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📖 📄 📘 Qǐshìlù (Qǐ·shì·lù enlightening · showing · record → [Revelation] 启示录 啟示錄) 7 🔼
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📖 📄 📘 1 Cǐhòu (Cǐ·hòu this · afterwards 此后 此後/后), (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) (four 四) ge ([mw]個/个) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [angels] 天使) zhàn (standing 站) zài (on 在) dàdì (dà·dì great · earth → [the earth] 大地) de (’s 的) sìjí, láoláo zhuāzhù dàdì (dà·dì great · earth’s → [the earth’s] 大地) sìfāng de (’s 的) fēng (winds), (not 不) ràng ({to allow}) fēng (winds) chuī ({to blow} 吹) zài (on 在) dìshang (dì·shang earth · upon 地上), hǎishang, huò (or 或) rènhé (rèn·hé {no matter} · which → [any] 任何) shù (tree) shang (upon 上). 2 (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) lìng (another 另) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messenger → [angel] 天使) cóng (from) rìchū (rì·chū sun’s · {coming out} → [sunrise] 日出) zhī (’s 之) chù (place處/䖏/処) shànglai (shàng·lai {coming up} · {to come} 上来 上來), názhe (ná·zhe holding · being → [holding] 拿着 拿/拏着/著) zhēn (true 真) Shén (God 神) de (’s 的) yìn (seal 印). (he 他) xiàng (to向/曏/嚮) fèngmìng shānghài (shāng·hài {to hurt → [to harm]} · {to harm} 伤害 傷害) ({the earth} 地) (and 和) hǎi ({the sea} 海) de (’s 的) (four 四) ge ([mw]個/个) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [angels] 天使) dàshēng (dà·shēng (with a) big · voice 大声 大聲) hūhǎn, 3 shuō (saying說/説): “Búyào (Bú·yào not · must → [must not] 不要) shānghài (shāng·hài {hurt → [harm]} · harm 伤害 傷害) ({the earth} 地), hǎi ({the sea} 海), shù ({the trees}), zhídào (zhí·dào straight · {up until} 直到) wǒmen (wǒ·men we · [pl] 我们 我們) zài (in 在) wǒmen (wǒ·men our · [pl] 我们 我們) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God’s 上帝) nèixiē (nèi·xiē that · {small number of} → [those] 那些) núlì (slaves 奴隶 奴隸) de ( 的) étóu shang (upon 上) gàiyìn (gài·yìn {have affixed} · seals 盖印 蓋印) wánbì.”

📖 📄 📘 4 (I 我) tīngjian (tīng·jian heard · {to be meeting} 听见 聽見) bèi ([passive signifier] → [were] 被) gàiyìn (gài·yìn {affixed with} · seal 盖印 蓋印) de (’s 的) rén (persons 人) zǒnggòng yǒu ({were having} 有) 14 wàn ({ten thousands}萬/万) 4000. Zhèixiē (Zhèi·xiē this · {small number of} → [these] 这些 這些) bèi ([passive signifier] → [were] 被) gàiyìn (gài·yìn {affixed with} · seal 盖印 蓋印) de (’s 的) rén (persons 人) láizì (lái·zì come · from 来自 來自) Yǐsèlièrén (Yǐsèliè·rén Israelite · people 以色列人) de (’s 的) měi (every 每) ge ([mw]個/个) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族).
5 Yóudà (Judah 犹大 猶大) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中) gàile yìn (seal 印) de ({’s (ones)} 的), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Lǚbiàn (Reuben 吕便 呂便) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Jiādé (Gad 迦得) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
6 Yàshè (Asher 亚设 亞設) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Náfútālì (Naphtali 拿弗他利) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Mǎnáxī (Manasseh 玛拿西 瑪拿西) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
7 Xīmiǎn (Simeon 西缅 西緬) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Lìwèi (Levi 利未) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Yǐsàjiā (Issachar 以萨迦 以薩迦) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
8 Xībùlún (Zebulun 西布伦 西布倫) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Yuēsè (Joseph 约瑟 約瑟) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000;
Biànyǎmǐn (Benjamin 便雅悯 便雅憫) bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic group} → [tribe] 部族) zhōng (within 中) gàile yìn (seal 印) de ({’s (ones)} 的), yǒu ({were having} 有) 1 wàn ({ten thousand}萬/万) 2000.

📖 📄 📘 9 Zhīhòu (Zhī·hòu this · {after (it)} 之后 之後), (I 我) kànjian (kàn·jian looking · saw 看见 看見) (one 一) (big → [great] 大) qún ({crowd of}群/羣) rén (people 人), méiyǒu (méi·yǒu not · {was having} 没有 沒有) rén (man 人) néng (able 能) shǔde guolai (guo·lai {to pass} · {to come} 过来 過來), shì (were 是) cóng (from) suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) which (there)} · {are having} → [all] 所有) guózú (guó·zú national · {ethnic groups} → [nations] 国族 國族), bùzú (bù·zú sectional · {ethnic groups} → [tribes] 部族), mínzú (mín·zú {(of) people} · {ethnic groups} → [peoples] 民族), yǔyán (yǔ·yán languages · {(types of) speech} 语言 語言) lái (came) de (’s 的). Tāmen (Tā·men he/she · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) zhàn ({were standing} 站) zài (at 在) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座) (and 和) Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]) miànqián (miàn·qián faces · before → [before them] 面前), shēn (bodies 身) chuān bái (white 白) páo, shǒu (hands 手) ({were holding}拿/拏) zōnglǘ (palm 棕榈 棕櫚) zhī (branches 枝). 10 Tāmen (Tā·men he/she · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) búduàn (bú·duàn not · {breaking off} → [keeping on] 不断 不斷) dàshēng (dà·shēng (with) big · voices 大声 大聲) shuō ({were saying}說/説): “Wǒmen (Wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) déjiù (dé·jiù getting · saved 得救), quán (entirely 全) kào ({is leaning on} → [is relying on] 靠) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座) shang (upon 上) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), yǐjí (and 以及) Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]).”

📖 📄 📘 11 Suǒyǒu (Suǒ·yǒu {(all) which (there)} · {were having} → [all] 所有) tiānshǐ (tiān·shǐ heavenly · messengers → [the angels] 天使) dōu (all 都) zhàn ({were standing} 站) zài (at 在) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座), zhǎnglǎomen (zhǎng·lǎo·men {{grown → [elder]} · old} (men) · [pl] → [elders] 长老们 長老們), (and 和) (four 四) ge ([mw]個/个) huówù (huó·wù living · things 活物) zhōuwéi (zhōu·wéi {circle → [all around]} · surrounding → [all around] 周围 周/週圍), tāmen (tā·men he · [pl] → [they] 他们 他們) zài (at 在) bǎozuò (bǎo·zuò precious · seat → [throne] 宝座 寶座) qián ({before (it)} 前) guìxia (guì·xia knelt · down 跪下) chóngbài ({to worship} 崇拜) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝), 12 shuō (saying說/説): “Āmen! Yuàn (wish) zànměi (zàn·měi praise · {to be beautiful} → [praise] 赞美 贊/讚美), róngyào (glory 荣耀 榮耀), zhìhuì (zhì·huì wisdom · intelligence → [wisdom] 智慧), gǎnxiè (gǎn·xiè feeling · {to thank} → [giving of thankfulness] 感谢 感謝), zūnchóng (zūn·chóng honouring · esteeming 尊崇), lìliang (lì·liang power · quantity 力量), nénglì (néng·lì ability · strength 能力), yǒngyǒng‐yuǎnyuǎn guīyú (guī·yú {to be turned over} · to 归于 歸於) wǒmen de ((wǒ·men us · [pl] 我们 我們) (de ’s 的) → [our]) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì above’s · God 上帝). Āmen.”

📖 📄 📘 13 Zhè ({(at) this}) shí ({(particular) time}) zhǎnglǎo (zhǎng·lǎo {grown → [elder]} · old (men) → [elders] 长老 長老) zhōng (among 中) yǒu ({was having} 有) (one 一) ge ([mw]個/个) wèn wǒ: “Zhèixiē shēn chuān báipáo de rén shì shéi? Shì cóng nǎli lái de ne?” 14 Wǒ jiù duì tā shuō: “Wǒ zhǔ, nǐ cái zhīdào.” Tā duì wǒ shuō: “Zhèixiē rén shì cóng dà huànnàn zhōng chūlai de. Tāmen yòng Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]) de (’s 的) xuè bǎ zìjǐ de páozi xǐde jiébái le. 15 Suǒyǐ tāmen kěyǐ zài Shàngdì de bǎozuò qián, rìrì‐yèyè zài tā de shèngdiàn li jìngfèng tā. Bǎozuò shang de Shàngdì yào zhǎnkāi zhàngmù bìhù tāmen. 16 Tāmen bú zài ái è, bú zài gānkě, yě bú zài bèi lièrì huò yánrè zhémó, 17 yīnwèi bǎozuò pángbiān de (’s 的) Miányáng Gāo ((Mián·yáng {silk floss} · sheep → [sheep] 绵羊 綿羊) (Gāo lamb 羔) → [the Lamb]) yào (must → [will] 要) mùyǎng tāmen, bǎ tāmen dàidào shēngmìng shuǐ de quányuán qù. Shàngdì yě yào cādiào tāmen de měi yì dī yǎnlèi.”