[Dì‐196 ([196th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐23 ([23rd]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Xué·huì (learned · {to be able}) Gān·xīn ({to be willing} · heart) Kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) Bié·ren (other · people)
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3 Hái (still) Yào (must) Xué·xí (learn · {get practised}) !

6 Duō·cì (many · times) Méng (received) Kuān·shù (generous · forgiving)

11 Zuì·dà (most · big) de (’s) Cuò·wù (blunder · mistake)

19 Zuì (sin) Wú·kě ({was not having} · {being able}) Shù ({to be forgiven}) ma?

24 Méng (received) Kuān·shù (generous · forgiving) de (’s) Míng·zhèng (clear · proof)

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has been partially proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1. Bǐdé (Peter’s) yí·bèi·zi (one · lifetime · [suf]) zhōng (within) zuì (most) zāo·gāo ({messed up} · cake)   (→ [terrible]) de (’s) shì (was) shénme ([what]) shí·kè (time · moment) ?

Bǐdé (Peter) yǒng·yuǎn (eternally · {far [in time]}) bú·huì (not · would) wàng·jì (forget · {to remember}) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) kě·pà ({was worth} · fearing) de (’s) shí·kè (time · moment) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) (he) gēn (with) Yēsū (Jesus) sì·mù·jiāo·tóu (four · eyes · met · joined) , (he) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus) de () yǎn·shén (eyes · spirit) zhōng (within) , kàn·dào (seen · reaching) shī·wàng ({having lost} · {hoped for})   (→ [having become disappointed]) huò (or) zé·bèi (reproving · preparing) de (’s) yì·si (meaning · thoughts) ne? Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) bù·néng (not · can) kěn·dìng (agree · {as certain}) , yīn·wei (because · for) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zhǐ·shì (only · is) jiǎndān (simple) de (-ly) shuō (saying) : Zhǔ (Lord) zhuǎn·guò (turned · {to pass}) shēn (body) lai ({to come}) , kàn·le ({looked at} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) (one) yǎn ({look of the eye}) ”. (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 22:61) Dàn (but) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus) de () yǎn·shén (eyes · spirit) , Bǐdé (Peter) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) kàn·dào·le (saw · reaching · [to completion]) zìjǐ (self’s) shēn·zhòng (deep · heavy) de (’s) zuì·guo (fault · transgression) . (he) yì·shi (meaning · knew) dào ({arriving at}) , zìjǐ (self) gāng (just) zuò·le ({had done} · [to completion]) (one) jiàn ([mw]) Yēsū (Jesus) yù·yán·guo ({in advance} · {had spoken of} · [to completion]) , ér ({and yet}) zìjǐ (self) què (however) jiān·chēng (firmly · {had stated}) jué·duì (absolutely · compared) bú·huì (not · would) zuò (do) de (’s) shì (thing) (he) jìng·rán (actual·ly) (not) rèn ({had acknowledged}) (he) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) shēn (deeply) ài (loved) de (’s) Zhǔ (Lord) . (that) shì (was) Bǐdé (Peter’s) rén·shēng (human · life) zhōng (within) de (’s) dī·cháo (low · tide → [ebb]) , huòxǔ (perhaps) (also) shì (was) (his) yí·bèi·zi (one · lifetime · [suf]) zhōng (within) zuì (most) zāo·gāo ({messed up} · cake)   (→ [terrible]) de (’s) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , zuì (most) cǎn·tòng (tragic · painful) de (’s) shí·kè (time · moment) .

2. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) xūyào (needed) xué·huì ({to learn} · {to understand}) shénme ([what]) dào·li (way · reasoning) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) cóng (from) (him) de (’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced [things]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) dé·dào (get · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) bìyì (benefits) ?

2 Kě·shì (however · was) , (him) de (’s) rén·shēng (human · life) bìng·fēi (definitely · {was not}) shénme ([whatever]) dōu (all) wán ({having been finished}) le ([to completion]) . Bǐdé (Peter) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yǒu (had) jiān·qiáng (firm · strong) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) , zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) (he) réng (still) yǒu (had) jīhuì (opportunity) gǎi·zhèng ({to change} · {to be upright}) guo·lai (over · {to come}) , bìng (simultaneously) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) xué·huì ({to learn} · {to understand}) (one) ge ([mw]) hěn (very) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) dào·li (way · reasoning) gān·xīn ({being willing} · heart) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) rén·rén (person · person)   (→ [everyone]) dōu (all) xūyào (need) xué·huì ({to learn} · {to be able}) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) , yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) lái (come) kàn·kan (see · see) Bǐdé (Peter) shì (was) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) cóng (from) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) zhōng (within) jí·qǔ (drawing · taking) jiàoxun (teaching) de (’s) .

Hái (still) Yào (must) Xué·xí (learn · {get practised}) ! ˄

3, 4. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) xiàng (to) Yēsū (Jesus) tí·le (raised · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) wèn·tí (asking · subject)   (→ [question]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Bǐdé (Peter) duì (towards) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) wèn·tí (asking · subject)   (→ [question]) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) kàn·fǎ ({looking at} · way) ? (Bǐng) ((third)) Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zhǐ·chū ({did point} · out) Bǐdé (Peter) shòu·le ({had received} · [indicates a change]) dāng·rì ({at that} · sun → [day]) de (’s) bù·liáng (not · good) fēng·qì (wind’s → [attitude’s] · air’s → [spirit’s]) yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound)   (→ [influence]) ?

3 Dà·yuē (largely · approximately) liù (six) ge ([mw]) yuè (moons)   (→ [months]) qián (before) , Bǐdé (Peter) zài (in) jiā·xiāng (family · {native place}) Jiābǎinóng (Capernaum) xiàng (to) Yēsū (Jesus) tí·le (raised · [to completion]) (one) ge ([mw]) wèn·tí (asking · subject)   (→ [question]) : Zhǔ (Lord) a, (me) de (’s) dì·xiong ({younger brother} · {elder brother}) dé·zuì (gets · {sin [against]})   (→ [offends]) (me) , (I) yào (must) kuān·shù (generously · forgive) (him) duō·shao ({are many} · {are few})   (→ [how many]) (times) ne? Dào ({up to}) (seven) (times) gòu ({is enough}) ma?” Bǐdé (Peter) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) zìjǐ (self) yǐ·jing (already · {was going through}) gòu (enough) kuān·hóng ({being generous} · {being great}) dà·liàng (large · amount) de (’s) le ([to completion]) , yīn·wei (because · for) dāng·rì ({at that} · sun → [day]) de (’s) zōng·jiào ([of] {school of thought} · teaching)   (→ [religious]) lǐng·xiù (leading · sleeves)   (→ [leaders]) shuō (said) , rén (person) zhǐ (only) (needed) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) mào·fàn (rashly · {had offended}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) rén (person) sān (three) (times) jiù (then) gòu ({was enough}) le ([to completion]) . Kě·shì (however · was) , Yēsū (Jesus) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answering) shuō (said) : (not) shì (is) dào ({up to}) (seven) (times) , ér ({but [rather]}) shì (is) dào ({up to}) qī·shí·qī (seven · tens · seven)   (→ [seventy-seven]) (times) .” ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 18:21, 22)

4 Yēsū (Jesus) shì (was) bu (not) shì (was) shuō (saying) , Bǐdé (Peter) yīnggāi (should) zǐ·xì ({the young of domestic animals} · finely)   (→ [carefully]) jìlù (record) bié·ren (other · people) mào·fàn (rashly · {have offended}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) cì·shù (times · number) ne? (not) shì (was) de () . Yēsū (Jesus’) jiāng (taking) Bǐdé (Peter) shuō ({spoke of}) de (’s) (seven) (times) gǎi·chéng ({to be changed} · {to become}) qī·shí·qī (seven · tens · seven)   (→ [seventy-seven]) (times) , yì·si (meaning · thought) shì (is) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yīnggāi (should) wú·xiàn (without · limit) liàng (amount) de (-ly) kuān·shù (generously · forgive) bié·ren (other · people) . (Gēlínduō (Corinth) Qián·shū (earlier · book) (→ [1 Corinthians]) 13:4, 5) Cǐ·wài (this · outside) , Yēsū (Jesus) (also) xiǎng (wanted) ràng ({to let}) Bǐdé (Peter) kàn·chū (see · out) , (he) zhèng (exactly) shòu·dào ({had received} · {arriving at}) dāng·rì ({at that} · sun → [day]) de (’s) bù·liáng (not · good) fēng·qì (wind’s → [attitude’s] · air’s → [spirit’s]) yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound)   (→ [influence]) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) de (’s) rén (people’s) xīn·cháng (hearts · intestines)   (→ [hearts, intentions]) gāng·yìng ({were firm} · {were hard}) , (not) kěn ({were willing}) qīng·yì (lightly · easily) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) rén (people) , tāmen ([they]) huì (would) xiàng (like) jì·zhàng ({were recording} · accounts) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , shǔ·suàn (count · calculate) zìjǐ (selves) kuān·shù (generously · {had forgiven}) bié·ren (other · people) de (’s) cì·shù (times · number) . Rán’ér (but) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) què (however) yīnggāi (should) xiàng (like) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) nà·yàng (that · [way]) kuān·dà·wéi·huái ({being generous, lenient} · {in a large way} · be · harbouring) , gān·xīn ({be willing} · hearts) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēhàn (John) Yī·shū (first · book)   (→ [1 John]) 1:7–9.)

5. Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) zài (in) shénme ([what]) qíngkuàng (situation) xia (under) cái ({only then}) néng (can) shēn·qiè (deep · ardent) de (-ly) lǐnghuì (understand) dào ({arriving at}) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) de (’s) yì·si (meaning · thought) ?

5 Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Bǐdé (Peter) méi·yǒu (not · had) gēn (with) Yēsū (Jesus) zhēng·biàn (contended · argued) , dàn (but) zhè (this) shì (is) bu (not) shì (is) shuō (saying) (he) (already) xué·huì ({had learned} · {to be able}) gān·xīn ({to be willing} · heart) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) ne? Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) , dāng (at) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yì·shi (meaning · know) dào ({arriving at}) zìjǐ (selves) hěn ({very much}) xūyào (need) bié·ren (other · people’s) kuān·shù (generously · forgiving) shí (times) , cái ({only then}) néng (can) shēn·qiè (deep · ardent) de (-ly) lǐnghuì (understand) dào ({arriving at}) shénme ([what]) shì (is) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) . Ràng (let) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·kan (see · see) zài (at) Yēsū (Jesus’) xī·shēng ({sacrificing of} · {domestic animal})   (→ [sacrifice]) qián ({before ←}) de (’s) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) fā·shēng·le ({had issued forth} · {had come to life} · [to completion])   (→ [had happened]) shénme ([what]) shì (things) . Zài (in) (those) nán’·áo (difficult · {to endure}) de (’s) (few) ge ([mw]) xiǎo·shí (small · {time periods})   (→ [hours]) li (inside) , Bǐdé (Peter) zuò·le (did · [to completion]) hěn (very) duō (many) cuò (wrong) shì (things) , xūyào (needing) (him) de (’s) Zhǔ (Lord) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) .

Duō·cì (many · times) Méng (received) Kuān·shù (generous · forgiving) ˄

6. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) qiānbēi de (-ly) wèi (for) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) xǐjiǎo shí (time) , Bǐdé (Peter) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yēsū (Jesus) yòu (again) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) duì·dài (treated · {dealt with}) Bǐdé (Peter) ?

6 (that) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , yīn·wei (because · for) zhè (this) shì (was) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) dì·shang (earth · upon) de (’s) zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [final]) (one) (night) . Kě·shì (however · was) , Yēsū (Jesus) hái·yǒu (still · had) hěn (very) duō (many) dōngxi yào (needing) jiào·dǎo ({to teach} · {to instruct}) (him) de (’s) shǐtú, qí·zhōng (them · among) zhī (’s) (one) jiù·shì (exactly · was) qiānbēi. Yēsū (Jesus) yǐ·shēn·zuò·zé (used · body → [self] · {to be} · {the standard}) , céng qiānbēi de (-ly) wèi (for) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) xǐjiǎo, ér ({and yet}) zhè (this) běn·lái (originally · {had come}) shì ({to be}) bēiwēi de (’s) pú·rén (servant · person) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zuò ({would do}) de (’s) shì (thing) . Qǐ·chū (rising · beginning)   (→ [at first]) , Bǐdé (Peter) wèn (asked) Yēsū (Jesus) huì (would) buhuì xǐ (him) de (’s) jiǎo, hòulái què (however) búyào Yēsū (Jesus) wèi (for) (him) xǐjiǎo, dàn (but) jiēzhe yòu (additionally) jiào (asked) Yēsū bùzhǐ yào (must) (him) de (’s) jiǎo, lián (him) de (’s) shǒu (and) tóu (also) yào (must) xǐ! Yēsū (Jesus) méi·yǒu (not · had) (not) nàifán, fǎn’·ér (instead · thus) xīnpíng-qìhé de (-ly) jiěshì zìjǐ (self) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (doing) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) yìyì. (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 13:1–17)

7, 8. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) kǎoyàn Yēsū (Jesus) de () nàixìng? (Yǐ) ((second)) Shénme ([what]) xiǎnshì Yēsū (Jesus) jìxù (continues) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) de (-ly) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) rén (people) ?

7 Guò·le (pass·ed) yízhènzi, Bǐdé (Peter) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) kǎoyàn Yēsū (Jesus) de () nàixìng. Shǐtúmen xiǎnchū jiāo’ào zhèi (this) zhǒng ({kind of}) cuò·wù (wrong · mistaken) de (’s) tàidu, zhēng·lùn (contentiously · discussed) (one) ge ([mw]) shì (was) zuì·dà (most · great) de (’s) , Bǐdé (Peter) wú·yí (no · doubt) (also) cānyù zhèi (this) (time’s) zhēnglùn. Suīrán rú·cǐ ({was like} · this) , Yēsū (Jesus) hái·shi (still · was) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) de (-ly) jiūzhèng tāmen ([them]) , bìng ({side by side with}) chēngzàn tāmen ([them]) zuò·de ({having done} · {getting to be}) hǎo, zhōngzhēn (loyal) de (-ly) gēnsuí (following) (him) . Kě·shì (however · was) , Yēsū (Jesus) (also) yù·yán ({in advance} · {had said}) tāmen ([they]) quándōu huì (would) shě (him) ér (and) qù. Bǐdé (Peter) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) shuō (said) , (he) jiù·suàn (even · figuring) (even) bú·huì (not · would) bèiqì Yēsū (Jesus) . Yēsū (Jesus) yúshì yòu (additionally) yù·yán ({in advance} · {had said}) , jiù (exactly) zài (on) dàngtiān wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , Bǐdé (Peter) huì (would) zài (at) (cock) jiào ({calls out}) liǎng (times) yǐ·qián (at · before) sān (three) (times) (not) rèn ({did acknowledge}) Zhǔ (Lord) . Bǐdé (Peter) jiān·chēng (firmly · {had stated}) zìjǐ (self) bú·huì (not · would) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò (do) , hái (also) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [confidence]) shí·zú ({ten [times]} · ample) de (-ly) shuō (said) , zìjǐ (self) yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) huì (would) qí·yú (him · {remainder beyond}) de (’s) shǐtú gèngjiā zhōng·xīn ({be faithful} · heart) ! ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 26:31–35; Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:27–31; Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 22:24–28; Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 13:36–38)

8 Zài (at) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) shíhou (time) , Yēsū (Jesus) kuàiyào duì (towards) Bǐdé (Peter) shī·qù (lose · away) nàixìng le ([indicates a change]) ma? Suīrán chǔyú nán’·áo (difficult · {to endure}) de (’s) shí·kè (time · moment) , kàn·dào (seeing · reaching) shǐtú xiǎnchū gèzhǒng ruò diǎn, Yēsū (Jesus) réng·rán (still · -ly) zhù·yì·lì ({to concentrate} · attention · power) fàng zài (on) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) yōudiǎn zhī·shàng (them · above) . (he) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) Bǐdé (Peter) huì (would) (not) rèn (acknowledge) (him) , dàn (but) hái·shi (still · was) shuō (saying) : (I) yǐ·jing (already · {have gone through}) wèi (for) (you) kěn·qiè (earnestly · ardently) qí·qiú (praying · entreating) , miǎnde (you) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) jìn shī. Nǐ huí·tóu ({have circled back to} · beginning) yǐ·hòu (at · afterwards) , yào (must) qiánghuà nǐ de dì·xiong ({younger brothers} · {elder brothers}) .” (Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 22:32) Yēsū (Jesus) de () zhèi (this) fān huà (words) xiǎnshì, (he) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · believed) Bǐdé (Peter) bìdìng (certainly) huì (would) gǎi·guò (change · transgressions) zìxīn, zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) zhōngzhēn (loyal) de (-ly) shìfèng Shàng·dì (above’s · God) . Yēsū (Jesus) shì (is) duō·me (much · [so]) de (-ly) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) , duō·me (much · [so]) de (-ly) yuàn·yì ({is willing} · intention) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) rén (people) a!

9, 10. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) zài (in) Kèxīmǎní yuán (garden) fàn·le (committed · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) cuò·wù (blunders · mistakes) , xūyào (needing) Yēsū (Jesus) jiūzhèng? (Yǐ) ((second)) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) lì·zi (example · [suf]) ràng (lets) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū (see · out) shénme ([what]) ?

9 Shāohòu, tāmen ([they]) qùle Kèxīmǎní yuán (garden) , zài (in) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) Bǐdé (Peter) yòu (additionally) fàn·le (committed · [to completion]) yìxiē cuò·wù (blunders · mistakes) , xūyào (needing) Yēsū (Jesus) jiūzhèng. Yēsū (Jesus) fēnfu Bǐdé (Peter) , Yǎgè (and) Yuēhàn (John) zài (in) (he) dǎogào de (’s) shíhou (time) yào (must) jǐngxǐng shǒuwàng. Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Yēsū (Jesus) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) tòng·kǔ ({in pain} · bitter) , hěn ({very much}) xūyào ({was needing}) dé·dào ({to get} · {arriving at}) zhīchí (supporting) , dàn (but) Bǐdé (Peter) (and) tóngbànr què (however) (one) (time) yòu (again) (one) (time) de (-ly) shuìzháo le ([to completion]) . Yēsū (Jesus) yuán·liàng (pardoned · forgave) tāmen ([them]) , tǐxù tāmen ([them]) shuō (said) : Xīn·líng (heart · spirit) gùrán shì (is) rèqiè de (’s) , ròutǐ què (however) ruǎnruò le ([to completion]) .” (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:32–41)

10 Méi (not) duō ({much of}) jiǔ ({a long time}) , (one) bāng názhe huǒbǎ (and) dāojiàn gùnbàng de (’s) rén (people) lái·dào (came · arrived) . Zhèi (this) zhǒng ({kind of}) qíngshì xūyào (needed) xiǎoxīn yìng·fu ({to be responded to} · {to hand sth. over to})   (→ [to deal with]) , Bǐdé (Peter) què (indeed) lǔmǎng de (-ly) chōng shàngqián, huī jiàn jiù (then) xiàng (towards) dà·jì·sī (great · {offering sacrifices} · manage[r])   (→ [high priest]) de (’s) núlì Mǎlègǔ (Malchus) kǎnqu, xiāodiàole (him) de (’s) (one) zhī ([mw]) ěrduo. Yēsū (Jesus) yòng pínghé de (’s) yǔqì jiūzhèng Bǐdé (Peter) , bìng ({side by side with}) yīhǎole Mǎlègǔ (Malchus) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) zhǐ·chū (pointed · out) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) (him) de (’s) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) (not) gāi shǐyòng bàolì, zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) yuán·zé (original · rule)   (→ [principle]) duì (to) jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) de (’s) Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) (also) shìyòng. ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 26:47–55; Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 22:47–51; Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 18:10, 11) Bǐdé (Peter) què·shí (certainly · solidly) zuò·le ({had done} · [to completion]) hěn (very) duō (many) cuò (wrong) shì (things) , xūyào (needing) (him) de (’s) Zhǔ (Lord) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) . (him) de (’s) lì·zi (example · [suf]) (also) ràng (lets) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) kàn·chū (see · out) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) rén·rén (person · person)   (→ [everyone]) dōu (all) nánmiǎn cháng·cháng (often · often) fàn·cuò (commit · errors) . (Qǐng dú Yǎgèshū 3:2.) Shì wèn (asking) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yǒu (have) shéi (not) shì (is) měi tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) dōu ({every one}) xūyào (needing) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) de (’s) ne? Dàn (but) zhè (this) bìng (actually) bu (not) shì (was) Bǐdé (Peter) zài (on) dàngwǎn suǒ ({that which [he]}) fàn (committed) de (’s) zuì·dà (most · big) de (’s) cuò·wù (blunder · mistake) .

Zuì·dà (most · big) de (’s) Cuò·wù (blunder · mistake) ˄

11, 12. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) bèi dàibǔ hòu, Bǐdé (Peter) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiǎnchū yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Bǐdé (Peter) céng shēngchēng zěn·me (how · [suf]) zuò ({would do}) , jiéguǒ què (however) méi·yǒu (not · had) zuò·dào ({had done} · {arriving at}) ?

11 Yēsū (Jesus) gēn (with) nèi (that) bāng rén (people) shuō (said) , rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) was}) tāmen ([they]) zhǎo de (’s) shì (was) (him) , jiù (then) yīnggāi (should) ràng (let) (him) de (’s) shǐtú lí·kāi ({to leave} · away) . Bǐdé (Peter) wú·nài (without · how)   (→ [helpless]) de (-ly) kàn·zhe ({was watch-} · -ing) Yēsū (Jesus) bèi rén (people) bǎng qi·lai (up · {to come}) , jiēzhe (he) jiù (then) xiàng (like) qí·yú (him · {remainder beyond}) de (’s) shǐtú nà·yàng (that · [way]) , piēxia Yēsū (Jesus) táopǎo le ([indicates a change]) .

12 Yēsū (Jesus) shǒuxiān bèi yā·dào (pressed · to) qián·rèn (formerly · appointed) Dà·jì·sī (great · {offering sacrifices} · manage[r])   (→ [High Priest]) Yànà de (’s) fǔdì jiēshòu shěnwèn, Bǐdé (Peter) (and) Yuēhàn (John) huòxǔ (perhaps) (also) zài (at) fùjìn ({[area] near}) tíngle xiàlái. Zhī·hòu (it · after) , Yēsū (Jesus) bèi yā·dào (pressed · to) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) dìfang (place) , Bǐdé (Peter) (and) Yuēhàn (John) (also) yuǎnyuǎn de (-ly) gēn·zhe ({were follow-} · -ing) . ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 26:58; Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 18:12, 13) Bǐdé (Peter) qí·shí (his · actuality) yìdiǎnr (even) (not) nuòruò. (he) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) yào (needed) yǒu ({to have}) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) cái ({only then}) néng (could) gēn (follow) zài (at) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) rén (people) hòumian. Bì·jìng (finishing · {in the end})   (→ [after all]) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) rén (people) názhe wǔqì, ér·qiě (and · moreover) Bǐdé (Peter) hái (also) gāng·gāng (just · just) shāng·le ({had injured} · [to completion]) tāmen ([them]) qí·zhōng (’s · among) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) . Kě·shì (however · was) , Bǐdé (Peter) bìng (definitely) méi·yǒu (not · had) xiàng (like) (he) shēngchēng nà·yàng (that · [way]) , duì (towards) Zhǔ (Lord) xiǎnchū zhōngzhēn (loyal) zhī (’s) ài (love) , zài (in) bìyào (necessary) shí (time) gānyuàn ({to be willing}) Yēsū (Jesus) tóng sǐ. (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:31)

13. Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zěn·me (how · [suf]) zuò (do) cái ({only then}) suàn shì ({to be}) gēnsuí (following) Jīdū ([Christ]) ?

13 Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , hěn (very) duō (many) rén (people) dōu (even) xiàng (like) Bǐdé (Peter) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , zhǐ·shì (only · are) “yuǎnyuǎn gēn·zhe ({were follow-} · -ing) Jīdū ([Christ]) , tāmen ([they]) (not) xiǎng ({do want}) shēn·biān (body → [self] · beside) de (’s) rén (people) zhī·dào ({to know} · way)   (→ [to know]) . Búguò, zhèng·rú (just · like) Bǐdé (Peter) zìjǐ (self) hòulái suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō (said) , xiǎng (want) yào ({to require}) gēnsuí ({to follow}) Jīdū ([Christ]) , jiù (then) bìxū (must) jìnjǐsuǒnéng, jǐnjǐn gēnsuí ({to follow}) (him) de (’s) jiǎozōng, zài (in) yíqiè shì (things) shang (upon) dōu (all) xiàofǎ (him) , ér (and) (not) shì (be) zhānqián-gùhòu, wèishǒu-wèiwěi. (Qǐng (please) (read) Bǐdé (Peter) Qián·shū (earlier · book)   (→ [1 Peter]) 2:21.)

14. Yēsū (Jesus) shòu (received) shěn de (’s) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) , Bǐdé (Peter) zài ({was then}) zuò (doing) shénme ([what]) ?

14 Bǐdé (Peter) xiǎoxīnyìyì de (-ly) gēn·zhe ({was follow-} · -ing) nèi (that) bāng rén (people) , zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) lái·dào (came · to) Yēlùsālěng (one) zuò ([mw]) zuì (most) yǒu (having) qìpài de (’s) dàzhái mén (door) wài. Zhè·lǐ (this · inside)   (→ [here]) shì (was) yǒu·cái (having · wealth) yǒu·shì (having · power) de (’s) Dà·jì·sī (great · {offering sacrifices} · manage[r])   (→ [High Priest]) Gāiyàfǎ de (’s) jiā (home) . Zhèi (this) lèi ({kind of}) dàzhái de (’s) zhōngyāng (centre) tōngcháng yǒu (had) (one) ge ([mw]) yuàn·zi (courtyard · [suf]) . Bǐdé (Peter) dào·le (reach·ed) mén (door) qián ({before ←}) , dàn (but) shǒu·mén·rén (guarding · door · person) (not) ràng ({did let}) (him) jìnqu. Yuēhàn (John) gēn (with) Dà·jì·sī (great · {offering sacrifices} · manage[r])   (→ [High Priest]) xiāng·shí ({each other} · knew) , nà·shí ({[at] that} · time) (he) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) zài (in) dàzhái lǐmiàn le ([to completion]) . (he) zǒu (walked) shàngqián, qǐng shǒu·mén·rén (guarding · door · person) ràng ({to let}) Bǐdé (Peter) jìnqu. Nà·shí ({[at] that} · time) wūzi li (inside) zhèng·zài (just · {was then}) jìnxíng shěnxùn. Bǐdé (Peter) kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) méi·yǒu (not · had) gēn (with) Yuēhàn (John) dài zài (in) yì·qǐ (one · group) , (also) méi·yǒu (not · had) jìn wūzi li (inside) qù, shǒu zài (at) (him) de (’s) Zhǔ (Lord’s) shēn·biān (body → [self] · beside) , ér ({but [rather]}) zhǐ·shì (only · was) liú (staying) zài (in) yuàn·zi (courtyard · [suf]) li (inside) . Yè·li (night · inside) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) hánlěng, yǒu·xiē ({was having} · some) núlì (and) pú·rén (servant · persons) zài (in) yuàn·zi (courtyard · [suf]) li (inside) kǎohuǒ. Tāmen ([they]) yìbiān kǎohuǒ qǔnuǎn, yìbiān kàn·zhe ({were watch-} · -ing) nèi·xiē (that · {number of}) lái (came) zuò ({to do}) jiǎ (false) jiàn·zhèng ({having seen} · evidence)   (→ [witnessing]) zhǐ·kòng ({to point at} · {to accuse}) Yēsū (Jesus) de () rén (persons) jìnjìn-chūchū. (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:54–57; Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 18:15, 16, 18)

15, 16. Yēsū (Jesus’) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophesying]) Bǐdé (Peter) huì (would) sān (three) (times) (not) rèn (acknowledge) Zhǔ (Lord) de (’s) huà (words) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) yìng·yàn (responded · {produced the expected result})   (→ [were fulfilled]) le ([to completion]) ?

15 Zài (at) huǒ·guāng (fire·light) de (’s) zhào·shè (shining · emitting) xia (under) , Bǐdé (Peter) bèi (by) shǒu·mén (guarding · door) de (’s) nǚ·pú (female · servant) rèn·le ({was recognized} · [to completion]) chū·lai (out · {to come}) , nǚ·pú (female · servant) jiù (then) shuō (said) : (you) (also) shì (were) gēn (with) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) Jiālìlì·rén (Galilean · person) Yēsū (Jesus) yì·huǒr ([in] one · band)   (→ [together]) de (’s) !” Bǐdé (Peter) bù·zhī (not · {had known}) suǒ·cuò ({that which} · {was arranged}) , jiù (then) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) fǒu·rèn (denied · admitting) zìjǐ (self) rèn·shi (recognized · knew) Yēsū (Jesus) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {to the point of}) jiǎ·zhuāng (falsely · pretending) (not) zhī·dào ({to know} · way)   (→ [to know]) (that) nǚ·pú (female · servant) zài ({was then}) shuō (saying) shénme ([what]) . Rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) , (he) zǒu·dào (walked · to) mén·kǒu (door · opening’s) fùjìn ({[area] near}) , yǐ·wéi (taking · {to be}) zài (at) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) jiù (then) méi·yǒu (not · {would have}) rén (people) huì (would) liú·yì (leave · attention) dào ({arriving at}) (him) , méi (not) xiǎng·dào ({had thought} · {arriving at}) què (however) bèi (by) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) nǚ·pú (female · servant) fā·xiàn·le ({would be having generating of} · revealing · [to completion])   (→ [would be discovered]) , (she) (also) shuō (said) : Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (man) shì (was) gēn (with) Násālè·rén (Nazarene · person) Yēsū (Jesus) yì·huǒr ([in] one · band)   (→ [together]) de (’s) .” Bǐdé (Peter) qǐ·shì (raising · oath) shuō (said) : (I) (not) rèn·shi ({do recognize} · {do know}) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) rén (man) !” ( Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 26:69–72; Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:66–68) Bǐdé (Peter) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) (not) rèn ({did acknowledge}) Yēsū (Jesus) . Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) (he) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) (cock) (crowing) , dàn (but) yóu·yú ({because of} · from) zhǐ·gù (only · {taking into consideration}) bì·kāi (avoiding · {clear of}) bié·ren (other · people) de (’s) zhù·yì (concentrating · attention) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) méi (not) xiǎng·qǐ ({had thought} · up) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (at) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) xiǎo·shí (small · {time periods})   (→ [hours]) qián ({before ←}) cái ({just then}) shuō·guo ({had spoken} · {[in the] past}) de (’s) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) .

16 Bǐdé (Peter) réng (still) zài ({was then}) xiǎng·fāng ({thinking of} · directions) shè·fǎ ({setting up} · methods) bì·kāi ({to avoid} · {clear of}) rén·men (people · [pl]) de (’s) zhù·yì (concentrating · attention) . Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) yuàn·zi (courtyard · [suf]) li (inside) yǒu·xiē (had · some) rén (people) zǒu (walking) guo·lai (over · {to come}) , qí·zhōng (them · among) (one) ge ([mw]) shì (was) Dà·jì·sī (great · {offering sacrifices} · manage[r])   (→ [High Priest]) de (’s) púyì (servant) , (also) shì (was) bèi (by) Bǐdé (Peter) nòng·shāng ({had been made} · {to be injured}) de (’s) Mǎlègǔ (Malchus) de () qīnqi (relative) . Zhè (this) rén (person) duì (to) Bǐdé (Peter) shuō (said) : (I) (not) shì (was) kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) (you) gēn (with) (him) yì·qǐ ([in] one · group)   (→ [together]) zài (in) yuán·zi (garden · [suf]) li (inside) ma?” Wèi·le ({in order to} · [to completion]) lìng (make) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) rén (people) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for selves} · believe) (he) (not) rèn·shi ({did recognize} · {did know}) Yēsū (Jesus) , Bǐdé (Peter) jiù (then) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) fā·shì (issued · oath) , hěn (very) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) shuō (saying) , rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) was}) (he) sā·huǎng ({was casting} · lies) jiù (then) yào (must) shòu (receive) zhòuzǔ (cursing) . Zhè (this) shì (was) Bǐdé (Peter’s) dì‐sān ([third]) (time) (not) rèn (acknowledging) Yēsū (Jesus) . (he) (once) shuō·wán (speaking · {was finished}) , lì·kè (immediately · {[that] moment}) (cock) yòu (again) jiào ({called out}) le ([indicates a change]) . Zhè (this) shì (was) (he) zài (on) nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) dì‐èr ([second]) (time) tīng·jian ({had heard} · meeting) (cock) jiào ({call out}) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 18:26, 27; Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:71, 72)

[Dì‐197 ([197th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Zhǔ (Lord) zhuǎn·guò (turned · {to pass}) shēn (body) lai ({to come}) , kàn·le ({looked at} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) ({[with] one}) yǎn ({look of the eye})

17, 18. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) yì·shi (meaning · knowing) dào ({arrived at}) zìjǐ (self) zuò·le ({had done} · [to completion]) hěn (very) duì·bu·qǐ (facing · not · {up to})   (→ [causing him to be unable to face]) Zhǔ (Master) de (’s) shì (thing) , yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) (he) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) ?

17 Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , Yēsū (Jesus) gāng·gāng (just · just) lái·dào ({had come} · to) lù·tái (exposed · platform)   (→ [balcony]) shang (upon) , wàng ({had gazed into the distance}) xiàng (towards) yuàn·zi (courtyard · [suf]) . Jiù (exactly) zài (at) (that) (one) (moment) , zhèng·rú (just · like) běn (this) zhāng (chapter’s) kāi·tóu (opening · beginning) suǒ ({that which [it]}) shuō (says) , Yēsū (Jesus) (and) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) mù·guāng (eye · lights)   (→ [gazes]) xiāng·yù ({each other} · met) le ([indicates a change]) . Bǐdé (Peter) zhè ({[at] this}) cái ({only then}) měng·rán (abrupt·ly) xǐng·jué ({woke up} · {to become aware}) , zìjǐ (self) zuò·le ({had done} · [to completion]) (one) jiàn ([mw]) duō·me (much · [so]) duì·bu·qǐ (facing · not · {up to})   (→ [causing him to be unable to face]) Zhǔ (Master) de (’s) shì (thing) . (he) bèi (by) zuì·jiù·gǎn (guilt · fault · feeling) chén·chén (sinkingly · sinkingly) yā·zhù ({was pressed} · firmly) , jī·hū (nearly · at) yào (must) bēng·kuì (collapse · burst) le ([to completion]) . (he) lí·kāi (left · {clear of}) yuàn·zi (courtyard · [suf]) , zǒu·dào (walked · to) dà·jiē (big · streets) shang (upon) . Yè·kōng (night · sky) de (’s) míng·yuè (bright · moon) zhèng ({just then}) jiàn·jiàn (gradually · gradually) (west) chén ({was sinking}) , yuè·guāng (moon·light) zhào ({was shining}) zài (on) (he) suǒ ({that which [he]}) zǒu ({was walking on}) de (’s) (road) shang (upon) . Gāngcái ({just then}) fā·shēng ({had issued forth} · {had come to life})   (→ [had happened]) de (’s) shì (things) , yí·mù·mù (one · curtain → [act (of a play)] · curtain → [act (of a play)]) de (-ly) fú·xiàn (floated · {to appear}) yǎn·qián (eyes · before) , (him) de (’s) lèi·shuǐ (tears · water) duó·kuàng’·ér·chū ({took by force} · {eye sockets} · and · {came out}) , zhōng·yú (finally · {[was] at}) jīn·bu·zhù (enduring · not · firmly) tòng·kū (painfully · weeping) qi·lai (up · {to come}) . (Mǎkě (Mark) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 14:72; Lùjiā (Luke) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 22:61, 62)

18 Dāng (when) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) yì·shi (meaning · knows) dào ({arriving at}) zìjǐ (self) fàn·le ({has committed} · [to completion]) zhè·me (this · [so]) yán·zhòng (severe · heavy) de (’s) guò·cuò (transgressing · mistake) shí (time) , hěn ({very much}) róng·yì (allowing · {being easy}) huì (will) rèn·wéi (identify · {as being}) zìjǐ (self’s) zuì (sin) wú·kě ({was not having} · {being able}) shù ({to be forgiven}) , Bǐdé (Peter) kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) (also) yǒu (had) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({kind of}) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) . Nà·me (that · [suf]) , (he) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) zuì (sin) wú·kě ({was not having} · {being able}) shù ({to be forgiven}) ma?

Zuì (sin) Wú·kě ({was not having} · {being able}) Shù ({to be forgiven}) ma? ˄

19. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Bǐdé (Peter) duì (towards) zìjǐ (self) fàn ({had committed}) de (’s) cuò (mistake) yǒu (had) shén·me (what · [suf]) gǎnjué (feeling) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zěn·me (how · [suf]) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) (he) bìng (definitely) méi·yǒu (not · had) yì·jué (once · fallen) bú·zhèn (not · {risen with spirit}) ?

19 Báizhòu láilín le ([indicates a change]) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) wú·fǎ ({do not have} · way) xiǎng·xiàng ({to think of} · image) , dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) nèi·xīn (inner · heart) yǒu (had) duō·me ({[how] much} · [so]) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) . Dāng (at) (he) mù·dǔ ({[with] eyes} · saw) Yēsū (Jesus) jiē xia·lai (down · {to come}) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shòu (received) de (’s) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) shí (times) , xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) gèngjiā tòng·xīn ({was pained} · heart) . Nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) xiàwǔ, (he) kànjian Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) kǔxíngzhù shang (upon) bǎoshòuzhémo hǎojǐ ge ([mw]) xiǎo·shí (small · {time periods})   (→ [hours]) , zuì·hòu (most · afterwards)   (→ [finally]) sǐ qù, xīn·li (heart · inside) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) hěn nèijiù. Dāng (when) (he) xiǎng·dào (thought · {arriving at}) , zài (on) Zhǔ (Master) qùshì de (’s) (that) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , zìjǐ (self) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) jiātiānle Zhǔ (Master) de (’s) tòng·kǔ (pain · bitterness) , bìdìng (certainly) xīnrúdāogē. Suīrán gǎn·dào (feeling · {arriving at}) wànfēn bēitòng, Bǐdé (Peter) què (however) méi·yǒu (not · had) yì·jué (once · fallen) bú·zhèn (not · {risen with spirit}) , yīn·wei (because · for) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) gàosu wǒ·men (us · [pl]) , (he) hěn kuài jiù (then) gēn (with) dì·xiong ({younger brothers} · {elder brothers}) zài (in) yì·qǐ (one · group) . (Lùjiā Fúyīn 24:33) Shǐtúmen wú·yí (no · doubt) dōu yīn ({because of}) zìjǐ (selves) zài (on) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) kě·pà ({was worth} · fearing) de (’s) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) suǒ ({those which [they]}) zuò de (’s) shì (things) ér (thus) àohuǐ, xiǎng·bì (think · certainly) tāmen ([they]) (also) huì (would) bǐcǐ ānwèi.

20. Bǐdé (Peter) méi·yǒu (not · had) yì·jué (once · fallen) bú·zhèn (not · {risen with spirit}) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiàofǎ (him) ?

20 Bǐdé (Peter) méi·yǒu (not · had) yīn ({because of}) zìjǐ (self) suǒ ({those which [he]}) fàn (committed) de (’s) cuò (mistakes) ér (thus) yì·jué (once · fallen) bú·zhèn (not · {risen with spirit}) , (he) shí·zài (truly · presently) zuòde hěn hǎo. (one) ge ([mw]) shìfèng Shàngdì de (’s) rén (person) rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) shī·zú (loses · footing) le ([indicates a change]) , bùguǎn diēde yǒu (having) duōchóng, zhǐ·yào (only · requires) (he) xiàdìng jué·xīn (determined · heart) gǎi·guò (change · transgressions) zìxīn, jiù (then) néng (can) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) zhàn qi·lai (up · {to come}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings)   (→ [Proverbs]) 24:16.) Bǐdé (Peter) suīrán hěn huīxīn, dàn réng (still) gēn (with) (him) de (’s) dì·xiong ({younger brothers} · {elder brothers}) zài (in) yì·qǐ (one · group) , zhè (this) xiǎnshì (he) yǒu (had) zhēn·zhèng (true · proper) de (’s) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Dāng (at) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) gǎn·dào (feels · {arriving at}) jǔsàng, huò (or) yīn ({because of}) zìjǐ (self) de (’s) guò·cuò (transgressing · mistake) gǎn·dào (feels · {arriving at}) nèijiù shí (times) , hěn róng·yì (allowing · {being easy}) huì (will) gūlì zìjǐ (self) , dàn zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò shì (is) hěn wēixiǎn de (’s) . ( Zhēn·yán (admonishing · sayings) (→ [Proverbs]) 18:1) Zhè ({[at] this}) shíhou (time) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) gèng yīnggāi (should) gēn (with) xìntú bǎochí jǐnmì de (’s) liánxì, zhè·yàng (this · [way]) cái néng bāngzhù zìjǐ (self) zhènzuò qi·lai (up · {to come}) . (Xībóláishū 10:24, 25)

21. Yóu·yú ({because of} · by) gēn (with) dì·xiong·men ({younger brothers} · {elder brothers} · [pl]) zài ({being in}) yì·qǐ (one · group) , Bǐdé (Peter) cái néng tīng·dào ({to hear} · reaching) shén·me (what · [suf]) xiāoxi?

21 Yóu·yú ({because of} · by) gēn (with) dì·xiong·men ({younger brothers} · {elder brothers} · [pl]) zài ({being in}) yì·qǐ (one · group) , Bǐdé (Peter) cái néng tīng·dào ({to hear} · reaching) (one) ge ([mw]) lìng (makes) rén (people) zhènjīng de (’s) xiāoxi. Yēsū (Jesus) de () yítǐ běn·lái (originally · {had come}) zàng zài (in) jì·niàn·mù ({written record} · rememberance · tomb) li (inside) , rùkǒu yě bèi ([got]) fēng·zhù (sealed · fast) le ([to completion]) . Zhè·shí ({[at] this} · time) , yítǐ què bújiàn le ([indicates a change]) ! Yúshì, Bǐdé (Peter) (and) Yuēhàn (John) jiù (then) xiàng (towards) jì·niàn·mù ({written record} · rememberance · tomb) pǎoqu. Yuēhàn (John) kànlái bǐjiào niánqīng, suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) xiān dàodá jì·niàn·mù ({written record} · rememberance · tomb) , dàn (he) kànjian fēng·zhù ({had sealed} · fast) jì·niàn·mù ({written record} · rememberance · tomb) de (’s) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) bèi ([had gotten]) yíkāi le ([indicates a change]) , jiù (then) yǒu·diǎnr (had · {a spot of}) yóu·yù (still · hesitating) , méi·yǒu (not · had) jìnqu. Bǐdé (Peter) què yìdiǎnr yě méi·yǒu (not · had) chíyí, suīrán (he) yǐjing shàng qì bù jiē xià qì, dàn hái·shi (still · was) lì·kè (immediately · {[that] moment}) zǒu·jìn (walking · into) jì·niàn·mù ({written record} · rememberance · tomb) , jiéguǒ fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing that})   (→ [discovered that]) lǐmiàn zhēn (truly) shì (was) kōng de (’s) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 20:3–9)

22. Shén·me (what · [suf]) shì (thing) xiāochúle Bǐdé (Peter) xīn·li (heart · inside) de (’s) bēishāng (and) yílǜ?

22 Bǐdé (Peter) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · believed) Yēsū (Jesus) fù·huó·le ({had been restored} · {to be living} · [indicates a change])   (→ [had been resurrected]) ma? Jǐnguǎn yǒu·xiē (had · some) zhōng·xīn ({being faithful} · hearts) gēnsuí ({were following}) Yēsū (Jesus) de (’s) fùnǚ (women) gàosu shǐtúmen, tiān·shǐ (heavenly · messenger)   (→ [angel]) xiàng tāmen ([them]) xiǎnxiàn, shuō (said) Yēsū (Jesus) yǐjing fù·huó ({being restored} · {to be living})   (→ [being resurrected]) , dàn Bǐdé (Peter) què bùkěn xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for self} · {to believe}) . (Lùjiā Fúyīn 23:55–24:11) Rán’ér (but) , dàngtiān shāohòu fā·shēng·le ({issued forth} · {came to life} · [to completion])   (→ [happened]) lìng (another) (one) jiàn ([mw]) shì (thing) , wánquán xiāochúle Bǐdé (Peter) xīn·li (heart · inside) de (’s) bēishāng (and) yílǜ. Yēsū (Jesus) xiàng quántǐ shǐtú xiǎnxiàn, (he) yǐjing fù·huó ({being restored} · {to be living})   (→ [being resurrected]) , xiànzài shì (was) ge ([mw]) dà·néng (great · ability) de (’s) língtǐ! Dàn zài (at) (this) zhī·qián (’s · before) , (he) yǐ xiàng (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) xiǎnxiàn, zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) rén (person) shì (was) shéi ne? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) jì·zǎi·le (records · {has written down} · [to completion]) shǐtúmen suǒ ({that which [they]}) shuō (said) de (’s) huà (words) : Zhǔ (Lord) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) yǐjing fù·shēng ({being restored} · {to be living}) , xiǎnxiàn gěi Xīmén (Simon) kàn le ([indicates a change]) !” (Lùjiā Fúyīn 24:34) Hòulái, shǐtú Bǎoluó yě shuō (said) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) fù·huó ({was restored} · {to be living})   (→ [was resurrected]) nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) “xiàng Jīfǎ (Cephas) xiǎnxiàn, rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) xiàng (that) Shí’·èr (ten · two)   (→ [Twelve]) rén (persons) xiǎnxiàn”. (Gēlínduō (Corinth) Qián·shū (earlier · book) (→ [1 Corinthians]) 15:5) Bǐdé (Peter) jiào·zuò (called · {to be}) Jīfǎ (Cephas) (and) Xīmén (Simon) ”. Nèi (that) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , Yēsū (Jesus) xiàng Bǐdé (Peter) xiǎnxiàn, dāng·shí ({at that} · time) xiǎnrán méi·yǒu (not · {had had}) qí·tā (him · otherwise’s)   (→ [other]) rén (people) zài·chǎng (at · place) .

[Dì‐201 yè de jīng xuǎn yǔjù]

Bǐdé (Peter) quèshí zuò·le ({had done} · [to completion]) hěn duō cuò (wrong) shì, xūyào (needing) (him) de (’s) Zhǔ (Master) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) (not) shì (are) měi tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) dōu xūyào (needing) Shàngdì kuān·shù (generous · forgiving) de (’s) ma?

23. Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · follower) yàoshi shī·zú (loses · footing) fàn·zuì (commits · sin) , wèi·shénme (for · [what]) yīnggāi (should) jì·zhu (remember · firmly) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced [things]) ?

23 Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · has) xiángxì jì·shù (recorded · narrated) Yēsū (Jesus) gēn (with) Bǐdé (Peter) chóngjù de (’s) nèi·ge (that · [mw]) gǎn·rén (moves · people) chǎngmiàn. Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) zhǐ·yǒu (only · {is having}) tāmen liǎ cái zuì (most) qīngchu ({are clear about}) . Dàn (but) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xiǎng·xiàng ({think of} · image) , Bǐdé (Peter) kànjian zìjǐ (self) suǒ ({he whom [he]}) shēn (deeply) ài (loved) de (’s) Zhǔ (Master) fù·huó ({had been restored} · {to be living})   (→ [had been resurrected]) , yǒu (had) jīhuì (opportunity) xiàng Zhǔ (Master) jìn su tòng·huǐ ({in anguish} · repenting) zhī (’s) qíng, yí·dìng ({[with] one} · {setting fixedly})   (→ [definitely]) shēn·shòu (deeply · received) gǎn·dòng (feeling · moved) . Dāng·shí ({at that} · time) , (he) zuì (most) xīwàng (hoped) dé·dào ({to get} · {arriving at}) de (’s) , jiù·shì (exactly · was) Zhǔ (Master) de (’s) kuān·shù (generous · forgiving) , ér (and) Yēsū (Jesus) kěn·dìng (agreed · {as certain}) shí·fēn (ten · portions)   (→ [very]) lèyì kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) Bǐdé (Peter) . Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · follower) yàoshi shī·zú (loses · footing) fàn·zuì (commits · sin) ,yīnggāi (should) jì·zhu (remember · firmly) Bǐdé (Peter) de (’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced [things]) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) jué (absolutely) (not) gāi rèn·wéi (identify · {as being}) zìjǐ (selves) búpèi dé·dào ({to get} · {arriving at}) Shàngdì de (’s) kuān·shù (generous · forgiving) . Jì·rán (since · -ly) Yēsū (Jesus) wán·měi (complete · beautiful)   (→ [perfect]) de (-ly) fǎn·yìng (back · reflects) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) de (’s) tèzhì, wǒ·men (we · [pl]) jiù (then) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) fàngxīn, Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) Yēhéhuá bìdìng (certainly) huì (will) kuān·dà (widely · greatly) shèmiǎn” wǒ·men (us · [pl]) de (’s) zuì (sin) . (Yǐsàiyà·shū (Isaiah · book) 55:7)

Méng (received) Kuān·shù (generous · forgiving) de (’s) Míng·zhèng (clear · proof) ˄

24, 25. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Qǐng shuō·shuo ({speak of} · {speak of}) Bǐdé (Peter) wǎn·shang (evening · upon) zài (on) Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) dǎyú de (’s) qíngkuàng (situation) . (Yǐ) ((second)) Bǐdé (Peter) duì (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) dì‐èr ([second]) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) zǎoshang shī·xíng ({carried out} · performed) de (’s) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) yǒu (had) shén·me (what · [suf]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

24 Yēsū (Jesus) fēnfu shǐtúmen qù Jiālìlì (Galilee) gēn (with) (him) jiàn·miàn ({to see} · faces) . Tāmen dàole zhī·hòu (’s · after) , Bǐdé (Peter) juédìng (decided) xiān dào Jiālìlì (Galilee) Hǎi (Sea) dǎyú, yǒu (had) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) shǐtú yě gēn (with) (him) yì·qǐ ([as] one · group)   (→ [together]) qù. Bǐdé (Peter) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) láidào zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) dàhú, (he) zǎo nián de (’s) (great[er]) bùfen ({portion [of]}) shí·guāng (time · scenes) dōu zài (at) zhè·lǐ (this · inside)   (→ [here]) dùguò. Chuánbǎn zīzī-gágá de (’s) shēngyīn, hǎilàng de (’s) shēngyīn, hái·yǒu (also · having) cūcāo de (’s) yúwǎng wò zài (in) zhǎng xīn (new) de (’s) gǎnjué (feeling) zhè (this) yíqiè dōu shì (were) (he) suǒ ({those which [he]}) shúxī de (’s) , dōu láide nà·me (that · [so]) qīn·qiè (intimate · close) . Buguò, (that) (one) (night) tāmen què méi (not) dǎzhe shén·me ([anything] · [suf]) . (Mǎtài Fúyīn 26:32; Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 21:1–3)

[Dì‐203 yè de túpiàn (jw.org)]

Bǐdé (Peter) jí·máng (impatiently · hurriedly) tiàojìn hǎi li (inside) yóu ({to swim}) huí ({to circle back to}) àn shang (upon)

25 Tiān·liàng (sky · {was bright}) de (’s) shíhou (time) , yǒu (had) (one) ge ([mw]) rén (person) zài (on) àn shang (upon) hūhǎn, jiào (ordered) tāmen bǎ yúwǎng ({to cast}) zài (on) chuán de (’s) lìng (other) yìbiān. Tāmen jiù (then) zhào·zhe ({in accordance} · being) zuò, wǎng (net) (once) shang·lai (up · {to come}) , lǐmiàn jìng·rán (actual·ly) yǒu (had) 153 tiáo yú! Bǐdé (Peter) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) rèn·chū (recognized · out) (that) rén (person) shì (was) shéi, jiù (then) jí·máng (impatiently · hurriedly) tiàojìn hǎi li (inside) yóu ({to swim}) huí ({to circle back to}) àn shang (upon) . Zài (on) hǎitān shang (upon) , Yēsū (Jesus) yòng mùtàn kǎole yìxiē yú gěi (him) de (’s) zhōngzhēn (loyal) péngyou zuò zǎocān. Rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) , (he) zhù·yì·lì ({to concentrate} · attention · power) fàng zài (on) Bǐdé (Peter’s) shēn·shang (body → [self] · upon) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 21:4–14)

26, 27. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēsū (Jesus) gěi Bǐdé (Peter) sān (three) (times) jīhuì (opportunities) zěn·me (how · [suf]) zuò? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yēsū (Jesus) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zhèng·míng (proved · clearly) (he) wánquán kuān·shù·le (generously · {had forgiven} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) ?

26 Yēsū (Jesus) wèn (asked) Bǐdé (Peter) , (he) shì (was) bu (not) shì (was) ài (loving) (him) de (’s) Zhǔ (Master) shèng·guò (winning · over) ài (loving) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of things}) ”, dāng·shí ({at that} · time) Yēsū (Jesus) hěn kě·néng (maybe · {being able})   (→ [possibly]) shì (was) zhǐzhe (that) (one) (big) duī yú wèn (asked) de (’s) . Zài (in) Bǐdé (Peter’s) xīn·zhōng (heart · within) , (he) duì (towards) bǔyú shìyè de (’s) xǐ’ài shì (was) bu (not) shì (was) duì (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) de () ài (love) gèng shēn (deep) ne? Bǐdé (Peter) céng sān (three) (times) (not) rèn (acknowledged) Zhǔ (Master) , ér (and) Yēsū (Jesus) xiànzài yě gěi (him) sān (three) (times) jīhuì (opportunities) , ràng ({to let}) (he) zài (at) qí·yú (him · {remainder beyond}) de (’s) shǐtú miànqián chóngshēn duì (towards) Zhǔ (Master) de (’s) ài (love) . Bǐdé (Peter) chóngshēn duì (towards) Yēsū (Jesus) de () ài (love) zhī·hòu (’s · after) , Yēsū (Jesus) jiù (then) gàosu (him) gāi zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiǎnchū zhèi (this) zhǒng ({kind of}) ài (love) , jiù·shì (exactly · was) yào jiāng (take) shìfèng Shàngdì fàng zài (in) shēnghuó de (’s) shǒu·wèi (first · place) , nǔlì wèiyǎng (and) qiánghuà Jīdū ([Christ]) de (’s) yángqún, mù·yǎng ({to herd} · {to provide for}) (him) de (’s) zhōng·xīn ({were loyal} · hearts) mén·tú ({school of thought} · disciples) . (Lùjiā Fúyīn 22:32; Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 21:15–17)

27 Yēsū (Jesus) shuō (saying) zhèi (this) fān huà (words) , děngyú gàosu Bǐdé (Peter) , (he) (and) (him) de (’s) Tiān·fù (heavenly · Father) réngrán hěn qìzhòng Bǐdé (Peter) . Zài (in) Jīdū ([Christ]) suǒ lǐngdǎo (leads) de () huì·zhòng (congregated · multitude)   (→ [congregation]) zhōng (within) , Bǐdé (Peter) jiāng·yào ({in the future} · must) fù·qi (shoulder · up) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) zhízé. Zhè (this) yǒu·lì (having · power) de (-ly) zhèng·míng (proved · clearly) , Yēsū (Jesus) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) wánwán-quánquán kuān·shù·le (generously · {had forgiven} · [to completion]) Bǐdé (Peter) . Yēsū (Jesus) de () cíbēi bìdìng (certainly) lìng (caused) Bǐdé (Peter) dà·shòu (greatly · {to receive}) gǎn·dòng (feeling · moved) , kè gǔ nánwàng.

28. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) Bǐdé (Peter) pèideshàng Yēsū (Jesus) gěi (him) ({raising of}) de (’s) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) míng·zi (name · word) ?

28 Zài (in) suíhòu de (’s) xǔduō nián, Bǐdé (Peter) dōu zhōng·xīn ({was faithful} · heart) de (-ly) lǚxíng zhíwù. (he) tīng·cóng ({listened to} · followed) Yēsū (Jesus) zài (on) xī·shēng ({sacrificing of} · {domestic animal})   (→ [sacrifice]) qián ({before ←}) de (’s) nèi (that) wǎn gěi (him) de (’s) fēnfu, nǔlì qiánghuà dì·xiong ({younger brothers} · {elder brothers}) , bìng ({side by side with}) rén·cí (benevolent · kind) , nàixīn de (-ly) mù·yǎng ({to herd} · {to provide for}) (and) wèiyǎng tāmen. (he) běn·lái (originally · {had came}) jiào ({to be called}) Xīmén (Simon) , Yēsū (Jesus) wèi (for) (him) qǐ·míng ({raising of} · name) Bǐdé (Peter) , yì·si (meaning · thought) shì (is) shí·tou (stone · [suf]) . Bǐdé (Peter) méi·yǒu (not · had) gūfù Yēsū (Jesus’) duì (towards) (him) de (’s) qī·wàng (expecting · hoping) , (he) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) chéngwéi huì·zhòng (congregated · multitude)   (→ [congregation]) li (inside) (one) ge ([mw]) jiān·dìng (firm · stable) kě·kào (can · {lean on}) de (’s) chéngyuán, qiánghuà huì·zhòng (congregated · multitude)   (→ [congregation]) . Zhè (this) cóng (from) (he) hòulái xiě de (’s) liǎng fēng ([mw]) xìn kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) kànde chū·lai (out · {to come}) . Zhèi (these) liǎng fēng ([mw]) xìn shì (are) Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) zhōng (within) liǎng juàn zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) shūjuàn, nèi·róng (inside · contained) chōngmǎn wēnqíng, xiǎnshì (he) shǐzhōng méi·yǒu (not · had) wàng·jì (forgetten · {to remember}) (he) cóng (from) Yēsū (Jesus) nà·li (that · inside)   (→ [there]) xué·dào ({had learned} · {arriving at}) de (’s) jiàoxun (teaching) : Yào gān·xīn ({be willing} · heart) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Bǐdé (Peter) Qián·shū (earlier · book)   (→ [1 Peter]) 3:8, 9; 4:8.)

29. Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) xiàofǎ Yēsū (Jesus) , dàirén cíbēi, yě xiàofǎ Bǐdé (Peter) , xiǎnchū xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) ?

29 Dànyuàn wǒ·men (we · [pl]) xué·huì (learn · {to be able}) gān·xīn ({to be willing} · heart) kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) . Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) yǒu (have) méi·yǒu (not · have) měi tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) dōu qiú (entreat) Shàngdì kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) de (’s) xǔduō guòshī ne? Dǎogào zhī·hòu (’s · after) , wǒ·men (we · [pl]) xiāng·xìn ({having evaluated for selves} · believe) Shàngdì huì (will) kuān·shù (generously · forgive) wǒ·men (us · [pl]) , bìng ({side by side with}) chújìng wǒ·men (us · [pl]) de (’s) zuì (sin) ma? Wǒ·men (we · [pl]) lèyì kuān·shù (generously · {to forgive}) bié·ren (other · people) ma? Rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) wǒ·men (we · [pl]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) zuò, jiù·shì (exactly · are) xiàofǎ Yēsū (Jesus) , dàirén cíbēi, yě shì ({would be}) xiàofǎ Bǐdé (Peter) , xiǎnchū xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) le ([to completion]) .

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})