[Dì‐67 ([67th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐8 ([8th]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Jǐnguǎn ([even though]) Shī·wàng (lost · hope) (→ [disappointed]) , Què (yet) Bǎo·chí (kept · held) Zhōngzhēn (loyalty)
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5 Shēn·zhāng (extended · spread) Zhèngyì (righteousness)

14 (your) Érzi (sons) Yòu (also) (not) Xiào·fǎ ({are imitating} · {are taking as a model}) (you) Suǒ ({that which [you]}) Xíng (walk) de (’s)

17 Qǐng (request) (you) Wèi (for) Wǒmen ([us]) ({to appoint}) (one) ge ([mw]) Wáng (king)

22 (you) Hái (still) Yào (must) Wèi (for) (him) Āi·tòng ({be mourning} · {be deeply sorrowful}) Duō ({[how] much}) Jiǔ ({for a long time}) ne?”

1. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Shìluó (Shiloh) de (’s) jū·mín (residing · people) shí·fēn (ten · portions) bēi·tòng ({were sad} · {were in pain}) ?

Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) kàn·zhe ({was see-} · -ing) Shìluó (Shiloh) chéng (city) , wánquán (completely) néng (could) gǎn·shòu (feel · receive) dào ({arriving at}) jū·mín (residing · people) de (’s) bēi·tòng ({being sad} · {being in pain}) , zhěng·gè (entire · [mw]) chéng (city) fǎngfú ({was like}) kuài·yào (quickly · must) bèi (by) lèi·shuǐ (tears · water) yān·mò ({be flooded} · {be submerged}) . Xǔ·duō (numbers · many) jiātíng ([families]) dōu (even) chuán·lái ({were transmitting} · {to come}) kū·shēng (weeping · sounds) , shì (were) fùnǚ (women) zài ({were then}) wèi (for) zìjǐ (selves) de () zhàngfu (husbands) (and) érzi (sons) āi·háo (sorrowfully · wailing) , háizi·men (children · [pl]) zài ({were then}) wèi (for) zìjǐ (selves) de () fù·qin (father · relatives) (and) xiōng·dì ({elder brothers} · {younger brothers}) kū·qì (weeping · sobbing) , yīn·wei (because · for) tāmen ([they]) zài (again) (even) huí ({would circle back to}) bù·liǎo (not · completing) jiā (home) le ([indicates a change]) . Bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) zhī·qián (it · before) , Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) gēn (with) Fēilìshì (Philistine) jūn·duì ({armed forces} · group) zuò·zhàn ({had done} · battle) , sǔnshī·le ({had lost} · [to completion]) 4000 rén (people) , ér (and) zài (in) gāng (just) guò·qu (passed · went) de (’s) zhàn·yì (war · battle) zhōng (within) , tāmen ([they]) yòu (again) zài·cì (further · {[one] time}) cǎn·bài (disastrously · {had been defeated}) , 3 wàn ({ten thousands of}) bù·bīng (stepping · soldiers) zhèn·wáng ({[in] battle array} · {had died}) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 4:1, 2, 10)

2, 3. Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) jiē’·èr ({connecting to} · two) lián·sān ({linking to} · three) (→ [one time after another]) de (-ly) zāoyù ({had encountered}) huò·huàn (misfortune · disaster) , lìng (causing) Shìluó (Shiloh) shī·qù ({to lose} · away) róngyào (glory) ?

2 Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) jiē’·èr ({connecting to} · two) lián·sān ({linking to} · three) (→ [one time after another]) de (-ly) zāoyù ({had encountered}) huò·huàn (misfortune · disaster) . Dà·jì·sī ([High] · {offering sacrifices} · manage[r]) (→ [High] · [Priest]) Yǐlì (Eli) nèi (those) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) xié’·è (evil · wicked) de (’s) érzi (sons) Héfúní (Hophni) (and) Fēiníhā (Phinehas) , jìng (actually) jiāng (took) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) cóng (from) Shìluó (Shiloh) dài·dào ({to bring} · to) zhàn·chǎng (battle·field) . Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) shì (was) shén·shèng (godly · holy) de (’s) , xiàng·zhēng ({[was an] image [of]} · {[was a] sign [of]}) (→ [symbolized]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) lín·zài (arrived · presence) , tōng·cháng (commonly · usually) fàng ({was put}) zài (in) shèng·mù (holy · tent) (→ [tabernacle]) de (’s) shèng·suǒ (holy · place) li (inside) . Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) què (however) (held) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) dài·dào ({to bring} · to) zhàn·chǎng (battle·field) , yú·mèi (foolish · ignorant) de (-ly) yǐ·wéi (took · as) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) shì (was) tāmen de ([their]) hù·shēn·fú (protects · body · {magic figure}) , néng ({was able}) bāngzhù ({to help}) tāmen ([them]) zhàn·shèng ({to war against} · victoriously) dí·jūn (enemy · {armed forces}) . Jié·guǒ (formed · fruit) (→ [as a result]) , Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) (held) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) qiǎng·zǒu ({to be snatched} · {to go away}) , hái (also) shā·le (kill·ed) Héfúní (Hophni) (and) Fēiníhā (Phinehas) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 4:3–11)

3 Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) fàng ({being put}) zài (in) Shìluó (Shiloh) de (’s) shèng·mù (holy · tent) (→ [tabernacle]) ({a few}) bǎi ({hundreds of}) nián (years) le ([to completion]) , Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) yì·zhí (one · straight) (→ [all along]) yǐn·yǐ·wéi·róng ({had cited} · {had taken} · as · honour) , xiàn·zài (present · at) jìng (actually) bèi (by) rén (people) qiǎng·zǒu ({had been snatched} · {to go away}) . 98 suì ({years of age}) de (’s) Yǐlì (Eli) (once) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xiāoxi ([news]) , jiù (then) cóng (from) dèng·zi (stool · [suf]) shang (upon) wǎng·hòu ({going towards} · back) dǎo ({fell over}) , dāng·chǎng (at · {the scene}) shuāi·sǐ (fell · {to death}) . Tóng (same) (one) tiān ([day]) , (his) (that) gānggāng (just) chéng·le ({had become} · [to completion]) guǎ·fu (widowed · woman) de (’s) érxí ([daughter-in-law]) (also) zài (at) chǎn ({giving birth to}) (son) shí (time) sǐ·qù (died · away) . Yǐlì (Eli) de (’s) érxí ([daughter-in-law]) duàn·qì ({gave up} · breath) qián ({before ←}) shuō (said) : Róngyào (glory) yǐ·jing (already · {has gone through}) lí·kāi (leaving · [clear of]) Yǐsèliè (Israel) le ([indicates a change]) .” Méi (not) cuò (wrong) , cóng·cǐ (from · this) yǐ·hòu (at · afterwards) , Shìluó (Shiloh) jiù (then) shī·qù·le ({had lost} · away · [to completion]) wǎng·rì (past · days) de () róngyào (glory) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 4:12–22)

4. Wǒmen ([we]) zài (in) zhè (this) (one) zhāng (chapter) huì (will) tàn·tǎo (explore · discuss) shénme ([what]) ?

4 Yù·shang (meeting · {up [with]}) zhè·me (these · [so]) lìng (cause) rén (people) shī·wàng ({to lose} · hope) (→ [to become disappointed]) de (’s) shì (things) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) huì (would) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (do) ne? Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) shī·qù (losing · away) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) bǎohù (protecting) (and) yuè·nà ({being pleased} · accepting) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) zúgòu (enough) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) ({to go}) bāngzhù ({to help}) zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) mín·zú (people · group) ne? Jīn·tiān (present · [day]) , wǒmen ([we]) rénrén ([everyone]) dōu ({each one}) huì (will) yù·shang (meet · {up [with]}) jiān·xīn (difficult · suffering) (and) lìng (cause) rén (people) shī·wàng ({to lose} · hope) (→ [to become disappointed]) de (’s) shì (things) , xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) yīn’·ér ({because of [this]} · thus) shòu·dào ({will receive} · {arriving at}) kǎoyàn (testing) . Ràng (let) wǒmen ([us]) kànkan (see) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model) (→ [good example]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) gěi (give) wǒmen ([us]) shénme ([what]) jiào·yì (teaching · benefits) .

Shēn·zhāng (extended · spread) Zhèngyì (righteousness) ˄

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has not yet been proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

5, 6. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Guān·yú (relating · to) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) yì·shēng ({one [whole]} · life) , Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) yǒu (had) 20 nián (years) méi (not) xiáng·shù ({in detail} · stating) shì·jì (matters · traces) (→ [deeds]) , què (yet) tí·jí ({bringing up} · reaching) zhèi (this) duàn ({section of}) rì·zi (days · [suf]) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life}) de (’s) shénme ([what]) shì (things) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zhè (these) 20 nián (years) shì (were) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) guò (passed) de (’s) ?

5 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) shì·jì (matters · traces) (→ [deeds]) jiù (exactly) zài (at) zhè·lǐ (this · inside) (→ [here]) gào·yí·duàn·luò ({had been told} · one · section · stack) (→ [come to the end of a stage]) . Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) jí·zhōng (gather · centrally) (→ [concentrate]) jì·shù ({to record} · {to narrate}) guān·yú (relating · to) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) de (’s) shì (things) . Jīng·wén (scripture · writings) shuō (say) , Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) jié·zǒu (plundered · {made to go away}) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) hòu ({after ←}) , huò·huàn (misfortunes · disasters) jiē·zhǒng’·ér·lái ({were taking hold of} · heel · thus · coming) (→ [were coming one after another]) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit) (→ [as a result]) bù·dé·bù (not · {was proper} · not) ({to hold}) Yuē·guì (covenant · cabinet) (→ [Ark of the Covenant]) huán·gěi ({to return} · {to give to}) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) . Dāng (when) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) tí·jí ({bring up} · reaching) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) shíhou (time) , shí·jiān (time · within) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) guò·le (passing · [to completion]) 20 nián (years) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:2) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zài (in) zhèi (this) duàn ({section of}) rì·zi (days · [suf]) shì (was) zěn·me (how · [so]) guò (passing) de (’s) ? Wǒmen ([we]) néng (can) cóng (from) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) de (’s) jìzǎi (record) zhǎo·dào ({look for [and]} · {arrive at}) dá’·àn (answer · {set of information}) .

[Dì‐68 ([68th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zuò (did) , bāngzhù ({to help}) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) yìng·fu ({respond to} · {hand sth. over to}) (→ [cope with]) jí·dù (extreme · degree) de (’s) bēi·tòng ({being sad} · {being in pain}) (and) shī·wàng (losing · hope) (→ [becoming disappointed]) ?

6 Wǒmen ([we]) dú·dào (read · {arriving at}) , zài (in) zhè (these) 20 nián (years) qī·jiān (period · within) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) huà (words) chuán·biàn·le (spread · {everywhere [in]} · [to completion]) Yǐsèliè (Israel) ”. (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 4:1) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) tí·jí ({bring up} · reaching) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) shíhou (time) , shuō (says) (he) měi (each) nián (year) dōu ({each one}) xún·huí ({making his rounds} · circling) chū·fǎng ({went out} · {to visit}) Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) sān (three) zuò ([mw]) chéng (cities) , wèi (for) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) pái·nàn ({put in order} · calamities) jiě·fēn (untied · tangles) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) jiù (then) fǎn·huí ({returned to} · {circled back to}) jiā·xiāng (family · {native place}) Lāmǎ (Ramah) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:15–17) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yí·xiàng (one · {turning towards}) (→ [all along]) dōu (even) xīn·qín (laboriously · diligently) gōng·zuò (work · did) , zhè (these) 20 nián (years) qī·jiān (period · within) xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) (also) (not) lì·wài (rule · outside) (→ [exception]) .

[Dì‐69 ([69th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yì·shēng ({one [whole]} · life) li (inside) yǒu (had) 20 nián (years) de () shì·jì (matters · traces) (→ [deeds]) shì (were) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · had) jì·shù (recorded · narrated) de (’s) . Dàn (but) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) kěn·dìng (agree · {as certain}) de (’s) shì (is) , zhè (this) qí·jiān (it · during) (he) bìdìng (certainly) máng·yú ({was busy} · at) wèi (for) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) gōng·zuò (work · doing)

7, 8. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Jīng·guò ({passed through} · past) 20 nián (years) xīn·qín (laboriously · diligently) gōng·zuò (work · doing) hòu ({after ←}) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) xiàng (towards) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) chuándá (conveyed) shénme ([what]) huà (words) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) duì (towards) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zuò (made) de (’s) bǎo·zhèng (guarantee · testimony) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

7 Yǐlì (Eli) nèi (those) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) érzi (sons) de () yín·luàn (obscene · indiscriminate) (→ [immoral]) (and) fǔ·bài (rotten · decayed) xíng·jìng (doing · paths) , dàdà (greatly) pò·huài·le (broke · {until ruined} · [to completion]) rénmín ({[the] people}) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) , jié·guǒ (formed · fruit) (→ [as a result]) hěn (very) duō (many) rén (people) chóngbài (worshipping) qi (up) ǒu·xiàng (idols · images) lai ({came to be}) . Jīng·guò ({passed through} · past) 20 nián (years) xīn·qín (laboriously · diligently) gōng·zuò (work · doing) hòu ({after ←}) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) xiàng (towards) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) chuándá (conveyed) yǐ·xià (at · below) de (’s) huà (words) : Yào·shi (if · {[it] is [that]}) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) quán·xīn ([with] whole · heart) guī·xiàng ({turn over} · towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , jiù (then) gāi (should) (hold) wài·bāng (outside · nations) shén·xiàng (god · images) (and) Yàsītālù (Ashtoreth) xiàng (images) cóng (from) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) dāng·zhōng (at · among) chú·diào (remove · {to be falling away}) , zhuān·xīn ([with] focused · hearts) guī·xiàng ({turn over} · towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , wéi·dú (only · solely) shì·fèng (serve · {attend to}) (him) . Zhè·yàng (this · [way]) (he) (certainly) jiù ({will save}) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) tuō·lí ({to shed} · {to leave}) Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) de (’s) shǒu (hand) .” (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:3)

8 Zài (in) nèi (that) duàn ({section of}) rì·zi (days · [suf]) , Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) chángcháng (often) qī·yā (bullied · pressured) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) . Yǎn·jiàn (eyes · saw) Yǐsèliè (Israelite) jūn·duì ({armed forces} · group) (already) bèi ([got]) jī·kuì (struck · {[until it] was defeated}) , tāmen ([they]) jiù (then) gèng (more) (could) sì·wú·jì·dàn ({be unbridled} · without · fear · dread) le ([indicates a change]) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) xiàng (towards) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) bǎo·zhèng (guaranteed · testified) , zhǐ·yào (only · required) tāmen ([them]) guī·xiàng ({to turn over} · towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , jiù (then) néng (could) bǎi·tuō (arrange · {to cast off}) Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) de (’s) xiá·zhì (governing · restricting) . Tāmen ([they]) yuàn·yì ([were with] willing · intention) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) ma? Lìng (made) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) xīn·wèi (joyful · comforted) de (’s) shì (was) , Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) guǒ·rán (real·ly) chú·qù (removed · away) tāmen de ([their]) ǒu·xiàng (idols · images) , wéi·dú (only · solely) shì·fèng (served · {attended to}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) ”. Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) zhào·jí (summoned · assembled) rénmín ({[the] people}) dào (to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) yǐ·běi (at · north) de (’s) Mǐsībā (Mizpah) , zài (in) zhèi (this) zuò ([mw]) shān·chéng (mountain · town) jìn·shí (prohibited · eating) (→ [fasted]) , bìng ({side by side with}) wèi (for) zìjǐ (selves) céng·jīng (having · {gone through}) bài (worshipping) ǒu·xiàng (idols · images) ér (thus) xiàng (to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) rèn·zuì (admitted · sins) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:4–6.)

[Dì‐70 ([70th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) zhīdào ([knew]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) jùjí ({had gathered}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) , jiù (then) xiǎng (wanted) chèn·jī ({to take advantage of} · opportunity) qī·yā ({to bully} · {to pressure}) tāmen ([them])

9. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) xiǎng (wanted) chèn·jī ({to take advantage of} · opportunity) zuò ({to do}) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) duì (to) Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) de (’s) xíng·dòng (doing · moving) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

9 Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) zhīdào ([knew]) yǒu (had) hěn (very) duō (many) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) zài (at) Mǐsībā (Mizpah) jùjí (gathered) , jiù (then) xiǎng (wanted) chèn·jī ({to take advantage of} · opportunity) qī·yā ({to bully} · {to pressure}) tāmen ([them]) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) pài (dispatched) jūn·duì ({armed forces} · group) dào (to) Mǐsībā (Mizpah) gōngjī ({to attack}) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) chóngbài (worshipping) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) rén (people) . Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) Fēilìshì (Philistine) jūn (army) kuài·yào (quickly · must) lái·dào (come · arrive) , dōu (all) shí·fēn (ten · portions) hài·pà (felt · {were afraid}) , yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) qǐng (requested) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) wèi (for) tāmen ([them]) dǎo·gào ({to pray} · {to request}) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) jiù (then) wèi (for) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) qí·qiú (prayed · entreated) , bìng ({side by side with}) xiàn·shang (offering · up) (one) tóu ({head of}) jì·shēng ({offered as a sacrifice} · {domestic animal}) . (he) hái (still) zài ({was then}) xiàn·jì (offering · {offering sacrifice}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) jiù (then) dào (arrived) le ([indicates a change]) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) yīng·yǔn ({agreed to} · {consented to}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) dǎo·gào (prayer · requesting) , shǐ (caused) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) dà·zuò (greatly · {to be made}) ”, jiè·cǐ ({making use of} · this) xiàng (towards) Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) xiǎn·shì (evidently · {to show}) tā de ([his]) fèn·nù (indignation · anger) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:7–10)

10, 11. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) xiàng (towards) Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) fā·chū (sent · out) de (’s) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) (not) xúncháng ([was ordinary]) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Mǐsībā (Mizpah) de (’s) zhàn·yì (war · battle) dài·lái·le (brought · {to come} · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) jié·guǒ (formed · fruit) (→ [result]) ?

10 Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) huì (would) gǎn·dào (feel · {arriving at}) hài·pà (feeling · {were afraid}) ér (thus) diào·tóu (turn · heads) (→ [turn around]) táo·pǎo ({to escape} · {to run}) , xiàng (like) xiǎo·háir (young · children) tīng·dào (hearing · reaching) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) huì (would) mǎ·shàng (horses · upon) (→ [immediately]) duǒ·dào (hide · {arriving at}) māma (mamas’) shēn·hòu ([selves] · behind) ({to go}) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way]) (→ [the same]) ma? Bú·huì (not · would) . Tāmen ([they]) dōu (all) shì (were) jiǔ ({for a long time}) jīng ({had passed through}) shā·chǎng (sand · field) (→ [battlefield]) de (’s) qiáng·hàn (strong · fierce) zhàn·shì (war · {trained persons}) . Rán’ér (but) , zhèi·cì (this · time) de (’s) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) què (however) (not) xúncháng ([was ordinary]) . Chúncuì (purely) shì (was) yīn·wei (because · for) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) hěn (very) ({was great}) ma? Huò (or) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) shì (was) (big) qíng·tiān (clear · [day]) ? Hái·shi ([or] · was) yīn·wei (because · for) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) zài (in) shān (hills) jiān (among) huí·xiǎng ({were circling back} · {to make sound}) ne? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · has) shuō (said) . Wǒmen ([we]) zhǐ (only) zhīdào ([know]) , Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) (once) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) léi·shēng (thunder · sounds) jiù (then) zhèn·jiǎo ({battle array} · base) (→ [situation]) dà·luàn (greatly · {was in disorder}) , mǎ·shàng (horse · upon) (→ [immediately]) xiàn·yú (fell · into) liè·shì (inferior · situation) . Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) cóng (from) Mǐsībā (Mizpah) chū·lai (out · came) , jī·bài (struck · {until defeated}) Fēilìshì (Philistine) jūn (army) , bìng ({side by side with}) zhuī·gǎn (chasing · {rushing after}) tāmen ([them]) zhí·dào (straight · to) Yēlùsālěng (Jerusalem) xī·nán (west · south) miàn (face) de (’s) dìfang (place) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:11)

11 Zhèi (this) cháng ([mw for happenings]) zhàn·shì (battle · event) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zhuǎn·liè·diǎn (turning · twisting · point) . Zài (in) wǎng·hòu (past · {after ←}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zuò (was) shì·shī (scholar · master) (→ [judge]) de (’s) rì·zi (days · [suf]) li (inside) , Fēilìshì·rén (Philistine · people) dōu (even) jié·jié (segment · segment) (→ [little by little]) bài·tuì ({being defeated} · retreated) , chéng·zhèn (cities · towns) (one) zuò ([mw]) yòu (again) (one) zuò ([mw]) de (-ly) bèi (by) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) duó ({were seized}) hui·lai ({circling back} · {to come}) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:13, 14)

12. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xíng·shì (did · things) zhèngyì (righteously) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Shénme ([what]) tè·zhì (special · qualities) shǐ (caused) (him) néng ({to be able}) jiān·chí (firmly · holding) bú·xiè (not · slacking) de (-ly) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) ?

12 Xǔ·duō (numbers · many) shì·jì (ages · periods) (→ [centuries]) zhī·hòu (them · after) , shǐtú ([apostle]) Bǎoluó (Paul) tí·jí ({brought up} · reaching) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) shēn·zhāng ({had extended} · {had spread}) zhèngyì (righteousness) de (’s) zhōng·xīn (faithful·-hearted) shì·shī (scholars · masters) (→ [judges]) (and) xiān·zhī (earlier · know [persons]) (→ [prophets]) , bāokuò (including) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zài (in) nèi (inside) . (Xībólái·shū ([Hebrews] · book) 11:32, 33) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) bú·dàn (not · only) zuò (did) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shì ({looked at}) wéi (as) hǎo (good) , shì ({looked at}) wéi (as) duì (right) de (’s) shì (things) , (also) bāngzhù (helped) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) . (he) zhī·suǒ·yǐ (it · {that which} · {was the reason}) néng·gòu ({was able} · enough) jiān·chí (firmly · holding) bú·xiè (not · slacking) de (-ly) xíng·shì ({to do} · things) zhèngyì (righteously) , shì (was) yīn·wei (because · for) (he) nài·xīn ([with] enduring · heart) děnghòu (awaited) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , jí·shǐ ({even though} · if) yù·shang ({would meet} · {up [with]}) lìng ({would cause}) (him) shī·wàng ({to lose} · hope) (→ [to become disappointed]) de (’s) shì (things) , réng (still) jìxù (continued) zhōngzhēn (loyal) de (-ly) lǚxíng ({to carry out}) zhí·zé (duties · responsibilities) . Cǐ·wài (this · outside) , (he) (also) yǒu (had) (one) ([mw for small, roundish things]) gǎn’·ēn ({felt [grateful for]} · kindness) de () xīn (heart) . Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) zài (at) Mǐsībā (Mizpah) qǔ·dé (took · got) shèng·lì ({winning a victory} · advantage) hòu ({after ←}) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) jiù (then) lì·le ({set up} · [to completion]) (one) kuài ({piece of}) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) , yòng·lái (used · {to come}) jì·niàn ({to remember} · {to think of}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) gěi ({gave to}) (his) zǐ·mín (persons · people) de (’s) bāngzhù (help) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 7:12)

13. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Wǒmen ([we]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) péiyǎng ({to cultivate}) něi·xiē (which · few) tè·zhì (special · qualities) (and) tàidu (attitudes) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Xiàng (like) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way]) (→ [the same]) , (you) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) cóng (from) shénme ([what]) shíhou (time) kāi·shǐ (opening · beginning) jiù (then) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (do) ?

13 (you) (also) xiǎng (want) xíng·shì ({to do} · things) zhèngyì (righteously) ma? Yào·shi (if · are) xiǎng (wanting) , jiù (then) gāi (should) xiào·fǎ (imitate · {take as a model}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) , péiyǎng (cultivate) rěnnài (enduring) (and) qiān·bēi ({being modest} · {being low}) (→ [being humble]) de (’s) tè·zhì (special · qualities) , biǎo·xiàn (show · reveal) gǎn’·ēn ({feeling [grateful for]} · kindness) de () tàidu (attitude) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Bǐdé Qiánshū ([1 Peter]) 5:6.) Shéi (who) (not) xūyào ({does need}) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò ({to do}) ne? Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zài (in) nián·qīng (years · light) de (’s) rì·zi (days · [suf]) jiù (then) yǎng·chéng·le (cultivate · {to completion} · -ed) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) měi·dé (beautiful · virtues) , zhè (this) yǒu·zhù·yú (had · help · in) (him) zài (in) hòu·lái (afterwards · came) de (’s) suì·yuè (years · months) li (inside) yìng·fu ({responding to} · {handing sth. over to}) (→ [coping with]) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) gèng (further) lìng (caused) (him) shī·wàng ({to lose} · hope) (→ [to become disappointed]) de (’s) shì (things) .

(your) Érzi (sons) Yòu (also) (not) Xiào·fǎ ({are imitating} · {are taking as a model}) (you) Suǒ ({that which [you]}) Xíng (walk) de (’s) ˄

14, 15. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) nián·lǎo (years · elderly) shí (time) , miànduì (faced) shénme ([what]) lìng (caused) (him) (greatly) gǎn ({to feel}) shī·wàng (losing · hope) (→ [becoming disappointed]) de (’s) shì (things) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) xiàng (like) Yǐlì (Eli) nà·yàng (that · [way]) zòng·róng (indulged · tolerated) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) érzi (sons) ? Qǐng (please) jiěshì (explain) .

14 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) tí·jí ({bring up} · reaching) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) shí (time) , (he) yǐ·jing (already · {was going through}) lǎo ({was old}) le ([to completion]) . (he) yǒu (had) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) chéng·nián ([of] {fully grown} · years) de () érzi (sons) , jiào (called) Yuē’ěr (Joel) (and) Yàbǐyǎ (Abijah) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) ràng (let) tāmen ([them]) gēn (with) (him) yì·qǐ ([as] one · group) zuò ({to be}) shěn·pàn·guān (trying · judging · officials) . Hěn ({very much}) kě·xī (can · pity) , tāmen ([they]) gū·fù·le ({failed to fulfil} · betrayed · [to completion]) fù·qin (father · relative) de (’s) xìn·rèn (trust · {giving of allowance}) , fēi·dàn (not · only) (not) xiàng ({were like}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) nà·yàng (that · [way]) chéng·shí (honest · true) zhèngyì (righteous) , fǎn’·ér (instead · thus) làn·yòng (indiscriminately · used) (→ [abused]) zhí·quán (official · authority) , tān·wū ({were corrupt} · {were dirty}) shòu·huì (received · bribes) , pàn’·àn (judged · cases) shí (times) diān·dǎo ({turned over} · exchanged) shì·fēi (is · {is not}) (→ [right & wrong]) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 8:1–3)

15 (one) tiān ([day]) , Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) zhǎnglǎo ([elders]) (went) jiàn ({to see}) nián·lǎo (years · elderly) de (’s) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) , xiàng (towards) (him) tóu·sù (throwing · complaining) shuō (said) : (your) érzi (sons) yòu (also) (not) xiào·fǎ ({are imitating} · {are taking as a model}) (you) suǒ ({that which [you]}) xíng (walk) de (’s) .” (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 8:4, 5) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zhīdào ([knew]) érzi (sons) de () è·xíng (wicked · conduct) ma? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · has) shuō (said) . Dàn (but) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) kěn·dìng (agree · {as certain}) de (’s) shì (is) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) bìng (definitely) (not) xiàng ({had like}) Yǐlì (Eli) nà·yàng (that · [way]) zòng·róng (indulged · tolerated) érzi (sons) . Yǐlì (Eli) chǒng’·ài ({doted on} · loved) érzi (sons) guò·yú (surpassing · {compared to}) zūn·zhòng (respected · {assigned weightiness to}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) , míng·zhī (clearly · knew) érzi (sons) zuò’·è ({were doing} · evil) duō·duān ([in] many · aspects) (even) (not) jiū·zhèng ({did correct} · right) tāmen ([them]) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) shòu·dào (received · {arriving at}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) zéfá (punishing) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 2:27–29) Dàn (but) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) què (however) méi·yǒu (not · had) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) shòu (received) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zé·bèi (reproving · preparing) , yóu·cǐ (from · this) kàn·chū (see · out) , (he) méi·yǒu (not · had) zòng·róng (indulged · tolerated) érzi (sons) .

[Dì‐71 ([71st]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yīn ({because of}) érzi (sons) de () è·xíng (wicked · conduct) ér (thus) fēi·cháng (un·usually) shī·wàng (lost · hope) (→ [became disappointed]) , (he) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) yìng·fu ({responded to} · {handed sth. over to}) (→ [coped with]) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({type of}) qíngkuàng (situation) ?

16. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Yào·shi (if · {[it] is [that]}) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) fǎn·pàn (oppose · {rebel against}) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) , fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) huì (would) yǒu (have) shénme ([what]) gǎn·shòu (feeling · receiving) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) gěi (give) tāmen ([them]) ān·wèi (calming · comforting) (and) qǐ·fā (enlightenment · {issuing forth}) ?

16 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) dé·zhī (get · {to know about}) érzi (sons) de () è·xíng (wicked · conduct) hòu ({after ←}) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) shī·wàng ({losing of} · hope) (→ [disappointment]) , fán·nǎo (vexation · worry) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) xiū·chǐ ({feeling ashamed} · shame) ne? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · have) shuō (said) . Dàn (but) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) zuò (are) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) de () dà·gài (largely · generally) dōu (even) néng (can) míng·bai (understand · clearly) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) xīn·qíng (heart · feeling) . Jīn·tiān (present · [day]) shì·fēng (world’s · {common practice}) rì·xià (daily · {goes downward}) , hěn (very) duō (many) zuò (are) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) de () dōu (even) fǎn·kàng (oppose · resist) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) de () lǐngdǎo·quán ({to lead} · authority) (and) guǎn·jiào (disciplining · teaching) , lìng (causing) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) gǎn·dào ({to feel} · {arriving at}) bēi·tòng ({being sad} · {being in pain}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Tímótài Hòushū ([2 Timothy]) 3:1–5.) Duì (to) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) yào (must) yìng·fu ({respond to} · {hand sth. over to}) (→ [cope with]) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({type of}) qíngkuàng (situation) de (’s) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) gěi (give) tāmen ([them]) yì·diǎnr (a · {bit of}) ān·wèi (calming · comforting) (and) qǐ·fā (enlightenment · {issuing forth}) . Jǐnguǎn ([even though]) érzi (sons) bù·zhōng (not · {were loyal}) bú·yì (not · {were righteous}) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) réng·rán (still · -ly) jǐn·shǒu (carefully · observed) zhōng·yì (loyalty · righteousness) . Fù·mǔ·men (fathers · mothers · [pl]) yào (must) jì·de (remembering · getting) , jí·shǐ ({even though} · if) ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) (not) kěn ({are willing}) jiēshòu ({to accept}) nǐmen de ([your (pl)]) quàn·dǎo (advising · guiding) (and) guǎn·jiào (disciplining · teaching) , dàn (but) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) jiān·chí (firmly · hold) zuò ({to do}) duì (right) de (’s) shì (things) , ér·nǚ (sons · daughters) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) zuì·zhōng (most · finally) huì (will) shòu·dào (receive · {arriving at}) gǎn·huà ({[by] being moved} · {being transformed}) ér (thus) gǎi·guò (change · transgressions) . Bù·guǎn (not · {bothering about}) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) , zhōng·xīn (faithful·-hearted) de (’s) fù·mǔ (fathers · mothers) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly}) (→ [certainly]) néng (can) xiàng (like) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , lìng (cause) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) gǎn·dào ({to feel} · {arriving at}) zì·háo (self · {bold & unconstrained}) (→ [proud]) .

Qǐng (request) (you) Wèi (for) Wǒmen ([us]) ({to appoint}) (one) ge ([mw]) Wáng (king) ˄

17. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) zhǎnglǎo ([elders]) xiàng (towards) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) tí·chū (raised · out) shénme ([what]) qǐng·qiú (requesting · entreating) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

17 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) érzi (sons) wàn·wàn ({ten thousand} · {ten thousand} [times]) (→ [absolutely]) méi·yǒu (not · had) xiǎng·dào (thought · {arriving at}) , tāmen de ([their]) tān·lán (coveting · {being greedy}) (and) zì·sī (selves · {being selfish}) wèi (for) guó·jiā (nation · family) dài·lái·le ({would bring} · {to come} · [to completion]) duō·me ({[how] much} · [so]) shēn·yuǎn (deep · far) de (’s) yǐng·xiǎng (relfections · sounds) (→ [influences]) . Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) zhǎnglǎo ([elders]) duì (to) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) shuō (said) : Xiàn·zài (present · at) qǐng (request) (you) wèi (for) wǒmen ([us]) ({to appoint}) (one) ge ([mw]) wáng (king) , wèi (for) wǒmen ([us]) zhǔ·chí ({to preside over} · {to manage}) zhèngyì (righteousness) , xiàng (like) liè·guó ({series of} · nations) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way]) (→ [the same]) .” Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) yǎn·jiàn (eyes · saw) zhōu·wéi ({all around} · surrounding) de (’s) guó·jiā (nation · families) dōu (all) yǒu (had) zìjǐ (selves) de () jūn·wáng (monarch · king) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) (also) xiǎng (wanted) gēn (with) liè·guó ({series of} · nations) yí·yàng ({to be [of] one} · [way]) (→ [to be the same]) . Tāmen ([they]) (not) shì (were) xiǎng (wanting) yào ({to ask for}) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) xiàng (like) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) nà·yàng (that · kind) de (’s) xiān·zhī (earlier · knows [person]) (→ [prophet]) , ér ({but [rather]}) shì (were) yào ({asking for}) (one) ge ([mw]) wáng (king) wèi (for) tāmen ([them]) zhǔ·chí ({to preside over} · {to manage}) zhèngyì (righteousness) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) dàibiǎo ([representing]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) wèi (for) tāmen ([them]) duàn’·àn (deciding · cases) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) jǐ·shí ({a few} · {tens of}) nián (years) le ([to completion]) , (he) tīng·dào (heard · reaching) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) qǐng·qiú (requesting · entreating) , yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne? Yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) zìjǐ (self) bèi (by) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) yàn·qì·le ({had been detested} · {had been discarded} · [to completion]) ne? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures) (→ [the Bible]) shuō (say) , (he) hěn (very) (not) gāo·xìng ({was [with] high} · enthusiasm) ”. (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 8:5, 6)

18. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) ān·wèi (calmed · comforted) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) huà (words) xiǎn·shì (evidently · show) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) suǒ ({that which [they]}) fàn ({had committed}) de (’s) cuò (error) hěn (very) yán·zhòng ({was severe} · {was heavy}) ?

18 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) wèi (for) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) xiàng (towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) dǎo·gào (prayed · requested) , qǐng (please) liú·yì (leave · {attention [on]}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) gěi (gave) (him) de (’s) huí·yìng (returned · responding) : Mín·zhòng (people · multitude) duì (to) (you) shuō (say) de (’s) yí·qiè ({one [whole]} · corresponding) (→ [all]) huà (words) , (you) zhǐ·guǎn (only · {be concerned about}) tīng·cóng ({listening to} · following) , yīn·wei (because · for) tāmen ([they]) (not) shì (are) yàn·qì (detesting · discarding) (you) , ér ({but [rather]}) shì (are) yàn·qì (detesting · discarding) (me) , bú·yào (not · {are wanting}) (me) zuò ({to be}) tāmen de ([their]) wáng (king) .” Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) tīng·jian (hearing · meeting) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) zhè·me (this · [so]) shuō (saying) , kěn·dìng (agree · {as certain}) dé·dào (got · {arriving at}) hěn (very) (great) de (’s) ān·wèi (calming · comforting) . Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) jìng·rán (unexpected·ly) yàn·qì ({had detested} · {had discarded}) Zhì·gāo (most · high) de (’s) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) , zhēn·shi (truly · was) bú·jìng (not · respecting) dào (to) jí·diǎn (extreme · point) ! Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) fēnfu (instructed) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) jǐng·gào ({to warn} · {to declare to}) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) , tāmen ([they]) (appoint) fán·rén (ordinary · human) wéi (as) wáng (king) , bìdìng (certainly) yào (must) fù·chū (pay · out) gāo’·áng (high · lifted) de (’s) dài·jià (replacing · price) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zūn ({abiding by}) zhǔ (advising) ér (thus) xíng (did) , dàn (but) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) tīng (heard) hòu ({after ←}) hái·shi (still · were) shuō (saying) : (no) , wǒmen ([we]) yào (want) yǒu ({to have}) wáng (king) zhì·lǐ ({to rule} · {to manage}) wǒmen ([us]) .” Jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) jiù (then) tīng·cóng ({listened to} · followed) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) zhǐ·shì (pointing · instruction) , qián (forward) (went) gào·lì ([to anoint] · {to set up}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiǎnxuǎn (chose) wéi (as) wáng (king) de (’s) rén (person) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 8:7–19)

19, 20. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) huái·zhe (harbour·ing) shénme ([what]) tàidu (attitude) zhí·xíng (grasped · did) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zhǐ·shì (pointings · instructions) , gào·lì ([to anoint] · {to set up}) Sǎoluó (Saul) zuò ({to be}) Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) jūn·wáng (monarch · king) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) jìxù ({did continue}) bāngzhù ({to help}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) ?

19 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) huái·zhe (harbour·ing) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) tàidu (attitude) (went) zhí·xíng ({to grasp} · {to do}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zhǐ·shì (pointings · instructions) ne? Fènfèn (indignant) bù·píng (not · calm) , fūyǎn ({spread out}) liǎo·shì ({to finish} · matter) (→ [muddled through]) ? (he) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) ràng (let) shī·wàng ({had lost} · hope) (→ [had become disappointed]) de (’s) gǎn·jué (feeling · awareness) yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound) (→ [influence]) zìjǐ (self) , rènyóu (allowing) nǎo·nù ({had become angry with} · anger) de (’s) qíng·xù (feeling · mood) zài (in) xīn·li (heart · inside) zī·zhǎng ({to sprout} · {to grow}) ne? Hěn (very) duō (many) rén (people) zài (at) lèi·sì (type · similar) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) xià (under) dōu (even) huì (would) yǒu (have) zhè·yàng (this · type) de (’s) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) , dàn (but) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) méi·yǒu (not · {did have}) . (he) gào·lì ([anointed] · {set up}) Sǎoluó (Saul) , chéng·rèn (carried · recognition) (he) shì (was) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiǎnxuǎn ({had chosen}) de (’s) jūn·wáng (monarch · king) , yòu (also) qīnwěn (kissed) (him) , ({in order to}) shì (show) duì (towards) xīn (new) wáng (king) de (’s) zūnjìng (respecting) (and) shùn·fú ({submitting to} · obeying) . Rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) duì (to) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) shuō (said) : Nǐ·men (you · [pl]) kàn·jian ({looking at} · {have seen}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) jiǎnxuǎn ({has chosen}) de (’s) rén (person) méi·yǒu (not · have) ? Zài (in) mín·zhòng (people · multitude) zhōng (among) shéi (whoever) (even) bǐ·bu·shàng (compares · not · {up to}) (him) .” (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 10:1, 24)

20 Duì·yú (towards · {with regard to}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) jiǎnxuǎn ({had chosen}) de (’s) rén (person) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) liú·yì (left · {attention [on]}) de (’s) shì (were) tā de ([his]) yōu·diǎn (excellent · points) ér (and) (not) shì (were) quē·diǎn (lacking · points) . Duì·yú (towards · {with regard to}) zìjǐ (self) , (he) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regarded) de (’s) shì (was) duì (to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) bǎochí (maintaining) zhōng·yì (loyalty · righteousness) , ér (and) (not) shì (was) dé·dào (getting · {arriving at}) shàn·biàn ({apt to} · change) de (’s) tóng·bāo ([ones born of the] same · womb) (→ [fellow countrymen]) zhīchí (supporting) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 12:1–4) (he) (also) jìn·zhōng ({showed to the limit} · {loyalty to}) zhí·shǒu (post · {to abide by}) , jìxù (continuing) tí·xǐng ({to raise} · {wakefulness of}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zǐ·mín (persons · people) yào (must) bì·kāi (avoid · {clear of}) něi·xiē (which · few) huì (would) wēi·hài (endanger · harm) tāmen ([their]) líng·xìng (spirit · natures) de () shì (things) , bìng ({side by side with}) gǔ·lì (rousing · encouraging) tāmen ([them]) zhōng·yú ({to be loyal} · to) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) huà (words) dǎ·dòng·le (struck · {to be moving} · [to completion]) (→ [moved emotionally]) Yǐsèliè·rén (Israelite · people) de (’s) xīn (hearts) , tāmen ([they]) kěn·qiú (earnestly · entreated) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) wèi (for) tāmen ([them]) dǎo·gào ({to pray} · {to request}) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) huí·yìng (returned · responding) shí·fēn (ten · portions) gǎn·rén (moves · people) , (he) shuō (said) : (I) jué (absolutely) bú·huì (not · will) tíngzhǐ (stop) wèi (for) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) dǎo·gào (praying · requesting) , yǐ·zhì ({so as to} · incur) dé·zuì (getting · {sin [against]}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) . (I) (must) jiào·dǎo (teach · guide) nǐ·men (you · [pl]) zǒu ({to walk}) liángshàn (good) de (’s) zhèng·lù (right · road) .” (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 12:21–24)

[Dì‐73 ([73rd]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model) (→ [good example]) ràng (allows) wǒmen ([us]) míng·bai ({to understand} · clearly) , bù·kě (not · can) rènyóu (allow) jídù ({being jealous}) huò (or) nǎo·nù ({have become angry with} · anger) de (’s) qíng·xù (feeling · mood) zài (in) xīn·li (heart · inside) zī·zhǎng ({to sprout} · {to grow})

21. Yào·shi (if · {[it] is [that]}) (you) yīn (because) bié·ren (another · person) shòu (receives) wěirèn (appointing) dān·dāng ({to carry on a shoulder pole} · {to bear}) mǒu (certain) ge ([mw]) zhí·zé (duty · responsibility) huò (or) huò·dé (obtains · gets) mǒu (certain) ge ([mw]) fú·wù (serving · {applying themselves}) jīhuì (opportunity) ér (thus) gǎn·dào (feel · {arriving at}) shī·wàng ({have lost} · hope) (→ [have become disappointed]) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model) (→ [good example]) ràng (allows) wǒmen ([us]) míng·bai ({to understand} · clearly) shénme ([what]) ?

21 (you) céng (have) yīn (because) bié·ren (another · person) shòu (receives) wěirèn (appointing) dān·dāng ({to carry on a shoulder pole} · {to bear}) mǒu (certain) ge ([mw]) zhí·zé (duty · responsibility) huò (or) huò·dé (obtains · gets) mǒu (certain) ge ([mw]) fú·wù (serving · {applying themselves}) jīhuì (opportunity) ér (thus) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) shī·wàng ({have lost} · hope) (→ [have become disappointed]) ma? Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model) (→ [good example]) ràng (allows) wǒmen ([us]) míng·bai ({to understand} · clearly) , bù·kě (not · can) rènyóu (allow) jídù ({being jealous}) huò (or) nǎo·nù ({have become angry with} · anger) de (’s) qíng·xù (feeling · mood) zài (in) xīn·li (heart · inside) zī·zhǎng ({to sprout} · {to grow}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Zhēnyán ([Proverbs]) 14:30.) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) gěi (gives) wǒmen ([us]) hěn (very) duō (many) jīhuì (opportunities) wèi (for) (him) gōng·zuò (work · {to do}) , zhèi·xiē (this · {amount of}) gōng·zuò (work · doing) dōu (all) néng (can) lìng (cause) wǒmen ([us]) xīn·mǎn (hearts · {to be full}) yì·zú (intentions · {to be satisfied}) .

(you) Hái (still) Yào (must) Wèi (for) (him) Āi·tòng ({be mourning} · {be deeply sorrowful}) Duō ({[how] much}) Jiǔ ({for a long time}) ne?” ˄

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has not yet been proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

22. Qǐ·chū (rising · beginning) (→ [at first]) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) liú·yì (leaving · {attention [on]}) Sǎoluó (Saul) de (’s) yōu·diǎn (excellent · points) shì (was) duì (right) de (’s) ?

22 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) liú·yì ({had left} · {attention [on]}) de (’s) shì (were) Sǎoluó (Saul) de (’s) yōu·diǎn (excellent · points) , ér (and) (he) (also) méi·yǒu (not · had) kàn·cuò (seen · mistakenly) , Sǎoluó (Saul) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (person) què·shí (certainly · solidly) chū·lèi ({went out past} · kind) bá·cuì ({was surpassing} · {gathering of people}) . (he) gāo·dà ({was tall} · {was big}) yīng·jùn ({was [like] hero} · {was handsome}) , zú·zhì ({[was having] sufficient} · resourcefulness) duō·móu ({[was having] many} · stratagems) , yǒng·gǎn ({was brave} · {was daring}) wú·jù ({was not having} · fear) , qǐ·chū (rising · beginning) (→ [at first]) hái (still) hěn (very) qiān·xū ({was modest} · {was empty}) (→ [was modest, unassuming]) , (not) ài ({was loving}) chū ({to go out to}) fēng·tou (wind · [suf]) (→ [the limelight]) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 10:22, 23, 27) Chú·cǐ·zhī·wài (besides · these · them · outside) , (he) hái·yǒu (also · had) (one) ge ([mw]) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) ēn·cì (kindness · given) (→ [gift]) , jiù·shì (exactly · was) zì·yóu (self-·determining) (→ [free]) yì·zhì (intention · will) . (he) néng·gòu ({was able} · enough) zìjǐ (self) juédìng ({to decide}) zuò ({to do}) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) shì (things) , chéng·wéi ({to become} · {to be}) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) rén (person) . ( Shēnmìngjì ([Deuteronomy]) 30:19) (he) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) shàn·yòng (well · used) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) ēn·cì (kindness · given) (→ [gift]) ne?

23. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Sǎoluó (Saul) shǒuxiān (first) shī·qù (lost · away) něi (which) zhǒng ({type of}) tè·zhì (special · quality) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Yóu·yú ({because of} · by) biàn·de (changing · {to get to be}) xīn·gāo (heart · {being high}) qì’·ào (spirit · {being proud}) , (he) zuò·le (did · [to completion]) xiē (some) shénme ([what]) shì (things) ?

23 Hěn ({very much}) kě·xī (can · pity) , rén (people) yí·dàn ({once it} · dawns) dé·dào (get · {arriving at}) quán·lì (authority · power) , jiù (then) huì (will) hěn (very) róng·yì (permitting · ease) (→ [easily]) gǎn·dào (feel · {arriving at}) piāopiāo·rán (flutter·y) (→ [smug, complacent]) , shǒuxiān (first) shī·qù ({to lose} · away) de (’s) tōng·cháng (commonly · usually) shì (is) qiānxùn ({being modest}) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) shì (are) qí·tā (it · otherwise’s) tè·zhì (special · qualities) . Sǎoluó (Saul) (also) yí·yàng ({was [of] one} · [way]) (→ [was the same]) , bù·xiāo (not · {did need}) duō ({much of}) jiǔ ({a long time}) jiù (then) biàn·de (changed · {to get to be}) xīn·gāo (heart · {being high}) qì’·ào (spirit · {being proud}) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) xù·yì ([with] {saved up} · intention) (→ [deliberately]) wéi·kàng (disobeying · resisting) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) tōng·guò (through (adv) · passing) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) chuándá (conveyed) gěi ({to give to}) (him) de (’s) mìnglìng (orders) . Yǒu (had) (one) (time) , Sǎoluó (Saul) yóu·yú ({because of} · by) děng·de (waiting · {getting to be}) (not) nài·fán (enduring · {being vexed}) , jiù (then) shàn·zì ({on his own authority} · self) xiàn·jì (offered · {offered sacrifice}) , ér (and) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) ({offering of sacrifice}) běn·yīng (originally · should) yóu (by) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) lái ({have been coming}) xiàn ({to be offered}) de (’s) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) bù·dé·bù (not · {would be proper} · not) yán·lì (strict · severe) de (-ly) zé·bèi ({to reprove} · {to prepare}) (him) , bìng ({side by side with}) yù·gào (fore·telling) tā de ([his]) jiā·zú (family · clan) huì (would) shī·qù (lose · away) wáng·quán (king’s · power) . Sǎoluó (Saul) suī·rán (although · -ly) shòu·dào ({had received} · {arriving at}) guǎn·jiào (disciplining · teaching) , què (however) (not) kěn ({was willing}) huǐ·gǎi ({to repent} · {to change}) , hái ({still more}) biàn·běn (changed · original) jiā·lì (added · {being severe}) , zuò (did) gèng (more) duō (numerous) è·shì (wicked · things) ({to go}) wǔ·nì ({to be insubordinate to} · {to be rebellious to}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) . (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 13:8, 9, 13, 14)

24. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Sǎoluó (Saul) gōng·dǎ (attacked · struck) Yàmǎlì·rén (Amalekite · people) shí (time) zuò·le (did · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) wǔ·nì ({insubordinate to} · {rebellious to}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) shì (things) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Sǎoluó (Saul) duì·yú (towards · {with regard to}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) zé·bèi (reproving · preparing) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Bǐng) (([c])) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) duì (towards) (him) zuò·chū (made · out) shénme ([what]) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) ?

24 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) tōng·guò (through (adv) · passing) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) fēnfu (commanded) Sǎoluó (Saul) gōng·dǎ ({to attack} · {to strike}) Yàmǎlì·rén (Amalekite · people) , bìng ({side by side with}) yào (must) shā·guāng (kill · {until are all gone}) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [there]} · had) shēngchù ({domestic animals}) , chǔ·sǐ (punish · dead) xié’·è (evil · wicked) de (’s) Yàmǎlì (Amalekite) wáng (king) Yàjiǎ (Agag) . Sǎoluó (Saul) què (however) méi·yǒu (not · had) tīng·cóng ({listened to} · followed) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) fēnfu (commanding) , (he) jìng (actually) bǎo·quán·le (preserved · whole · [to completion]) Yàjiǎ (Agag) de (’s) xìng·mìng ({nature, quality} · life) , hái (also) liú·xia·le ({left to remain} · down · [to completion]) Yàmǎlì·rén (Amalekite · people’s) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) shàng·hǎo (highly · {were good}) de (’s) niú·yáng (cattle · sheep) (and) qí·tā (them · otherwise’s) hǎo (good) dōng·xi (easts · wests) (→ [things]) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) lái·dào (came · arrived) , jiù (then) zé·bèi (reproved · prepared) (him) . Sǎoluó (Saul) de (’s) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) xiǎn·shì (evidently · showed) (he) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) biàn ({had changed}) le ([indicates a change]) . (he) bù·jǐn (not · only) méi·yǒu (not · had) qiān·bēi (modest · low) (→ [humble]) de (-ly) jiēshòu (accepted) zé·bèi (reproving · preparing) , hái (also) zhǎo·le ({looked for} · [to completion]) hěn (very) duō (many) jiè·kǒu ({used as pretexts} · mouthfuls) (→ [excuses]) wèi (for) zìjǐ (self) biàn·jiě ({to argue} · {to explain}) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) (holding) zé·rèn (responsibility · {to be assumed}) tuī·xiè ({to be pushed} · {to be unloaded}) gěi ({to give to}) rénmín ({[the] people}) . (he) yòu (also) shì·tú (tried · plan) jiǎn·qīng ({to reduce} · {to be light}) zuì·zé (sin · responsibility) , shēng·chēng (voice · stating) (→ [claiming]) zìjǐ (self) liú·xia ({had left to remain} · down) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) shàng·hǎo (highly · {were good}) de (’s) shēngchù ({domestic animals}) , shì (was) dǎ·suan (making · planning) xiàn·gěi ({to offer} · {to give to}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) duì (to) (him) shuō (said) : Fúcóng ({to obey}) shèng·yú (wins · {compared to}) xiàn·jì (offering · {offering sacrifices}) ”. Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yǒng·gǎn (brave · daring) de (-ly) chì·zé (reprimanded · reproved) Sǎoluó (Saul) , bìng ({side by side with}) xuānbù (announcing) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) : Shàng·dì (above’s · God) huì (would) shōu·huí (gather · {to circle back}) Sǎoluó (Saul) de (’s) wáng·quán (king’s · power) , cìgěi ({to give to}) (one) ge ([mw]) ({compared to}) (him) hǎo ({[more] good}) de (’s) rén (person) .* (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 15:1–33)

25, 26. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) wèi (for) Sǎoluó (Saul) āi·kū (sorrowfully · {did weep}) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (-ly) quàn·miǎn (admonished · encouraged) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) ? (Bǐng) (([c])) Zài (in) Yēxī (Jesse’s) jiā (home) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life}) de (’s) shì (matters) ràng (allowed) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) xué·dào ({to learn} · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ?

25 Yǎn·jiàn (eyes · saw) Sǎoluó (Saul) luò·dào ({had fallen} · to) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) dì·bù (place · step) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) shí·fēn (ten · portions) tòng·xīn ({was pained [in]} · heart) . (he) zhěng·yè (whole · night) wèi (for) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) xiàng (towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) hū·qiú (called · entreated) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) wèi (for) Sǎoluó (Saul) āi·tòng ({was mourning} · {was deeply sorrowful}) . Qǐ·chū (rising · beginning) (→ [at first]) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zài (at) Sǎoluó (Saul’s) shēn·shang ([self] · upon) kàn·dào (saw · reaching) hěn (very) (great) qián·zhì (latent · nature) (→ [potential]) , hěn (very) duō (many) yōu·diǎn (excellent · points) , dàn (but) Sǎoluó (Saul) què (however) gū·fù·le ({failed to fulfil} · betrayed · [to completion]) tā de ([his]) qī·wàng (expecting · hoping) . Zhè (this) shí (time) de (’s) Sǎoluó (Saul) (already) bú·zài (not · further) shì (was) yǐ·qián (at · before) de (’s) Sǎoluó (Saul) , (he) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) shī·qù (losing · away) yuán·yǒu (originally · had) de (’s) měi·hǎo (beautiful · good) tè·zhì (special · qualities) , bìng ({side by side with}) lí·qì·le (leaving · abandoning · [to completion]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) dào (until) (died) de (’s) rì·zi (day · [suf]) (even) (not) kěn ({was willing}) zài (again) gēn (with) Sǎoluó (Saul) jiàn·miàn ({to see} · faces) . Hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (-ly) quàn·miǎn (admonished · encouraged) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) : (I) jì·rán (since · -ly) qì·jué·le ({have abandoned} · {have cut off} · [to completion]) Sǎoluó (Saul) , bú·yào (not · {am wanting}) (him) zuò ({to be}) Yǐsèliè (Israel) de (’s) wáng (king) , (you) hái (still) yào (must) wèi (for) (him) āi·tòng ({be mourning} · {be deeply sorrowful}) duō ({[how] much}) jiǔ ({for a long time}) ne? Xiàn·zài (present · at) (hold) nǐ de ([your]) jiǎo (horn) chéng·mǎn ({to fill} · {to be full with}) yóu (oil) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) shàng·lù ({go upon} · road) ba ([indicates a mild command]) . (I) yào (must) pài (send) (you) dào (to) Bólìhéng·rén (Bethlehemite · person) Yēxī (Jesse) nà·li (that · inside) (→ [there]) , yīn·wei (because · for) (I) xuǎn·le ({have chosen} · [to completion]) tā de ([his]) (one) ge ([mw]) érzi (son) zuò·wáng ({to be} · king) .” (Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 15:34, 35; 16:1)

26 Bù·wán·měi (not · complete · beautiful) (→ [imperfect]) de (’s) rén (people) yǒu·shí (have · times) bù·néng (not · can) zhōngzhēn ({be loyal}) dào·dǐ (to · bottom) , dàn (but) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) zhǐyì (will) bìng (definitely) bú·huì (not · will) yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) ér (thus) luò·kōng (fall · empty) . Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (man) duì (towards) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) bù·zhōng (not · {is loyal}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiù (then) huì (will) zhǎo ({look for}) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (man) ({to go}) zhí·xíng ({to grasp} · {to do}) tā de ([his]) zhǐyì (will) . Nián·mài (years · aged) de (’s) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) bú·zài (not · further) wèi (for) Sǎoluó (Saul) bēi·shāng ({was sad} · {was hurt}) , bìng (simultaneously) zūn·zhào (obeying · {according to}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) fēnfu (commanding) qián·wǎng (forward · {went towards}) Bólìhéng (Bethlehem) Yēxī (Jesse) de (’s) jiā (home) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Yēxī (Jesse) yǒu (had) hǎo·jǐ (good · few) ge ([mw]) xiàngmào (looks · appearance) chū·zhòng ({went out past} · crowd) de (’s) érzi (sons) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (once) kāi·shǐ (opened · began) jiù (then) tí·xǐng ({raised} · {wakefulness of}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) bú·yào (not · must) dān (solely) kàn ({look at}) wài·mào (outside · appearances) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Sāmǔ’ěrjì Shàng ([1 Samuel]) 16:7.) Zuì·hòu (most · afterwards) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) kàn·jian ({looking at} · saw) Yēxī (Jesse) de (’s) xiǎo ({young[est]}) érzi (son) Dàwèi (David) , (he) jiù·shì (exactly · was) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) jiǎnxuǎn ({had chosen}) de (’s) rén (person) !

[Dì‐74 ([74th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) kàn·chū (saw · out) , wú·lùn (without · discussing) (→ [no matter]) qíngkuàng (situation) duō·me ({[how] much} · [so]) è·liè ({is bad} · {is inferior}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) dōu (even) néng·gòu ({is able} · enough) bāngzhù ({to help}) tā de ([his]) pú·rén (servant · persons) fǔ·píng ({to comfort} · {to be level}) shāng·tòng (wounds · pain) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) niǔ·zhuǎn (twisting · {to turn [around]}) shì·tài (affairs · condition) , wèi (for) tāmen ([them]) dài·lái ({to bring} · {to come}) fú·fen (blessing · portion)

27. (Jiǎ) (([a])) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) bú·duàn (not · {breaking off}) zēng·qiáng (increased · {being strong}) ? (Yǐ) (([b])) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) shì (is) wǒmen ([our]) xué·xí ({to learn} · {to get practised with}) de (’s) hǎo (good) bǎng·yàng ({[from] list of successful candidates} · model) (→ [example]) ?

27 Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zài (in) wǎn·nián (evening · years) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) qīngchu (clearly) kàn·chū (saw · out) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiǎnxuǎn (choosing) Dàwèi (David) qǔ·dài ({to take [and]} · {to replace}) Sǎoluó (Saul) shì (was) míng·zhì (bright · wise) de (’s) . Sǎoluó (Saul) biàn·de ({had changed} · {to get to be}) hěn (very) róng·yì (permitting · ease) (→ [easy]) cāi·jì ({to suspect} · {to be jealous of}) bié·ren (other · people) , dòng·bu·dòng ({had moved} · not · {had moved}) (→ [easily]) jiù (then) ({would raise}) shā·jī (killing · intentions) , hái (also) zuò·chū (did · out) pàn·nì (rebelling · {going against}) bù·zhōng (not · {is loyal}) de (’s) shì (things) . Xiāng·fǎn (mutually · contrary) , Dàwèi (David) què (however) xiǎn·chū (showed · out) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) , zhōng·yì (loyalty · righteousness) , xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) (and) zhōngzhēn (loyalty) děng (etc.) měi·hǎo (beautiful · good) de (’s) tè·zhì (special · qualities) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) de (’s) rén·shēng (human · life) kuài (quickly) dào ({was arriving at}) jìn·tóu (ending · [suf]) le ([to completion]) , (he) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) yǒu·zēng (had · increasing) wú·jiǎn ({did not have} · reducing) . (he) kàn·chū (saw · out) , wú·lùn (without · discussing) (→ [no matter]) qíngkuàng (situation) duō·me ({[how] much} · [so]) è·liè ({is bad} · {is inferior}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) dōu (even) néng·gòu ({is able} · enough) bāngzhù ({to help}) tā de ([his]) pú·rén (servant · persons) fǔ·píng ({to comfort} · {to be level}) shāng·tòng (wounds · pain) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) niǔ·zhuǎn (twisting · {to turn [around]}) shì·tài (affairs · condition) , wèi (for) tāmen ([them]) dài·lái ({to bring} · {to come}) fú·fen (blessing · portion) . Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) huó·dào (lived · to) chà·bu·duō ({differing by} · not · much [from]) yì·bǎi (one · hundred) suì ({years of age}) , zuì·hòu (most · afterwards) sǐ·qù (died · away) , jié·shù·le (concluding · {tying up} · [to completion]) (his) (that) (not) píngfán (ordinary) de (’s) yì·shēng ({one [whole]} · life) . Yǐsèliè (Israel) jǔ·guó (entire · nation) shàng·xià ({upper [classes]} · {lower [classes]}) dōu (all) wèi (for) shī·qù ({having lost} · away) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) zhōng·xīn (faithful·-hearted) de (’s) xiān·zhī (earlier · knows [person]) (→ [prophet]) ér (thus) āi·tòng ({were mourning} · {were deeply sorrowful}) . Jīn·tiān (present · [day]) , suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [there]} · have) shì·fèng (serving · {attending to}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) rén (persons) dōu (all) yīnggāi (should) wènwen (ask) zìjǐ (selves) : (I) yǒu (have) méi·yǒu (not · have) xiào·fǎ (imitated · {taken as a model}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) , xiǎn·chū (shown · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) ne?

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})

  • Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) yìng·fu ({responded to} · {handed sth. over to}) (→ [coped with]) fā·shēng ({issued forth} · {came to life}) zài (at) Shìluó (Shiloh’s) jū·mín (residing · people’s) shēn·shang ([selves] · upon) de (’s) yì·lián·chuàn (one · linked · string’s) cǎn·shì (tragic · things) ?
  • Jǐnguǎn ([even though]) liǎng (two) ge ([mw]) érzi (sons) bù·zhōng (not · {were loyal}) bú·yì (not · {were righteous}) , Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) réng (still) néng ({was able}) jiān·chí (firmly · holding) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zuò ({to do}) ?
  • Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) duì (towards) Sǎoluó (Saul) Wáng (King) (greatly) gǎn (felt) shī·wàng ({had lost} · hope) (→ [had become disappointed]) , hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) néng ({was able}) zhèn·zuò ({to shake} · {to get up}) qi·lai (up · {to come}) ?
  • (you) xīwàng (hope) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) Sāmǔ’ěr (Samuel) , xiǎn·chū ({to show} · out) xìn·xīn (believing · heart) (→ [faith]) ?