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📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù Enlightening · Showing · Record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 20 🔼
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📖 📄 📘 1 (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) cóng (from)tiān (heaven 天)ér (thus 而)jiàng ({coming down}), shǒu ((his) hand 手) li (inside裡/裏) názhe (ná·zhe {was holding} · being → [was holding] 拿着 拿/拏着/著) wúdǐ (wú·dǐ without · bottom 无底 無底) shēnyuān (shēn·yuān deep · {deep pool} → [abyss] 深渊 深淵) de ( 的) yàoshi (key 钥匙 鑰匙) (and 和) (one 一) tiáo ({sth. long and narrow of} → [mw for long, narrow, or thin objects]) ({big → [great]} 大) suǒliàn (suǒ·liàn locking · chain 锁链 鎖鏈). 2 (he 他) zhuāzhùle (zhuā·zhù·le seized · firmly · [indicates a change] 抓住了) lóng (dragon), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) zuìchū (zuì·chū most · {at the beginning} → [original] 最初) de (’s 的) nèi (that 那) tiáo ({sth. long and narrow of} → [mw for long, narrow, or thin objects]) shé (serpent蛇/虵), (also 也) jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) Móguǐ (Mó·guǐ Devil · Demon → [Devil] 魔鬼) Sādàn (Satan 撒但), (held 把) (him 他) kǔnbǎng (kǔn·bǎng {to be tied up} · {to be bound} 捆绑 捆綁) 1000 nián (years年/秊). 3 Tiānshǐ (Tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) (held 把) (him 他) rēngjìn (rēng·jìn {to be hurled} · {to be entering into} 扔进 扔進) wúdǐ (wú·dǐ without · bottom 无底 無底) shēnyuān (shēn·yuān deep · {deep pool} → [abyss] 深渊 深淵) li (inside裡/裏), (held 把) shēnyuān (shēn·yuān deep · {deep pool} → [abyss] 深渊 深淵) fēngbì (fēng·bì {to be sealed} · {to be shut} 封闭 封閉), zài (on 在) shàngmian (shàng·mian (its) above · {face → [side]} 上面) gàiyìn (gài·yìn affixed · seal 盖印 蓋印), shǐ ({to make} 使) (him 他) bùnéng (bù·néng not · {to be able} 不能) zài (anymore 再) míhuo (mí·huo {to confuse} · {to mislead} 迷惑) lièguó (liè·guó {series of} · nations 列国 列國), zhídào (zhí·dào straight · {up until} 直到) nèi (those 那) 1000 nián (years年/秊) jiéshù (jié·shù {were tied → [were concluded]} · {were bound → [were restrained]} → [were ended] 结束 結束). Zhīhòu (Zhī·hòu it · {after (this)} 之后 之後), (he 他) bìxū (must 必须 必須) bèi ([passive signifier] → [be] 被) shìfàng (released 释放 釋放) yíhuìr (yí·huì·r one · {meeting → [little while]} · {child → [diminutive suf]} 一会儿 一會兒).

📖 📄 📘 11 (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) báisè (bái·sè white · colour 白色) de (’s 的) (great 大) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座) (and 和) nèi (that 那) wèi ({place of} → [mw for persons] 位) zuò (seated 坐) zài (on 在) shàngmian (shàng·mian above’s · {face → [side]} 上面) de ({’s (One)} 的). Tiāndì (Tiān·dì heaven · earth 天地) dōu (both 都) cóng (from) (him 他) miànqián (miàn·qián face · before → [before his face] 面前) táoqu (táo·qu fled · {to go → [away]} 逃去), zài (anymore 再) (also 也) kàn bujiàn ((kàn {being looked at} 看) (bu·jiàn not · {were seen} 不见 不見) [could not be seen]) le ([indicates a change] 了). 12 (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) sǐle (sǐ·le {had died} · {to completion} 死了) de (’s 的) rén (people 人), wúlùn (wú·lùn {not having} · {discussing of} → [regardless of whether (they were)] 无论 無論) zhǎngyòu (zhǎng·yòu {grown → [older (ones)]} · {young (ones)} 长幼 長幼) zūnbēi (zūn·bēi {respected (ones)} · {low (ones)} 尊卑), dōu (all 都) zhàn (standing 站) zài (at 在) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座) qián ({before (it)} 前), shūjuàn (shū·juàn books · volumes → [scrolls] 书卷 書卷) dōu (even 都) zhǎnkāi (zhǎn·kāi {were spread} · {to be open} 展开 展開) le ([indicates a change] 了). Lìngwài (Lìng·wài separately · outside → [additionally] 另外) yǒu ({(there) was having} 有) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) shūjuàn (shū·juàn book · volume → [scroll] 书卷 書卷) (also 也) zhǎnkāi (zhǎn·kāi {being spread} · {to be open} 展开 展開) le ([indicates a change] 了), jiùshì (jiù·shì exactly · is 就是) shēngmìng (life’s 生命) (book → [scroll]). Gēnjù (Gēn·jù roots · {according to} → [based on] 根据 根據) zhèixiē (zhèi·xiē this · {indefinite number of} → [these] 这些 這些) shūjuàn (shū·juàn books · volumes → [scrolls] 书卷 書卷) shang (upon 上) xiě (written) de (’s 的) huà (words), sǐle (sǐ·le {had died} · {to completion} 死了) de (’s 的) rén (people 人) dōu (all 都) àn ({according to} 按) zìjǐ (selves 自己) de ( 的) xíngwéi (xíng·wéi {walkings → [doings]} · doings → [deeds] 行为 行為) jiēshòu (received 接受) shěnpàn (shěn·pàn trying · judging 审判 審判). 13 Hǎi ({(the) sea} 海) jiāochū (jiāo·chū {gave up} · out 交出) qízhōng (qí·zhōng it · within 其中) de (’s 的) sǐrén (sǐ·rén {had died} · people 死人), sǐwáng (dying → [death] 死亡) (and 和) Fénmù ({(the) Grave} 坟墓 墳墓) (also 也) jiāochū (jiāo·chū {gave up} · out 交出) qízhōng (qí·zhōng them · within 其中) de (’s 的) sǐrén (sǐ·rén {had died} · people 死人), tāmen (tā·men he/she · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) měi (each 每) ge ([mw]個/个) rén (person 人) dōu ({each one} 都) àn ({according to} 按) zìjǐ (self 自己) de (’s 的) xíngwéi (xíng·wéi {walkings → [doings]} · doings → [deeds] 行为 行為) jiēshòu (received 接受) shěnpàn (shěn·pàn trying · judging 审判 審判). …