[Dì‐116 ([116th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

DÌ‐14 ([14th]) ZHĀNG (chapter)

Xué·huì (learned · {to be able}) ({to use}) Cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) Dài·rén ({to treat} · people)
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

4 Pàn·jué (judging · deciding) Xìn·xī (message · news) Dài·lái (brings · {to come}) Yì·xiǎng·bu·dào (expected · thought · not · {arriving at}) de (’s) Fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding)

10 Shàng·dì (above’s · God) Yuǎn ({by far}) ({compared to}) Rén·lèi (human·kind) Cí·bēi ({is [more] kind} · {is [more] compassionate}) (→ [is more merciful]) Kuān·dà ({is [more] generous} · {is [more] great})

17 Shàng·le ({went up to} · [to completion]) Bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) (one) (lesson)

[The material in this section with a lower-contrast background has not yet been proofread. More proofreading may be done later as time allows.]

1. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēná (Jonah) yào (needed) zǒu ({to walk}) de (’s) lù·chéng (road · journey) shì (was) zěn·me·yàng (how · [so] · [way]) de (’s) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) (he) duì (towards) mù·dì·dì (eye · target · land) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) gǎn·jué (feeling · {becoming aware}) ?

Yuēná (Jonah) yào (needed) zǒu ({to walk}) 800 duō ({more than ←}) gōng·lǐ (metric · {Chinese miles})   (→ [kilometres]) (500 duō ({more than ←}) yīng·lǐ (English · {Chinese miles})   (→ [miles]) ) cái ({only then}) néng ({was able}) dàodá ({to reach}) mù·dì·dì (eye · target · land) , zhè (this) zhì·shǎo (most · little)   (→ [at least]) yào (required) huā (spending) (one) ge ([mw]) yuè (moon)   (→ [month]) de (’s) shí·jiān (time · within) , suǒ·yǐ ({that which} · {was the reason}) (he) yǒu (had) chōng·zú (filled · {to be ample}) de (’s) shí·jiān (time · within) hǎohāor ({very well}) sī·kǎo ({to think} · {to examine}) . Shǒu·xiān (first · before) , (he) yào (needed) tiāoxuǎn ({to select}) lù·xiàn (route · line) , shì ({would be}) zǒu (walking) (one) tiáo ({strip of}) shěng·shí ({would save} · time) de (’s) (road) , hái·shi ({still more} · {would be})   (→ [or would be]) zǒu (walking) (one) tiáo ({strip of}) ān·quán (safe · whole) de (’s) (road) ne? Xuǎn·hǎo ({had selected} · well) lù·xiàn (route · line) hòu ({after ←}) , (he) jiù (then) dòng·shēn ({got moving} · body)   (→ [set out on the journey]) le ([indicates a change]) . (he) yuè·guò ({got over} · past) wú·shù (without · number) de (’s) shān·lǐng (mountain · ridges) (and) hé·gǔ (river · valleys) , hěn ({very much}) kě·néng (maybe · could) yào ({have needed}) rào·guo ({to go around} · past) Xùlìyà (Syria) de (’s) (big) shā·mò (sand · desert) , héng·dù (transversely · {to cross}) dà·dà (big · big) xiǎo·xiǎo (small · small)   (→ [of all sizes]) de (’s) héchuān (rivers) xī·liú (brooks · streams) , lì·rú (example · like) Yòufālādǐ (Euphrates) (River) . Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) (he) céng (had) zài (in) Xùlìyà (Syria) , Měisuǒbùdámǐyà (Mesopotamia) (and) Yàshù (Assyria) de (’s) xiāng·zhèn (villages · towns) , zài (in) wài·zú·rén (outside · clans · people’s) jiā (homes) li (inside) jiè·sù ({made use of} · {staying overnight}) . Rì·zi (days · [suf]) (one) tiān·tiān (sky · sky)   (→ [day after another]) guò·qu (passed · went) , (he) měi ({each time}) (stepped) qián (forward) (one) (step) , ({was away from}) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) jiù (then) jìn (close[r]) (one) (step) . (he) (once) xiǎng·dào (thought · {arriving at}) yào (needed) ({to go to}) de (’s) nèi (that) zuò ([mw]) chéng (city) , jiù (then) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) hài·pà (feeling · {was afraid}) .

2. Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yuēná (Jonah) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) , (he) bù·néng (not · could) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) táo·bì (escape · avoid) zhí·xíng (grasping · doing) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task) ?

2 Yuēná (Jonah) hěn ({very much}) qīngchu ({was clear about}) , (he) bù·néng (not · could) zài (again) xiàng (like) shàng (above)   (→ [previous]) (time) nà·yàng (that · [way]) , táo·bì (escape · avoid) zhí·xíng (grasping · doing) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) rèn·wu (appointed · task) le ([indicates a change]) . Wǒmen ([we]) zài (in) qián (preceding) (one) zhāng (chapter) dú·dào (read · {arriving at}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) nài·xīn (enduring · hearted) de (-ly) jiào·dǎo (taught · guided) Yuēná (Jonah) . Shǒuxiān (first) , (he) shǐ (caused) hǎi·shàng (sea · upon) kuáng·fēng (wild · wind) dà·zuò (greatly · {to rise}) , hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) yòu (additionally) shī·xíng ({carried out} · implemented) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , shǐ (causing) Yuēná (Jonah) zài (in) (great) (fish) de (’s) (belly) zhōng (within) sī·háo ({a thread} · {a fine hair}) wú·sǔn ({to be without} · harm) . Sān (three) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) hòu ({after ←}) , (great) (fish) (held) Yuēná (Jonah) ({to be spit}) zài (on) àn (shore) shang (upon) . Jīng·lì·le ({having gone through} · {having experienced} · [to completion]) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) shì (things) , Yuēná (Jonah) ({compared to}) zhī·qián (this · before) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) jìng·wèi (respected · feared) (and) shùn·fú ({submitted to} · obeyed) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) le ([indicates a change]) . ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 1, 2 zhāng (chapters) )

3. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) xiàng (towards) Yuēná (Jonah) xiǎn·chū ({had shown} · out) shénme ([what]) tè·zhì (special · quality) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) huì (will) tán ({talk about}) xiē ({a few}) shénme ([what]) wèn·tí (asking · subjects)   (→ [questions]) ?

3 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) fēnfu (ordered) Yuēná (Jonah) qián·wǎng (forward · {to go towards}) Níníwēi (Nineveh) . Zhèi (this) (time) , Yuēná (Jonah) zūn ({abiding by}) zhǔ (enjoining) ér (thus) xíng (doing) wǎng (towards) dōng (east) zǒu (walked) , tà·shang (tread · upon) nèi (that) tiáo ({strip of}) màn·cháng (boundless · long) de (’s) (road) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:1–3.) Rán’ér (but) , Yuēná (Jonah) shòu·dào ({having received} · {arriving at}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) guǎn·jiào (disciplining · teaching) , yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) wánquán (completely) gǎibiàn (changed) guo·lai (over · {to come}) ne? Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) ({had used}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) duì·dài ({to treat} · {to deal with}) Yuēná (Jonah) , méi·yǒu (not · had) yīn (because) (he) kàng·mìng ({had defied} · orders) ér (thus) shī·xíng ({carried out} · implemented) chéngfá (punishing) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiù·le ({had saved} · [to completion]) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) xìng·mìng (nature · life) , shǐ (causing) (him) bú·zhì (not · {to incur}) zàng·shēn (burying · body) dà·hǎi ([in] big · sea) , hái (also) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) gěi ({had given}) (him) jīhuì (opportunity) ({to go}) zhí·xíng ({to grasp} · {to do}) rèn·wu (appointed · task) . Yuēná (Jonah) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) cóng (from) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of}) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced [things]) xué·huì (learned · {to be able}) ({to use}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài·rén ({to treat} · people) ne? Duì (to) bù·wán·měi (not · complete · beautiful)   (→ [imperfect]) de (’s) rén (people) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , yào (must) (use) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài·rén ({to treat} · people) wǎngwǎng ([often]) (not) róng·yì ({is allowing} · {being easy}) , Yuēná (Jonah) (also) (not) lì·wài ([was] rule · outside)   (→ [was exception]) . Ràng (let) wǒmen ([us]) kàn·kan (see · see) cóng (from) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) jīng·lì ({gone through} · experienced [things]) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) .

Pàn·jué (judging · deciding) Xìn·xī (message · news) Dài·lái (brings · {to come}) Yì·xiǎng·bu·dào (expected · thought · not · {arriving at}) de (’s) Fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ˄

4, 5. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (held) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chēng·wéi ({to be called} · {to be}) (great) chéng (city) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) cóng (from) zhè (this) (one) diǎn (point) kàn·chū (see · {coming out}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shì (is) wèi ([mw for persons]) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) ?

4 Yuēná (Jonah) méi·yǒu (not · had) (used) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) guān·diǎn (view·point) ({to go}) kàn ({to look at}) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) : Níníwēi (Nineveh) zài (in) Shàng·dì (above’s · God’s) yǎn·zhōng (eyes · within) shì (was) zuò ([mw]) (great) chéng (city) ”. ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:3) Zài (in) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) jì·zǎi (recorded · writing) zhōng (within) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) sān (three) (times) (held) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chēng·wéi ({to be called} · {to be}) (great) chéng (city) . ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 1:2; 3:2; 4:11) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) nà·me (that · [so]) kàn·zhòng ({saw as} · weighty) Níníwēi (Nineveh) zhèi (this) zuò ([mw]) (great) chéng (city) ne?

5 Níníwēi (Nineveh) shì (was) zuò ([mw]) (ancient) chéng (city) , shì (was) Nínglù (Nimrod) zài (at) (great) Hóng·shuǐ (Flood · water) zhī·hòu (it · after) zuì·chū (most · {at the beginning}) xīng·jiàn (raised · built) de (’s) qí·zhōng (them · among’s) (one) zuò ([mw]) chéng (city) . Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city’s) miàn·jī (surface · accumulated)   (→ [area]) hěn ({very much}) ({was big}) , guǎnxiá (governed) fàn·wéi (limits · enclosed)   (→ [scope]) hái (also) bāokuò (included) lín·jìn (neighbouring · nearby) de (’s) ({a few}) ge ([mw]) chéng·shì (cities · municipalities) , rén (man) yào (needed) zǒu ({to walk}) sān (three) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) de () (road) , cái ({only then}) néng ({would be able}) cóng (from) chéng (city) de (’s) (one) tóu (head)   (→ [end]) zǒu·dào ({to walk} · to) lìng (other) (one) tóu (head)   (→ [end]) . ( Chuàng·shì·jì (creating · world · record) (→ [Genesis]) 10:11; Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:3) Níníwēi (Nineveh) yǒu (had) gāo·sǒng (high · towering) de (’s) chéng·qiáng (city · walls) , chéng (city) li (inside) yǒu (had) hóng·wěi (grand · great) de (’s) shén·miào (god · temples) yǐjí ({as well as}) bié·de (other · ’s) dà·xíng (large · type) jiànzhù·wù (built · things) . Dàn (but) zhèi·xiē (this · {number of [things]}) dōu (all) (not) shì (were) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) Shàngdì ([God]) kàn·zhòng ({saw as} · weighty) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) de (’s) yuán·yīn (origin · cause) . Duì (to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) , zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) shì (were) chéng (city) li (inside) de (’s) rén (people) . ({[at] that}) shíhou (time) , Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) rén·kǒu (people · {mouths (mw) [of]}) zhòng·duō ({were numerous} · {were many}) . Suī·rán (although · -ly) tāmen ([they]) zuò’·è ({were doing} · evil) duō·duān ([in] many · aspects) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) hái·shi (still · was) guān·xīn (concerning · heart [with]) tāmen ([them]) . Shàng·dì (above’s · God) zhòng·shì ({[as] weighty} · regards) rén·mìng (human · life) , (also) kàn·chū (sees · {coming out}) rén·rén (person · person)   (→ [everyone]) dōu ({each one}) yǒu (has) kě·néng (maybe · {being able}) huǐ·gǎi ({to repent} · {to change}) , lí’·è ({to leave} · wickedness) xíng·shàn ({to do} · good) .

[Dì‐116 ([116th]) (and) ‐117 (pages) de () tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yuēná (Jonah) fā·xiàn (generated · {revealing that})   (→ [discovered that]) Níníwēi (Nineveh) shì (was) zuò ([mw]) (great) chéng (city) , chéng (city) li (inside) de (’s) rén (people) zuò’·è ({were doing} · evil) duō·duān ([in] many · aspects)

6. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Níníwēi (Nineveh) lìng (caused) Yuēná (Jonah) gǎn·dào ({to feel} · {arriving at}) hài·pà (feeling · {was afraid}) ? ( (also) qǐng (please) kàn (see) jiǎo·zhù (foot·note) .) (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) cóng (from) Yuēná (Jonah’s) chuán·jiǎng (spreading · {speaking of}) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) kàn·chū (see · {coming out}) (he) shì (was) ge ([mw]) zěn·yàng (what · kind) de (’s) rén (person) ?

6 Yuēná (Jonah) zhōng·yú (finally · at) dǐ·dá ({arrived at} · reached) Níníwēi (Nineveh) . Dāng (when) (he) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) zhèi (this) zuò ([mw]) chéng (city) zhù·le ({had residing} · [to completion]) chāo·guò (exceeded · over) shí’·èr (ten · two)   (→ [twelve]) wàn ({ten thousands of}) rén (people) hòu ({after ←}) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) hài·pà (feeling · {was afraid}) .* (he) zài (in) zhèi (this) zuò ([mw]) fán·róng ({having great numbers} · thriving) de (’s) (great) chéng (city) li (inside) zǒu·le (walk·ed) (one) tiān (sky)   (→ [day]) , chuān·yuè ({passing through} · {getting over}) dà·jiē (big · streets) xiǎo·xiàng (small · lanes) , xiǎng (wanting) zài (at) chéng (city) li (inside) zuì·duō (most · many) rén (people) jùjí (gathered) de (’s) dìfang (place) xuān·gào ({to declare} · {to tell}) tā de ([his]) xìn·xī (message · news) . Kě·shì (however · was) , chéng (city) li (inside) de (’s) rén (people) zěn·me (how · [so]) néng ({would be able}) tīng·dǒng ({to hear} · understanding) tā de ([his]) huà (words) ne? Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) Yuēná (Jonah) xué·guo ({had learned} · {[in the] past}) Yàshù·yǔ (Assyrian · language) ; huò·shi (or · {[it] was [that]}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shī·xíng ({carried out} · implemented) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , shǐ (causing) (him) néng·gòu ({to be able} · enough) shuō ({to speak}) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({type of}) yǔ·yán (language · speech) ; Yuēná (Jonah) (also) kě·néng (may · {have been able}) yòng ({to use}) tā de ([his]) mǔ·yǔ (mother · language) Xībólái·yǔ (Hebrew · language) xuān·jiǎng ({to declare} · {to talk about}) xìn·xī (message · news) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) qǐng ({to invite}) bié·ren (other · people) chuán·yì ({to pass on} · {to translate}) . Bù·guǎn (not · {bothering about}) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) , (he) suǒ ({that which [he]}) chuán ({was spreading}) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) jiǎn·míng ({was simple} · {was clear}) ér (and) shuài·zhí ({was frank} · {was straight}) , yì·diǎnr (a · bit) (even) (not) tǎo ({did incur}) rén (people) xǐ·huan (liking · enjoying) . (he) xuān·gào (declaring · telling) shuō (said) : Hái·yǒu (still · have) sì·shí (four · tens)   (→ [forty]) tiān (skies)   (→ [days]) , Níníwēi (Nineveh) jiù (exactly) yào (must) fù·wáng ({be overturned} · perish) le ([indicates a change]) .” ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:4) (he) yǒng·gǎn (brave · daring) de (-ly) zài·sān (again · three)   (→ [again and again]) xiàng (to) rén (people) xuān·gào (declared · told) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xìn·xī (message · news) , xiǎn·chū (showing · out) fēi·fán (not · ordinary) de (’s) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) (and) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) . Jīn·tiān (present · sky → [day]) , Jīdū·tú ([Christ] · followers) ({compared to}) yǐ·wǎng (in · {[the] past}) rèn·hé ({no matter} · which)   (→ [any]) shíhou (time) dōu (all) gèng (more) xūyào (need) zhèi (these) liǎng (two) zhǒng ({kinds of}) tè·zhì (special · qualities) .

[Dì‐119 ([119th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Yuēná (Jonah) suǒ ({that which [he]}) chuán ({was spreading}) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) jiǎn·míng ({was simple} · {was clear}) ér (and) shuài·zhí ({was frank} · {was straight}) , yì·diǎnr (a · bit) (even) (not) tǎo ({did incur}) rén (people) xǐ·huan (liking · enjoying)

7, 8. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) duì (towards) Yuēná (Jonah) chuán·jiǎng (spread · {spoke of}) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Níníwēi (Nineveh’s) wáng (king) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) hòu ({after ←}) zěn·me (how · [so]) zuò (did) ?

7 Xǔ·duō (numbers · many) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) dōu (even) tíng (stopped) xia·lai (down · {to come}) tīng ({to listen to}) Yuēná (Jonah) jiǎng·huà (speak · words) . Yuēná (Jonah) běn (originally) yǐ·wéi (took · {to be}) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) huì (would) gǎn·dào (feel · {arriving at}) fèn·nù (indignation · anger) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {going to the point of}) shāng·hài (injuring · harming) (him) . Kě·shì (however · was) , chū·hū ({going out beyond} · from) yì·liào (anticipated · expected) de (’s) shì (was) , tāmen ([they]) jìng·rán (unexpected·ly) yuàn·yì ([with] willing · intention) língtīng (listened)   (→ [listened respectfully]) ! Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) huà (words) hěn (very) kuài (quickly) jiù (then) chuán·kāi (spread · widely) le ([to completion]) . Méi (not) duō (much) jiǔ ({for a long time}) , quán (whole) chéng (city) de (’s) rén (people) dōu (all) zài ({were then}) tán·lùn ({talking about} · discussing) (he) yù·gào ({had fore-} · -told) Níníwēi (Nineveh) huì (would) fù·wáng ({be overturned} · perish) de (’s) shì (matter) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:5.) Tāmen ([they]) quán·dōu (all · even) jìn·shí (prohibited · eating)   (→ [fasted]) huǐ·gǎi (repented · changed) , (not) fēn (separating) pínqióng (poor) fù·guì (wealthy · {of high rank}) , qīng·zhuàng (young · strong) lǎo·ruò (old · weak) . Bù·jiǔ (not · {was a long time}) , jū·mín (residing · people) de (’s) jǔ·dòng (acting · moving)   (→ [movement]) jiù (then) chuán·dào·le (spread · to · [to completion]) Níníwēi (Nineveh’s) wáng (king) de (’s) ěr (ears) zhōng (within) .

[Dì‐118 ([118th]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Yuēná (Jonah) yào (needed) huái·zhe ({to be harbour-} · -ing) yǒng·qì (brave · spirit) (and) xìn·xīn (believing · heart)   (→ [faith]) zài (in) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chuán·jiǎng ({to spread} · {to speak of}) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news)

8 Níníwēi (Nineveh’s) wáng (king) tīng·jian (heard · meeting) Yuēná (Jonah) suǒ ({that which [he]}) chuán·jiǎng ({was spreading} · {was speaking of}) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) hòu ({after ←}) , (also) duì (towards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) qǐ·le (raise · -ed) jìng·wèi (respecting · fearing) zhī (’s) xīn (heart) . Wáng (king) cóng (from) bǎo·zuò (precious · seat)   (→ [throne]) shang (upon) qǐ·lai ({got up} · {to come}) , tuō·xià ({cast off} · down) huá·lì (magnificent · beautiful) de (’s) cháo·fú ({royal court} · clothes) , xiàng (like) bǎi·xìng (hundred · {family names})   (→ [common people]) nà·yàng (that · [way]) pī·shang ({draped over shoulders} · upon) cū·bù (coarse · cloth) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) zuò (sat) zài (in) huī (ashes) zhōng (among) ”. Bǎi·xìng (hundred · {family names})   (→ [common people]) de (’s) zì·fā (self · {brought into existence}) jǔ·dòng (acting · moving)   (→ [movement]) cù·shǐ (urged · caused) wáng (king) gēn (with) dà·chén (great · officials) yì·dìng ({to discuss} · {to decide}) (one) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) fǎ·lìng (law · command) : Suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [there]} · had) mín·zhòng (people · multitude) dōu (all) yào (needed) jìn·shí ({to prohibit} · eating)   (→ [to fast]) . Wáng (king) yòu (also) fēnfu (commanded) , bú·lùn (not · discussing)   (→ [no matter]) shì (were) rén (humans) hái·shi ({still more} · were)   (→ [or were]) shēngchù ({domestic animals}) , yí·lǜ (one · law)   (→ [all equally]) yào (must) pī·shang ({drape over shoulders} · upon) cū·bù (coarse · cloth) .* Wáng (king) hái (also) qiān·bēi (modest · low)   (→ [humble]) de (-ly) chéng·rèn (bore · recognized) , yǐ·wǎng (in · {[the] past}) (his) zhì·xià (ruling · under) de (’s) rénmín (people) cán·bào ({were savage} · {were violent}) chéng·xìng (becoming · nature) , zuò’·è ({were doing} · evil) duō·duān ([in] many · aspects) , (he) xīwàng (hoped) Zhēn·shén (true · God) kàn·jian ({would look at} · {would see}) tāmen ([them]) huǐ·gǎi (repenting · changing) , jiù (then) píng·xī (pacify · {bring to rest}) nù·huǒ (anger · fire) ”, shǐ (cause) tāmen ([them]) bú·zhì (not · {to incur}) miè·wáng ({being extinguished} · dying) . ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:6–9)

9. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Guān·yú (relating · to) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) , yǒu·xiē (have · some) pīpíng·jiā (criticizing · persons) zhì·yí (question · doubt) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , tāmen de ([their]) guān·diǎn (view·point) shì (is) bú·duì (not · correct) de (’s) ?

9 Yǒu·xiē (have · some) pīpíng·jiā (criticizing · persons) zhì·yí (question · doubt) , Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) (not) kě·néng (could · {have been able}) zhè·me (this · [so]) kuài (quickly) jiù (then) gǎibiàn ({to change}) tàidu (attitude) . Kě·shì (however · is) , yì·xiē (one · {number of}) Shèng·jīng (holy · Scriptures)   (→ [Bible]) xué·zhě (study · -ers) biǎo·shì (express · show) , zhè·yàng (this · kind) de (’s) xíngwéi (doing) duì (to) gǔ·dài (ancient · era) yì·xiē (one · {number of}) mí·xìn (enchanting · believing)   (→ [superstitious]) ér (and) shàn·biàn ({apt to} · change) de (’s) mín·zú (peoples · groups) lái (coming) shuō ({to say}) yì·diǎnr (a · bit) (even) (not) qíguài ({was strange}) , zhè (this) gēn (with) tāmen de ([their]) mín·zú (people · group) tè·xìng (particular · nature) shì (was) yí·zhì ({of one} · cause)   (→ [consistent]) de (’s) . Yēsū (Jesus) Jīdū ([Christ]) hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) (also) tí·dào (raised · {arriving at})   (→ [mentioned]) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) huǐ·gǎi (repenting · changing) (one) shì (matter) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 12:41.) Yēsū (Jesus) qīngchu (clearly) zhī·dào (knew · way)   (→ [knew]) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) de (’s) zhēn·xiàng (true · appearance) , yīn·wei (because · for) (he) zài (at) tiān·shàng (heaven · above) mù·jī (eyes · {had struck}) shì·qing (matter · situation) de (’s) jīng·guò ({passed through} · past) . (Yuēhàn (John) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 8:57, 58) Yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) , wǒmen ([we]) (not) gāi (should) duàn·dìng (judge · {to be established}) mǒu·xiē (certain · few) rén (people) shì (are) (not) kěnéng (can) huǐ·gǎi (repent · change) de (’s) , bù·guǎn (not · {bothering about}) tāmen ([they]) kàn·lái ({looked at} · {coming to be}) duō·me (much · [so]) xié’·è ({are evil} · {are wicked}) . Zhǐ·yǒu (only · has) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) cái ({only then}) néng ({is able}) kàn·tòu ({to see} · {penetrating through}) rén·xīn (people’s · hearts) .

Shàng·dì (above’s · God) Yuǎn ({by far}) ({compared to}) Rén·lèi (human·kind) Cí·bēi ({is [more] kind} · {is [more] compassionate}) (→ [is more merciful]) Kuān·dà ({is [more] generous} · {is [more] great}) ˄

10, 11. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) kàn·jian ({looking at} · seeing) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) huǐ·gǎi (repenting · changing) , yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) shuō (say) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) xiān·qián (earlier · before) duì (towards) Níníwēi (Nineveh) de (’s) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) bìng (definitely) méi·yǒu (not · {had had}) cuò (error) ?

10 Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) tòng·huǐ ({in anguish} · repented) gǎi·guò (changed · transgressions) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne? Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) jiē·zhe ({take hold of [next]} · -ing) jì·shù (records · narrates) dào ({arriving at}) : Shàng·dì (above’s · God) kàn·jian ({looked at} · saw) tāmen ([they]) suǒ ({those which [they]}) zuò (did) de (’s) shì (things) , jiàn (saw) tāmen ([they]) dōu (all) qì·jué ({had abandoned} · {had cut off}) è·xíng (wicked · conduct) , jiù (then) huí·xīn ({circled back} · heart) zhuǎn·yì (turned · thinking) , (not) ({did hold}) xiān·qián (earlier · before) xuānbù ({had announced}) de (’s) zāihuò (calamity) jiàng ({to be brought down}) zài (on) tāmen ([their]) shēn·shang (bodies → [selves] · upon) .” ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 3:10)

11 Zhè (this) shì (is) bu (not) shì (is) yì·wèi·zhe (meaning · taste · being) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) xiān·qián (earlier · before) duì (towards) Níníwēi (Nineveh) de (’s) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) shì (was) cuò·wù (wrong · mistaken) de (’s) ne? (not) shì (was) de (’s) . Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) shì (is) wánquán (completely) gōng·zhèng (just · upright) de (’s) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Shēn·mìng·jì (states · commands · record)   (→ [Deuteronomy]) 32:4.) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) kàn·jian ({looked at} · saw) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) zhōng·chéng ({[with] inner feelings} · sincerely) huǐ·gǎi (repent · change) , tā de ([his]) yì·fèn (righteous · anger) jiù (then) píng·xī ({was pacified} · {was brought to rest}) le ([indicates a change]) . Shàng·dì (above’s · God) kàn·chū (saw · {coming out}) zài (at) zhèi (this) zhǒng ({type of}) qíngkuàng (situation) xia (under) , ànzhào ({according to}) yuán·běn (original · root) de (’s) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) chéngfá (punishing) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) bú·zài (not · further) shì (was) gōng·zhèng (just · upright) de (’s) zuò·fǎ (doing · way) , dào ({on the contrary}) gāi (should) xiàng (towards) tāmen ([them]) (greatly) xiǎn (show) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) .

12, 13. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Wǒmen ([we]) zěn·me (how · [so]) kàn·chū (see · out) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shì (is) tōng·qíng ({connecting [with]} · feelings) dá·lǐ (reaching · reason) , cí·bēi (kindness · compassion)   (→ [mercy]) wéi (as) huái (heart) de (’s) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wèi·shénme (for · [what]) Yuēná (Jonah) fèng·mìng ({having received} · orders) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō (said) de (’s) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) (not) shì (was) jiǎ (false) de (’s) ?

12 Zōng·jiào ([of] {school of thought} · teaching)   (→ [religious]) lǐng·xiù (leading · sleeves)   (→ [leaders]) chángcháng (often) jiāng (take) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) miáo·shù ({to be depicted} · {to be stated})   (→ [to be described]) wéi (as) lěng·kù (cold · cruel) wú·qíng (without · feeling) , gǔ·bǎn (ancient · stiff) kē·kè (severe · harsh) de (’s) Shén (God) . Shì·shí (matter · reality)   (→ [fact]) qià·qià (exactly · exactly) xiāng·fǎn (mutually · {is contrary}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shì (is) tōng·qíng ({connecting [with]} · feelings) dá·lǐ (reaching · reason) , cí·bēi (kindness · compassion)   (→ [mercy]) wéi (as) huái (heart) de (’s) . Měi (each) (time) (he) juédìng (decides) yào (must) chéngfá (punish) è·rén (wicked · people) , dōu ({each one}) huì (will) xiān (first) pài (send) rén (people) fā·chū ({to issue} · out) jǐng·gào (warning · declaring) , yīn·wei (because · for) (he) xīwàng (hopes) è·rén (wicked · people) huǐ·gǎi ({will repent} · {will change}) , lí·qì ({will leave} · {will abandon}) è·xíng (wicked · conduct) , jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) . ( Yǐxījié·shū (Ezekiel · book) 33:11) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) céng (had) duì (to) tā de ([his]) xiān·zhī (earlier · knows [person])   (→ [prophet]) Yēlìmǐ (Jeremiah) shuō (said) : Wú·lùn ({not having} · {discussing of})   (→ [no matter]) shénme ([what]) shíhou (time) , (I) xiàng (to) yì·guó (one · nation) yì·zú (one · group) xuānbù (announce) , yào (must) (hold) tāmen ([them]) bá·chū ({to be uprooted} · out) , chāi·huǐ ({to be pulled down} · {to be destroyed}) , xiāo·miè ({to be eliminated} · {to be exterminated}) , (I) suǒ ({that which [I]}) shuō ({speak of}) de (’s) (that) (one) (group) rú·guǒ (if · {fruit (result) is}) huí·tóu ({circles back to} · beginning) , lí·qì (leaves · abandons) è·xíng (wicked · conduct) , (I) jiù (then) huì (will) gǎibiàn (change) zhǔ·yi ({definite view} · idea) , (not) ({will hold}) (I) dǎ·suan ({had made} · planning) jiàng ({to bring down}) de (’s) zāihuò (calamity) jiàng ({to bring down}) gěi ({to give to}) tāmen ([them]) .” ( Yēlìmǐ·shū (Jeremiah · book) 18:7, 8)

[Dì‐120 ([120th]) (page) de (’s) jīng·xuǎn (refined · selected) yǔ·jù (language · sentence) ]

Shàng·dì (above’s · God) xīwàng (hopes) è·rén (wicked · people) huǐ·gǎi (repent · change) , lí·qì (leave · abandon) è·xíng (wicked · conduct) , jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same])

13 Zhè (this) yì·wèi·zhe (meaning · taste · {is being}) , Yuēná (Jonah) fèng·mìng ({having received} · orders) suǒ ({that which [he]}) shuō ({had said}) de (’s) yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) shì (was) jiǎ (false) de (’s) ma? (not) shì (was) . Yù·yán ({in advance} · saying)   (→ [prophecy]) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) dá·chéng (reaching · {to completion}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) zhǐyì (will) , jiù·shì (exactly · was) jǐng·gào ({to warn} · {to declare to}) è·rén (wicked · people) . Zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) shì (was) yóu·yú ({because of} · from) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) xíng (doing) è (evil) ér (thus) fā·chū ({was issued} · out) de (’s) , hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) què (however) yīn (because) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) huǐ·gǎi (repented · changed) ér (thus) gǎibiàn ({was changed}) . Bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , jiǎ·rú (supposing · {as if}) tāmen ([they]) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) zuò’·è (did · evil) , Shàng·dì (above’s · God) hái·shi (still · was) huì (would) chéngfá (punish) tāmen ([them]) de (’s) . Hòu·lái (afterwards · {came to be}) , tāmen ([they]) guǒ·rán (real·ly) yīn·wei (because · for) gù·tài (former · state) fù·méng (again · sprouted) ér (thus) zāo·shòu (encountered · received) huǐ·miè (destruction · extinguishing) . ( Xīfānyǎ·shū (Zephaniah · book) 2:13–15)

14. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (used) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài ({to treat}) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) , Yuēná (Jonah) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ?

14 Yuēná (Jonah) kàn·jian ({looked at} · saw) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) méi·yǒu (not · had) rú·qī ({according to} · {time period}) zāo·shòu (encountered · received) huǐ·miè (destruction · extinguishing) , yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) fǎn·yìng ({in return} · responding) ne? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) shuō (says) : Yuēná (Jonah) yīn ({because of}) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) ér (thus) fēi·cháng (un·usually) bú·yuè (not · {was pleased}) , fā·qǐ (developed · up) (anger) lai ({to come}) ”. ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 4:1) (he) shèn·zhì (greatly · {went to the point of}) (using) jìn·hu (close · to) zhǐ·zé ({pointing at} · criticizing) de (’s) kǒu·wěn (mouth · lips)   (→ [tone of voice]) xiàng (to) Quán·néng (all · able) de (’s) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) dǎo·gào ({to pray} · {to request}) . (he) shuō (said) zìjǐ (self) běn·lái (originally · {came [to be]}) jiù (then) yīnggāi (should) liú ({have remained}) zài (in) jiā·xiāng (family · {native place}) , yòu (also) shuō (said) zìjǐ (self) yì·zǎo ({as soon as} · {was early}) jiù (then) yù·liào ({in advance} · {had expected}) dào ({arriving at}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) bú·huì (not · would) jiàng ({bring down}) zāi (calamity) gěi ({to give to}) Níníwēi (Nineveh) , gèng (moreover) (used) (this) wéi (as) jiè·kǒu ({used as a pretext} · mouthful)   (→ [excuse]) , jiěshì ({to explain}) zìjǐ (self) zuì·chū (most · {at the beginning}) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) huì (would) táo·dào (flee · to) Tāshī (Tarshish) ({to go}) . Rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) , (he) xiàng (to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) qiú (asked) ({to die}) , shuō (said) sǐ·le ({having died} · [to completion]) ({compared to}) huó·zhe (live · -ing) hái (still) hǎo ({would be [more] good}) . (Qǐng (please) (read) Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 4:2, 3.)

15. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēná (Jonah) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) fā·nù ({issued forth} · anger) , jǔ·sàng ({was dispirited from} · {losing sth. important}) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) kàn·jian ({looked at} · saw) Yuēná (Jonah) zhè·me (this · [so]) jǔ·sàng ({was dispirited from} · {losing sth. important}) , jiù (then) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) zuò (did) ?

15 Yuēná (Jonah) wèi·shénme (for · [what]) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) (not) gāo·xìng ({was [with] high} · enthusiasm) ne? Wǒmen ([we]) (not) zhī·dào ({do know} · way)   (→ [do know]) (his) dāng·shí ({at that} · time) de (’s) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) , zhǐ (only) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) (he) céng (had) xiàng (to) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) de (’s) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [it]} · had) rén (people) xuānbù (announced) huǐ·miè (destruction · extinguishing) de (’s) xìn·xī (message · news) , ér (and) tāmen ([they]) dōu (all) xiāng·xìn ({had evaluated in person} · {had believed}) (him) . Kě·shì (however · was) xiànzài (presently) , huǐ·miè (destruction · extinguishing) bú·huì (not · would) fā·shēng ({issue forth} · {come to life})   (→ [happen]) le ([indicates a change]) . Yuēná (Jonah) shì (was) hài·pà (feeling · {was afraid}) bèi (by) rén (people) cháo·xiào ({to be ridiculed} · {to be laughed at}) , hái·shi ({still more} · was)   (→ [or was]) (fearing) bié·ren (other · people) shuō ({would say}) (he) shì (was) jiǎ (false) xiān·zhī (earlier · knows [person])   (→ [prophet]) ne? Wú·lùn ({not having} · {discussing of})   (→ [no matter]) (he) zěn·me (how · [so]) xiǎng ({was thinking}) , fǎn·zhèng ({turning over to} · correctness)   (→ [anyway]) (he) jiù·shì (exactly · was) (not) gāo·xìng ({[with] high} · enthusiasm) kàn·jian ({to look at} · {to see}) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) huǐ·gǎi (repent · change) , (also) (not) xǐ·huan ({did like} · {did enjoy}) jiàn·dào (seeing · {arriving at}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (using) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) duì·dài ({to treat} · {to deal with}) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) . Kàn·lái ({looking at} · {coming to be}) , (he) yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) xiǎng (thought) yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) fèn·fèn (indignant · indignant) bù·píng (not · calm) , yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) xiǎng (thought) yuè ({jumping ahead})   (→ [the more]) jué·de (felt · {getting to be}) zìjǐ (self) zhēn·de (truly · ’s) hěn ({very much}) kě·lián (could · pity) , yánmiàn (face) sǎo·dì ({was sweeping} · floor) . Cí·bēi (kind · compassionate) (→ [merciful]) de (’s) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) kàn ({looked at}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) jǔ·sàng ({was dispirited from} · {losing sth. important}) de (’s) xiān·zhī (earlier · knows [person])   (→ [prophet]) ne? Xiǎn·rán (evident·ly) , (he) kàn ({looked at}) de (’s) shì (were) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) yōu·diǎn (excellent · points) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) bìng (definitely) méi·yǒu (not · had) yīn·wei (because · for) Yuēná (Jonah) duì (towards) (him) bú·jìng (not · {had been respecting}) ér (thus) chéngfá (punished) (him) , zhǐ·shì (only · was) wēn·hé (warm · peaceful) de (-ly) wèn·le (asking · [to completion]) (him) (one) ge ([mw]) fā·rén·shēn·xǐng (starts · people · deeply · {to be aware}) de (’s) wèn·tí (asking · subject)   (→ [question]) : (you) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) fā·nù ({issuing forth} · anger) yǒu (has) dào·li (way · reasoning) ma?” ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 4:4) Yuēná (Jonah) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) huí·dá ({[in] return} · answered) ? Shèng·jīng ([the] holy · Scriptures)   (→ [the Bible]) méi·yǒu (not · has) shuō (said) .

16. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Rén (people) kě·néng (may · {be able}) zài (at) shénme ([what]) shì (matters) shang (upon) gēn (with) Shàng·dì (above’s · God’s) guān·diǎn (view·point) (not) yí·yàng ({[to be of] one} · kind)   (→ [to be the same]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) cóng (from) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) shì·lì (matter · example) xué·dào (learn · {arriving at}) shénme ([what]) ?

16 Wǒmen ([we]) hěn ({very much}) róng·yì (allowing · {being easy}) huì (will) yīn ({because of}) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) xíngwéi (doing) ér (thus) pīpíng (criticize) (him) , bú·guò (not · {do pass})   (→ [however]) , wǒmen ([we]) yào (must) jì·de ({to remember} · get) , bù·wán·měi (not · complete · beautiful)   (→ [imperfect]) de (’s) rén (people) (not) rèn·tóng (identifying · with) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) de (’s) guān·diǎn (view·point) shì (is) kě·yǐ (can · [suf]) lǐ·jiě (logically · untie)   (→ [understand]) de (’s) . Yǒu·xiē (have · some) rén (people) rèn·wéi (identifying · {to be}) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) (not) yīnggāi (should) ràng ({have let}) zāinàn (disaster) fā·shēng ({issue forth} · {come to life})   (→ [happen]) , huò·zhě (or · [suf]) yīnggāi (should) mǎ·shàng (horse · upon)   (→ [immediately]) duì (towards) è·rén (wicked · people) zhí·xíng ({have grasped} · {have done}) pàn·jué (judging · deciding) , zǎo·diǎnr (earlier · {a bit}) xiāo·miè ({have eliminated} · {have exterminated}) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) xié’·è (evil · wicked) de (’s) shì·jiè (world · extent) . Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) shì·lì (matter · example) què (however) ràng (allows) wǒmen ([us]) míng·bai ({to understand} · clearly) yào·shi (if · {[it] is [that]}) wǒmen ([we]) (not) tóng·yì ({[do have] the same} · thinking [as]) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) guān·diǎn (view·point) , jiù (exactly) yào (must) zuò·chū (make · out) tiáo·zhěng (adjusting · arranging) , ér (and) (not) shì (be) yào (requiring) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) tiáo·zhěng ({to adjust} · {to arrange}) tā de ([his]) guān·diǎn (view·point) .

Shàng·le ({went up to} · [to completion]) Bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) (one) (lesson) ˄

17, 18. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yuēná (Jonah) lí·kāi (left · [clear of]) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) hòu ({after ←}) zuò·le (did · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Gēn (with) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) yǒu·guān (had · relation) de (’s) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) duì (to) Yuēná (Jonah) yǒu (had) shénme ([what]) yǐng·xiǎng (relfection · sound)   (→ [influence]) ?

17 Yuēná (Jonah) chuí·tóu ({hanging down} · head) sàng·qì ({having lost} · spirit) de (-ly) lí·kāi (left · [clear of]) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) . (he) (not) shì (was) huí·jiā ({circling back to} · home) , ér ({but [rather]}) shì (was) wǎng (towards) dōng (east) zǒu (walking) , dào·le (reach·ed) (one) ge ([mw]) kě·yǐ (could · [suf]) fǔ·kàn (bow · {to look down onto}) Níníwēi (Nineveh) de (’s) shān·qū (mountain · area) . (he) dā·le ({put up} · [to completion]) ge ([mw]) péng·zi (shed · [suf]) , rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) zuò (sat) xia·lai (down · {to come}) , yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) réng (still) xīwàng (hoping) qīn·yǎn (personally · {[with] eyes}) kàn·jian ({to look at} · {to see}) Níníwēi (Nineveh) chéng (city) huì (would) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) bèi ([get]) huǐ·miè (destroyed · extinguished) . Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) huì (would) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) bāngzhù (help) zhèi·ge (this · [mw]) gù·zhi (solidly · holding)   (→ [stubborn]) de (’s) pú·rén (servant · person) xué·huì ({to learn} · {to be able}) ({to use}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài·rén ({to treat} · people) ne?

18 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) shǐ (caused) (one) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) zài (in) (one) (night) zhī·jiān (’s · within) zhǎng·chéng ({to grow} · {to be fully grown}) . Yuēná (Jonah) xǐng·lai ({woke up} · {to come}) , kàn·jian ({looked at} · saw) zhèi (this) ([mw for plants]) yè·zi (leaves · [suf]) kuān·dà ({were wide} · {were big}) , zhuó·zhuàng (thriving · robust) chéng·zhǎng ({had become} · grown) de (’s) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) néng (able) zhē ({to block}) tài·yáng (greatest · {of the living world})   (→ [sun]) , ({compared to}) (his) (that) (not) jiē·shi (firm · solid) de (’s) péng·zi (shed · [suf]) hǎo ({was good}) duō ({much more}) le ([indicates a change]) , jiù (then) fēi·cháng (un·usually) gāo·xìng ({was [with] high} · enthusiasm) . Yě·xǔ (even · perhaps) (he) rèn·wéi (identified · {as being}) zhèi (this) ([mw for plants]) yì·cháng ({different from} · ordinary) zhuó·zhuàng (thriving · robust) de (’s) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) , xiǎn·shì (evidently · showed) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yuè·nà ({was pleased with} · {was accepting}) (him) , ({was granting}) (blessings) gěi ({to give to}) (him) . Kě·shì (however · was) , Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) bù·dān (not · solely) xiǎng ({did want}) ràng ({to make}) Yuēná (Jonah) liáng·kuai ({be cool} · {be pleased}) liáng·kuai ({be cool} · {be pleased}) , zǎo·diǎnr (earlier · {a bit}) xiāo·qì ({to dispel} · anger) , hái (also) xiǎng (wanted) dǎ·dòng ({to strike} · {to move})   (→ [to move emotionally]) tā de ([his]) xīn (heart) . Yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be [that]}) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) xíng·le (perform·ed) lìng (another) (one) ge ([mw]) qí·jì (remarkable · {outward sign})   (→ [miracle]) , pài (sending) (one) tiáo ([mw for long, narrow things]) chóng·zi (worm · [suf]) lái ({to come}) yǎo·sǐ ({to bite} · {to death}) zhèi (this) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) , yòu (also) shǐ (caused) dōng·fāng (east · direction) de (’s) (hot) fēng (wind) chuī ({to blow}) lai ({to come}) ”, gāo·wēn (high · {being warm}) shǐ (caused) Yuēná (Jonah) jī·hū (nearly · at) hūn·dǎo ({to swoon} · {to fall over}) ”. Yuēná (Jonah) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) fèn·nù ({was indignant} · {was angry}) jǔ·sàng ({was dispirited from} · {losing sth. important}) le ([indicates a change]) , shèn·zhì (greatly · {going to the point of}) xiàng (to) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) qiú (asking) ({to die}) . ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 4:6–8)

19, 20. Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) yòng (used) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) wéi (as) (example) gēn (with) Yuēná (Jonah) tuī·lǐ ({to deduce} · reason) ?

19 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) zài·cì (again · {[one] time}) wèn (asked) Yuēná (Jonah) , (he) zhè·yàng (this · [way]) yīn (because) (one) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) kū·sǐ ({had withered} · {to death}) ér (thus) fā·nù ({was issuing forth} · anger) yǒu ({was having}) méi·yǒu (not · {was having}) dào·li (way · reasoning) . Yuēná (Jonah) réng·rán (still · -ly) méi·yǒu (not · had) huǐ·yì ({repented of} · intention) , gèng (moreover) zì·biàn (self · arguing) shuō (said) : (I) fā·nù ({have issued forth} · anger) , qì·de ({have gotten angry} · {getting to be}) yào (needing) ({to die}) , dōu (even) yǒu (has) dào·li (way · reasoning) .” Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) kàn·chū (saw · {coming out}) , xiànzài (presently) gāi (should) gěi (give) Yuēná (Jonah) shàng ({going up to}) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) (one) (lesson) le ([indicates a change]) . ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 4:9)

[Dì‐123 ([123rd]) (page) de (’s) tú·piàn (picture · [mw]) (jw.org)]

Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yòng (used) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) de (’s) shì·lì (matter · example) jiào·dǎo ({to teach} · {to guide}) Yuēná (Jonah) xué·huì ({to learn} · {to be able}) ({to use}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài·rén ({to treat} · people)

20 Shàng·dì (above’s · God) yú·shì ({from [that]} · {came to be}) gēn (with) Yuēná (Jonah) tuī·lǐ (deduced · reason) , zhǐ·chū (pointed · out) (that) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) (one) (night) zhǎng·chéng ({had grown} · {to be fully grown}) , Yuēná (Jonah) (both) méi·yǒu (not · had) zāi·péi (planted · cultivated) , (also) méi·yǒu (not · had) shǐ (caused) (it) zhǎng·dà ({to grow} · {to be big}) , shàng·qiě (still · even) yīn (because) zhèi (this) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) kū·sǐ ({had withered} · {to death}) ér (thus) gǎn·dào (felt · {arriving at}) kě·xī (could · {be pitied}) . Rán·hòu ({like that} · afterwards) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) duì (to) Yuēná (Jonah) shuō (said) : Hé·kuàng ({[consider] what} · situation)   (→ [let alone]) zhèi (this) zuò ([mw]) Níníwēi (Nineveh) (great) chéng (city) , lǐ·miàn (in·side) yǒu ({is having}) shí’·èr (ten · two)   (→ [twelve]) wàn ({ten thousands of}) duō ({more than ←}) rén (people) lián (even) zuǒ·shǒu (left · hand) yòu·shǒu (right · hand) (even) fēn·bu·qīng ({do distinguish} · not · clearly) , yòu (also) yǒu ({is having}) xǔ·duō (numbers · many) shēngchù ({domestic animals}) , nán·dào ({is difficult} · {to suppose}) (I) (not) gāi (should) gù·xī ({look after} · cherish) ma?” ( Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) 4:10, 11) *

21. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) jiào·dǎo (taught · guided) Yuēná (Jonah) míng·bai ({to understand} · clearly) shénme ([what]) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) dào·li (way · reasoning) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) shì·lì (matter · example) ràng (lets) wǒmen ([us]) kàn·chū (see · {coming out}) shénme ([what]) ?

21 (you) míng·bai ({do understand} · clearly) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) yòng ({had used}) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) de (’s) shì·lì (matter · example) shuō·míng ({to explain} · clearly) shénme ([what]) zhòng·yào (weighty · important) de (’s) dào·li (way · reasoning) ma? Yuēná (Jonah) cóng (ever) méi (not) zāi·péi·guo ({had planted} · {had cultivated} · {[in the] past}) nèi (that) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) , ér ({and yet}) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) bú·dàn (not · only) cìgěi ({had given to}) Níníwēi·rén (Ninevite · people) shēngmìng (life) , (also) yì·zhí (one · straight)   (→ [continuously]) wéichí ({had been maintaining}) tāmen de ([their]) shēngmìng (lives) , jiù (exactly) xiàng (like) wéichí ({had been maintaining}) zhòng·shēng ({multitude of} · {living [things]}) yí·yàng ({[of] one} · [way])   (→ [the same]) . Yuēná (Jonah) yòu ({on the other hand}) zěn·néng (how · could) rèn·wéi (identify · {as being}) , shí’·èr (ten · two)   (→ [twelve]) wàn ({ten thousands of}) rén (people) (and) tāmen ([their]) shēngchù ({domestic animals}) de () mìng (lives) hái (still) bù·rú (not · {did measure up to}) (one) ([mw for plants]) zhí·wù (planted · thing)   (→ [plant]) bǎo·guì ({being precious} · {being valuable}) ne? Zhè (this) qǐ·bú ({how could} · not) shì (be) yīn·wei (because · for) (he) rènyóu ({had allowed}) zì·sī (self · {being selfish}) de (’s) xiǎng·fa (thinking · way) zhī·pèi ({to support} · {to allocate})   (→ [to control]) zìjǐ (self) ma? Qí·shí (its · actuality) , Yuēná (Jonah) zhī·suǒ·yǐ (’s · {that which} · {was the reason}) gù·xī (considered · cherished) (that) ([mw for plants]) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) , zhǐ·bu·guò (only · not · {was passing}) yīn·wei (because · for) hú·lu (bottle-gourd · [plant]) duì (to) (him) yǒu·xiē (had · some) yòng·chu ({to use} · places) . (he) yīn (because) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) ráo·shù (spared · forgave) Níníwēi (Nineveh) ér (thus) fā·nù ({issued forth} · anger) , nán·dào ({is difficult} · {to suppose}) (not) (even) shì (was) yóu·yú ({because of} · from) zì·sī (self · {being selfish}) , tài (excessively) ài (loving) miàn·zi (face · [suf]) , yào (wanting) zhèng·míng ({to prove} · clearly) zìjǐ (self) yǒu (had) dào·li (way · reasoning) ma? Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) shì·lì (matter · example) ràng (lets) wǒmen ([us]) kàn·chū (see · out) , yào (must) chéng·shí (honest · true) de (-ly) xǐng·chá ({examine self} · scrutinize) zìjǐ (selves) . Shéi (who) méi·yǒu (not · {does have}) zì·sī (self · {being selfish}) de (’s) qīng·xiàng (leanings · towards)   (→ [tendencies]) ne? Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) què (however) nài·xīn (enduring · hearted) de (-ly) jiào·dǎo (teaches · guides) wǒmen ([us]) xiào·fǎ ({to imitate} · {to take as a model}) (him) , xué·huì ({to learn} · {to be able}) gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) wú·sī ({to be without} · selfishness) , gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) yǒu ({to have}) tóng·qíng·xīn ({[having] the same} · feeling · heart)   (→ [sympathy]) , gèng·jiā (more · increasedly) cí·bēi ({to be kind} · {to be compassionate}) (→ [to be merciful]) , wǒmen ([we]) (not) shì (are) yīnggāi (should) gǎn·jī ({be feeling} · {incited to be} [grateful to]) Shàng·dì (above’s · God) ma?

22. (Jiǎ) ((first)) Guān·yú (relating · to) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) , wǒmen ([we]) zěn·me (how · [so]) zhī·dào (know · way)   (→ [know]) Yuēná (Jonah) yǐ·jing (already · {had gone through}) cóng (from) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) yōu·liáng (excellent · good) jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) dé·yì (getting · benefits) ? (Yǐ) ((second)) Wǒmen ([we]) suǒ·yǒu ({[all] which [there]} · have) rén (people) cóng·zhōng (from · within) xué·dào·le (learn · {arriving at} · [to completion]) shénme ([what]) dào·li (way · reasoning) ?

22 Yuēná (Jonah) yǒu (had) méi·yǒu (not · had) cóng (from) zhèi (this) jiàn ([mw]) shì (matter) jí·qǔ (drawn · gotten) jiàoxun (teaching) ne? Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) (uses) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) fǎn·wèn ({in return} · asking) Yuēná (Jonah) zuò·wéi ({to become} · {to be}) jié·shù (concluding · {getting tied up}) , bìng (definitely) méi·yǒu (not · has) jiāo·dài ({handed over} · {taken the place of })   (→ [accounted for]) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) huí·yìng (returned · responding) . Yǒu·xiē (have · some) rén (people) yīn·cǐ ({because of} · this) pīpíng (criticize) Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) , rèn·wéi (identify · {to be}) zhèi (this) juàn ({volume of a}) shū (book) yīnggāi (should) jiāo·dài ({hand over} · {take the place of })   (→ [account for]) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) huí·yìng (returned · responding) . Qí·shí (its · actuality) , Yuēná·shū (Jonah · book) běn·shēn (own · body → [self]) jiù·shì (exactly · was) Yuēná (Jonah) de (’s) huí·yìng (returned · responding) . Zhèng·jù (proving · evidence) xiǎn·shì (evidently · shows) , zhèi (this) juàn ({volume of a}) shū (book) díquè (indeed) shì (was) Yuēná (Jonah) zhí·bǐ ({had grasped} · pen) xiě ({to write}) de (’s) . Bù·fáng (not · {do hinder}) xiǎng·xiàng ({thinking of} · image) yí·xià (one · {going down})   (→ one · [time]) , Yuēná (Jonah) huí·dào ({had circled back} · to) jiā·xiāng (family · {native place}) hòu ({after ←}) dòng·bǐ ({getting moving} · pen) xiě ({to write}) zhèi (this) juàn ({volume of a}) shū (book) shí (time) de (’s) qíng·jǐng (situation · scene) . Nà·shí ({[at] that} · time) de (’s) (him) , tiān·le ({had increase-} · -ed) nián·suì (years · {years of age}) yòu (also) zhǎng·le ({had develop-} · -ed) zhì·huì (wisdom · intelligence) , (also) ({compared to}) yǐ·qián (at · before) qiān·bēi ({was modest} · {was low})   (→ [was humble]) duō ({much more}) le ([indicates a change]) . Yuēná (Jonah) (held) zìjǐ (self) céng·jīng (had · {gone through}) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) fàn·cuò (committing · error) , zěn·yàng (what · [way]) fǎn·pàn (opposing · rebelling) , zěn·yàng (what · [way]) bú·gòu (not · {having enough}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) , gù·zhí (solidly · holding) jǐ·jiàn (self’s · view) , dōu (all) yī·yī (one · one)   (→ [each one]) jì·shù ({to be recorded} · {to be narrated}) xia·lai (down · {to come}) , shuō·bu·dìng (saying · not · certainly) (he) hái (also) yì·biān (one · side) xiě (wrote) yì·biān (one · side) xiūkuì (ashamed) de (-ly) yáo·tóu (shook · head) ne. Háo·wú ({a hair} · without) yí·wèn (doubt · asking) , Yuēná (Jonah) cóng (from) Yēhéhuá (Jehovah) de (’s) yōu·liáng (excellent · good) jiào·dǎo (teaching · guiding) shàng·le ({had gone up to} · [to completion]) bǎo·guì (precious · valuable) de (’s) (one) (lesson) , xué·huì·le ({had learned} · {to understand} · [to completion]) zěn·yàng (what · [way]) ({to use}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài·rén ({to treat} · people) . Wǒmen ([we]) (also) ({do use}) cí·bēi (kindness · compassion) (→ [mercy]) dài·rén ({to treat} · people) ma? (Qǐng (please) (read) Mǎtài (Matthew) Fú·yīn (blessings · news) 5:7.)

Qǐng (please) Xiǎngxiang ({think about})