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56 Jiāng Zhēnlǐ Zhēncáng zài Xīnli title-1 title-2 title-3 title-4 title-5 scrip-1 line1-verse1-zuijia line1-verse2-bu line1-verse2-ci line1-verse2-xinlao line2-verse1-huo line2-verse2-guangyin line2-verse2-xuanyang line3-verse1-yi line3-verse1-mingzhi line4-verse1-zhenshi line6-Zhencang line7-Zhencang
Jiāng (Take) Zhēnlǐ (Zhēn·lǐ True · Reasoning → [the Truth] 真理) Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to Be Treasured} · {to Be Stored Up} 珍藏) zài (in 在) Xīnli (Xīn·li Heart · Inside 心里 心裡/裏) Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán Admonishing · Sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) zuìjiā (zuì·jiā most · good → [best] 最佳) bù (not 不) cí ({do take your leave from} → [do shrink from]辭/辤) xīnláo (xīn·láo {pungently → [labouriously]} · working 辛劳 辛勞) huòyì (huò·yì {(you) will capture → [(you) will reap]} · benefits 获益 獲益) guāngyīn (guāng·yīn light · {female/passive/negative principle in nature (Chinese philosophy) → [shade]} → [time available] 光阴 光陰) xuānyáng (xuān·yáng {to declare} · {to raise → [to make known]} 宣扬 宣揚) huòyì (huò·yì {(you) will capture → [(you) will reap]} · benefits 获益 獲益) míngzhì (míng·zhì {bright (regarding) → [understanding]} · wisdom → [wise] 明智) zhēnshí (zhēn·shí {is true} · {is solid → [is true]} 真实 真實) Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to be treasured} · {to be stored up} 珍藏) Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to be treasured} · {to be stored up} 珍藏)

📖 📄 📘 SHĪGĒ (SHĪ·GĒ POEM · SONG 诗歌 詩歌) DÌ‐56 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(WǓ·SHÍ·LIÙ FIVE · TENS · SIX → [FIFTY-SIX] 56) [56TH]) SHǑU ([mw for songs and poems] 首)

📖 📄 📘 Jiāng (Take) Zhēnlǐ (Zhēn·lǐ True · Reasoning → [the Truth] 真理) Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to Be Treasured} · {to Be Stored Up} 珍藏) zài (in 在) Xīnli (Xīn·li Heart · Inside 心里 心裡/裏)

📖 📄 📘 (Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán Admonishing · Sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 3:1, 2)

📖 📄 📘 1. Àn ({in accordance with} 按) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理) ér (thus 而) xíng (walking → [doing] 行) shì (is 是) zuìjiā (zuì·jiā most · good → [best] 最佳) shēnghuó (shēng·huó life · living 生活) fāngshì (fāng·shì direction · style → [way] 方式),
(you 你) ruò (if 若) xuǎnzé ({choose (it)} 选择 選擇) jiù (then 就) bìdìng (bì·dìng certainly · {(it) is set} 必定) huòyì (huò·yì {(you) will capture → [(you) will reap]} · benefits 获益 獲益).
Yào ((you) must 要) liúxīn (liú·xīn {make to stay} · {heart} → [take care] 留心) tīngcóng (tīng·cóng {to listen to} · {to follow} 听从 聽從) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) míngzhì (míng·zhì {bright (regarding) → [understanding]} · wisdom → [wise] 明智) quàngào (quàn·gào advising · telling → [advice] 劝告 勸告),
Tā de ((Tā him 他) (de ’s 的) [his]) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) zhēnshí (zhēn·shí {is true} · {is solid → [is true]} 真实 真實) kěkào (kě·kào can · {be leaned on → [be relied on]} → [is trustworthy] 可靠).

Yào ((you) must 要) rè’ài (rè’·ài {hotly → [intensely]} · love 热爱 熱愛) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理),
Àn ({in accordance with} 按) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor’s → [God’s]} → [God’s] 上帝) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) ér (thus 而) xíng (walk → [do] 行),
(you 你) ruò (if 若) jiāng (take) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理)
Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to be treasured} · {to be stored up} 珍藏) zài (in 在) xīnli (xīn·li heart · inside 心里 心裡/裏),
Bìdìng (Bì·dìng (you) certainly · {(it) is set} 必定) huì (will) mǎnxīn (mǎn·xīn {be full of in} · heart → [in the heart be full of] 满心 滿心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {being joyful} · {being happy} 欢喜 歡喜).

📖 📄 📘 2. (you 你) (not 不) ({do take your leave from} → [do shrink from]辭/辤)xīnláo (xīn·láo {pungently → [labouriously]} · working 辛劳 辛勞), jìn ({expend to the limit}) quánlì (quán·lì whole · strength 全力) shànyòng (shàn·yòng {(for) good} · {to be using} 善用) guāngyīn (guāng·yīn light · {female/passive/negative principle in nature (Chinese philosophy) → [shade]} → [time available] 光阴 光陰),
Nǔlì (Nǔ·lì exert · strength 努力) xuānyáng (xuān·yáng {to declare} · {to raise → [to make known]} 宣扬 宣揚) Wángguó (Wáng·guó King’s · Nation → [Kingdom] 王国 王國) hǎo (good 好) xiāoxi (xiāo·xi disappearing · news → [news] 消息).
(you 你) xīnqín (xīn·qín (if) {being hot in taste → [being hardworking]} · {being industrious} 辛勤) gēngyún (gēng·yún plough · weed → [cultivate] 耕耘), (certainly 必) huòdé (huò·dé {will capture → [will reap]} · {will get} 获得 獲得) fēngshèng (fēng·shèng bounteous · {prosperous → [grand]} → [rich] 丰盛 豐盛) shōucheng (shōu·cheng {receiving → [harvesting]} · completed → [harvest] 收成),
Déxiǎng (Dé·xiǎng {will get} · {will enjoy} 得享) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) (gives’) yǒngshēng (yǒng·shēng everlasting · life 永生).

Yào ((you) must 要) rè’ài (rè’·ài {hotly → [intensely]} · love 热爱 熱愛) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理),
Àn ({in accordance with} 按) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor’s → [God’s]} → [God’s] 上帝) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) ér (thus 而) xíng (walk → [do] 行),
(you 你) ruò (if 若) jiāng (take) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理)
Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to be treasured} · {to be stored up} 珍藏) zài (in 在) xīnli (xīn·li heart · inside 心里 心裡/裏),
Bìdìng (Bì·dìng (you) certainly · {(it) is set} 必定) huì (will) mǎnxīn (mǎn·xīn {be full of in} · heart → [in the heart be full of] 满心 滿心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {being joyful} · {being happy} 欢喜 歡喜).

📖 📄 📘 3. Wǒmen (Wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) xiàng ({are like} 像/象) xiǎoháir (xiǎo·háir {little → [young]} · children 小孩), quēfá (lacking 缺乏) zhīshi (knowledge 知识 知識) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) jīngyàn (jīng·yàn {having passed through} · testing → [experience] 经验 經驗),
Xūyào (needing 需要) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor’s → [God’s]} → [God’s] 上帝) yǐndǎo (yǐn·dǎo leading · guiding 引导 引導) ({(together) with} → [and]和/龢) quànmiǎn (quàn·miǎn advising · exhorting 劝勉 勸勉).
(with與/与) tiān (heavenly 天) (Father 父) tóngxíng (tóng·xíng together · walking 同行) ((we) certainly 必) ({will get} 得) (him 他) guānxīn (guān·xīn {closing → [concerning]} · heart (with us) → [caring (about us)] 关心 關心) àihù (ài·hù loving · protecting (us) 爱护 愛護),
Xiǎngyǒu (Xiǎng·yǒu {will enjoy} · {will have} 享有) wúqióng (wú·qióng not · {being impoverished} → [boundless] 无穷 無窮) kuàilè ({being happy} 快乐 快樂) xìngfú (xìng·fú {good fortune} · blessings → [happiness] 幸福).

Yào ((you) must 要) rè’ài (rè’·ài {hotly → [intensely]} · love 热爱 熱愛) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理),
Àn ({in accordance with} 按) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor’s → [God’s]} → [God’s] 上帝) Huàyǔ (Word 话语 話語) ér (thus 而) xíng (walk → [do] 行),
(you 你) ruò (if 若) jiāng (take) zhēnlǐ (zhēn·lǐ true · reasoning → [the truth] 真理)
Zhēncáng (Zhēn·cáng {to be treasured} · {to be stored up} 珍藏) zài (in 在) xīnli (xīn·li heart · inside 心里 心裡/裏),
Bìdìng (Bì·dìng (you) certainly · {(it) is set} 必定) huì (will) mǎnxīn (mǎn·xīn {be full of in} · heart → [in the heart be full of] 满心 滿心) huānxǐ (huān·xǐ {being joyful} · {being happy} 欢喜 歡喜).

📖 📄 📘 (Cānkàn (Cān·kàn {refer to} · see 参看 參看) Shī. 26:3; Zhēn. 8:35; 15:31; Yuē. 8:31, 32)