (’s) yì·shēng ({one [whole]} · life) jiāng ({in the future}) huì (would) yǒu (have) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) gǎibiàn (changing) .

3, 4. Xiǎngyào (want) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) jiù·děi (then · must) piē·kāi ({cast aside} · away) shénme ([what]) , bìng (simultaneously) jí·zhōng (gather · centrally)   (→ [focus]) kàn·kan ({to look at} · {to look at}) shénme ([what]) ?

3 Lìng (causes) bù·shǎo (not · few) rén (people) gǎn·dào ({to feel} · {arriving at}) yì·wài (expectation · outside) de (’s) shì (is) , Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) duì (towards) Mǎlìyà (Mary) zhuó·mò (applies · ink)   (→ [writes]) (not) duō (much) , (both) méi·yǒu (not · has) xiáng·shù ({in detail} · stated) (her) de (’s) jiātíng ([family]) bèi·jǐng (back · scene) , (also) méi (not) zěn·me (however · [so]) tán·dào ({has talked} · {arriving at}) (her) de (’s) xìng·qíng (disposition · emotions) , duì (towards) (her) de (’s) wài·mào (outside · looks) gèng ({more so}) shì (is) zhī·zì·bù·tí (single · character · not · raising → [mentioning]) . Rán’ér (but) , zhǐ·yào (only · requires) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) dú·du ({to read} · {to read}) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zhōng (within) gēn (with) (her) yǒu·guān (have · relation) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writings) , jiù (then) néng (can) jiā·shēn (add · {depth [to]}) duì (towards) (her) de (’s) rèn·shi (recognizing · knowing) .

4 Xiǎngyào (want) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) jiù·děi (then · must) piē·kāi ({cast aside} · away) chéng·jiàn (established · views)   (→ [preconceived ideas]) , ({as well as}) bù·tóng (not · same) zōng·jiào ({schools of thought} · teachings)   (→ [religions]) jiù (regarding) Mǎlìyà (Mary) suǒ ({those which [they]}) tí·chàng (raise · advocate) de (’s) zhǒng·zhǒng ({kind of} · {kind of})   (→ [various kinds of]) shuō·fa (speaking · ways) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zàn·qiě (temporarily · {for the time being}) ({will hold}) miáo·huì (trace · draw)   (→ [portray]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) wú·shù (without · number) huà·xiàng (painted · likenesses)   (→ [portraits]) , dà·lǐ·shí (big · texture · stone)   (→ [marble]) qì·huà ([stone] · drawings) huò (or) shí·gāo (stone · paste)   (→ [plaster]) diāo·xiàng (carved · images)   (→ [statues]) fàng ({to put}) zài (at) yì·páng (one · side) , ({will hold}) guàn ({put on a hat}) zài (on) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) qiān·bēi (modest · low)   (→ [humble]) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) de (’s) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) chēng·hào (called · names)   (→ [titles]) , bǐ·rú ({compared to} · like) Tiān·zhǔ (heavenly · Lord)   (→ [God (in Catholicism)]) zhī (’s) (mother) Tiān·shàng (heaven · above) Mǔ·hòu (mother · queen) Shèng·mǔ (holy · mother) yǐjí ({as well as}) bèi·hòu (back · behind) suǒ ({those which [they]}) bāohán (contain) de (’s) fù·zá (complex · mixed) shén·xué (god · study)   (→ [theological]) lǐ·niàn (reasonings · ideas) (and) zōng·jiào ([of] {school of thought} · teaching)   (→ [religious]) xìn·tiáo (faith · articles) (also) fàng ({to put}) zài (at) yì·biān (one · side) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) jí·zhōng ({will gather} · centrally)   (→ [will focus]) kàn·kan ({to look at} · {to look at}) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures’)   (→ [the Bible’s]) běn·shēn (own · body → [self]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) tán·jí (discusses · reaching) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , cóng·zhōng (from · within) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) huò·dé (obtain · get) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) zhīshi (knowledge) , rèn·shi (recognize · know) Mǎlìyà (Mary) suǒ ({that which [she]}) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , bìng (simultaneously) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) zài (at) (which) fāng·miàn (sides · faces) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) (her) .

Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) Dēng·mén ({comes up to} · door) Zào·fǎng ({to arrive} · {to visit}) ˄

5. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Guān·yú (relating · to) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) wéi·rén ({acting as} · person) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) (she) duì (to) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) wèn·hòu (asking · {inquiring after})   (→ [extending of greetings]) suǒ ({that which [she]}) zuò (made) de (’s) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) kàn·chū (see · out) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yào (must) xiàng (like) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , míng·bai (understand · clearly) shénme ([what]) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) dào·li (way · reasoning) ?

5 Dēng·mén ({had come up to} · door) zào·fǎng ({to arrive to be with} · {to visit}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) (not) shì (was) (one) ge ([mw]) fán·rén (ordinary · person) , ér·shì ({but [rather]} · was) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) chēnghu (call) (her) wéi (as) méng ({have received}) (great) ēn (favour) de (’s) rén (person) ”, jiù (then) fēi·cháng (un·usually) bù’·ān (not · {was at ease}) ”, fǎn·fù ({turning over} · {turning over}) sī·liang (considered · estimated) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) (not) xúncháng (ordinary) de (’s) wèn·hòu (asking · {inquiring after})   (→ [extending of greetings]) . (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:29) Jiū·jìng (investigated · {to the finish}) shì (was) méng ({having received}) shéi (who) de (’s) (great) ēn (favour) ne? Mǎlìyà (Mary) cóng (ever) méi (not) xiǎng·guo ({had thought} · {[in the] past}) huì (would) cóng (from) shì·rén (world’s · people) dé·dào (get · {arriving at}) ēn·diǎn ({favour [in the face of the]} · standard) . Qí·shí (its · actuality) , tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) yì·si (meaning · thought) shì (was) , (she) huì (would) dé·dào (get · {arriving at}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) (great) ēn (favour) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) Mǎlìyà (Mary) hěn ({very much}) xīwàng (hoped) méng ({to receive}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (granting) ēn (favour) , què (but) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · had) zì·dà ({[considering] self} · great) de (-ly) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) zìjǐ (self) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) dé·dào (getting · {arriving at}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) ēn·diǎn ({favour [in the face of the]} · standard) . Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) nǔ·lì (exert · strength) qiú ({to strive for}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (granting) ēn (favour) , (also) qiān·wàn (thousand · {ten thousand} [times]) bú·yào (not · must)   (→ [must not]) zì·gāo ({[consider] self} · high) zì·dà ({[consider] self} · great) , zuò·chū (make · out) zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) jiǎ·dìng (supposing · setting)   (→ [assumption]) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yào (must) xiàng (like) nián·qīng (years · light) de (’s) Mǎlìyà (Mary) nà·yàng (that · [way]) míng·bai (understand · clearly) (one) ge ([mw]) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) dào·li (way · reasoning) , (that) jiù·shì (exactly · is) : Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (with) gāo’·ào (high · arrogant) de (’s) rén (people) wéi (is) (enemies) , què (but) ài (loves) qiān·bēi (modest · low)   (→ [humble]) de (’s) rén (people) , lè·yì ([is with] happy · intention) fú·chí ({to support with the hand} · {to support}) tāmen ([them]) . ( Yǎgè·shū (James · book) 4:6)

[Dì‐146 ([146th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Mǎlìyà (Mary) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · had) zì·dà ({[considering] self} · great) de (-ly) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) zìjǐ (self) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) dé·dào (getting · {arriving at}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) ēn·diǎn ({favour [in the face of the]} · standard)

6. Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) jiāo·gěi ({handed over} · {to give to}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shénme ([what]) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission]) ?

6 Mǎlìyà (Mary) cóng (from) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) jiē·huò (received · obtained) (one) ge ([mw]) fēi·cháng (un·usually) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission]) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) xūyào ({would need}) xiǎn·chū ({to show} · out) qiān·bēi (modest · low)   (→ [humble]) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) , bìmiǎn (avoiding) gāo’·ào ({being high} · {being arrogant}) zì·dà ({[considering] self} · great) . Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) shuō (said) (she) jiāng ({in the future}) huái·yùn ({was to conceive} · pregnancy) shēng·zǐ ({was to give birth to} · son) , ér (and) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) háizi (child) huì (would) chéng·wéi (become · {to be}) shì·shàng (world · upon) zuì (most) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) rén·wù (person · thing)   (→ [personage]) . Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) shuō (said) : Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) (certainly) ({will hold}) (his) zǔxiān (ancestor) Dàwèi (David) de (’s) bǎo·zuò (precious · seat)   (→ [throne]) cìgěi ({to give to}) (him) , (he) (certainly) zuò·wáng ({will be} · King) tǒng·zhì (commanding · ruling) Yǎgè (Jacob’s) jiā (household) , yǒng·wú (eternally · without) qióng·jìn ({being impoverished} · ending) ; (him) de (’s) Wáng·guó (king’s · nation)   (→ [Kingdom]) (certainly) méi·yǒu (not · {will have}) zhōng·jié (end · conclusion) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:32, 33) Mǎlìyà (Mary) bìdìng (certainly) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) , zài (at) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) shuō (said) zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) zhī·qián (’ · before) de (’s) yì·qiān (one · thousand) duō ({more than ←}) nián (years) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) céng (had) xiàng (to) Dàwèi (David) zuò·chū (made · out) yīngxǔ (promise) , shuō (said) Dàwèi (David) de (’s) (one) ge ([mw]) zǐ·sūn (child · {grandchild or great[…] grandchild}) (certainly) yǒng·yuǎn (eternally · {far [in time]}) zuò·wáng ({would be} · king) . ( Sāmǔ’ěr·jì (Samuel · record) Xià (lower) (→ [2 Samuel]) 7:12, 13) Zhè (this) jiù·shì (exactly · is) shuō ({to say}) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) érzi (son) jiāng·yào ({in the future} · must) chéng·wéi (become · {to be}) Mísàiyà (Messiah) , (also) jiù·shì (exactly · was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) cháng·jiǔ (long · {long time}) yǐ·lái ({from then} · coming) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [continuously]) qī·pàn ({had been expecting} · {had been hoping for}) de (’s) Jiù·zhǔ (saving · Lord) !

[Dì‐147 ([147th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Mǎlìyà (Mary) cóng (from) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) jiē·huò (received · obtained) (one) ge ([mw]) fēi·cháng (un·usually) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission])

7. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) Mǎlìyà (Mary) tí·chū (raised · out) de (’s) wèn·tí (asking · subject)   (→ [question]) dé·zhī (get · {to know}) (she) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) de (’s) nián·qīng·rén (years · light · people) cóng (from) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ?

7 Bù·jǐn (not · only) rú·cǐ ({was like} · this) , tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) hái (also) gàosu (told) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , (she) suǒ ({he whom [she]}) shēng ({would give birth to}) de (’s) érzi (son) huì (would) chēng·wéi ({be called} · {to be}) Zhì·gāo·zhě (Most · High · person) de (’s) Érzi (Son) ”. Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) zěn·me (how · [so]) kěnéng (could) shēng ({give birth to}) érzi (son) ne? (she) suī·rán (although · -ly) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) xǔ·pèi ({being betrothed} · {to be married}) gěi ({to be given to}) Yuēsè (Joseph) , dàn (but) hái (still) méi (not) chéng·hūn ({had become} · married) ne. Mǎlìyà (Mary) tǎn·shuài (candid · frank) de (-ly) wèn (asked) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) : (I) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · have) (with) nán·rén (male · person) tóng·qǐn (together · slept) , zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (event) zěn·me (how · [so]) fā·shēng ({is to issue forth} · {is to come to life})   (→ [is to happen]) ne?” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:34) Qǐng (please) liú·yì (leave · {attention [on]}) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) shuō (said) zìjǐ (self) shì (was) chǔ·nǚ ([virgin] · female) , yì·diǎnr (one · bit) (even) (not) jué·de ({did feel} · getting) xiū·chǐ ({to be feeling ashamed} · shame) . Xiāng·fǎn (mutually · contrary) , (she) (considered) (this) wéi ({to be}) róng (honour) . Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , xǔ·duō (numbers · many) nián·qīng·rén (years · light · people) jí·yú ({are impatient} · to) diū·qì (discard · abandon) zìjǐ (selves) de () zhēn·cāo (chaste · conduct)   (→ [virginity]) , hái (also) cháo·xiào (ridicule · {laugh at}) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regard) zhēn·jié (chastity · cleanness) de () rén (persons) . Shì·jiè (world · extent) díquè (truly) gǎibiàn·le ({has changed} · [to completion]) , dàn (but) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · has) gǎibiàn·guo (changed · {[in the] past}) . ( Mǎlājī·shū (Malachi · book) 3:6) Bú·lùn (not · discussing)   (→ [no matter]) shì (was) zài (in) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) rì·zi (sun → [day] · [suf]) hái·shi ({still more} · is)   (→ [or is]) zài (in) jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) dōu (even) tóng·yàng (same · [way]) zhēn·shì ({[as] precious} · views) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) jǐn·shǒu (carefully · observe) (him) de (’s) dào·dé (principles · morals) biāo·zhǔn (marks · standards) de () rén (persons) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Xībólái·shū (Hebrew · book) (→ [Hebrews]) 13:4.)

8. Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì (was) ge ([mw]) bù·wán·měi (not · complete · beautiful)   (→ [imperfect]) de (’s) rén (person) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) shēng·xia ({gave birth to} · down) (one) ge ([mw]) wán·měi (complete · beautiful)   (→ [perfect]) de (’s) érzi (son) ?

8 Jǐn·guǎn ({to the greatest extent} · {caring about})   (→ [even though]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì (was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zhōng·pú (loyal · servant) , dàn (but) (she) bì·jìng (finishing · {in the end}) shì (was) bù·wán·měi (not · complete · beautiful)   (→ [imperfect]) de (’s) . Nà·me (that · [so]) , (she) zěn·me (how · [so]) kěnéng (could) shēng·xia ({gave birth to} · down) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Érzi (Son) (one) ge ([mw]) wán·měi (complete · beautiful)   (→ [perfect]) de (’s) háizi (child) ne? Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) shuō (said) : Shèng·líng (holy · spirit) (certainly) lín·dào ({will arrive} · to) (your) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) , Zhì·gāo·zhě (Most · High · person) de (’s) lì·liang (power · quantity) (certainly) yìn·bì ({[in] shade} · {will shelter}) (you) , yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) (you) jiāng·yào ({in the future} · must) shēng ({give birth to}) de (’s) , (certainly) chēng·wéi ({will be called} · {to be}) shèng·zhě (holy · one) , chēng·wéi ({will be called} · {to be}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Érzi (Son) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:35) Shèng·zhě (holy · one) bāohán (contains) jiéjìng (clean) chún·jié (pure · clean) (and) shén·shèng (godly · holy) de (’s) yì·si (meaning · thoughts) . Ànzhào ({according to}) cháng·lǐ (normal · logic) , fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) huì (will) (hold) zuì (sin) (and) bù·jié (not · clean) de (’s) shēn·xīn (body · {mind and heart}) yí·chuán ({to hand down} · {to pass on}) gěi ({to give to}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) . Rán’ér (but) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zhèi (this) (time) què (however) huì (would) shī·xíng ({carry out} · perform) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , jiāng (taking) (his) Érzi (Son) de (’s) shēngmìng (life) zhuǎn·yí ({to be turned} · {to be moved}) dào (to) Mǎlìyà (Mary’s) (belly) zhōng (within) , bìng (simultaneously) yòng (using) (him) de (’s) dòng·lì (moving · force) , (even) jiù·shì (exactly · was) yòng (using) shèng·líng (holy · spirit) yìn·bì ({[in] shade} · {to shelter}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , què·bǎo (reliably · {to guarantee}) háizi (child) wánquán (completely) (not) shòu ({would receive}) zuì (sin) de (’s) yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound)   (→ [influence]) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) huì (would) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · believe) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) huà (words) ma? (she) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne?

Duì (to) Tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) Huà (words) de () Fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ˄

9. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) chǔ·nǚ ([virgin] · female) Mǎlìyà (Mary) huái·yùn (conceiving · pregnancy) shēng·zǐ ({giving birth to} · son) (one) shì (matter) shì (is) kě·xìn (able · {to be believed}) de (’s) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) jiā·qiáng (added · {being strong [to]}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ?

9 Xǔ·duō (numbers · many) rén (people) hěn (very) nán (difficult) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for selves} · {to believe}) chǔ·nǚ ([virgin] · female) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) shēng·xia ({gave birth to} · down) háizi (child) , lián (including) jiào·huì (teaching · associations)   (→ [churches]) de () yì·xiē (one · {number of}) shén·xué·jiā (god · study · specialists)   (→ [theologians]) (even) (not) lì·wài (rule · {are outside})   (→ [are exceptions]) . Jǐn·guǎn ({to the greatest extent} · {caring about})   (→ [even though]) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) rén (persons) shòu·guo ({had received} · {[in the] past}) gāo·děng (high · grade)   (→ [higher]) jiàoyù (education) , què (yet) (not) míng·bai ({do understand} · clearly) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) zhǐ·chū (pointed · out) de (’s) (one) ge ([mw]) jiǎndān (simple) zhēn·lǐ (true · reasoning)   (→ [truth]) , (that) jiù·shì (exactly · is) : Shàng·dì (above’s · God) suǒ ({those which [he]}) shuō (says) de () shì (things) , méi·yǒu (not · {do have}) bù·néng (not · can) shí·xiàn (solidly · appear)   (→ [come true]) de (’s) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:37) Mǎlìyà (Mary) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · believed) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō ({had said}) de (’s) shì (was) zhēn·lǐ (true · reasoning)   (→ [truth]) , yīn·wei (because · for) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) nián·qīng (years · light) de (’s) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yǒu (had) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì (was) ge ([mw]) dǒng·de (understood · {to get}) sī·kǎo ({to think} · {to examine}) de (’s) rén (person) , (she) bú·huì (not · would) máng·mù (blind · -eyed) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · believe) rèn·hé ({no matter} · what)   (→ [any]) shì·qing (thing · situation) . (her) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) bìxū (needed) yǒu·gēn ({to have} · root) yǒu·jù ({to have} · evidence) . Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) jiù (exactly) wèi (for) Mǎlìyà (Mary) tí·gōng·le (raised · provided · [to completion]) suǒ·xū ({[all] which} · {was needed}) de (’s) gēn·jù (root · evidence) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) yǒu (had) ge ([mw]) nián·zhǎng (years · older) de (’s) qīnqi (relative) jiào (called) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) , yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [all along]) yǐ·lái ({from that point} · coming) dōu (even) bù·néng (not · could) shēngyù ({give birth}) . Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) gàosu (told) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (already) shī·xíng ({had carried out} · {had performed}) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , shǐ (causing) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) bú·yù (not · {giving birth}) de (’s) fù·rén (woman · person) huái·le ({to conceive} · [to completion]) yùn (pregnancy) !

10. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) yào (needed) zhí·xíng ({to grasp} · {to do}) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission]) suī·rán (although · -ly) néng (could) dài·lái (bring · {to come}) shū·róng (special · honour) , què (but) (not) shì (was) (one) jiàn ([mw]) róng·yì (allowing · {being easy}) zuò·dào ({to do} · {arriving at}) de (’s) shì (thing) ?

10 Mǎlìyà (Mary) huì (would) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (do) ne? Bǎi (placed) zài (at) (her) miàn·qián (face · before) de (’s) shì (was) (one) xiàng ({item of}) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission]) , zhèng·jù (proving · evidence) (also) biǎo·míng (showed · clearly) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) huì (would) shí·xiàn (solidly · {make appear})   (→ [make come true]) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) suǒ ({those which [he]}) shuō ({had said}) de (’s) yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding)   (→ [all]) huà (words) . Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) shǐ·mìng ({being sent} · command)   (→ [mission]) suī·rán (although · -ly) néng (could) dài·lái (bring · {to come}) shū·róng (special · honour) , què (but) (not) shì (was) (one) jiàn ([mw]) róng·yì (allowing · {being easy}) zuò·dào ({to do} · {arriving at}) de (’s) shì (thing) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) dà·gài (largely · generally)   (→ [probably]) (also) yōulǜ ({was anxious}) , jì·rán (since · -ly) zìjǐ (self) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) (with) Yuēsè (Joseph) dìng·le ({agreeing on} · [to completion]) hūn (marriage) , rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) was}) Yuēsè (Joseph) fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing of})   (→ [discovered]) (she) huái·yùn ({had conceived} · pregnancy) , hái (still) huì (would) ({take as wife}) (her) ma? Zài·shuō (further · saying) , zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) shǐ·mìng ({being sent} · command)   (→ [mission]) (also) dài·lái ({would bring} · {to come}) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) zé·rèn (responsibility · {to be assumed}) . (she) suǒ ({he whom [she]}) huái ({would conceive}) de (’s) shì (was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) shēn (deeply) ài (loved) de (’s) Érzi (Son) , (also) shì (was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God’s) yǎn·zhōng (eyes · within) zuì (most) bǎo·guì ({was precious} · {was valuable}) de (’s) ! Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) Érzi (Son) hái·shi (still · was) ge ([mw]) ruò·xiǎo (weak · small) de (’s) yīng·háir (infant · child) shí (time) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) yào ({would need}) zhàogu ({to look after}) (him) , (also) yào ({would need}) bǎohù ({to protect}) (him) , miǎn·de ({to avoid} · getting) (him) zài (in) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xié’·è (evil · wicked) de (’s) shì·jiè (world · extent) shòu·dào (receiving · {arriving at}) shāng·hài (injury · harm) . Zhè (this) shì (was) ge ([mw]) duō·me (much · [so]) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) de (’s) zé·rèn (responsibility · {to be assumed}) a!

11, 12. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Duì·yú (towards · {with regard to}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) suǒ ({those which [he]}) gěi (gives) de () jiān·jù (difficult · huge) rèn·wu (appointed · tasks)   (→ [missions]) , yì·xiē (one · {number of}) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) zhōng·pú (loyal · servants) yǒu·shí (have · times) (even) huì (will) yǒu (have) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Mǎlìyà (Mary’s) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answering) Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) de (’s) huà (words) xiǎn·shì (evidently · showed) (she) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) tè·zhì (special · qualities) ?

11 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) xiǎn·shì (evidently · shows) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shǒu·xià (hand · under) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) zhōng·pú (loyal · servants) , yǒu·shí (have · times) (even) huì (will) chí·yí ({be late} · doubt)   (→ [hesitate]) bù·gǎn (not · dare) jiēshòu ({to accept}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) jiāo·gěi ({hands over} · {to give to}) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) jiān·jù (difficult · huge) rèn·wu (appointed · tasks)   (→ [missions]) . Lì·rú (example · like) , Móxī (Moses) céng (had) tuī·shuō ({pushing away} · said) zìjǐ (self’s) kǒu·chǐ (mouth · teeth)   (→ [speaking ability]) (not) línglì ({was clever}) , bù·néng (not · could) dài·biǎo ({taking the place of} · show)   (→ [represent]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) fā·yán ({to issue forth} · speech) . ( Chū’·āijí·jì ({going out from} · Egypt · record) (→ [Exodus]) 4:10) Yēlìmǐ (Jeremiah) ({in contrast}) jiā·yǐ ({adding [to it]} · [suf]) jù·jué (refused · {cut off}) , shuō (saying) zìjǐ (self) hái (still) nián·qīng (years · {[were] light}) ”, bù·néng (not · could) shèng·rèn ({be up to} · undertaking) . ( Yēlìmǐ·shū (Jeremiah · book) 1:6) Yuēná (Jonah) shèn·zhì (extrememely · {went to the point of}) táo·zǒu ({running away} · {to go}) , (not) kěn ({being willing}) zhí·xíng ({to grasp} · {to do}) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission]) . ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 1:3) Nà·me (that · [so]) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) duì (to) suǒ ({that which [she]}) jiē·huò (received · obtained) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task)   (→ [mission]) yòu ({on the other hand}) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne?

12 Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answering) xiǎn·shì (evidently · shows) (she) (both) qiān·bēi ({was modest} · {was low})   (→ [was humble]) yòu (also) shùn·fú ({was submitting} · {was obeying}) . (her) de (’s) huà (words) zài (in) yǒu (have) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) de (’s) rén (people) dāng·zhōng (in · among) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [continuously]) liú·chuán ({have circulated} · {have spread}) zhì·jīn (until · today) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) shuō (said) : Kàn (look) na! (I) shì (am) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) bì·nǚ (slave · girl) ! Yuàn (wish) (you) suǒ ({those which [you]}) shuō ({have said}) de (’s) shì (things) zài (at) (my) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) shí·xiàn (solidly · appear)   (→ [come true]) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:38) Bì·nǚ (slave · girl) shì (was) pú·rén (servant · persons) zhōng (among) dì·wèi (ground · position)   (→ [status]) zuì (most) ({was low}) de (’s) , bì·nǚ (slave · girl) de (’s) shēngmìng (life) wánquán (completely) zhǎng·wò ({[in] palms} · {was grasped}) zài (in) zhǔ·rén (master · person’s) shǒu (hands) li (inside) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) (held) shēngmìng (life) wánquán (completely) jiāo·tuō ({to hand over} · {to entrust}) gěi ({to give to}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) Zhǔ (Master) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , zhī·dào (knowing · way)   (→ [knowing]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) néng (can) dài·lái (bring · {to come}) ān·quán ({being safe} · {being whole}) , yīn·wei (because · for) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (certainly) ({according to}) zhōngzhēn (loyalty) zhī (’s) ài (love) duì·dài (treats · {deals with}) zhōng·yú (loyal · to) (him) de (’s) rén (persons) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) , zhǐ·yào (only · requiring) (she) jìn·lì ({expended to the limit} · power) zhí·xíng ({to grasp} · {to do}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jiān·jù (difficult · huge) de (’s) shǐ·mìng ({being sent} · command)   (→ [mission]) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (certainly) ({would grant}) (blessings) gěi ({to give to}) (her) . ( Shī·piān (poetry · {piece of writing})   (→ [Psalm]) 18:25)

[Dì‐149 ([149th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Mǎlìyà (Mary) (held) shēngmìng (life) wánquán (completely) jiāo·tuō ({to hand over} · {to entrust}) gěi ({to give to}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) Zhǔ (Master) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , zhī·dào (knowing · way)   (→ [knowing]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) néng (can) dài·lái (bring · {to come}) ān·quán ({being safe} · {being whole})

13. Yào·shi (if · {[it] would be [that]}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) fēnfu (instructs) de () shì (things) kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) hěn (very) nán ({are difficult}) zuò·dào ({to do} · {arriving at}) , shèn·zhì (extrememely · {to the point of}) (not) kěnéng (can) wán·chéng ({be completed} · {be accomplished}) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [good example]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ?

13 Yǒu (have) shíhou (times) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) fēnfu (instructs) de () shì (things) kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) hěn (very) nán ({are difficult}) zuò·dào ({to do} · {arriving at}) , shèn·zhì (extrememely · {to the point of}) (not) kěnéng (can) wán·chéng ({be completed} · {be accomplished}) . Dàn (but) (he) zài (in) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) li (inside) gěi (gives) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) chōng·zú (filled · {to be sufficient}) de (’s) lǐ·yóu (reasons · causes) ({to go}) xìn·lài ({to trust} · {to rely on}) (him) , kě·yǐ ({to be able} · [suf]) ({to hold}) zìjǐ (selves) jiāo·tuō ({to hand over} · {to entrust}) zài (in) (his) shǒu (hands) zhōng (within) , jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) . ( Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 3:5, 6) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yào·shi (if · are) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) de (’s) huà (saying) , (he) jiù (then) (certainly) jiǎngshǎng ({will reward}) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) , wǒ·men (our · [pl]) duì (towards) (him) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) (also) huì (will) jìn·yí·bù (advance · one · step) dé·dào ({to get} · {arriving at}) qiáng·huà ({to be strong} · transformed) .

Tànwàng (visiting) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) ˄

14, 15. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎlìyà (Mary) tànwàng (visited) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) (and) Sājiālìyà (Zechariah) shí (time) , shénme ([what]) zhèng·jù (proving · evidence) jiā·qiáng·le (added · {being strong [to]} · [to completion]) (her) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:46–55 jì·zǎi·le (records · {has written down} · [to completion]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) suǒ ({that which [she]}) shuō (said) de (’s) (one) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) , zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) jiā·shēn (adds · {depth [to]}) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) duì (towards) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) rèn·shi (recognizing · knowing) ?

14 Jiābǎiliè (Gabriel) tán·dào (spoke · {arriving at}) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) de (’s) huà (words) gěi·le (gave · [to completion]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) gǔ·lì (rousing · encouraging) . Chú·le (besides · [to completion]) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) zhī·wài (’s · outside) , shì·shàng (world · upon) hái·yǒu (still · had) něi·ge (which · [mw]) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) gèng (more) liǎo·jiě (completely · solving)   (→ [understanding]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) chǔ·jìng ({situated in} · situation) ne? Mǎlìyà (Mary) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) dòng·shēn ({got moving} · {body → [self]})   (→ [set out on a journey]) , qián·wǎng (forward · {going towards}) Yóudà (Judah’s) shān·qū (mountain · region) . (she) gǎn·le (hurried · [to completion]) yuē (approximately) sān (three) (four) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) de (’s) (road) , zhōng·yú (eventually · at) lái·dào (came · {to arrive at}) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) de (’s) jiā (home) . Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) de (’s) zhàngfu (husband) jiù·shì (exactly · was) jì·sī ({offering sacrifices} · manage[r])   (→ [priest]) Sājiālìyà (Zechariah) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) (once) jìn (entered) mén (door) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiù (then) gěi (gave) (her) lìng (another) (one) ge ([piece of]) què·záo (real · chiseled) de (’s) zhèng·jù (proving · evidence) , qiáng·huà ({to be strong} · {to transform}) (her) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) (once) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) wèn·hòu (asking · {inquiring after})   (→ [greetings]) , jiù (then) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) (belly) zhōng (within) de (’s) tāi’·ér (fetus · child) zài ({was then}) huān·xǐ (joyful · happy) tiào·dòng (jumping · moving) . (she) chōng·mǎn ({was filled} · {full with}) shèng·líng (holy · spirit) , chēng (called) Mǎlìyà (Mary) wéi (as) (my) Zhǔ (Lord) de (’s) mǔ·qin (mother · relative) ”. Shàng·dì (above’s · God) céng·jīng (had · {gone through}) xiàng (to) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) tòu·lù ({telling secretly} · revealing) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) háizi (child) jiāng ({in the future}) chéng·wéi ({would become} · {to be}) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) de (’s) Zhǔ (Lord) , (also) jiù·shì (exactly · {would be}) Mísàiyà (Messiah) . Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) zài (at) shèng·líng (holy · spirit) de (’s) qǐ·shì (enlightening · showing) xià (under) chēng·zàn (commended · praised) Mǎlìyà (Mary’s) huái·zhe (harbour·ing) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , shùn·fú ({submitting to} · obeying) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) , shuō (saying) : (you) jì·rán (since · -ly) yǒu (had) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , (also) jiù (then) yǒu ({will have}) (blessings) le ([to completion]) ”. (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:39–45) Méi (not) cuò (wrong) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) duì (to) Mǎlìyà (Mary) suǒ ({those which [he]}) zuò ({had made}) de (’s) yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding)   (→ [all]) yīngxǔ (promises) dōu (all) (certainly) shí·xiàn (solidly · {would appear})   (→ [would come true]) !

[Dì‐150 ([150th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) liǎng (two) rén (persons) cóng (from) bǐ·cǐ (that · this)   (→ [each other]) jiān (between) de (’s) yǒu·yì (friend · friendship) dé·yì (got · benefits)

15 Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) jiù (then) shuō·huà (spoke · words) le ([indicates a change]) . Zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) bèi ([got]) xiáng·xì ({in detail} · careful) de (-ly) jìlù (recorded) zài (in) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) li (inside) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:46–55.) Zhè (this) (even) shì (is) zài (in) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) zhōng (within) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) shuō·guo (said · {[in the] past}) de (’s) zuì (most) cháng (long) de (’s) (one) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) , cóng·zhōng (from · within) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) duì (towards) (her) zēng·jiā (increase · add) bù·shǎo (not · little) liǎo·jiě (completely · solving)   (→ [understanding]) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) huà (words) ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū (see · out) , (she) shì (was) ge ([mw]) yǒu (having) gǎn’·ēn ({feeling [grateful for]} · kindness) zhī () xīn (heart) de (’s) rén (person) , yīn·wei (because · for) (she) zàn·měi (praised · {[as] good}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , gǎn·xiè (felt · {to thank}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) ràng (letting) (her) yǒu (have) shū·róng (special · honour) chéng·wéi ({to become} · {to be}) Mísàiyà (Messiah) de (’s) mǔ·qin (mother · relative) . Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , (she) tán·dào (talked · {arriving at}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) biǎn·dī (demoting · {to be low}) xīn·gāo (hearts · {were high}) qì’·ào (spirits · {were proud}) , shēn·chǔ (bodies → [selves] · {were situated in}) gāo·wèi (high · positions) de () rén (persons) , què (but) bāngzhù (helping) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) xúnqiú (seek) (him) de (’s) bēi·wēi (low · {very small}) rén (persons) (and) pínqióng (poor) rén (persons) , zhè (this) xiǎn·shì (evidently · shows) (she) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yǒu (had) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) (also) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) shú·xī (deeply · knew) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) . ({according to}) gū·jì (estimating · calculating) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) zài (in) zhèi (this) fān ({occurrence of}) huà (words) zhōng (within) tán·dào (talked · {arriving at}) gēn (with) Xībólái·yǔ (Hebrew · language) Jīng·juàn (Scriptures · volume) yǒu·guān (have · relation) de (’s) nèi·róng (inside · contained [things]) chāo·guò (exceeding · over) 20 (times) !*

16, 17. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Érzi (Son) zài (at) (which) fāng·miàn (side · face) chéng·wéi (became · {to be}) hǎo (good) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · models)   (→ [examples]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth) de (’s) jiāo·wǎng (associating · {going towards})   (→ [association]) lìng (causes) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū ({to see} · out) shénme ([what]) ?

16 Hěn ({very much}) míng·xiǎn ({is clear} · {is obvious}) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) jīng·cháng (regularly · often) chén·sī ({submerged in} · {thinking about}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Huàyǔ (Word) . Mǎlìyà (Mary’s) wéi·rén ({acting as} · person) qiān·bēi ({was modest} · {was low})   (→ [was humble]) , gēn·jù ({[at] roots} · {was according to}) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) ér (and) (not) shì (was) zhào ({according to}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) shuō·huà (speaking · words) , (her) (belly) zhōng (within) de (’s) háizi (child) jiāng·lái ({going to} · come)   (→ [in the future]) (also) huì (would) biǎoxiàn (show) tóng·yàng (same · kind) de (’s) jīngshén (spirit) . (he) shuō (said) : (I) suǒ ({those which [I]}) jiāo (teach) de (’s) , (not) shì (are) (my) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) dào·li (way · reasonings) , ér·shì ({but [rather]} · are) chū·yú ({coming out} · from) nèi (that) wèi ([mw for persons]) chāi (sent) (me) lái ({to come}) de (’s) .” (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 7:16) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zuì·hǎo (most · {are well}) wèn·wen ({to ask} · {to ask}) zìjǐ (selves) : (I) (also) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regard) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Huàyǔ (Word) ma? Hái·shi ({still more} · am)   (→ [or am]) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regarding) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) , ànzhào ({according to}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) bié·ren (other · people) ne?” Zài (at) zhè (this) fāng·miàn (side · face) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) hěn ({very much}) míng·què ({was clear} · {was certain}) .

17 Mǎlìyà (Mary) zài (at) Yīlìshābái (Elizabeth’s) jiā (home) zhù·le (reside · -ed) dà·yuē (largely · approximately) sān (three) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) . Zhè (this) qí·jiān (’ · during) , tāmen ([they]) bìdìng (certainly) bǐ·cǐ (those · these)   (→ [each other]) gǔ·lì (roused · encouraged) , hùxiāng (mutually) qiáng·huà ({to be strong} · transformed)   (→ [strengthened]) . (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:56) Zhèi (these) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) nǚ·zǐ (female · persons) de () jiāo·wǎng (associating · {going towards})   (→ [association]) lìng (causes) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū ({to see} · out) , zhēn·zhì (genuine · sincere) de (’s) yǒu·yì (friend · friendship) shì (is) duō·me (much · [so]) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) . Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) gēn (with) ài (love) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) rén (persons) zuò (are) péngyou (friends) , jiù (then) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [certainly]) huì (will) zài (at) shǔ·líng (of · spirit) fāng·miàn (side · face) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) zhǎng·jìn (grow · advance) , gēn (with) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) guān·xi (involvement · relation)   (→ [relationship]) (also) huì (will) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) qīnmì ({be close}) . ( Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 13:20) Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì ({was [at]}) shíhou (time) yào (needing) huí·jiā·le ({to circle back to} · home · [to completion]) . Yuēsè (Joseph) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) hòu ({after ←}) , huì (would) yǒu (have) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne?

Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yuēsè (Joseph) ˄

18. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Mǎlìyà (Mary) gàosu (told) Yuēsè (Joseph) shénme ([what]) shì·qing (thing · situation) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yuēsè (Joseph) tīng (heard) hòu ({after ←}) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

18 Mǎlìyà (Mary) shì ({was [at]}) shíhou (time) gēn (with) Yuēsè (Joseph) tán·tán ({to discuss} · {to discuss}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) le ([indicates a change]) , (she) (not) xiǎng ({did want}) děng·dào ({to wait} · until) shēn·yùn (body · pregnancy) xiǎn·lù ({was shown} · {was revealed}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) cái ({only then}) xiàng (to) Yuēsè (Joseph) jiěshì ({to explain}) . Dàn (but) zài (at) kāi·kǒu (opened · mouth) zhī·qián (’s · before) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) dān·xīn ({had carried on a shoulder pole} · heart)   (→ [had worried]) , Yuēsè (Joseph) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jìng·wèi (respecting · fearing) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) hǎo·rén (good · person) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) (her) de (’s) huà (words) hòu ({after ←}) huì (would) yǒu (have) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) . Rán’ér (but) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) hái·shi (still · was) (holding) fā·shēng ({had issued forth} · {had come to life})   (→ [had happened]) zài (on) (her) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) de (’s) shì (things) yì·wǔ (one · five) yì·shí (one · ten)   (→ [systematically & in full detail]) de (-ly) gàosu·le ({to tell} · [to completion]) Yuēsè (Joseph) . (you) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiǎng·xiàng ({think of} · image) dé·dào (getting · {to arrive at}) , Yuēsè (Joseph) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [certainly]) hěn ({very much}) kǔ·nǎo ({was bitter} · {was exasperated}) . (he) hěn ({very much}) xiǎng (wanted) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · {to believe}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) , dàn (but) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) nǚ·zǐ (female · person) kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) duì (to) (him) bù·zhōng (not · {had been faithful}) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · has) shuō·míng (explained · clearly) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Yuēsè (Joseph) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) , zhǐ·shì (only · is) shuō (saying) (he) juédìng (decided) gēn (with) Mǎlìyà (Mary) lí·hūn ({to leave} · marriage)   (→ [to divorce]) . ( Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) de (’s) rén (people) rèn·wéi (identified · {as being}) dìng·hūn ({having agreed on} · marriage) děng·tóng ({was equal to} · {was the same as}) jié·hūn ({having formed} · marriage)   (→ [having gotten married]) .) Rán’ér (but) , Yuēsè (Joseph) (not) xiǎng ({did want}) gōng·kāi (publicly · openly) xiū·rǔ ({to shame} · {to disgrace}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) dǎ·suan (made · planning) àn·zhōng (dark · within)   (→ [in secret]) gēn (with) (her) lí·hūn ({to leave} · marriage)   (→ [to divorce]) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:18, 19) Kàn·dào (seeing · reaching) Yuēsè (Joseph) wèi ({on account of}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) qián·suǒ·wèi·yǒu (before · {that which} · not · {has had}) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) shēn·gǎn (deeply · feeling) kǔ·nǎo (bitter · exasperated) , Mǎlìyà (Mary) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [certainly]) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) tòng·xīn ({was pained [in]} · heart) , dàn (but) (she) què (however) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) bàn·diǎnr (half · {a spot of}) yuàn·fèn (resentment · indignation) .

19. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) bāngzhù (helped) Yuēsè (Joseph) zuò·chū ({to do} · out) zhèng·què (proper · sound) de (’s) juédìng (deciding) ?

19 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) de (-ly) bāngzhù (helped) Yuēsè (Joseph) zuò·chū ({to do} · out) zhèng·què (proper · sound) de (’s) juédìng (deciding) . Yuēsè (Joseph) zài (in) mèng (dream) li (inside) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) shuō (say) , shì (was) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shī·xíng ({had carried out} · {had performed}) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) shǐ ({to cause}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) huái·yùn ({to conceive} · pregnancy) de (’s) . Yuēsè (Joseph) xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) fàng·xia (released · down) xīn·tóu (heart’s · head’s) (big) shí (stone) . (he) xiàng (like) Mǎlìyà (Mary) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , shùn·cóng ({submitted to} · {complied with}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zhǐ·yǐn (pointing · leading) . Yuēsè (Joseph) qǔ·le ({took as wife} · [to completion]) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , bìng ({side by side with}) zuò·hǎo (doing · {until finished well}) zhǔn·bèi ({[up to] standard} · preparing) jiān·fù ({to shoulder} · {to carry on the back/shoulders}) qi (up) dú·tè (singular · special) de (’s) zhí·zé (duty · responsibility) : Yǎng·yù ({providing for} · raising) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) Érzi (Son) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 1:20–24)

20, 21. Yǐ·hūn (already · married) huò (or) zhèng (just) dǎ·suan (making · planning) jié·hūn ({to form} · marriage)   (→ [to get married]) de (’s) rén (persons) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) (and) Yuēsè (Joseph) ?

20 Yǐ·hūn (already · married) huò (or) zhèng (just) dǎ·suan (making · planning) jié·hūn ({to form} · marriage)   (→ [to get married]) de (’s) rén (persons) , kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiàng ({turn towards}) liǎng·qiān (two · thousand) nián (years) qián ({before ←}) de (’s) zhèi (this) duì ({pair of}) nián·qīng (years · light) fū·qī (husband · wife) xué·xí ({to learn} · {to get practised}) . Yuēsè (Joseph) kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) (his) (that) shēn·wéi (body → [self] · being) rén (persons’) (mother) de (’s) nián·qīng (years · light) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) zhè·me (this · [so]) jìn·zé ({fulfilling to the limit} · duties) , bì·rán (certainly · -ly) qìng·xìng ({was celebrating} · {good fortune}) zìjǐ (self) dé·dào ({had gotten} · {arriving at}) tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) de (’s) zhǐ·yǐn (pointing · leading) , (he) (also) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) tǐ·huì (personally · {had understood}) dào ({arriving at}) , zài (at) zuò (doing) zhòng·dà (weighty · great) juédìng (deciding) zhī·qián (’s · before) xìn·kào (trusting · {leaning on}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zhǐ·yǐn (pointing · leading) duō·me (much · [so]) zhòng·yào ({is weighty} · {is important}) . ( Shī·piān (poetry · {piece of writing})   (→ [Psalm]) 37:5; Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 18:13) Chéng·wéi (became · {to be}) (one) jiā (family) zhī (’s) zhǔ (master) hòu ({after ←}) , (he) bìdìng (certainly) (also) huì (would) zài (at) zuò (doing) juédìng (deciding) shí (times) kǎo·lǜ (test · consider) zhōu·quán ({all around} · completely) , rén·cí ({be benevolent} · {be kind}) tǐ·tiē (personally · {stick to})   (→ [show consideration]) .

21 Mǎlìyà (Mary) gānyuàn ({was willing}) jià·gěi ({to become a wife to} · {to be given to}) Yuēsè (Joseph) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) kàn·chū (see · out) shénme ([what]) ne? Suī·rán (although · -ly) Yuēsè (Joseph) qǐ·chū (rising · beginning)   (→ [at first]) wú·fǎ ({did not have} · way) lǐ·jiě (logically · {to untie})   (→ [to understand]) suǒ ({that which}) fā·shēng ({had issued forth} · {had come to life})   (→ [had happened]) de (’s) shì (thing) , dàn (but) Mǎlìyà (Mary) hái·shi (still · was) shì ({looking at}) (him) wéi (as) wèi·lái ({not yet} · come)   (→ [future]) de (’s) (one) jiā (family) zhī (’s) zhǔ (master) , nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děngdài ({waiting for}) (him) zuò·chū ({to do} · out) juédìng (deciding) . Mǎlìyà (Mary) bìdìng (certainly) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) rěnnài (enduring) shì (was) hěn (very) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) . Xiànjīn (present) de (’s) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · follower) fùnǚ (women) (also) cóng (from) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) suǒ·yán ({that which [she]} · said) suǒ·xíng ({that which [she]} · did) dé·dào (get · {arriving at}) qǐ·fā (enlightenment · {issuing forth}) . Zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) , Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) hěn ({very much}) kěnéng (could) cóng (from) zhèi (this) (time’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced [things]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) , fū·qī (husband · wife) tǎn·chéng (frankly · honestly) xiāng·dài ({each other} · {dealing with}) , hǎo·hāor (well · {with care}) gōu·tōng ({[through] channel} · communicating) , shí·zài (truly · presently) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) zhòng·yào ({are weighty} · {are important}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings)   (→ [Proverbs]) 15:22.)

22. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) de (’s) hūnyīn (marriage) (used) shénme ([what]) wéi (as) jī·chǔ (foundation · plinth) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Tāmen ([their]) qián·tou (ahead · aspect) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) zhòng·rèn (heavy · [responsibility]) ?

22 Yuēsè (Joseph) (and) Mǎlìyà (Mary) zhèi (this) duì ({pair of}) nián·qīng (years · light) fū·qī (husband · wife) de (’s) hūnyīn (marriage) yǒu (had) jiān·shí (firm · solid) de (’s) jī·chǔ (foundation · plinth) . Tāmen ([they]) liǎ ({two [mw]}) duì (towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) ài (love) chāo·yuè (transcended · exceeded) yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding)   (→ [everything]) . Tāmen ([they]) kě·wàng (thirstily · hoped) nǔ·lì ({to exert} · strength) jìn ({to fulfil to the limit}) fù·mǔ (father · mother) de (’s) zé·rèn (responsibilities · {to be assumed}) , xī·xīn (entire·-heartedly) zhàogu ({to look after}) háizi (child) , hǎo (well) lìng ({to cause}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) xīn (heart) huān·xǐ ({to be joyful} · {to be happy}) . Tāmen ([their]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [certainly]) huì (would) dé·dào (get · {arriving at}) gèng (more) duō (numerous) fú·fen (blessing · portions) , dàn (but) qián·tou (ahead · aspect) de (’s) tiǎo·zhàn (incitings · {to fight})   (→ [challenges]) (also) bù·shǎo (not · {were few}) . Tāmen ([they]) yào (needed) jiāng ({to take}) Yēsū (Jesus) fǔ·yǎng ({to foster} · {to raise}) chéng·rén ({to become} · {(full-grown) person}) , zhè (this) háizi (child) huì (would) chéng·wéi (become · {to be}) yǒu·shǐ (had · history) yǐ·lái ({from that point} · coming) zuì (most) wěidà (great) de (’s) rén·wù (person · thing)   (→ [personage]) .

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})

  • Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , xiǎn·chū (show · out) qiān·bēi (modest · low)   (→ [humble]) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) ?
  • Mǎlìyà (Mary) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) shùn·fú ({submitted to} · obeyed) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) , zhí·de ({was worth} · getting) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) xué·xí ({to imitate} · {to get practised with}) ?
  • Mǎlìyà (Mary) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (did) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) qiáng·huà ({to be strong} · transformed)   (→ [being strengthened]) ?
  • (you) xīwàng (hope) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) Mǎlìyà (Mary) , xiǎn·chū ({to show} · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ?