UPDATE (2014-07-31): This material has been discontinued because of having so few users, while still requiring about as much time and effort to produce as the corresponding Simp.-Pīnyīn-Eng. material. If it becomes evident at a future time that the number of those who would use Trad.-Lau-Eng. 3-line-with-scriptures EPUB & web material has significantly increased, then production of this material may be resumed.
The EPUB files linked to below complement the Traditional Chinese text of the Close to Jehovah book by adding Sidney Lau romanization and English, both to the main text and to the full text of the cited scriptures.
[Note: The material in these EPUB files was based on an older printing of the Mandarin Close to Jehovah book.]
EPUB annotation in Apple Books
Being in EPUB format allows this material to benefit from the advantages of this format, including:
This is not a publication of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and if a Close to Jehovah book is available, this material should be used along with it, not instead of it. This material is only meant to help publishers working in the Cantonese field, so that they can more quickly become more effective at preaching and teaching the good news to Cantonese-speaking people without being unnecessarily obstructed and delayed by the complex and difficult-to-learn-and-remember Chinese characters.
IMPORTANT: Please do not use this material as an excuse or as a crutch to just “get by” or “muddle through” at Chinese meetings or Bible discussions. By all means, make good use of this material in such settings, but most importantly, use this material to help you really improve your knowledge and understanding of Cantonese, so that you can 1) listen with more understanding and 2) speak more effectively from your heart while praising Jehovah and preaching and teaching the good news in the Cantonese field.
To download and open the files on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch:
To download and open the files on a PC or a Mac:
To access Themes & Settings, tap anywhere on the screen, tap the indicated button that appears, then tap Themes & Settings.
Selecting Light mode, Original theme, Scrolling View, etc. in Apple Books
Check the Links News blog (news feed, Twitter) for news regarding updates to this resource, and also for news regarding other resources prepared by our fellow workers in the Chinese fields. You may also find it interesting to check out the tiandi.info blog (news feed, Twitter), which is about various things related to the Chinese fields. (Email me if you need login information, and include information on who referred you and/or what group/cong. you are in.)
To follow the Twitter account for the Links News and tiandi.info blogs, click or tap this button:
If you have any questions or comments, email them to me. I am often very busy, but I will try my best to answer your emails.
Enjoy using the material. May it help you to serve more effectively and joyfully in the Cantonese field.