
◀️ 🔼 ▶️

📖 📄 📘 DÌ‐13 ((DÌ [pref to form ordinal numbers] 第)‐(SHÍ·SĀN TEN · THREE → [THIRTEEN] 13) [13TH]) (LESSON)

📖 📄 📘 Suǒyǒu (Suǒ·yǒu {(All) Which} · {(There) Are Having → [(There) Are]} → [All] 所有) Zōngjiào (Zōng·jiào {Schools of Thought} · Teachings → [Religions] 宗教) Dōu (All 都) Shì (Are 是) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) Rènkě (Rèn·kě Recognizes · Approves 认可 認可) de ({’ (Religions)} 的) Ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])? (Jiéxuǎn (Jié·xuǎn {Node → [Section]} · Selected → [Excerpted] 节选 節選) Piànduàn (Piàn·duàn {Slice → [Section]} · Part → [Excerpt] 片段))

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Lesson 13 point 4 video subtitle 1

00:00:06,652 → 00:00:09,989
📖 📄 📘 Hěn (very 很) duō (many 多) rén (people 人) juéde (jué·de {to wake to → [to feel]} · get → [get to feel] 觉得 覺得) xìn ({believing in} 信) shénme (shén·me {what → [any]} · [suf] 什么 什/甚麼) zōngjiào (zōng·jiào {school of thought} · teaching → [religion] 宗教) dōu ({in all those cases} 都) kěyǐ (kě·yǐ {may (be done)} · [suf] 可以),

00:00:10,364 → 00:00:13,117
📖 📄 📘 suǒyǒu (suǒ·yǒu {(all) which} · {(there) are having → [(there) are]} → [all] 所有) zōngjiào (zōng·jiào {schools of thought} · teachings → [religions] 宗教) dōu (all 都) quàn (advise) rén (people 人) xiàngshàn (xiàng·shàn {to turn towards} · {being good} 向),

00:00:13,409 → 00:00:15,703
📖 📄 📘 zuìzhōng (zuì·zhōng most · {(in the) end} → [in the end] 最终 最終) shì (are 是) shūtú (shū·tú different · roads 殊途)tóngguī (tóng·guī {the same} · {coming together} 同归 同歸),

00:00:16,036 → 00:00:18,122
📖 📄 📘 ràng (allowing) rén (people 人) dédào (dé·dào {to get} · {arriving at} 得到) shénmíng (shén·míng gods’ · brightnesses’ → [gods’] 神明) bǎoyòu (bǎo·yòu protecting · blessing 保佑/祐).

00:00:19,206 → 00:00:21,667
📖 📄 📘 Búguò (Bú·guò not · {do pass} → [but] 不过 不過), zhēnde (zhēn·de (that) truly · ’s 真的) shì (is 是) zhèyàng (zhè·yàng this · {form → [way]} 这样 這樣) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

Lesson 13 point 4 video subtitle 6

00:00:22,126 → 00:00:25,588
📖 📄 📘 Suǒyǒu (Suǒ·yǒu {(all) which} · {(there) are having → [(there) are]} → [all] 所有) zōngjiào (zōng·jiào {schools of thought} · teachings → [religions] 宗教) dōu (all 都) shì (are 是) zhēn (true 真) Shén (God 神) rènkě (rèn·kě {does recognize} · {does approve} 认可 認可) de ({’s (things)} 的) ma ([? ptcl for “yes/no” questions])?

00:00:26,505 → 00:00:29,633
📖 📄 📘 Shèngjīng (Shèng·jīng (the) Holy · Scriptures → [the Bible] 圣经 聖經) (holds 把) zōngjiào (zōng·jiào {schools of thought} · teachings → [religions] 宗教) bǐyù (bǐ·yù {to be compared} · {to be explained → [to be analogized]} → [to be illustrated] 比喻) wéi (as為/爲) liǎng (two) tiáo ({strips of} → [mw for long, narrow, or thin objects]) (roads 路):

00:00:30,134 → 00:00:33,345
📖 📄 📘 (one 一) tiáo (strip → [mw for long, narrow, or thin objects]) shì (is 是) kuānkuò de, zǒu de rén duō,

00:00:34,013 → 00:00:37,808
📖 📄 📘 lìng ({(the) other} 另) (one 一) tiáo (strip → [mw for long, narrow, or thin objects]) shì (is 是) xiázhǎi de, zhǎodào de rén shǎo,

Lesson 13 point 4 video subtitle 11

Lesson 13 point 4 video subtitle 16


📖 📄 📘 Jiàohuì (Jiào·huì Teaching · Associations → [Churches] 教会 教會) (and與/与) Èrzhàn (Èr·zhàn Two · War → [World War II (abbr. of Dì‐Èr Cì Shìjiè Dàzhàn)] 二战 二戰)

Lesson 13 point 5 video thumbnail

Lesson 13 point 5 video subtitle 1

00:00:03,820 → 00:00:05,889
📖 📄 📘 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah’s 耶和华 耶和華) Jiànzhèngrén (Jiàn·zhèng·rén {Have Seen} · Evidence · People → [Witnesses] 见证人 見證人) shuō ({were saying}說/説)

00:00:05,889 → 00:00:09,926
📖 📄 📘 shìshang (shì·shang {generation → [world]} · upon 世上) de (’s 的) nántí (nán·tí difficult · topics → [problems] 难题 難題) zhǐyǒu (zhǐ·yǒu (there) only · {is having → [is]} 只有) Shàngdì (Shàng·dì Above’s · {Emperor → [God]} → [God] 上帝) de (’s 的) zhèngfǔ (zhèng·fǔ political · {seat of government} → [government] 政府) cái ({only then}才/纔) néng ({being able} 能) jiějué (jiě·jué {to untie → [to solve]} · {to decide} → [to solve] 解决 解決),

00:00:12,095 → 00:00:15,198
📖 📄 📘 dàn (but 但) yìbān (yì·bān {(as) one} · {kind of} → [general kind of] 一般) jiàohuì (jiào·huì teaching · associations → [churches] 教会 教會) què (however) zàisān (zài·sān again · three → [repeatedly] 再三) shēngyán (shēng·yán {made sounds} · {to say} → [declared] 声言 聲言)

00:00:15,198 → 00:00:17,200
📖 📄 📘 zhīchí (zhī·chí (they) supported · {held → [supported]} 支持) rénjiān (rén·jiān humans · among’s 人间 人間) zhèngfǔ (zhèng·fǔ political · {seats of government} → [governments] 政府).

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Lesson 13 point 5 video subtitle 11
