[Dì‐135 ([135th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐16 ([16th]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Zhì (wisdom) Yǒng ({being brave}) Shuāng (both) Quán ({were complete}) , Shě·jǐ ({gave up} · self) Wàng·sī (forgot · {being selfish})
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5 Xíng·shì (did · things) Míng·zhì (understandingly · wisely) , Shuō·huà (spoke · words) Hé·shí (fitting · time)

10 Nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) Děngdài (waited) , (got) Jiàn ({to see}) Shǔ·guāng (daybreak · light)

16 Gǔ·qǐ (drummed · up) Yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) , Zhǐ·zhèng ({pointed to} · proved) È·rén (wicked · person)

23 Shě·jǐ ({gave up} · self) Wàng·sī (forgot · {being selfish})

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has not yet been proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1–3. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Qǐng (please) miáo·shù (depict · state)   (→ [describe]) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zǒu·xiàng ({was walking} · towards) wáng (king) de (’s) bǎo·zuò (precious · seat)   (→ [throne]) shí (time) de (’s) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) . (Yǐ) ((second)) Wáng (king) duì (to) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) yè·jiàn ({calling on (a superior)} · meeting) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

Yǐsītiē (Esther) yí·bù (one · step) yí·bù (one · step)   (→ [step by step]) zǒu·xiàng (walked · towards) Bōsī (Persian) wáng (king) de (’s) bǎo·zuò (precious · seat)   (→ [throne]) , xīn (heart) tiào·de ({was jumping} · {getting to be}) hěn (very) kuài (quickly) . Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , Shūshān (Shushan) de (’s) gōngdiàn (palace) tū·rán (sudden·ly) ({was one}) piàn ({slice of}) jìjìng ({being quiet}) , jìng·de (quiet · {getting to be}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) lián (even) zìjǐ (self’s) xì·suì (trifling · fragmentary) de (’s) jiǎo·bù (foot·steps’) shēng (sounds) (and) yīfu (clothing) mó·cā (rubbing · scrubbing) de (’s) shēngyīn (sounds) dōu (all) tīng·de·jiàn (heard · {getting to be} · meeting) . Gōngdiàn (palace) li (inside) jīn·bì ({was gold} · {was bluish green}) huī·huáng ({was shining} · {was bright}) , yǒu (had) yǎ·zhi (elegant · fine) de (’s) yuán·zhù (round · columns) , (also) yǒu (had) jīng·diāo (excellently · carved) xì·zhuó (exquisitely · sculpted) de (’s) xuě·sōng (snow · pine)   (→ [cedar]) (wood) tiān·huā·bǎn (sky · pattern · boards)   (→ [ceiling]) , nèi·xiē (that · {amount of}) xuě·sōng (snow · pine)   (→ [cedar]) (wood) shì (was) cóng (from) yáo·yuǎn (distant · far) de (’s) Líbānèn (Lebanon) yùn·lai (transported · {to come}) de (’s) . Dàn (but) Yǐsītiē (Esther) bù·néng (not · could) fēn·xīn (divide · heart) ({to go}) guān·shǎng ({to look at} · {to admire}) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) huá·lì (magnificent · beautiful) de (’s) zhuāng·shì ({dressing up} · adornments) , (she) bìxū (needed) nǔ·lì ({to exert} · strength) jí·zhōng ({to gather} · centrally)   (→ [to concentrate]) jīngshén (spirit) , zhù·shì (fixedly · {to regard}) bǎo·zuò (precious · seat)   (→ [throne]) shang (upon) de (’s) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) rén (man) . Tā de ([her]) shēng (living) (dying) jiù (exactly) zhǎng·wò ({[in] palms} · {was grasped}) zài (in) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (man’s) shǒu (hands) li (inside) .

2 Wáng (king) mù·bù·zhuǎn·jīng (eyes · not · turning · eyeballs) de (-ly) kàn·zhe ({was watch-} · -ing) Yǐsītiē (Esther) màn·màn (slowly · slowly) zǒu·jìn (walking · {to be near}) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) xiàng (towards) (her) shēn·chū (stretched · out) shǒu (hand) zhōng (within) de (’s) jīn (gold) zhàng (rod) . Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jǔ·dòng (acting · moving)   (→ [movement]) suī·rán (although · -ly) jiǎndān ({was simple}) , duì (to) Yǐsītiē (Esther) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) què·shì (truly · was) shēng·sǐ (living · dying) yōu·guān ({that which [they]} · concerned) de (’s) , yīn·wei (because · for) zhè (this) yì·wèi·zhe (meaning · taste · {was being}) wáng (king) ráo (spared) (her) (one) mìng (life) , miǎn·qù (excused · away) (her) wèi·jīng ({had not yet} · {passed through}) chuánzhào (summoning) jiù (then) shàn·zì ({on her own authority} · self) ({had gone}) jiàn ({to see}) wáng (king) de (’s) sǐ·zuì (dying · sin) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) lái·dào (came · to) bǎo·zuò (precious · seat)   (→ [throne]) qián ({before ←}) , shēn·shǒu (extended · hand) mō·le ({to touch} · [to completion]) ({to touch}) jīn (gold) zhàng (rod) de (’s) zhàng·tóu (rod · head) , gǎn·jī (feeling · {incited to} [gratefulness for]) wáng (king) de (’s) shè·zuì (pardoning · sin) zhī (’s) ēn (kindness) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 5:1, 2)

[Dì‐136 ([136th]) (and) ‐137 (pages) de () tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yǐsītiē (Esther) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) qiān·bēi (modest · low)   (→ [humble]) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) , gǎn·jī (felt · {incited to} [gratefulness for]) wáng (king) de (’s) ēn·diǎn ({showing kindness [in the face of the]} · standard)

3 Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) Wáng (King) yōngyǒu (possessed) jù·liàng (huge · amount) de (’s) cái·fù (wealth · resources) (and) xiǎn·hè (illustrious · grand) de (’s) quán·shì (power · influence) , zhè (this) cóng (from) (his) (one) shēn (body) de (’s) dǎ·ban ({striking up} · {to be dressed up})   (→ [way of dressing]) jiù (exactly) kàn·de ({was seen} · getting) chu·lai (out · {to come}) . Jù·shuō ({according to} · {[what is] said}) , gǔ·dài (ancient · era) Bōsī (Persian) wáng (king) suǒ ({those which [he]}) chuān (wore) de (’s) wáng·fú (king’s · clothes) , jiàzhí (value) xiāng·dāng (mutually · equalled) (to) jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) de (’s) ({a few}) ({hundred million}) Měi·yuán (American · {units of money (dollars)}) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) cóng (from) zhàngfu (husband) de (’s) yǎn·shén (eyes · spirit) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) gǎn·shòu (feel · receive) dào ({arriving at}) tā de ([his]) róu·qíng (soft · feelings) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) , wáng (king) hěn ({very much}) ài (loved) (her) . Wáng (king) duì (to) (her) shuō (said) : Wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) Yǐsītiē (Esther) a, (you) yǒu (have) shénme ([what]) shì (matter) ma? (you) xiǎng (want) qiú ({to request}) shénme ([what]) ? Jiù·shì (exactly · is) wáng·quán (king’s · power) de (’s) yí·bàn (one · half) , (I) (even) (certainly) cìgěi ({will give to}) (you) !” ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 5:3)

4. Zài (at) Yǐsītiē (Esther’s) qián·tou (ahead · aspect) , hái·yǒu (still · had) shénme ([what]) gèng (more) jiān·jù (difficult · huge) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · tasks) ?

4 Yǐsītiē (Esther) wèi·le (for · [to completion]) bǎohù (protecting) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb)   (→ [fellow countrymen]) , mào·sǐ ({had risked} · dying) dào ({to arrive at}) wáng (king’s) miàn·qián (face · before) jiēfā ({to expose}) xiāo·miè ({to eliminate} · {to exterminate}) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) de (’s) yīn·móu (covert · plot) , zhè (this) xiǎn·shì (evidently · showed) (she) hěn ({very much}) yǒu (had) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) , duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) (also) hěn ({very much}) yǒu (had) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Dào ({up until}) mù·qián (eyes · before)   (→ [present]) wéi·zhǐ ({to be} · stopping) , yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding)   (→ [everything]) hái (fairly) suàn ({was counted as}) shùn·lì (suiting · advantage) , dàn (but) gèng (more) jiān·jù (difficult · huge) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · tasks) hái (still) zài ({were at}) qián·tou (ahead · aspect) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) yào (needed) ràng ({to let}) gāo’·ào (high · proud) de (’s) Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) , (he) zuì (most) xìn·rèn (trusted · {gave allowance to}) de (’s) móu·chén (planning · official) qí·shí (his · actuality) shì (was) ge ([mw]) dǎi·dú (vicious · poisonous) xiǎo·rén (petty · person) . Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (person) qī·piàn ({had cheated} · {had deceived}) wáng (king) , suō·shǐ ({had incited} · {had caused}) wáng (king) xià ({to set down}) zhǐ (decree) xiāo·miè ({to eliminate} · {to exterminate}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb)   (→ [fellow countrymen]) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) huì (would) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) ràng (let) wáng (king) kàn·chū ({to see} · out) zhèi (this) diǎn (point) ? Wǒmen ([we]) cóng (from) (her) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ?

Xíng·shì (did · things) Míng·zhì (understandingly · wisely) , Shuō·huà (spoke · words) Hé·shí (fitting · time) ˄

5, 6. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) shí·jiàn (solidly · {carried out}) Chuán·dào·shū (spreading · way · book) (→ [Ecclesiastes]) 3:1, 7 de (’s) yuán·zé (original · rule)   (→ [principle]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zài (in) shìdàng (appropriate) de (’s) chǎng·hé ({gathering place} · {coming together})   (→ [occasion]) cái ({only then}) (held) shì·qing (matter · situation) gàosu ({to tell}) zhàngfu (husband) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shì (was) míng·zhì (understanding · wise) de (’s) ?

5 Yǐsītiē (Esther) yīnggāi (should) dāng·zhe (face- · -ing) wáng (king) (and) zhòng ({multitude of}) dà·chén (great · officials) de () miàn (faces) (hold) shì·qing (matter · situation) shuō ({to say}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) ma? (she) yào·shi (if · {would be}) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) , jiù (then) hěn ({very much}) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) huì (would) lìng (cause) wáng (king) jué·de ({to feel} · {getting to be}) méi·yǒu (not · {was having}) miàn·zi (face · [suf]) , (also) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) ràng ({to let}) jiān·chén (treacherous · official) Hāmàn (Haman) yǒu (have) jīhuì (opportunity) wèi (for) zìjǐ (self) kāi·tuō ({to open up} · escaping)   (→ [to exonerate]) . Nà·me (that · [so]) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) gāi (should) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (do) ne? Hěn (very) jiǔ ({long time}) yǐ·qián (at · before) , ruì·zhì (farsighted · wise) de (’s) Suǒluómén (Solomon) Wáng (King) zài (at) shèng·líng (holy · spirit) de (’s) qǐ·shì (enlightening · showing) xia (under) xiě·dào (wrote · said) : Fán·shì (every·thing) dōu ({every one}) yǒu (has) tè·dìng (specially · set) de (’s) shí·qī (time · period) yǒu (has) jìngmò ({to be quiet} · {to keep silent}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , yǒu (has) shuō·huà ({to speak} · words) de () shíhou (time) ”. ( Chuán·dào·shū (spreading · way · book) (→ [Ecclesiastes]) 3:1, 7) Wǒmen ([we]) xiāng·xìn ({evaluating for ourselves} · believe) , zhōng·xīn (faithful·-hearted) de (’s) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) yǎng·yù ({was providng for} · {was raising}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) shí (time) , (also) céng (had) jiào·dǎo (taught · guided) (her) rèn·shi ({to recognize} · {to know}) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) yuán·zé (original · rules)   (→ [principles]) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [certainly]) míng·bai (understood · clearly) shuō·huà (speaking · words) jǐnshèn (carefully) de (’s) zhòng·yào·xìng (weighty · important · nature) , zài (at) shìdàng (appropriate) de (’s) shíhou (time) cái ({only then}) kāi·kǒu ({would open} · mouth) .

6 Yǐsītiē (Esther) shuō (said) : Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) (my) wáng (king) zàn·chéng (supports · accomplishing) , qǐng (invite) wáng (king) (and) Hāmàn (Haman) jīn·tiān (current · sky → [day])   (→ [today]) lái ({to come}) ({to attend}) (I) suǒ ({that which [I]}) shè ({will set up}) de (’s) yànxí (banquet) .” ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 5:4) Wáng (king) tóng·yì ({[had] the same} · thinking)   (→ [consented]) le ([to completion]) , bìng (and) chuánzhào (summoned) Hāmàn (Haman) dào (to) wáng·gōng (king’s · palace) lái ({to come}) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) què·shí (certainly · solidly) hěn ({very much}) míng·zhì ({was understanding} · {was wise}) . (she) (both) gù·jí ({took into consideration} · reaching) zhàngfu (husband) de (’s) zūn·yán (dignity · rigourousness) , yòu (also) dǒng·de (understood · {to get}) zhìzào ({to make}) jīhuì (opportunity) , hǎo (well) néng ({to be able}) zài (in) (one) ge ([mw]) shìdàng (appropriate) de (’s) chǎng·hé ({gathering place} · {coming together})   (→ [occasion]) ({to hold}) shì·qing (matter · situation) gàosu ({to tell}) zhàngfu (husband) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings)   (→ [Proverbs]) 10:19.)

7, 8. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) yù·bèi ({in advance} · prepared) de (’s) dì‐yī ([first]) ge ([mw]) yànxí (banquet) shì (was) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) de (’s) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) (she) hái (still) yào (needed) zài (further) děng ({to wait}) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) cái ({only then}) ({would hold}) shì·qing (matter · situation) gàosu ({to tell}) wáng (king) ?

7 Yǐsītiē (Esther) xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) jīng·xīn (meticulous·-heartedly) yù·bèi ({in advance} · prepared) zhèi (this) (time’s) yànxí (banquet) , què·bǎo (reliably · {to guarantee}) yànxí (banquet) de (’s) měi (each) fāng·miàn (side · face) dōu ({each one}) yíng·hé (met · {accorded with})   (→ [catered to]) zhàngfu (husband) de (’s) xǐhào (likings) . (she) (also) zhǔn·bèi·le ({[up to] standard} · prepared · [to completion]) yì·xiē (one · {amount of}) měi·jiǔ (good · wine) , ràng ({to make}) zhàngfu (husband’s) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) shū·chàng ({to be relaxed} · {to be free}) . ( Shī·piān (poetry · {piece of writing})   (→ [Psalm]) 104:15) Zài (at) yànxí (banquet) shang (upon) , Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) gāo·xìng ({was [with] high} · enthusiasm) , zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) wèn (asked) Yǐsītiē (Esther) (she) xiǎng (wanted) yào ({to ask for}) shénme ([what]) . Zhè (this) shì (was) kāi·kǒu ({to open} · mouth) de (’s) hǎo (good) shí·jī (time · opportunity) ma?

8 Yǐsītiē (Esther) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) shí·jī (time · opportunity) hái (still) wèi ({had not yet}) chéng·shú (become · ripe) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) qǐng (invited) wáng (king) (and) Hāmàn (Haman) dì‐èr ([second]) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) zài (again) lái ({to come}) fù·yàn ({to attend} · banquet) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 5:7, 8) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) hái (still) yào ({did need}) zài (further) děng ({to wait}) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) ne? Yào (must) jì·de (remember · getting) , yóu·yú ({because of} · by) wáng (king) suǒ ({that which [he]}) xià ({had set down}) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) , Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) zhèng ({right then}) chǔ·yú ({were situated} · in) shēng·sǐ (living · dying) cún·wáng (surviving · {being destroyed}) de (’s) guān·tóu (key · head)   (→ [critical moment]) . Jì·rán (since · -ly) shì (matters’) guān ({critical juncture}) zhòng·dà ({was weighty} · {was great}) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) bìxū (needed) zài (at) zuì (most) shìdàng (appropriate) de (’s) shíhou (time) cái ({only then}) ({to hold}) shì·qing (matter · situation) shuō ({to say}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) . Yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) (she) ān·pái (placed · arranged) dì‐èr ([second]) (time’s) yànxí (banquet) , hǎo (well) ràng ({to allow}) zhàngfu (husband) kàn·chū ({to see} · out) zìjǐ (self) duō·me (much · [so]) zūn·zhòng (respected · {assigned weightiness to}) (him) .

9. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) nài·xīn (enduring · heart) shì (is) (one) zhǒng ({type of}) nán·néng·kě·guì ({is difficult} · {to be capable of} · can · {be highly valued}) de (’s) tè·zhì (special · quality) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) zài (at) zhè (this) fāng·miàn (side · face) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) ?

9 Nài·xīn (enduring · heart) shì (is) (one) zhǒng ({type of}) nán·néng·kě·guì ({is difficult} · {to be capable of} · can · {be highly valued}) de (’s) tè·zhì (special · quality) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) suī·rán (although · -ly) hěn ({very much}) dān·yōu ({was carrying} · worrying) , hěn ({very much}) xiǎng (wanted) ({to hold}) xīn·li (heart · inside) de (’s) huà (words) shuō ({to say}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) , dàn (but) réng (still) nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děngdài (awaited) shìdàng (appropriate) de (’s) shí·jī (time · opportunity) . Tóng·yàng (same · [way]) , wǒmen ([we]) dà·gài (largely · generally) rén·rén (person · person)   (→ [everyone]) dōu ({each one}) jiàn·guo ({has seen} · {[in the] past}) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) (not) gōng·zhèng (just · upright) de (’s) shì (things) , hěn ({very much}) xiǎng ({has wanted}) shuō·fú ({to speak} · {to convince}) yǒu (having) quán (authority) chǔ·lǐ ({to handle} · {to manage}) wèn·tí (asking · problem) de (’s) rén (person) ({to hold}) shì·qing (matter · situation) jiū·zhèng ({to correct} · {to be right}) guo·lai (over · {to come}) . Zhè ({[at] this}) shíhou (time) , wǒmen ([we]) jiù (exactly) yào (must) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) , biǎoxiàn (show) nài·xīn (enduring·-hearted) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) . Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 25:15 shuō (says) : Nài·xīn (enduring·-hearted) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) néng (can) quàn·dòng (persuade · move) jiāng·jūn (handles · army)   (→ [general]) , wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (’s) shé·tou (tongue · [suf]) néng (can) zhé·duàn (snap · {to be broken}) gǔ·tou (bone · [suf]) .” Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) wǒmen ([we]) xiàng (like) Yǐsītiē (Esther) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děngdài (await) shìdàng (appropriate) de (’s) shíhou (time) cái ({only then}) kāi·kǒu (open · mouth) , yǔ·qì (speaking · spirit) (also) wēn·wēn ({is warm} · {is warm}) hé·hé ({is peaceful} · {is peaceful}) de (’s) , nà·me (that · [so]) , duì·fāng (facing · party) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) jí·shǐ ({even though} · if) xiàng ({is like}) gǔ·tou (bone · [suf]) nà·me (that · [so]) yìng (hard) , (even) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) huì (would) ruǎn·huà ({to be soft} · {be transformed}) xia·lai (down · {to come}) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) xíng·shì (doing · things) yǒu ({was having}) zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) , xiǎn·chū ({was showing} · out) nài·xīn (enduring · heart) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) (granted) (blessings) gěi ({to give to}) (her) , shǐ (caused) (her) chéng·gōng ({to accomplish} · achievement) ne?

Nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) Děngdài (waited) , (got) Jiàn ({to see}) Shǔ·guāng (daybreak · light) ˄

10, 11. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Dì‐yī ([first]) (time’s) yànxí (banquet) jié·shù (concluded · {got tied up}) hòu ({after ←}) , yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) shì (matter) lìng (causing) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) biàn·huài ({to change} · {to be bad}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) (and) péngyou (friends) sǒng·yǒng ({being alarmed} · incited) (him) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) ?

10 Yóu·yú ({because of} · from) Yǐsītiē (Esther) nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děngdài (awaiting) , shì·qing (matter · situation) fēng·huí ({(mountain) peak} · {wound around}) lù·zhuǎn (road · turned) . Dì‐yī ([first]) (time’s) yànxí (banquet) jié·shù (concluded · {got tied up}) hòu ({after ←}) , Hāmàn (Haman) zì·yǐ·wéi (self · took · {to be}) dé·dào ({had gotten} · {arriving at}) wáng (king) (and) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) de (’s) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regarding) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) xīn·zhōng (heart · within) xǐlè ({was joyful}) , gāo·gāo ([was with] high · high) xìng·xìng (enthusiasm · enthusiasm) de (’s) lí·kāi (leaving · {clear of}) wáng·gōng (king’s · palace) . (he) lái·dào (coming · to) wáng·gōng (king’s · palace) mén (gate) qián ({before ←}) , kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) hái·shi (still · was) (not) kěn (willing) xiàng (to) (him) xià·bài ({to go down} · {to do obeisance}) . Zhèng·rú (just · like) qián (preceding) (one) zhāng (chapter) suǒ ({that which [it]}) shuō (said) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) (not) shì (was) gù·yì ([with] deliberate · intention) duì (towards) Hāmàn (Haman) bú·jìng (not · respecting) , zhǐ·shì (only · was) xiàng (to) Hāmàn (Haman) xià·bài ({going down} · {to do obeisance}) huì (would) yǒu (have) wéi ({violating of}) tā de ([his]) liáng·xīn (good · heart)   (→ [conscience]) , (also) huì (would) pò·huài (break · {to be ruined}) (his) gēn (with) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) guān·xi (involvement · relation)   (→ [relationship]) . Hāmàn (Haman) duì (to) (this) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne? Hāmàn (Haman) dēng·shí (ascending · time)   (→ [immediately]) duì (towards) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) dà·wéi (greatly · was) nǎo·nù ({becoming angry with} · anger) ”. ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 5:9)

11 Hāmàn (Haman) jiāng (took) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) qīng·shì ({[as] light} · regarding) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) shì (matter) gàosu ({to tell}) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) (and) péngyou (friends) , tāmen ([they]) jiù (then) sǒng·yǒng ({being alarmed} · incited) Hāmàn (Haman) zuò ({to make}) (one) gēn ([mw for long, slender objects]) 22 (metres) (72 yīng·chǐ (English · {Chinese feet})   (→ [feet]) ) gāo (high) de (’s) (wood) zhù (post) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) qǐng ({to request}) wáng (king) pī·zhǔn ({to approve} · {to allow}) (him) jiāng ({to take}) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) guà ({to hang}) zài (on) zhù (post) shang (upon) . Hāmàn (Haman) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) zhǔ·yi ({definite view} · idea) hěn ({very much}) hǎo ({was good}) , mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) zhào·zhe (accord·ing[ly]) (went) zuò ({to do}) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 5:12–14)

12. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) wáng (king) fēnfu (commanded) rén (people) ({to hold}) guān·fāng (official · means) de () lì·shǐ (past · history) jìlù (records) ({to read}) gěi (for) (him) tīng ({to hear}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) (he) zhī·dào·le (knew · way · [to completion])   (→ [knew]) shénme ([what]) shì·qing (matter · situation) ?

12 Nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , yǒu·xiē (had · some) (not) xúncháng (ordinary) de (’s) shì (things) fā·shēng ({issue forth} · {come to life})   (→ [happen]) le ([to completion]) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) , Wáng (king) shuì·bu·zháo (sleeping · not · {did achieve}) jiào (sleep) ”, yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) fēnfu (commanded) rén (people) ({to hold}) guān·fāng (official · means) de () lì·shǐ (past · history) jìlù (records) ({to read}) gěi (for) (him) tīng ({to hear}) . Jìlù (records) li (inside) yǒu (had) (one) chù (place) tí·dào (raising · {arriving at})   (→ [mentioning]) , céng·jīng (had · {gone through}) yǒu (having) rén (person) jiē·chuān·le (expose · {piercing through} · [to completion]) (one) zōng ([mw]) cì·shā ({to assassinate} · {to kill}) Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) Wáng (King) de (’s) yīn·móu (covert · plot) . Wáng (king) jì·de (remembered · getting) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) , (also) jì·de (remembered · getting) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) xiǎng (wanted) móu·shā (deliberately · {to kill})   (→ [to murder]) (him) de (’s) rén (persons) (already) bèi ([had gotten]) chǔ·jué ({punished with} · executing) le ([to completion]) . Dàn (but) jiē·chuān ({had exposed} · {piercing through}) yīn·móu (covert · plot) de (’s) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) dé·dào (gotten · {arriving at}) shǎng·cì (reward · granted) ne? Wáng (king) tū·rán (sudden·ly) xiǎng·qǐ (thought · up) zhè (this) (one) diǎn (point) , jiù (then) wèn (asked) shì·cóng (serving · attendants) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) dé·dào·le ({had gotten} · {arriving at} · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) shǎng·cì (reward · granted) , shì·cóng (serving · attendants) què (however) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answering) shuō (said) : Shénme ([anything]) (even) méi·yǒu (not · had) .” (Qǐng (please) (read) Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 6:1–3.)

13, 14. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Hāmàn (Haman) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) kāi·shǐ ({did open} · {did begin}) bài·luò ({to fail} · {to fall}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) (and) péngyou (friends) gēn (with) (him) shuō·le (say · -ed) shénme ([what]) ?

13 Wáng (king) yīn·wei (because · for) zìjǐ (self) shūhu ({had neglected}) , gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) bù’·ān (not · {at ease}) , jiù (then) zhǎo ({looked for}) rén (person) ({to substitute for}) (him) xiǎng ({to think of}) ge ([mw]) bǔ·jiù (mending · saving) de (’s) bàn·fǎ (handling · method) . (he) wèn (asked) shì·cóng (serving · attendants) yǒu (had) něi·xiē (which · {number of}) guān·yuán ({government official} · members) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) lái·dào (coming · {arriving at}) wáng·gōng (king’s · palace) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Hāmàn (Haman) gāng·hǎo (exactly · well) dào·le ({had arrived at} · [to completion]) wáng·gōng (king’s · palace) , (he) zhè·me (this · [so]) zǎo (early) jiù (then) lái·dào ({had come} · {to arrive}) , kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) shì (was) yīn·wei ({because of} · for) xiǎng (wanting) kuài ({[more] quickly}) diǎn ({a bit}) dé·dào ({to get} · {arriving at}) wáng (king) de (’s) pī·zhǔn (approving · allowing) ({to go}) chǔ·jué ({to punish with} · executing) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) . Dàn (but) (he) hái (still) méi (not) kāi·kǒu ({having opened} · mouth) , wáng (king) jiù (then) wèn (asked) (him) : (one) ge ([mw]) dé·dào ({had gotten} · {arriving at}) wáng (king’s) xǐ·huan (liking · {being happy with}) de (’s) rén (person) , zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zūn·róng ({to honour} · {to glorify}) (him) shì ({would be}) zuì·hǎo (most · well) de (’s) ne? Hāmàn (Haman) yǐ·wéi (took · {to be}) wáng (king) xǐ·huan (liked · {was happy with}) de (’s) rén (person) bìdìng (certainly) shì (was) (him) , jiù (then) xiǎng·chū (thought · out) (one) ge ([mw]) néng (could) ràng (make) rén (person) (greatly) xiǎn (display) qì·pài (air · style)   (→ [imposing manner]) de (’s) bàn·fǎ (handling · method) : Gěi ({give to}) (that) rén (person) chuān·shang ({putting on} · upon) wáng·fú (king’s · clothes) , qí·shang (riding · upon) yù·mǎ (imperial · horse) , jiào (order) (one) ge ([mw]) gāo·guān (high · official) yì·biān (one · side) lǐng·zhe ({to be lead}·ing) (him) xún·xíng ({to make the rounds of} · {to walk}) Shūshān (Shushan) chéng (city) , yì·biān (one · side) hūhǎn ({to cry out}) zūn·róng (honouring · glorifying) (him) de (’s) huà (words) , ràng ({to let}) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [there]} · have) rén (people) tīng·jian (hear · meeting) . Dāng (when) Hāmàn (Haman) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) shòu ({to receive}) zūn·róng (honour · glory) de (’s) rén (person) jìng·rán (unexpected·ly) (not) shì (was) zìjǐ (self) ér ({but [rather]}) shì (was) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) shí (time) , kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) qì·de ({got angry} · {getting to be}) yào (wanting) ({to die}) . Nà·me (that · [so]) , wáng (king) yào (wanted) pài ({to assign}) shéi (whom) zài (at) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai’s) miàn·qián (face · before) hūhǎn ({to cry out}) zūn·róng (honouring · glorifying) (him) de (’s) huà (words) ne? Zhèng·shì (exactly · was) Hāmàn (Haman) ! ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 6:4–10)

14 Hāmàn (Haman) suī·rán (although · -ly) hěn ({very much}) (not) gān·xīn ([was] willing·-hearted) , dàn (but) (also) zhǐ·néng (only · could) zhào ({according to}) wáng (king) de (’s) fēnfu (commanding) zuò (do) le ([to completion]) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) jǔ·sàng (dispirited · {lost sth. important}) de (-ly) chōng (rushed) huí·jiā ({to circle back to} · home) qu ({to go}) . Tā de ([his]) qī·zi (wife · [suf]) (and) péngyou (friends) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) shì (was) ge ([mw]) huài (bad) xiān·zhào ({in advance} · sign) , bìng (and) shuō (said) Hāmàn (Haman) bìdìng (certainly) huì (would) bài ({be defeated}) gěi (by) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · person) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 6:12, 13)

15. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) xiǎn·chū (showing · out) nài·xìng (enduring · nature) , dài·lái·le (brought · {to come} · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) hǎo (good) jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [result]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) péiyǎng ({to cultivate}) nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děnghòu (waiting) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) shì (is) míng·zhì (understanding · wise) de (’s) ?

15 Yǐsītiē (Esther) nài·xīn (enduring·-hearted) de (-ly) duō (more) děng (waited) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) cái ({only then}) xiàng (to) wáng (king) tí·chū (raised · out) qǐng·qiú (requesting · entreating) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit)   (→ [as a result]) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) Hāmàn (Haman) zuò·chū (do · out) lìng (caused) zìjǐ (self) bài·luò ({to fail} · {to fall}) de (’s) shì (things) . Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , wáng (king) zhī·suǒ·yǐ (’s · {that which} · {was the reason}) shī·mián ({had lost} · sleep) , shuō·bu·dìng (saying · not · certainly) (even) shì (was) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) cù·chéng ({had promoted} · {to be accomplished}) de (’s) . ( Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 21:1) Nán·guài (difficult · {to blame}) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) gǔ·lì (rouses · encourages) wǒmen ([us]) péiyǎng ({to cultivate}) nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děnghòu (waiting) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Míjiā·shū (Micah · book) 7:7.) Wǒmen ([we]) nài·xīn (enduring·-heartedly) děnghòu (await) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) jiù (then) huì (will) kàn·chū (see · out) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yòng·lái (uses · {to come}) jiě·jué ({to solve} · {to decide}) wèn·tí (asking · problems) de () fāng·fǎ (directions · methods) , ({compared to}) wǒmen ([we]) xiǎng·dào ({would think} · {arriving at}) de (’s) yào ({[in comparison] certainly}) hǎo·de ({are good} · {getting to be}) duō ({much more}) .

Gǔ·qǐ (drummed · up) Yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) , Zhǐ·zhèng ({pointed to} · proved) È·rén (wicked · person) ˄

16, 17. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yǐsītiē (Esther’s) shuō·huà ({to speak} · words) de () shíhou (time) zài (at) hé·shí (what · time) lái·dào (came · {to arrive}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) gēn (with) qián·rèn (formerly · appointed) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) Wǎshítí (Vashti) de (’s) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fēn·bié (separating · differentiating)   (→ [difference]) ?

16 Zài (at) dì‐èr ([second]) (time’s) yànxí (banquet) shang (upon) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) bìxū (needed) ({to hold}) shì·qing (matter · situation) quán·dōu (all · even) shuō ({to say}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) , fǒu·zé (not · then) wáng (king) jiù (then) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) huì (would) (not) nài·fán ({be enduring} · {being vexed}) le ([indicates a change]) . Dàn (but) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) kāi·kǒu ({to open} · mouth) cái ({only then}) hǎo ({would be good}) ne? Zhèi (this) (time) , wáng (king) zài (again) gěi (gave) Yǐsītiē (Esther) jīhuì (opportunity) , wèn (asked) (she) xiǎng (wanted) qiú ({to request}) shénme ([what]) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 7:2) Yǐsītiē (Esther) kàn·chū (saw · out) shuō·huà ({to speak} · words) de () shíhou (time) dào·le ({had arrived} · [to completion]) .

17 Yǐsītiē (Esther) hěn ({very much}) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) xiān (first) xiàng (to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) mò·dǎo ({keeping silent} · prayed) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) cái ({only then}) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answering) wáng (king) shuō (said) : Wáng (king) a, yào·shi (if · {[it] is [that]}) (I) méng ({have received}) wáng (king) ēn·dài (kindly · treating) , wáng (king) yòu (also) rèn·wéi ({does identify} · {to be}) hǎo ({is good}) de (’s) huà (saying) , (I) suǒ ({that which [I]}) yào ({ask for}) de (’s) shì (is) , qǐng (request) wáng (king) ({to hold}) wǒ de ([my]) xìng·mìng (nature · life) cìgěi ({to give to}) (me) , (I) suǒ ({that which [I]}) qiú (request) de (’s) shì (is) , qǐng (request) wáng (king) ({to hold}) wǒ de ([my]) běn·zú (own · clan) cìgěi ({to give to}) (me) .” ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 7:3) Qǐng (please) liú·yì (leave · {attention [on]}) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) shuō (said) wú·lùn ({not having} · {discussing of})   (→ [no matter]) wáng (king) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) shì (was) hǎo (good) de (’s) , (she) dōu (even) huì (would) zūn·zhòng (respect · {assign weightiness to}) tā de ([his]) juédìng (deciding) . Qián·rèn (formerly · appointed) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) Wǎshítí (Vashti) gù·yì ([with] deliberate · intention) xiū·rǔ ({had shamed} · {had disgraced}) zhàngfu (husband) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) gēn (with) (her) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) tiān·chà (heaven · differed) dì·yuǎn (earth · {was far}) ! ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 1:10–12) Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) (also) méi·yǒu (not · had) pīpíng (criticized) wáng (king) yú·mèi ({being foolish} · {being ignorant}) wú·zhī ({being without} · knowledge) , jìng·rán (actual·ly) wù·xìn·le (mistakenly · trusting · [to completion]) Hāmàn (Haman) . Yǐsītiē (Esther) zhǐ·shì (only · was) qiú (begging) wáng (king) wǎn·jiù ({to pull} · {to save}) tā de ([her]) xìng·mìng (nature · life) .

18. Yǐsītiē (Esther) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) (held) shí·qíng (real · situation) gàosu ({to tell}) wáng (king) ?

18 Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) huà (words) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) dǎ·dòng·le (struck · {to move} ·[to completion])   (→ [moved emotionally]) wáng (king) de (’s) xīn (heart) , (also) lìng (caused) (him) dà·chī·yì·jīng (greatly · {to eat} · one · {being startled}) . Shéi (who) gǎn ({would dare}) shāng·hài (injure · harm) tā de ([his]) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) ne? Yǐsītiē (Esther) shuō (said) : (I) (and) wǒ de ([my]) běn·zú (own · clan) bèi (by) rén (person) mài ({have been sold}) le ([to completion]) , kuài·yào (quickly · must) bèi (by) rén (people) yí·gài ({one [whole]} · {without exception}) shā·sǐ ({be killed} · {to be dead}) , xiāo·miè ({be eliminated} · {be exterminated}) jìng·jìn (cleanly · {to the utmost}) le ([to completion]) . Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) wǒmen ([we]) zhǐ·shì (only · {would be}) bèi ([getting]) mài (sold) wéi (as) (slaves) wéi (as) ({female slaves}) , (I) dào ({on the contrary}) bì·kǒu·bù·yán ({would have shut} · mouth · not · {would have spoken}) . Dàn (but) zhè (this) kǔ·nàn (bitterness · difficulty) yào·shi (if · is) jiào (causing) wáng (king) shòu·sǔn ({to receive} · harm) , jiù (then) wàn·wàn ({ten thousand} · {ten thousand} [times])   (→ [absolutely]) (not) gāi ({should be}) le ([to completion]) .” ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 7:4) Yǐsītiē (Esther) tǎn·bái (candid · {white (clear)}) de (-ly) shuō·chū (said · out) shí·qíng (real · situation) , bìng (and) shuō (said) jiǎ·rú (supposing · {as if}) (she) (and) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb)   (→ [fellow countrymen]) zhǐ·shì (only · {would be}) bèi (by) rén (people) nú·yì (enslaved · {used as servants}) , (she) dào ({on the contrary}) bú·huì (not · would) shuō ({have said}) shénme ([anything]) . Rán’ér (but) , Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) yào·shi (if · {would be}) bèi ([getting]) tú·shā (massacred · killed) , wáng (king) jiù (then) huì (would) méng·shòu (receive · suffer) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) sǔn·shī (harm · losing) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) (she) bù·néng (not · could) (not) (hold) shì·qing (matter · situation) shuō ({to say}) chu·lai (out · {to come}) .

19. Guān·yú (relating · to) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) shuō·fú ({to speak} · {to convince}) bié·ren (other · people) , wǒmen ([we]) cóng (from) Yǐsītiē (Esther’s) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ?

19 Cóng (from) Yǐsītiē (Esther’s) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) , wǒmen ([we]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) ({to go}) shuō·fú ({to speak} · {to convince}) bié·ren (other · people) . Yǒu·shí (have · times) , wǒmen ([we]) kě·néng (maybe · could) xūyào (need) xiàng (to) jiā·rén (family · person) huò (or) yǒu (having) quán (authority) chǔ·lǐ ({to handle} · {to manage}) shì·qing (matter · situation) de (’s) rén (person) zhǐ·chū ({to point} · out) (one) ge ([mw]) yán·zhòng (severe · heavy) de (’s) wèn·tí (asking · problem) . Zhǐ·yào (only · need) yǒu ({to have}) nài·xīn (enduring · heart) , shuō·huà ({to speak} · words) tǎn·chéng (frankly · honestly) , zūn·zhòng ({to respect} · {to assign weightiness to}) duì·fāng (facing · party) , duì·fāng (facing · party) jiù (then) huì (will) bǐ·jiào (compared · relatively) róng·yì (allow · {being easy}) jiēshòu ({to accept}) . ( Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 16:21, 23)

20, 21. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) jiēfā (exposed) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) è·xíng (wicked · conduct) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wáng (king) tīng (heard) hòu ({after ←}) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Bǐng) ((third)) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) è·xíng (wicked · conduct) bèi ([got]) jiēfā (exposed) hòu ({after ←}) , zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) nuò·fū (cowardly · man) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (did) ?

20 Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) zhuī·wèn (pursuing · {to ask}) shuō (said) : Shì (is) shéi (who) dǎn·gǎn (gallbladder · dares) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) ? Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (person) dào·dǐ (to · bottom) zài ({is at}) nǎ·li (which · inside)   (→ [where]) ?” Yǐsītiē (Esther) jiù (then) shēn·shǒu (extending · hand) zhǐ·zhe ({point at} · -ing) Hāmàn (Haman) , shuō (said) : Gēn (with) wǒmen ([us]) zuò·duì (is · opposing) de (’s) chóudí (enemy) jiù·shì (exactly · is) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) è·rén (wicked · person) Hāmàn (Haman) .” Tīng·dào (heard · reaching) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) zhǐ·kòng ({pointing at} · accusing) , Hāmàn (Haman) dùn·shí (immediately · presently) jīng·huáng ({was startled} · {was afraid}) shī·cuò (lost · arranging) . Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) Wáng (King) yí·xiàng (one · {all along}) (easily) ({became angry}) , zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) zìjǐ (self) xìn·rèn ({had trusted} · {had given allowance to}) de (’s) móu·chén (planning · official) jìng·rán (unexpected·ly) qī·piàn ({had cheated} · {had deceived}) (him) , shǐ ({had caused}) (him) xià·le ({to set down} · [to completion]) (one) tiáo ({strip of}) huì (would) hài·sǐ (harm · {to be dead}) ài·qī (beloved · wife) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) , (he) jiù (then) huǒ·mào·sān·zhàng (fire · {sent out} · three · {units of length (each=3.3 metres)})   (→ [flew into a rage]) , nù·qì (anger · spirit) chōng·chōng (flushing · flushing) de (-ly) zǒu·dào (walked · to) yù·huā·yuán (imperial · flower · garden) , hǎo (well) lěng·jìng ({to be cold} · {to be calm}) yí·xià (one · {going down})   (→ one · [time]) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 7:5–7)

[Dì‐140 ([140th]) (and) ‐141 (pages) de () tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yǐsītiē (Esther) yǒng·gǎn (brave · daring) de (-ly) jiēfā (exposed) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) è·xíng (wicked · conduct)

21 È·xíng (wicked · conduct) bèi ([got]) jiēfā (exposed) hòu ({after ←}) , Hāmàn (Haman) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) yīn·xiǎn (treacherous · dangerous) jiǎo·zhà (crafty · cheating) de (’s) nuò·fū (cowardly · man) jiù (then) ({lay prostrate}) zài (at) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen’s) jiǎo (feet) qián ({before ←}) qǐ·lián ({begging for} · pity) . Wáng (king) huí·lai ({circled back} · {to come}) shí (time) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Hāmàn (Haman) kào (leaning) zài (on) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) chuángtà (couch) shang (upon) , jiù (then) gèng (more) shēng·qì (grew · anger) le ([indicates a change]) , shuō (said) Hāmàn (Haman) jū·rán (asserting · -ly)   (→ [had gone so far as to have]) xiǎng (wanted) zài (in) wáng (king) de (’s) qǐn·gōng (sleep · palace) líng·rǔ ({to maltreat} · {to disgrace})   (→ [to assault (a woman)]) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) . Wáng (king) shuō·chū (spoke · out) zhèi (this) ({sentence of}) huà (words) , Hāmàn (Haman) jiù (then) sǐ·zuì (dying · sin) nán·táo ({was difficult} · {to escape}) le ([indicates a change]) . Yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) yǒu (had) rén (person) (hold) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) liǎn (face) méng·zhù ({to be covered} · firmly) , jiāng (take) (him) dài·zǒu ({to be brought} · {to go away}) . Zhè ({[at] this}) shíhou (time) , (one) ge ([mw]) nèi·chén (internal · official) gàosu (told) wáng (king) , Hāmàn (Haman) zuò·le ({had made} · [to completion]) (one) gēn ([mw for long, slender objects]) hěn (very) gāo (tall) de (’s) (wood) zhù (post) , xiǎng ({had wanted}) yòng·lái ({to use} · {to come}) hài ({to harm}) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) . Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) jiù (then) lì·kè (immediately · {[that] moment}) xià·lìng ({set down} · order) ({to hold}) Hāmàn (Haman) guà ({to hang}) zài (on) (he) zìjǐ (himself) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zuò ({had made}) de (’s) nèi (that) gēn ([mw for long, slender objects]) zhù (post) shang (upon) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 7:8–10)

22. Wǒmen ([we]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiàng (like) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zuò (do) , jiù (then) bú·huì (not · will) gǎn·dào (feel · {arriving at}) jué·wàng ({having severed} · hope)   (→ [despairing]) , fèn·shì ({be angry at} · world) jí·sú ({be jealous of} · convention) huò (or) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shī·qù (lose · away) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ?

22 Zài (at) jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) bù·gōng (not · just) bú·zhèng (not · upright) de (’s) shì·jiè (world · extent) li (inside) , hěn (very) duō (many) rén (people) jué·de (feel · {getting to be}) , dé·dào (getting · {arriving at}) gōng·zhèng (just · upright) de (’s) duì·dài (treating · {dealing with}) shì (is) (not) kě·néng (can · {be able}) de (’s) . (you) (also) yǒu·guo ({have had} · {[in the] past}) zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) gǎn·jué (feeling · {becoming aware}) ma? Yǐsītiē (Esther) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · had) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) jué·wàng ({having severed} · hope)   (→ [despairing]) , fèn·shì ({being angry at} · world) jí·sú ({being jealous of} · convention) , (also) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · had) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shī·qù (lost · away) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Shí·jī (time · opportunity) (once) dào (arrived) , (she) jiù (then) wèi (for) zhèngyì (justice) yǒng·gǎn (bravely · daringly) fā·yán ({issued forth} · speech) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) (held) shì·qing (matter · situation) jiāo ({to hand over}) zài (into) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s) shǒu (hands) li (inside) . Wǒmen ([we]) (also) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiàng (like) (her) nà·yàng (that · [way]) zuò (do) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) cóng (ever) méi·yǒu (not · has) gǎibiàn·guo (changed · {[in the] past}) , (he) juéduì ([absolutely]) néng·gòu ({is able} · enough) shǐ ({to cause}) xié’·è (evil · wicked) jiǎo·zhà (crafty · cheating) de (’s) rén (people) zì·shí·qí·guǒ (selves · {to eat} · their · fruit) , xiàng (like) (he) duì·dài (treated · {dealt with}) Hāmàn (Haman) nà·yàng (that · [way]) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Shī·piān (poetry · {piece of writing})   (→ [Psalm]) 7:11–16.)

Shě·jǐ ({gave up} · self) Wàng·sī (forgot · {being selfish}) ˄

23. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wáng (king) gěi (gave) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) (and) Yǐsītiē (Esther) shénme ([what]) jiǎngshǎng (reward) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yǎgè (Jacob) zài (at) lín·zhōng ({just before} · {end (of life)}) qián ({before ←}) tán·dào (talked · {arriving at}) yǒu·guān (has · {relation to}) Biànyǎmǐn (Benjamin) de (’s) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) yìng·yàn (responding · {producing the expected result})   (→ [being fulfilled]) ? ( Qǐng (please) kàn (see) (one) ge ([mw]) Yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) Dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) Yìng·yàn (responding · {producing the expected result})   (→ [being fulfilled]) ?” zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) fù·lán (attached · {bounded area})   (→ [box]) .)

23 Bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) , wáng (king) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) bù·dān (not · solely) shì (was) jiù·le ({had saved} · [to completion]) (his) (one) mìng (life) de (’s) zhōng·chén (loyal · official) , hái·shi (also · was) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) yǎng·fù (foster · father) . Yàhāsuílǔ (Ahasuerus) (appointed) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) wéi (as) zǎi·xiàng (governing · {chief minister})   (→ [prime minister]) , dàitì (replacing) Hāmàn (Haman) , yòu (also) (held) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) jù·liàng (huge · {amount of}) jiā·cái (family · wealth) cìgěi ({to give to}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) , ér (and) Yǐsītiē (Esther) jiù (then) wěi·pài (entrusted · assigned) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) zhào·guǎn ({to look after} · {to manage}) zhèi (this) ([mw for sums of money]) cái·chǎn (wealth · property) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 8:1, 2)

24, 25. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) jiē·chuān (exposed · {piercing through}) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) yīn·móu (covert · plot) hòu ({after ←}) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) méi·yǒu (not · had) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) zìjǐ (self) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) gāo·zhěn (high · {rest the head}) wú·yōu ({not have} · anxiety) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) mào (risked) shēngmìng (life) wēixiǎn (danger) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò ({to do}) ?

24 Yǐsītiē (Esther) (and) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) de (’s) xìng·mìng (natures · lives) (already) bú·zài (not · further) shòu·dào ({were receiving} · {arriving at}) wēi·xié ({by force} · {being threatened}) le ([indicates a change]) , Yǐsītiē (Esther) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) rèn·wéi (identified · {to be}) zìjǐ (self) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) gāo·zhěn (high · {rest the head}) wú·yōu ({not have} · anxiety) , shénme ([anything]) (even) bú·yòng (not · {did need}) zuò·le ({to do} · [to completion]) ne? Méi·yǒu (not · had) . (she) (not) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zì·sī (self · {was selfish}) de (’s) rén (person) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) , yì·shǐ ({relay station} · messengers) zhèng ({right then}) ({were holding}) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) dài·dào ({to be brought} · to) Bōsī (Persian) Dì·guó (emperor’s · nation’s)   (→ [Empire’s]) (each) (land) , Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) réng (still) miàn·lín (faced · {were near to}) miè·zú ({exterminating of} · race) de (’s) wēixiǎn (danger) . Zhī·qián (this · before) , Hāmàn (Haman) hái (also) chōu ({had drawn}) Pǔ’ěr (Pur) ( (meaning) chōu·qiān ({had drawn} · {slips for divination}) , zhānbǔ (divining) shù (techniques) zhī·yī (’ · one) ) lái ({to come}) zé·dìng ({to select} · {to be set}) jí·rì (auspicious · sun → [day]) xiāo·miè ({to eliminate} · {to exterminate}) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 9:24–26) Suī·rán (although · -ly) shèng (remaining) xia·lai (down · {to come}) de (’s) shí·jiān (time · within) hái·yǒu (still · had) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) , dàn (but) shí·jiān (time · within) hěn (very) kuài (quickly) huì (would) guò·qu (pass · go) . Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) táo·guò (escape · past) zhèi (this) cháng ([mw for happenings]) zāihuò (disaster) ma?

25 Yǐsītiē (Esther) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) wú·sī (without · selfishness) de () jīngshén (spirit) , mào·zhe (risk·ing) shēngmìng (life) wēixiǎn (danger) , méi·yǒu (not · had) méng·zhào (received · {being called}) jiù (then) (went) jiàn ({to see}) wáng (king) . Zhèi (this) (time) , (she) kū·zhe (weep·ing) wèi (for) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb)   (→ [fellow countrymen]) qiú·qíng (requested · kindness) , kěn·qiú (earnestly · beseeched) zhàngfu (husband) chè·xiāo ({to remove} · {to cancel}) nèi (that) tiáo ({strip of}) miè·zú ({to exterminate} · race) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) . Kě·shì (however · was) , fèng (received) Bōsī (Persian) wáng (king’s) míng·yì (name · significance) qiānshǔ (signing) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (laws · decrees) shì (were) bù·néng (not · able) fèi·chú ({to abolish} · {to remove}) de (’s) . (Dànyǐlǐ·shū (Daniel · book) 6:12, 15) Yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) , wáng (king) shòu·quán (gave · authority [to]) Yǐsītiē (Esther) (and) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) bān·bù ({to issue} · {to announce}) xīn (new) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) , ràng (allowing) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) yǒu ({to have}) quán ({the right}) bǎohù ({to protect}) zìjǐ (selves) de () xìng·mìng (natures · lives) . Yì·shǐ ({relay station} · messengers) kuài·mǎ (fast · horses) jiā·biān (added · whipping)   (→ [went quickly]) , (holding) zhào·shū ({imperial edict} · letters) sòng·dào ({to deliver} · to) dì·guó (emperor’s · nation’s)   (→ [empire’s]) jìng·nèi (borders · inside) de (’s) měi (each) ge ([mw]) jiǎo·luò (corner · [location]) , gàosu ({to tell}) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) hǎo (good) xiāoxi ([news]) , zhè (this) wèi (for) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) dài·lái·le (brought · {to come} · [to completion]) shǔ·guāng (daybreak · light) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 8:3–16) (each) shěng (province) de (’s) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) mǎ·shàng (horses · upon)   (→ [immediately]) wǔ·zhuāng (militarily · {to get set up}) qǐ·lai ({to get up} · {to come}) , wèi (for) zhàn·dòu (battle · fighting) zuò·hǎo ({to do} · {until finished well}) zhǔn·bèi ({[up to] standard} · preparing) ; jiǎ·rú (supposing · {as if}) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xīn (new) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) , tāmen ([they]) jiù (then) bù·néng (not · could) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({have done}) le ([indicates a change]) . Dàn (but) gèng (more) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) shì (was) , wàn·jūn ({ten thousand} · armies) zhī () Zhǔ (Lord) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) huì (would) bú·huì (not · would) bāngzhù (help) tā de ([his]) zǐ·mín (persons · people) ne? ( Sāmǔ’ěr·jì (Samuel · record) Shàng (upper) (→ [1 Samuel]) 17:45)

[Dì‐143 ([143rd]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yǐsītiē (Esther) (and) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) fēnfu (instructed) rén (people) ({to hold}) xīn (new) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (law · decree) chuán·gěi ({to spread} · {to give to}) Bōsī (Persian) Dì·guó (emperor’s · nation’s)   (→ [Empire’s]) jìng·nèi (borders · inside) de (’s) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people)

26, 27. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) bāngzhù (helped) tā de ([his]) zǐ·mín (persons · people) huò·dé ({to obtain} · {to get}) zěn·me·yàng (how · [so] · kind) de (’s) shèng·lì ({winning of a victory} · advantage) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) érzi·men (son·s) bèi ([got]) shā (killed) (one) shì (matter) yìng·yàn·le ({responded to} · {produced the expected result of} · [to completion])   (→ [fulfilled]) shénme ([what]) Shèng·jīng (holy · Scriptures)   (→ [Bible]) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) ?

26 Hāmàn (Haman) suǒ ({that which [he]}) dìng ({had set}) de (’s) nèi (that) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) zhōng·yú (finally · {[was] at}) lái·dào ({having come} · {to arrive}) le ([indicates a change]) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) zhǔn·bèi ({[up to] standard} · preparing) jiù·xù ({to suit} · matter) , jiù (exactly) lián (even) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) Bōsī (Persian) guān·yuán ({government officials’} · members) (also) zhīchí (supported) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) , yīn·wei (because · for) (each) shěng (province) de (’s) rén (people) dōu (all) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · person) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) chéng·wéi (becoming · {to be}) xīn (new) zǎi·xiàng (governing · {chief minister})   (→ [prime minister]) . Dāng·tiān ({on that} · sky → [day]) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shǐ (caused) tā de ([his]) zǐ·mín (persons · people) (greatly) huò ({to obtain}) quán·shèng (complete · victory) , bìng ({side by side with}) bāngzhù (helping) tāmen ([them]) chè·dǐ (penetrating · {to bottom}) jiān·miè ({to annihilate} · {to exterminate}) dí·rén (enemy · people) , yǐ·miǎn ({so as to} · avoid) dí·rén (enemy · people) yǒu (having) jīhuì (opportunities) bào·fu ({to recompense} · {to avenge}) .* ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 9:1–6)

27 Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , zhǐ·yào (only · needed) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) shí (ten) ge ([mw]) érzi (sons) hái (still) huó·zhe ({to be live-} · -ing) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) jiù (then) hěn (very) nán ({would be difficult}) wěn·tuǒ (stable · settled) de (-ly) zhào·guǎn ({to look after} · {to manage}) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) jiā·cái (family · wealth) , yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) (also) (held) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) érzi (sons) quán (completely) shā·diào ({to be killed} · off) le ([to completion]) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 9:7–10) Zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) yìng·yàn·le ({responded to} · {produced the expected result of} · [to completion])   (→ [fulfilled]) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) . Xǔ·duō (numbers · many) nián (years) qián ({before ←}) , Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) yù·gào (fore·told) Yàmǎlì·rén (Amalekite · people) huì (would) bèi ([get]) chè·dǐ (penetrating · {to bottom}) xiāo·miè (eliminated · exterminated) , yīn·wei (because · for) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xié’·è (evil · wicked) de (’s) mín·zú (people · group) cháng·cháng (often · often) qī·yā (bullied · pressured) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) . ( Shēn·mìng·jì (states · commands · record) (→ [Deuteronomy]) 25:17–19) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) érzi·men (son·s) hěn ({very much}) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) jiù·shì (exactly · {to have been}) Yàmǎlì·rén (Amalekite · people’s) jǐn (only) cún (surviving) de (’s) hòu·dài (afterwards · generations)   (→ [descendants]) .

28, 29. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zhǐyì (will) shì (was) yào ({to require}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) (and) tā de ([her]) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb)   (→ [fellow countrymen]) cānyù ({to participate in}) zhàn·shì (war · events) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) , cóng (from) tā de ([her]) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [good example]) dé·yì (get · benefits) ?

28 Yǐsītiē (Esther) yào (needed) xiézhù ({to assist}) chǔ·lǐ (handling · managing) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) guān·yú (relating · to) chǔ·jué ({punishing with} · executing) è·rén (wicked · persons) (and) cānyù ({participating in}) zhàn·zhēng (war · contending) de (’s) fǎ·lìng (laws · decrees) , zhè (this) duì (to) nián·jì (years · age) qīng·qīng (light · light) de (’s) (her) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , què·shí (certainly · solidly) hěn (very) (not) róng·yì ({was allowing} · {being easy}) , dàn (but) (she) réng·rán (still · -ly) yuàn·yì ([with] willing · intention) fù·qi (shouldered · up) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) chén·zhòng (sinkingly · heavy) de (’s) zé·rèn (responsibilities · {to be assumed}) . (she) míng·bai (understood · clearly) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zhǐyì (will) shì (was) yào ({to require}) bǎo·cún (preserving · {to exist}) Yǐsèliè (Israel) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) mín·zú (people · group) , (not) ràng ({to allow}) tāmen ([them]) bèi (by) dí·rén (enemy · people) xiāo·miè ({to be eliminated} · {to be exterminated}) , yīn·wei (because · for) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zǎo (early) jiù (then) yù·yán ({in advance} · {had said})   (→ [had prophecied]) , quán (all) rén·lèi (human·kind) de (’s) wéi·yī (only · one) xīwàng (hoping) , (even) jiù·shì (exactly · was) yīngxǔ (promised) de (’s) Mísàiyà (Messiah) , bìxū (needed) chū·zì ({to come out} · from) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) mín·zú (people · group) . ( Chuàng·shì·jì (creating · world · record) (→ [Genesis]) 22:18) Mísàiyà (Messiah) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) dì·shang (earth · upon) shí (time) fēnfu·guo (commanded · {[in the] past}) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) bù·kě (not · may) zài (further) shǐyòng (utilize) wǔ·lì (military · force) , yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) xiàn·dài (current · era) pú·rén (servant · persons) shì (are) bú·huì (not · will) dòng·wǔ ({move to use} · {martial [techniques]})   (→ [use force]) huò (or) cānyù ({participate in}) zhàn·zhēng (war · contending) de (’s) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 26:52)

29 Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) què (however) yào (must) cānyù ({participate in}) shǔ·líng (of · spirit) de (’s) zhàn·zhēng (war · contending) , duì·kàng (opposing · resisting) Sādàn (Satan) . Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xié’·è (evil · wicked) de (’s) líng·tǐ (spirit · body)   (→ spirit · [person]) yì·xīn ({one [whole]} · -heartedly) yào (wants) huǐ·qu ({to destroy} · away) wǒmen ([our]) duì (towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , gōng·shì (attacking · situation)   (→ [offensive]) hái (also) yuè·lái·yuè ({jumping over} · coming · {jumping over})   (→ [more and more]) měng·liè ({is fierce} · {is violent}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Gēlínduō (Corinth) Hòu·shū (later · book)   (→ [2 Corinthians]) 10:3, 4.) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model)   (→ [good example]) díquè (truly) shǐ (causes) wǒmen ([us]) dé·yì ({to get} · benefits) bù·qiǎn (not · shallow) . Ràng (let) wǒmen ([us]) xiàng ({be like}) (her) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) , zài (at) shuō·fú (speaking · {to convince}) bié·ren (other · people) shí (times) yǒu (having) zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) yǒu (having) nài·xīn (enduring · heart) , xiǎn·chū (showing · out) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) (and) wú·sī (without · selfishness) de () jīngshén (spirit) , bìng ({side by side with}) lè·yú ({being happy} · to) wéi·hù (maintain · protect) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) . Zhè·yàng (this · [way]) , wǒmen ([we]) jiù·shì (exactly · {will be}) xiào·fǎ (imitating · {taking as a model}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) , xiǎn·chū (showing · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) le ([to completion]) .

Gēn (with) Yǐsītiē (Esther) Yǒu·guān (have · relation) de (’s) Wèn·tí (asking · subjects)   (→ [questions])

Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) huì (would) ràng (allow) Yǐsītiē (Esther) jià·gěi ({to become a wife to} · {to be given to}) (one) ge ([mw]) yì·jiào·tú (different · religion · follower)   (→ [pagan]) ?

Yǒu·xiē (have · some) xué·zhě (study · -ers) rèn·wéi (identifying · {to be}) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) shì (was) ge ([mw]) jīhuì·zhǔ·yì·zhě (opportunity · {{definite view} · meaning} → [-ism] · -ist) , (he) ràng (allowed) Yǐsītiē (Esther) jià·gěi ({to become a wife to} · {to be given to}) Bōsī (Persian) wáng (king) , shì (was) xiǎng (wanting) dé·dào ({to get} · {arriving at}) míng·yù (name · reputation) dì·wèi (ground · position)   (→ [status]) , dàn (but) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) kàn·fǎ ({looking at} · way) shì (is) méi·yǒu (not · having) gēn·jù (root · evidence) de (’s) . Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zhōng·yú (loyal · to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · person) , yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) (not) xiǎng ({did want}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) jià·gěi ({to become a wife to} · {to be given to}) (one) ge ([mw]) yì·jiào·tú (different · religion · follower)   (→ [pagan]) . ( Shēn·mìng·jì (states · commands · record) (→ [Deuteronomy]) 7:3) Qí·shí (its · actuality) , gēn·jù (roots · {according to}) gǔ·dài (ancient · era) Yóutài·rén (Jewish · people) de (’s) shuō·fa (speaking · way) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) céng (had) cháng·shì (tasted · tried) zǔ·zhǐ ({to obstruct} · {to stop}) zhè (this) zōng ([mw]) hūn·shì (marriage · matter) . Lìng·wài (separately · outside) , Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) (and) Yǐsītiē (Esther) zài (in) dāng·dì (that · land) shì (were) wài·zú·rén (outside · clans · persons) , shòu (receiving) jí·quán (extreme · authority)   (→ [totalitarian]) jūn·zhǔ (monarch · master) guǎn·zhì (managing · ruling) , zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jūn·zhǔ (monarch · master) xiàng (like) shén (god) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) shòu (received) rénmín ({[the] people}) chóng·jìng (esteeming · respecting) . Yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) zài (at) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) shang (upon) , tāmen ([they]) kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) xuǎnzé (choosing) de (’s) yú·dì (remaining · ground)   (→ [leeway]) . Hòu·lái (afterwards · came) fā·shēng ({to issue forth} · {to come to life})   (→ [to happen]) de (’s) shì·jiàn (events · items) xiǎn·shì (evidently · showed) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shì (was) lì·yòng (advantageously · using) zhèi (this) zōng ([mw]) hūn·shì (marriage · matter) lái ({to come}) bǎohù ({to protect}) tā de ([his]) zǐ·mín (persons · people) . ( Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) 4:14)

Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) méi·yǒu (not · had) tí·dào (raised · {arriving at})   (→ [mentioned]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) míng·zi (name · word) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) ”?

Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) shì (was) Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) de (’s) zhí·bǐ·zhě (grasped · pen · person) . Qǐ·xiān (beginning · first) zhèi (this) juàn ({volume of a}) shū (book) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) cún·fàng ({was kept} · {was put}) zài (in) Bōsī (Persia) de (’s) guān·fāng (official · means) dàng’àn (files) zhōng (within) , hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) cái ({only then}) bèi ([got]) dài·dào (brought · to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) ({to go}) . Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) was}) shū (book) zhōng (within) chū·xiàn ({had put out} · appearing) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) míng·zi (name · word) , chóngbài (worshipped) qí·tā (him · otherwise’s)   (→ [other]) shén·qí (gods · {gods of the earth}) de (’s) Bōsī·rén (Persian · people) huòxǔ (perhaps) huì (would) huǐ·qu ({have destroyed} · away) zhèi (this) juàn ({volume of a}) shū (book) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) méi·yǒu (not · {is having}) tí·jí ({bringing up of} · reaching) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) míng·zi (name · word) , dàn (but) shū (book) zhōng (within) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) què (however) qīngchu (clearly) xiǎn·shì (evidently · shows) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zài (at) zhěng (entire) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) shang (upon) fā·huī ({had issued forth} · {had wielded}) de (’s) yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound)   (→ [influencing]) (power) . Zhí·de (worth · getting) zhù·yì (concentrating · attention [on]) de (’s) shì (is) , zài (in) Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) de (’s) Xībólái (Hebrew) yuán·wén (original · writings) li (inside) , dài·biǎo ({taking the place of} · show)   (→ [represent]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God’s) míng·zi (name · word) de (’s) (four) ge ([mw]) zì·mǔ (character · {mothers (origins)})   (→ [letters]) (YHWH), céng (had) (using) lí·hé·tǐ (separating · combining · style)   (→ [acrostic style]) de (’s) xíngshì (form) chū·xiàn ({put out} · appearing) zài (in) mǒu·xiē (certain · few) jīng·wén (scripture · writings) zhōng (within) .

Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) (with) lì·shǐ (past · history) xiāng·fú (mutually · accords) ma?

Yǒu·xiē (have · some) pīpíng·jiā (criticizing · persons) shēng·chēng (voices · state)   (→ [claim]) Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) (not) fúhé ({does accord with}) lì·shǐ (past · history) . Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , lìng (another) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) xué·zhě (study · -ers) què (however) zhǐ·chū (point · out) , Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) de (’s) zhí·bǐ·zhě (grasped · pen · person) fēi·cháng (un·usually) liǎo·jiě (completely · solved)   (→ [understood]) Bōsī (Persia) de (’s) jiànzhù (constructing)   (→ [architecture]) , xísú (customs) (and) wáng·shì (king’s · family) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) shì·sú (worldly · secular) wén·xiàn (writing · presentings)   (→ [documents]) méi·yǒu (not · have) tí·jí ({brought up} · reaching) (one) ge ([mw]) jiào (called) Yǐsītiē (Esther) de (’s) wáng·hòu (king’s · queen) , dàn (but) méi·yǒu (not · have) zài (in) lì·shǐ (past · history) jìlù (records) li (inside) tí·dào ({been raised} · {arriving at})   (→ [been mentioned]) de (’s) wáng·shì (king’s · family) chéngyuán ([members]) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) bù·zhǐ (not · {only was}) Yǐsītiē (Esther) (one) ge ([mw]) . Cǐ·wài (this · outside) , yǒu·xiē (have · some) wén·xiàn (writing · presentings)   (→ [documents]) zhǐ·chū (pointing · out) , zài (in) Yǐsītiē·jì (Esther · record) suǒ ({those which [it]}) zǎi ({wrote down}) de (’s) shì·jiàn (events · items) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life})   (→ [happened]) de (’s) shí·qī (time · period) , què·shí (certainly · solidly) yǒu (had) ge ([mw]) jiào (called) Mǎdùkǎ (Mardukâ) (“Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) de (’s) Bōsī·yǔ (Persian · language) xiě·fǎ (writing · way) ) de (’s) rén (person) céng (had) (in) Shūshān (Shushan) dān·rèn (shouldered · {been appointed to}) guān·zhí ({government official} · post) . ˄ ˄

(one) ge ([mw]) Yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) Dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) Yìng·yàn (responding · {producing the expected result})   (→ [being fulfilled])

Yǐsītiē (Esther) (and) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) tǐng·shēn ({straightened up} · bodies) bāngzhù ({to help}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) , cóng’·ér ({from [this]} · thus) yìng·yàn·le ({responded to} · {produced the expected result of} · [to completion])   (→ [fulfilled]) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) (one) ge ([mw]) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) . Zài (at) (this) zhī·qián (’ · before) de (’s) yì·qiān (one · thousand) duō ({more than ←}) nián (years) , Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) de (’s) zǔxiān (ancestor) Yǎgè (Jacob) zài (at) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) qǐ·shì (enlightening · showing) xia (under) , shuō·le (say · -ed) (one) ge ([mw]) gēn (with) (his) érzi (son) Biànyǎmǐn (Benjamin) yǒu·guān (has · relation) de (’s) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) , (he) shuō (said) : Biànyǎmǐn (Benjamin) (certainly) xiàng ({will be like}) xiōng·měng (ferocious · violent) sī·lüè (tearing · plundering) de (’s) láng (wolf) , zǎo·chen (early · morning) chī ({will eat}) liè·wù (hunted · thing) , wǎn·shang (evening · upon) fēn ({will divide}) lüè·wù (plundered · things) .” ( Chuàng·shì·jì (creating · world · record) (→ [Genesis]) 49:27) Zài (in) yóu (by) jūn·wáng (monarchs · kings) tǒng·zhì (commanded · ruled) de (’s) Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) zǎo·qī (early · period) (“ zǎo·chen (early · morning) ”), yǒu (had) chū·zì ({came out} · from) Biànyǎmǐn (Benjamin) bù·zú ({section of} · ethnicity)   (→ [tribe]) de (’s) Sǎoluó (Saul) Wáng (King) (and) qí·tā (him · otherwise’s)   (→ [other]) yǒng·měng (brave · fierce) de (’s) zhàn·shì (war · {trained persons}) wèi (for) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) zhēng·zhàn ({contending in} · war) . Zài (at) jūn·wáng (monarchs’ · kings’) tǒng·zhì (commanding · ruling) jié·shù (concluded · {got tied up}) hòu ({after ←}) (“ wǎn·shang (evening · upon) ”), chū·zì ({came out} · from) Biànyǎmǐn (Benjamin) bù·zú ({section of} · ethnicity)   (→ [tribe]) de (’s) Yǐsītiē (Esther) (and) Mòdǐgǎi (Mordecai) (also) zhàn·shèng·le ({warred against} · victoriously · [to completion]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) chóudí (enemies) . Tāmen ([they]) dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) Hāmàn (Haman) de (’s) fēng·hòu (plentiful · thick) jiā·cái (family · wealth) , hǎo·xiàng ({very much} · {was like}) fēn·dé (dividing · getting) lüè·wù (plundered · things) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) . ˄

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})