Chinese field icon Disclaimer for 3-line, Pīnyīn Plus, etc. Material

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Updated 2020-07-14

While the organization expresses valid general concerns here about posting copies of official publications to the Internet, there are good legal and spiritual reasons for concluding that those concerns do not apply to 3-line, Pīnyīn Plus, and similar material, since such material should NOT be considered to be infringing on copyright, and since such material is specifically designed to be, NOT SPIRITUAL FOOD, but rather, material FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING:


* Although thumbnails are reduced-size versions of the complete original images or videos, they are considered transformative (a major factor in determining fair use) because their purpose is, not to supersede or replace the original images or videos, but rather to help people to find the original images or videos, so that they can use the original images or videos as they were meant to be used. Similarly, although 3-line, Pīnyīn Plus, and similar material may contain the complete text of the original official Chinese publications, such material can be considered transformative (a major factor in determining fair use) because its purpose is, not to supersede or replace the original official Chinese publications, but rather to help people to find knowledge about and understanding of the language used in the original official Chinese publications, so that they can use the original official Chinese publications as they were meant to be used. ^

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