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📖 📄 📘 Zhēnyán (Zhēn·yán admonishing · sayings → [Proverbs] 箴言) 10 🔼
[🔊 MP3s (jw.org)]

📖 📄 📘 4 Shǒulǎn de (’s 的), bìrán pínhán (pín·hán {will be poor} · {will be cold → [will be poor]} 贫寒 貧寒);
Shǒuqín de (’s 的), què yào fùzú.

📖 📄 📘 22 Yēhéhuá (Jehovah 耶和华 耶和華) suǒ ({that which (he)} 所) de (’s 的) fú shǐ rén fùzú,
Bìng (not 不) jiātiān tòngkǔ.

📖 📄 📘 26 Yáchǐ (teeth 牙齿 牙齒) pà cù, yǎnjing pà yān,
Chāi rén zuòshì de (’s 的) zuì pà lǎnrén.